
2020-02-27 教案模板 下载本文



1.人称代词 主格: I we you she he it they 宾格: me us you her him it them 形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their 名词性物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs 一;用适当的代词填空。1.Is that car yours? Yes, it is ______.2.How is Mr Li? _______is fine, thanks.3.Put on______ hat!I am going to put it on.4.Who is that over here? It is_______.5.The old man lives by ______.6.I am sure I can do it all by _______.7.Look,is this room beautiful? I painted it _____.8.I’d like to go for a walk.______ too.9.What are ______jobs? They are students.10.We think to _________.11.Mary is old enough to take care of ______.12.It is perfume, I made it __________.13.Look at ____.She is very well.14.Can you carry this box upstairs by _______.15.You and she did very well in the test.The teacher said that he would praise _____ and______.16.The story ______was very good, but you are did not tell it well.17.Give Jane this watch..Give______ this one too.18.Sara is not pleased with ______in this English test.19.Did you enjoy _______at the party yesterday? 20.She wants to buy a car of _____own.二:选择填空.1.Mr.More has more money than Mr.Little.But he doesn’t enjoy _______.A.he B.him C.his D.himself 2.Lily was 9 years old._____ was old enough to go to school ________.A.She , she B.She , herself C.Her, herself D.Her.she 3.Jim’s watch is much newer than _________.A.hers B.she C.her D.herself 4.Would you like _____for super? A: something Chinese B:Chinese something C: anything Chinese D: Chinese anything 5.______ piano is too old ,but she still liked playing it.A.She B.She’s C.Hers D.Her 6.Who taught you English last year? Nobody taught me.I taught ______.A.me B.myself C.mine D.I 7.That bike is _________? A.he B.him C.his D.it 8.We bought ______ a present, but _______ didn‖t like it.A.they, them B.them , they C.themselves , their D.theirs, they 答案: 1.mine 2.he 3.your 4.her 5.here 6.myself 7.myself 8.me 9.those 10.ourselves 11.herself 12.myself 13.her 14.yourself 15.you, her 16.you made 17.her 18.her results 19.yourself 20.her 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.B

2.形容词和副词的比较级(1)一般在形容词或副词后+er older taller longer stronger, etc(2)多音节词前+more more interesting, etc.(3)双写最后一个字母,再+er bigger fatter, etc.(4)把 y 变 i,再+er heavier, earlier(5)不规则变化: well-better, much/many-more, etc.3.可数词的复数形式

一、名词复数规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2. s.x.sh.ch 结尾,以 加-es,bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 如: 3.以―辅音字母+y‖结尾,变 y 为 i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries 4.以―f 或 fe‖结尾,变 f 或 fe 为 v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children foot-feet,.tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 写出下列各词的复数 I _________him _________this ___________her ______ watch _______child _______photo ________diary ______ day________ foot________ book_______ dre ________ tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____ thief _______yo-yo ______ peach______ sandwich ______ man______ woman_______ paper_______ juice___________ water________ milk________ rice__________ tea__________ 4.不可数名词(单复数形式不变)bread, rice, water ,juice etc.5.缩略形式 I’m = I am you’re = you are she’s = she is he’s = he is it’s = it is who’s =who is can’t =can not isn’t=is not etc 6.冠词 冠词的定义 冠词是置于名词之前,对名词起限制作用的一种虚词。冠词可以说是名词的一种标志,它不能离开名词而独立存在。冠词的分类 冠词分为不定冠词“a,an”、定冠词“the”和零冠词三种,零冠词指的是不用冠词 的情况。不定冠词表示泛指,定冠词表示特指。不定冠词的用法-1 不定冠词有“a 和 an”两种形式。“a”用在以辅音开头的词前,“an”用在以元音 开头的词前。判断一个词是以元音开头还是以辅音开头,是根据读音而不是 根据字母。1.用于可数名词的单数形式前,表示“一” There is a tiger in the zoo.动物园里有一只老虎。2.表示一类人和东西 A tiger can be dangerous.老虎可能有危害性。3.表示“某一个”的意思 A gentleman wants to see you.有一位先生要见你。4.表示“同一”的意思 They are nearly of an age.他们几乎同岁。The two shirts are much of a size.这两件衬衫大小差不多。5.表示“每一”的意思 We go swimming four times a week.我们每周去游泳四次。6.用在作表语的单数可数名词前,表示身份、职业 My mother is a teacher.我妈妈是教师。7.第一次提到的人或事物,但不特别指明是哪一个 Long long ago there was an old king who had a very beautiful daughter.很久很久以前,有一个年老的国王,他有一个非常美丽的女儿。8.在英国英语中,以“h”开头的多音节词,如第一个音节不重读,其前亦可用“an” There is an hotel near here.这附近有一家旅馆。9.在 such a,quite a 句式中 He is quite a good actor.他是一个相当好的演员。Don't be in such a hurry.不要如此匆忙。10.在感叹句 what...的句式中 What a pretty girl she is!她是一个多么漂亮的女孩呀!不定冠词的用法-2 用在某些表示数量的词组中: a lot of 许多 a couple of 一对 a great many 很多 a dozen 一打(但也可以用 one dozen)a great deal of 大量 定冠词的用法-1 1.用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物 This is the house where Luxun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。2.用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物 Open the door, please.请把门打开。3.用以复述上文提过的人或事物(第一次提到用―a 或 an‖,以后再次提到用―the‖)Once there lived a lion in the forest.Every day the lion asked small animals to look for food for him.从前森林里住着一只狮子。每天这只狮子要小动物们为他寻找食物。4.用在序数词和形容词最高级前 January is the first month of the year.一月份是一年当中的第一个月。Shanghai is the biggest city in China.上海是中国最大的城市。5.表示世界上宇宙中独一无二的事物 the sun 太阳 the moon 月亮 the earth 地球 the sky 天空 the world 世界 6.指由普通名词构成的专有名词 the West Lake 西湖 the Great Wall 长城 the United States 美国 the United Nations 联合国 定冠词的用法-2 7.表示方向、方位 in the east 在东方 in the west 在西方 in the front 在前面 at the back 在后面 in the bottom 在底部 at the top 在顶部 on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边 8.在海洋、江河、湖泊、山脉、海峡、海湾等地理名词前 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 the Huanghe River 黄河 the Tainshan Mountains 天山山脉 the Taiwan Straits 台湾海峡 9.在姓氏复数前,表示一家人 The Bakers came to see me yesterday.贝克一家人昨天来看我。10.和某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表一类人或物 the poor 穷人 the rich 富人 the sick 病人 the wounded 伤员 the good 好人 the beautiful 美丽的事物 11.用在表示阶级、政党的名词前 the working cla 工人阶级 the Chinese Communist Party 中国共产党 12.用在 the very 强调句中 This is the very book I want.这就是我想要的那本书。13.在 the more, the more 比较级的句式中 The more you drink, the more you like it.你越喝就越爱喝。14.表示演奏乐器时,乐器的前面要加 the play the piano 弹钢琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 15.某些固定的表达法 in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上 go to the cinema 去看电影 go to the theatre 去看戏 all the year round 一年到头 on the way to 前往...去的路上 16.the 加单数可数名词可以表示一类人或事物 The horse is a useful animal.马是一种有用的动物。注意:像这类句子还有如下两种写法 A horse is a useful animal.Horses are useful animals.零冠词的用法 1.专有名词前一般不加冠词 China 中国 Europe 欧洲 Lei Feng 雷锋 William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚 2.月份、周日、节日前一般不加冠词 January 一月份 Sunday 星期日 Christmas Day 圣诞节 Thanksgiving 感恩节 National Day 国庆节 May Day 劳动节 比较:...on a Sunday morning.在一个星期天的早晨...(表示某一个。)3.三餐、四季前一般不加冠词 I have lunch at school.我在学校吃午餐。

Summer is the best season for swimming.夏天是游泳的好季节。比较: I had a big lunch yesterday.昨天我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。(表示某一个)The dinner given by Mr Smith was very nice.史密斯先生款待的晚宴真是美味。(表示特指)比较: I will never forget the summer we spent in Hawaii.我永远不会忘记我们一起在夏威夷度过的那个夏天。(表示特指)4.进行球类运动 play basketball 打篮球 play volleyball 打排球 play football 踢足球 5.没有特指的物质名词 This cart is made of wood.这辆手推车是用木头作的。比较: The wood outside was all wet.外面的那些木头都湿了。(表示特指)6.没有特指的不可数抽象名词 Time is precious.时间是宝贵的。比较: The time of the play was 1990s.这个剧本的时代背景是二十世纪九十年代。(表示特指)7.没有特指的可数名词复数形式后。I like tomatoes.我喜欢西红柿。8.山峰 Mount Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰 9.固定词组 go to school 去上学 go to bed 上床睡觉 go by train 乘火车去 go by boat 乘船去 at table 在用餐 in hospital 住院 at school 求学 in school 求学 at noon 在中午 at night 在晚上 at midnight 在半夜 in town 在城里 10.独立结构中的名词不加冠词 A boy came in, book in hand.一个男孩进来,手上拿着书。11.泛指人类 Man is mortal.人必有一死。12.在“kind of+名词 sort of+名词”句式中 What kind of flower is it? 这是什么花? I like this sort of book.我喜欢这种书。13.指职位、头衔的词,如 king,captain,president,chairman 等。He is(the)captain of the team.他是球队的队长。As(the)chairman of the committee, I declare the meeting open.作为委员会主席,我宣布会议开始。冠词和三餐的搭配 三餐名词单独使用时,之前通常不加冠词 三餐名词之前若加形容词时则除外: We have breakfast at eight. 我们 8 点钟吃早饭。He gave us a good breakfast. 他请我们吃了一顿丰盛的早餐。I was invited to dinner. 他们邀请我吃饭。I was invited to a dinner given to welcome the new ambaador. 我被邀请参加欢迎新任大使的宴会。The Scots have porridge for breakfast. 苏格兰人早餐吃粥。The wedding breakfast was held in her father’s house. 婚礼早宴是在她父亲家举行的。介词短语与冠词 一.at table 在进餐 at the table 在桌子旁边 at desk 在读书 at the desk 在课桌旁 at school 在上学 at the school 在学校里 in cla 在上课 in the cla 在班级里面 in bed 卧床 in the bed 在床上 in prison 坐牢 in the prison(因事)在监狱 in hospital 住院 in the hospital(因事)在医院 go to school 去上学 go to the school(因事)去学校 go to bed 上床睡觉 go to the bed 在床上 go to hospital 去看病 go to the hospital 去医院

take place 发生 take the place 代替 in place of 代替 in the place of 在...的地方 in case of 万一 in the case of 就...来说 out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question 完全不可能 通常使用不定冠词的短语 after a while 过了一会儿 all of a sudden 突然 as a rule 通常 as a result 结果,因此 as a matter of fact 事实上 as a whole 大体上 at a lo 不知所措 in a hurry 急忙 in a way 在某种程度上 in a word 总而言之 It’s a pity that… 令人遗憾的是… put an end to… 结束… come to an end 结束 come to a conclusion 得出结论 have a good time 玩得愉快 have a rest 休息一下 have a cold 感冒 have a word with 和…谈一谈 keep an eye for 对…有鉴赏力 make a living 谋生 make a fire 生火 make a fool of 愚弄 take a walk 散步 2.冠词的练习 Choose the best answer(选择最佳答案): 1.There is _______ house in the picture.There is ________old woman near_________house.A.an;a;the B.a;an;the C.the;a;an D.a;the;an 2.He has already worked for ______ hour.A.the B.an C.a D.不填 3.Alice is fond of playing ______ piano.A.the B.an C.a D.不填 4.Beyond ____ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but _____space.A.不填;the B.the;the C.不填,不填 D.the;不填

5.______ terrible weather we`ve been having these days!A.How a B.What a C.How D.What 6.------Where is Jack?------I think he is still in ______ bed, but he might just be in ______bathroom.A.不填;不填 B.the;the C.the;不填 D.不填;the 7.When do you have _____breakfast every day? A.a B.an C.the D.不填 8.Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in ______public places.A.the;不填 B.不填;the C.the;the D.不填;不填 二.精讲精练:不熟练的语法点的回顾 代词是代替名词以及起名词作用的短语、分句和句子的词。代词可分以下九类: 1.人称代词 主格(在句中作主语)有: I , you, he, she, it, we, you, they 宾格(在句中作宾语)有:me, you, him, her, it, us, you , them 2.物主代词 形容词性的物主代词(作定语)有:my, your, his , her, its, our, your ,their 名词性的物主代词(作主语、表语,宾语)有:mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs 3.反身代词(自身代词)有 myself, herself, themselves 等。4.相互代词有:each other, one another 5.提示代词有:this , that , these , those , those 6.疑问代词(用来引导特殊疑问句)有 who, what, whose 等。7.关系代词(用来引导定语从句)有 which, that, who 等。8.连接代词(用来引导名词性从句)有:what, who, whose 等。9.不定代词 有:all, each, both, either, neither, one, any 等。10.不定代词 指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词。下面列出部分不定代词的用法比较: 1.both 和 all : both 指两者,all 指三者以上。Both of the answers are right.两个答案都对。All the answers are correct.所有的答案都对。2.every 和 each: every 指至少三个,强调共性,each 可指小到两个,强调个体。Every room is clean and tidy.每一个房间都很整洁。Each student may try twice.每个学生可以试两次。3.either 和 neither 都是谈两个人或物:

Either of the answers is right.两个答案都对。(either 指两者当中任意一个)Neither of the answers is right.两个答案都不对。(neither 指两者都不是)4.some 和 any some 一般用于肯定句中,而 any 用于疑问句、否定句或条件句 中: Are there any stamps in the drawer?抽屉里有邮票吗? Yes, there are some.是的,有一些。◆ 注意,当某些疑问句表示请求、建议等肯定意义时,用 some 不用 any: Would you like some tea? 想喝点茶吗? 5.no one 和 none : no one 仅指人,none 可指人或物。No one failed in the examination.考试没有人不及格。None of the students failed in the examination.没有一个学生考试不及格。----Have you any string?你有绳子吗?----No, I have none.没有。代词的练习 一.填空 1.This bike is my sister`s.It belongs to ______(她的)。2.This isn`t my book._______(我的)is in the bag.3.They quarrelled among __________(他们).4.You and I understand _________(彼此)perfectly.5.If there are ____(一些)new magazines in the library, take some for me.二.单项选择 1.______ writer is better know in China, Charles Dickens or Mark Twain? A.Which B.What C.Either D.Whether 2.They were all very tired, but _____ of them would stop to have a rest.A.any B.some C.none D.neither 3.Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of ______.A.their B.theirs C.them D.themselves 4.----Is ________ here?----No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.A.anybody B.Somebody C.everybody D.nobody 5.We couldn`t eat in a restaurant because _____ of us had _______ money on us.A.all;no B.any;no C.none;any C.no one;any 【参考答案】 一填空:1.her 2.mine 3.themselves 4.each other 5.any 二单项选择:1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.a/an a book, a peach an egg an hour 7.Preposition: on, in ,in front of, between, next to, near, beside, at, behind.表示时间: at six o’clock, at Christmas, at breakfast on Monday on 15th July On National Day in the evening in December in winter 8.基数词和序数词 one – first two-second twenty-twentieth 9.Some /any I have some toys in my bedroom.Do you have any brothers or sisters? 10.be 动词(1)Basic form: am/are/is(2)肯定和否定句 I am(not)from London.My eyes are(not)small.My hair is(not)long.(3)一般疑问句: Am I a Chniese? Yes, you are.No, you aren’t.Are they American? Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.Is the cat fat? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.11.there be 结构 肯定句: There is a … There are … 一般疑问句:Is there …? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.Are there…? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.否定句: There isn’t ….There aren’t….12.祈使句 Sit down please Don’t sit down, please.13.现在进行时.通常用―now‖.形式: be + verb +ing eg: I am(not)doing my homework.You/We/They are(not)reading.He/She/It is(not)eating.动词 —ing 的形式 Most verbs +ing walk—walking Verbs ending in e-e + ing come—coming Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant run –running swim—swimming

一、写出下列动词的现在分词: play________ run__________ swim _________make__________ go_________ like________ write________ _ski___________ read________ have_________ sing ________ dance_________ put_________ see________ buy _________ love____________ live_______ take_________ come ________ get_________ stop_________ sit ________ begin________ shop___________

二、用所给的动词的正确形式填空: 1.The boy __________________(draw)a picture now.2.Listen.Some girls _______________(sing)in the claroom.3.My mother _________________(cook)some nice food now.4.What _____ you ______(do)now? 5.Look.They _______________(have)an English leon.6.They ____________(not ,water)the flowers now.7.Look!the girls ________________(dance)in the claroom.8.What is our granddaughter doing? She _________(listen)to music.9.It’s 5 o’clock now.We _____________(have)supper now 10.______Helen____________(wash)clothes? Yes ,she is.三、句型转换: 1.They are doing housework.(分别改成一般疑问句和否定句)_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 2.The students are cleaning the claroom.(改一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3.I’m playing the football in the playground.(对划线部分进行提问)_________________________________________________________________ 4.Tom is reading books in his study.(对划线部分进行提问)14 一般现在时。通常用 ―usually, often, every day, sometimes‖。形式: 肯定句: I go to school on foot every day.She goes to school on foot every day.一般疑问句: Do you jump high? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.Does he jump high? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.否定句: We don’t go to school on Sundays.My mother doesn’t like watching TV in the evening.1.be 动词的变化。否定句:主语+ be + not +其它。如:He is not a worker.他不是工人。一般疑问句:Be +主语+其它。如:-Are you a student?-Yes.I am./ No, I'm not.特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:Where is my bike? 2.行为动词的变化。否定句:主语+ don't(doesn't)+动词原形(+其它)。如: I don't like bread.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用 doesn't 构成否定句。如: He doesn't often play.一般疑问句:Do(Does)+主语+动词原形+其它。如:Yes, I do./ No, I don't.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用 does 构成一般疑问句。如:Yes, she does./ No, she doesn't.特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:How does your father go to work? 动词+s 的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks 2.以 s.x.sh.ch.o 结尾,加-es,如:gue-guees, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes 3.以―辅音字母+y‖结尾,变 y 为 i, 再加-es,如:study-studies 一般现在时用法专练:

一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________ look _________ have_______ pa_______ carry ____ come________ watch______ plant_______ fly ________ study_______ brush________ do_________

二、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。teach_______ 1.He often ________(have)dinner at home.2.Daniel and Tommy _______(be)in Cla One.3.We _______(not watch)TV on Monday.4.Nick _______(not go)to the zoo on Sunday.5.______ they ________(like)the World Cup? 6.What _______they often _______(do)on Saturdays? 7._______ your parents _______(read)newspapers every day? 8.The girl _______(teach)us English on Sundays.9.She and I ________(take)a walk together every evening.10.There ________(be)some water in the bottle.11.Mike _______(like)cooking.12.They _______(have)the same hobby.13.My aunt _______(look)after her baby carefully.14.You always _______(do)your homework well.15.I _______(be)ill.I’m staying in bed.16.She _______(go)to school from Monday to Friday.17.Liu Tao _______(do)not like PE.18.The child often _______(watch)TV in the evening.19.Su Hai and Su Yang _______(have)eight leons this term.-What day _______(be)it today? 20.- It’s Saturday.三、按照要求改写句子 1.Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)___________________________________________________ 2.I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)________________________________________________________ 3.She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)___________________________ 4.Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)___________________________________________________ 5.We go to school every morning.(改为否定句)_______________________________________________________ 6.He speaks English very well.(改为否定句)___________________________________________________ 7.I like taking photos in the park.(对划线部分提问)________________________________________________________ 8.John comes from Canada.(对划线部分提问)___________________________________________________ 9.She is always a good student.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)________________________________________________________ 10.Simon and Daniel like going skating.(改为否定句)___________________________________________________

五、改错(划出错误的地方,将正确的写在横线上)1.Is your brother speak English? __________________ 2.Does he likes going fishing? __________________ 3.He likes play games after cla.__________________ 4.Mr.Wu teachs us English.__________________ 5.She don’t do her homework on Sundays._________________ 15.(情态)动词 can,must, should 后面直接用动词原形。eg: 1.I / He / She / They can sing.2.You should keep quiet in the library.16.一般过去时态(a)be 动词的过去式: I/He/she/it was(not)….You/we/they were….一般疑问句 was, were 放在句首。(b)动词过去式: 肯定句: I watched cartoons.She visited the zoo.一般疑问句: Did you read book last night? Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.Did she clean the desk just now? Yes, she did.No, she didn’t.否定句: They didn’t go the the part yesterday.He didn’t make model ships last week.(3)动词过去式的变化: 规则动词的变化: Most verbs +ed eg.planted,watered,climbed。Verbs ending in e +d eg liked。Verbs ending in a consonant +y--y +ied eg : study—studied Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant eg: stop--stopped 不规则动词的变化: is/am—was,are—were,do—did,have/has—had,make—made,fly-flew/u:/ eat—ate,take—took,run—ran,sing—sang,drink—drank 等等 将来时

一、概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。句中 一般有以下时间状语:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, the day after


二、基本结构:①be going to + do; ②will+ do.三、否定句:在 be 动词(am, is, are)后加 not 或情态动词 will 后加 not 成 won’t。例如:I’m going to have a picnic this afternoon.→ I’m not going to have a picnic this afternoon.四、一般疑问句: be 或 will 提到句首,some 改为 any, and 改为 or,第一二人称 互换。例如:We are going to go on an outing this weekend.→ Are you going to go on an outing this weekend?

五、对划线部分提问。一般情况,一般将来时的对划线部分有三种情况。1.问人。Who 例如: going to New York soon.→Who’s going to New York I’m soon.问干什么。What … do.例如: My father is going to watch a race with me 2.this afternoon.→What is your father going to do with you this afternoon.3.问什么时候。When.例如:She’s going to go to bed at nine.→When is she going to bed?

六、同义句:be going to = will I am going to go swimming tomorrow(明天).= I will go swimming tomorrow.练习: 填空。1.我打算明天和朋友去野炊。I_____ _______ _________ have a picnic with my friends.I ________ have a picnic with my friends.2.下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。What ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ next Monday? I _______ ______ _____ play basketball.What _________ you do next Monday? I ________ play basketball.3.你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。_____ your mother _______ ________ go shopping this ___________? Yes, she _________.She ______ ________ __________ buy some fruit.4.你们打算什么时候见面。What time _______ you _________ __________ meet? 改句子。5.Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)Nancy ________ going to go camping.6.I’ll go and join them.(改否定)I _______ go ______ join them.7.I’m going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问句)________ _______ ________ to get up at 6:30 tomorrow? 8.We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(改一般疑问句)_______ ________ meet at the bus stop at 10:30.9.She is going to listen to music after school.(对划线部分提问)________ _______ she ________ ________ _________ after school? 10.My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow.(同上)_________ _________ going to see a play the day after tomorrow 感叹句 引导的感叹句。由 感叹词 what 引导的感叹句。what 修饰名词或名词短语,有以下两种形式: 1.What+a(an)+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!如: What an apple this is!What a fine day it is!2.What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语!What kind women they are!What nice music it is!引导的感叹句。由 How 引导的感叹句。how 用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。其结构是:How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!How hard the worker are working!How clever the girl is!How quickly the boy is writing!注意:当 how 修饰动词时,动词不跟着感叹词提到主语之前。How the runner runs!what 与 how 引导的感叹句,一般情况下可以相互转换,转换后意义不 引导的感叹句,一般情况下可以相互转换,变。如: What an interesting story it is!==How interesting the story is!what a beautiful bulding it is!==How beautiful the building is!在口语中,感叹句的主语和谓语常常省略。在口语中,感叹句的主语和谓语常常省略。如 : What a nice present!(省略 it is)How disappointed!(省略 she is 或其它可作本句主、谓的词语)用法 感叹句多以 how 达形式。1. 以 副词 here, . Here comes the There they are!或 what 引导,但在口语中,还有一些特殊的感叹句表 there, in 开头的感叹句。开头的感叹句。bus!公共汽车来了!他们在那儿呢!

2. 以 疑问词 who 开头,表示惊奇。. 开头,表示惊奇。Who else will read such a book!谁还会读这样的书!3. 以情态动词 may 开头,表示愿望。开头,表示愿望。. May you both be happy!祝二位幸福。May you succeed!祝你成功!4.否定疑问句用作感叹句时,它的意义是肯定的 ;但肯定疑问句用作 .否定疑问句用作感叹句时,它的意义是肯定的; 感叹句在美国英语中比较常见。感叹句在美国英语中比较常见。Aren’t they sweet!他们多可爱啊!Am I hungry!我饿极了!5. 一些短语用作感叹句。. 一些短语用作感叹句。Dear me!哎呀!My goodne!嗳呀!None of your nonsense!不要胡说了!6. 一些作 表语 的成分用作感叹句。表语的成分用作感叹句 . 一些作表语 的成分用作感叹句。Just my luck!又倒霉了!Sorry, my mistake!对不起,是我的错!感叹句如何变为间接引语 直接引语是感叹句时,若要变作间接引语,通常用引述动词 tell, excla im 等。如: ―What a brave boy you are!‖ she told him.―你是一个多么勇敢的 男孩子啊!‖她告诉他说。→She told him what a brave boy he wag.她告诉他说他是一个多么 勇敢的男孩子。He said, ―Hurrah!My friend is come.‖ 他说道,―乌拉!我的朋友来 了。‖ →He exclaimed with delight that his friend had come.他欢呼他的 朋友来了。(引述动词用 exclaim, 并加状语 with delight)当然,也可用其他一些引述动词。如: He said, ―Alas!How foolish I have been!‖ 他说道,―哎,我多傻啊!‖ →He confeed with regret that he had been very foolish.他痛悔地 承认他太傻了。(引述动词用 confe 加状语 with regret)―What a crime he has committed!‖ she said.―他犯了多大的罪啊!‖ 她说道。→She didn’t know what a crime he had committed.她不知道他犯 了那么大的罪。(引述动词用 know 的否定式)有时也可以不用引述动词,如: ―How fast she can run!‖ he says.―她竞能跑得那样快!‖他说道。→It’s incredible how fast she can run.她跑得如此之快令人不可置 信。(用 it’s incredible 表示说话人的神情)He said to them all, ―Good-bye, my friends!‖ 他对他们说道,―再 见,我的朋友们!‖

→He bade good-bye to all his friends.他向他的所有朋友道别。(这 里连间接引语也没有了)相关语法 关于感叹句 what 和 how 的区别:

一、由“what”引导的感叹句: “what”意为“多么”用作定语,修饰名词(被 强调部分),单数可数名词前要加不定冠词 a/an,复数可数名词或不可数名 词前不用冠词。这类句子的结构形式是: what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is).如: ① What a clever girl she is!多么聪明的姑娘呀!

二、由“how”引导的感叹句:“how”意为“多么”,用作状语,修饰形容词 或副词(被强调部分)。如果修饰形容词,则句中的谓语动词用系动词; 如果 how 修饰副词,则句中的谓语动词用行为动词,这类句子的结构形式 是: How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语+(it is).如: ① H ow cold it is today!今天多么冷呀!

三、在表示同一意义时,英语感叹既可用“what”引导,也可用“how”引 导。如: ① What a hot day it is!How hot the day is!

四、感叹句在表示激动强烈的感情时,口语中常常采用省略句,其后 面的主语和谓语往往略去不讲。如: ① What a fi ne day!多么晴朗的天呀!感叹句练习:(当场做或家庭作业 感叹句练习 :(当场做或家庭作业):(当场做或家庭作业)Question:(A)1._______a clever boy he is!A.What B.How C.What’s(B)2._______she dances!A.How good B.How well C.What well(B)3._______quiet the park is!A.What a B.How C.How a(B)4._____his father works!A.How careful B.How carefully C.What careful(B)5._____noisy they are making!A.What B.How C.How a(B)6.______delicious soup!A.How B.What C.What a(A)7.______heavy snow!A.What a B.What C.How(B)8.____old bike Li Lei is riding!A.What a B.What an C.How(C)9.______exciting moment it is!A.How B.How an C.What an(A)10.______supper we’re having today!A.What a delicious B.How delicious C.What delicious(C)11.________fine weather it is today!A.How B.What a C.What(C)12._____fast the boys are running!A.What B.What a C.How(A)13._______the mooncakes are!A.How delicious B.What delicious C.What a delicious(B)14.____surprising news it is!A.How B.What C.What a(A)15.____time we’re having today!A.What a good B.How good C.What good()16._______I mi you!A.What B.How C.How do()17.Look!______beautiful that lake is!A.How B.What C.What a()18.________ slowly Tom runs!A.How B.What C.What a()19._____lovely the snow looks!A.What B.How C.What a()20.________useful information it is!A.What an B.How C.What()21._______beautiful flowers they are!A.How B.What C.What a()22._______lovely a girl she is!A.What B.How C.What a()23._______they love their country!A.What B.How C.What a()24._______long hair she has!A.What a B.What C.How()25._______beautiful music we are listening to!A.How B.What a C.What()26._______exciting a football match it is!A.What B.How C.What an()27._______hard-working Chinese people!A.How B.What C.How do()28._______a lovely view!A.Is it B.Isn’t it C.Aren’t they

()29._______time they had yesterday!A.How wonderful B.What wonderful C.What a wonderful()30.______worried they looked!A.What B.How C.How are Answers: 1---5 ABBBB 6---10 BABCA 11---15 CCABA 16---20 BAABC 21---25 BBBBC 26—30 BBBCB 时间太紧张,What 问句(时间太紧张,不能在课堂上讲的就带回家看,有问题再辅导 时间太紧张 不能在课堂上讲的就带回家看,有问题再辅导)问年龄和名字 1,----What’s your name?----My name is ________.2,----How old are you?----I’m 12.II 询问颜色。1,----What colour is it?----它是什么颜色的?---It’s yellow and white.----黄白相间。2,----What colour are they?----它们是什么颜色的?----They’re green.III 询问数量或价钱。1,----How many kites can you see?----I can see 12.2,----How many crayons do you have?----I have 16.3,----How many people are there in your family?----Three.4,----How much is this dre?----It’s ninety-nine yuan.5,----How much are these apples?----They’re thirty-five yuan.IV 询问时间或日期。1,----What time is it now?(----It’s eight o’clock.It’s time to go to bed.)2,----What day is it today?----It’s Monday.(----What do we have on Mondays?----We have Chinese, English, math …)3,----When is your birthday?----It’s October 1st, our National Day.4,----When do you do morning exercises? 炼?----I usually do morning exercises at 8:30.V 询问方位或地方。


----你可以看见几只风筝?----我可以看见十二只风筝。----你有多少支彩笔?----我有十六支。----你家有几口人?----三口人。----这条连衣裙多少钱?----九十九元。----这些苹果多少钱?----三十五元。----现在几点钟?----It’s nine o’clock..It’s time for English cla.----九点。该上英语课了。(----八点。该上床睡觉了。)----今天星期几?----星期一。(----我们星期一上哪些课?----语文、英语、数学……)----你的生日是什么时候?----十月一日,国庆节。----你们什么时候做早锻----我们通常 8:30 做早锻炼。

1,----Where is my toy car?----It’s here, under the chair.2,----Where is the canteen?----It’s on the first floor.3,----Where are the keys?----They’re in the door.----It’s near the post office.5,----Where are you from?----I’m from China.6,----Where does the rain come from?----It comes from the clouds.VI 询问想吃的东西。


4,----Excuse me.Where is the library, please?----对不起,请问图书馆在哪儿?

1,----What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? 吃点什么?----I’d like some bread and milk / rice and soup.饭和汤。2,----What’s for breakfast / lunch / dinner?----Hamburgers and orange juice.VII 询问天气状况。1,----What’s the weather like in Beijing?----It’s rainy today.How about New York?----It’s sunny and hot.VIII 询问身体状况或情绪。1,----How do you feel?----I feel sick.2,----What’s the matter?----My throat is sore./ I have a sore throat.3,----How are you, Sarah? You look so happy.么伤心。----I failed the math test.IX 询问职业、身份或人物。1,----What’s your father / mother?----你早餐/中餐/晚餐想----我想吃面包和牛奶/米----早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?----汉堡包和橙汁。


----你感觉如何?----我觉得不舒服。----怎么了?----我的喉咙疼。----你好吗,莎拉?你看起来这----我的数学考试没有通过。----你的父亲 / 母亲是做什么的?---He’s a doctor./ She’s a teacher.----他是一名医生。/ 她是一名教师。

2,----What does you mother / father do?----你的母亲 / 父亲是做什么的?----She’s a TV reporter./ He’s a teacher.He teaches English.----她是一名电视台记者。/他是一名教师。他教英语。3,----Who’s that man / woman?----He’s my father./ She’s my mother.4,----Who’s this boy / girl?----He’s my brother./ She’s my sister.5,----Who’s your art teacher?----Mi Wang.----What’s she like?----She’s young and thin.X 询问兴趣、喜好。1,----What’s your favourite food / drink? 么?----Fish / orange juice.2,----What’s your favourite season?----Winter.(----Which season do you like best?----Winter.)---Why do you like winter?----Because I can make a snowman.3,----What’s your hobby?----I like collecting stamps.----What’s his hobby?---He likes riding a bike.4,----Do you like peaches?----Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.XI 询问平时一般或通常做的事情。1,----What do you do on Saturdays / on the weekends?----你星期六 / 周末一般做 什么?----I usually do my homework.Sometimes I play football.----我通常做作业,有时候 踢足球。XII 询问正在做的事情。1,----What are you doing?----I’m doing the dishes.----你在做什么?----我在洗盘子。----鱼。/ 橙汁。----你最喜欢的季节是什么?----冬天。(----你最喜欢哪个季节?----冬天。)----你为什么喜欢冬天?----因为可以堆雪人。----你的爱好是什么?----我喜欢集邮。----他的爱好是什么?----他喜欢骑自行车。----你喜欢吃桃子吗?----喜欢。/ 不喜欢。----你最喜欢的食物 / 饮料是什----那位男士 / 女士是谁?----他是我父亲。/ 她是我母亲。----那个男孩儿 / 女孩儿是谁?----他是我兄弟。/ 她是我姐妹。----你们的美术老师是谁?----王老师。----她长什么样儿?----她很年轻、苗条。

2,----What’s your father doing?----He’s writing an e-mail.3,---What’s Mike doing?----He’s watching insects.4,----What’s the tiger doing?----It’s running.5,----What are the elephants doing?----They’re drinking.XIII 询问将要做的事情。1,----What are you going to do?----I’m going to the cinema.----When are you going to do?----This afternoon.----你父亲正在做什么?----他正在写电子邮件。----迈克正在干什么?----他正在观察昆虫。----那只老虎在干什么?----它在奔跑。----那些大象在干什么?----它们正在喝水。----你准备做什么?----我准备去看电影。----你准备什么时候去?----今天下午。----今天下午你准备到哪儿去?----我准备到书店去。----你打算买点儿什么?----我准备买本漫画书。

2,----Where are you going this afternoon?----I’m going to the bookstore.----What are you going to buy?----I’m going to buy a comic book.林凯鸿的记忆方法不怎么好。所以教授一些记忆法。可带回家看 林凯鸿的记忆方法不怎么好。所以教授一些记忆法。可带回家看。的记忆方法不怎么好 全身心记忆法 根据测试,参与记忆单词的器官和身体部位越多,单词在大脑中的印象就 越深刻,记忆的时间也就越长。边读边写边记,除读记所使用的发音器官和身体 的其它部位外,大脑中枢还要指挥大臂带动小臂,小臂带动手掌,手掌带动手指,从而正确地书写单词。这种方法避免了“小和尚念经”,因为只要注意力不集中,书写马上就出错。书写既是大脑中枢的执行行为,又是大脑中枢的监察器。联系记忆法 联系记忆法就是在记忆单词的过程中,不去孤立地记一个词或词组,而是 把它与同义词、反义词、相关词、句、篇等联系起来记忆。同义记忆与近义记忆 掌握一个词或词组的同义词和近义词或者其解释是掌握该语言重要的一 环。只有这样,才能初步做到用英语进行思维,而用英语思维是掌握英语的一个 标志。

同类记忆与比较记忆 同类记忆的涵盖面很广,如词性同类、动物同类、植物同类、事情同类、物品同类等。如我们可以把边际从属连词放在一起记忆。比较记忆是把词形相近 或意义相近的词放在一起对比记忆。这样记忆可以辨别词义,准确使用词汇。联想记忆 “联想是钓钩,在茫茫的艺海中,它能准确地钩住你所识记的事物。”联想 越丰富,越多彩,记忆的艺术也就越高超。记忆以联想为基础;联想又是记忆的 一种方法。联想又分为类似联想、类别联想和词、句、篇联想。无意识记忆法 无意识记忆并不是无注意力记忆,而是时间分散记忆。这种方法特别适合 于工作忙碌的人。首先准备一个袖珍笔记本,将要记忆的单词写在笔记本上。只 要有时间就拿出来读读。这些单词见多了对你就会产生感情,你一定能记住,因 为每读记一遍,就在你的大脑中加深一层印象。这样记忆的单词可长久不忘,并 能随时想起,是一种很好的长时记忆法。构词记忆法 利用英语词汇的构词规律,内在结构记忆单词是一种理性地使自己词汇量 膨胀起来的方法。英语单词是由词素构成的,词素分为自由词素和粘附词素。记 忆单词主要是记自由词素,因为有些自由词素可以充当词根,词根加词缀构成许 多派生词。构词法主要有三种:转化、合成和派生。家庭作业:

一、根据括号里的提示,把下列句子补充完整。(10 分)1.Tom is _____(高)than Tony.2.-Where _____(be)you born?--I _____(be)born in Beijing.--When _____(be)your birthday?--It _____(be)on the tenth of June.3.Last Sunday Amy ____(拍)many photos in the park.Now she _____(看)at these photos.4.Mary usually _____(去)to school by bike.But this morning she _____(去)to school on foot because her bike ______(be)broken.三、英汉互译。(10 分)1.两杯咖啡 ______________ 2.一个菠萝 __________________ 3.做游戏 ________________ 4.在星期三 __________________ 5.回头见 ________________ 6.what else _________________ 7.look after ____________ 8.thank goodne ____________ 9.make the bed __________ 10.do one's homework ________

四、从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏中相应的答语。(10 分)Ⅰ Ⅱ()1.Can I put them here? A.Han Mei and Wei Fang.()2.Who are these girls? B.I am.()3.Who is on duty today? C.No, we are English.()4.What row are you in? D.Oh, yes, put them there.()5.Where are they? E.He is a teacher.()6.Are you American? F.It's a pencil.()7.Hello, Lucy.This way, please.G.We are in Cla Three.()8.What cla are you in? H.Sorry, I don't know.()9.What's your father? I.Thank you.()10.What's this? J.I'm in Row Two.五、完形填空。(10 分)Mr Smith is an old man.He __1__ two big houses and a new car.He has no __2__, but he has four __3__--two sons and two daughters.One son is __4__ England.His name is Tom.The other son is from America.His name is Jack.One daughter is from China.__5__ name is Fangfang.The other daughter is from Japan.Her name is Mikou.Mr Smith is not the four children's real __6__, but he loves them __7__.The children love him, __8__.Mr Smith buys many __9__ for the children.He gives __10__toys to different children.The boys play with toy cars.The girls play with dolls and tog animals.Mr Smith and the children are good friends.()1.A have B has C there is D there are()2.A wife B father C mother D friend()3.A sons B daughters C childs D children()4.A in B at C from D on()5.A His B Her C Their D She()6.A mother B father C uncle D aunt()7.A very much B very C much D much very()8.A very B much C two D too()9.A things B boys C toys D girls()10.A different B the same C good D bad

六、阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(10 分)A good breakfast is important.We can easily understand why.We have not eaten anything for about twelve hours by breakfast time.Our bodies need food for morning activities.One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit.On a cold morning a cup of hot drink is neceary.We must get up early to have plenty of time to eat breakfast.A good breakfast helps us to smile more easily.It helps us to be more friendly and also to work better and play more happily.()1.Why do we need food in the morning? A.Because we've had nothing to eat for the whole night.B.Because we have not eaten anything for eight hours.C.Because we have plenty of time to eat something.D.Because we like to eat things in the morning.()2.A good breakfast will be _______.A.only rice or break B.rice, bread and milk C.bread or rice, an egg, fruit and milk D.all kinds of food()3.What is important? A.To get up late.B.To have plenty of food.C.To have a good breakfast.D.To have a hot drink.()4.What does a good breakfast help us to do? A.To smile.B.To help us to be more friendly and do everything better and happily.C.To make us fat easily.D.To sleep well.()5.Why do we eat breakfast? A.We need food for morning activities.B.To help us to smile more easily.C.To work better and play more happily.D.All the above.七、书面表达。(10 分)以 My Bedroom(我的卧室)为题按要求写一篇英语小作文。要求:1.要写出卧室内的主要物品。2.条理清楚,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范。3.不少于 50 个单词。小升初英语模拟测试题


二、1.taller 2.were, was, is, is 3.took, is looking 4.goes, went, was

三、1.two cups of coffee 2.one pineapple 3.play games 4.on Wednesday 5.see you 6.还有什么? 7.照顾,照料 8.谢天谢地 9.铺床 10.做作业




七、参考范文: My Bedroom I have a big bedroom.There are many things in it.There is a big desk in the middle of the room.There are some books, a computer, a keyboard and mouse on it.There's a pencil-box and a lamp on it, too.Near the desk, there's a bed.Near the bed, there is a big wardrobe.There are two windows in the wall.There are four pictures and a nice clock on the wall, too.I often clean my bedroom.I love my bedroom.家庭作业:

一、下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标 号填入题前括号内。()1.A.take B.bad C.have()2.A.fish B.find C.give()3.A.me B.bed C.red()4.A.glue B.run C.us()5.A.night B.ghost C.daughter 二.单项选择 1.He asked me _____ I would like a cup of tea.A.that B.what C.if 2.Be quiet!The babies ________.A.sleep B.are sleeping C.slept 3.Do you know ______ this word? A.what to spell B.how to spell C.to spell 4.The students couldn't help ______ when they heard the joke.A.to laugh B.laugh C.laughing 5.—— What day is today? —— It's ______.A.Monday B.a fine day C.September 1st 6.If I ____ you tomorrow, I will give you the receipt.A.see B.will see C.am seeing 7.Is the cat ________ the door? No, it isn’t.It’s ________ the desk.A.behind, under B.in, on C.under, at D.over, behind 8.I’v got a toothache.I’m going to the__________.A.park B.dentist C.teacher 9 ——May I _______ your bike? ——Sorry.A.ride B.reading C.read 10.——Whose ruler is it? ——Maybe it’s _______.A.Peter B.Peters C.Mary’s 11.I want to find a good book.I’m going to the _______.A.cinema B.library C.museum 12.——_____ will you do? ——I’ll play football.A.What B.When C.Where 13.—— I don't like milk.—— I don't, _________.A.too B.neither C.either 14.I want to buy ________.A.something eat B.something to eat C.anything to eat 15.—— I'm sorry I can't help you.—— ________.A.Not at all.B.You are welcome.C.It doesn't matter.16.Mrs.Sun is a friend of _______.A.Mary's mother B.mother of Mary C.Mary 's mother's 17.There _____ two cups of tea on the table.A.is B.are C.was 18.There are thirty pupils in our cla._____ of them are young pioneers A.Any B.Either C.All 19 —— There isn't _____ water here.Could you get _____ for me? —— All right.A.some, any B.any, any C.any, some 20 —— You look so beautiful in this white skirt.—— __________.A.That's all right B.Thank you.C.Not at all.三、根据所提供的情景选择适当的句子。1,)你想知道对方姓名,应说(A.My name is Han Mel. B. What's your name?

C. Hello. 2.)早上遇见刘老师,应说(A.Thank you,Mr.Li. B.How? C.Good morning,Mr.Liu. 3.)别人向你打招呼 Hello!你应说(A.What's your name? B.Hello!C.Thank you. 4.)假如你叫林峰,当有人问你 What's your name?时,你应回答_____.(A.I'm fine,too B.Nice to meet von C.My name is Lin Feng.5.)见到客人站着,你应说,(A.Sit down.please. B.How are you? C.I'm fine,too. 6.)下午与同学见面,你应说____(A.Good afternoon. B.What's your name? C.How are you 7.)晚上分手时所用礼貌用语是:(A.Hi!B。Hello!C.Good night!8.)当经介绍后认识某人,你应该说:(A.Good morning B.Please sit down.C.Thank you.D.Nice to meet you.9.)上课铃响了,教师走进教室,班长应该说:(A.Please come in.B.Good morning C.Stand up.10.)想知道对方的年龄,应怎样问?(A.How old are you B.How are you? C.How do you do?.四、根据对话内容,从多个选项选出五个能填入空白处的最佳选项 A.I’ll go and get it at your home.B.It’s a very bad line.C.That would be fine.D.I’ll arrive between two and three.E.Tomorrow morning if poible.A:Hello!3769808.B:Hello,Kate.I’d like to borrow your Chinese dictionary.I lost mine this afternoon.A:Sorry!1.Could you speak a little clearly and slowly? B:Yes.Could you lend me your Chinese dictionary? Mine is lost.A:Sure!When do you want it? B: 2.A:But it is Sunday tomorrow.I won’t go to school.B: 3.A:But I’ll go to Mi Wang’s home tomorrow.Could you come in the afternoon? B:Certainly.4.A: 5.I’ll wait for you.B:Thank you.Bye.五、完形填空:阅读短文,并从四个选项中,选择正确的答案。My father __ 1____ a good friend in the factory(工厂).He is sixty.He is an old man.All of the children like him.We call ____2___ Uncle Sam.He __3___ from England.He ___4___ in Sichuan.He can’t __5____ Chinese.We teach(教)him Chinese ___6_he ___7_ us English.He ___8____ work __9_ Sundays.He __10___ making things.And he likes watching TV with his children at night.()1.A.have B.haves C.has D.is()2.A.he B.they C.him D.his()3.A.come B.comes C.goes D.to come()4.A.live B.living C.lives D.to live()5.A.speak B.tell C.say D.talk()6.A or B.but C.and D.until()7.A.teach B.teachs C.teaches D.teaching()8.A.do B.don’t C.does D.doesn’t()9.A.in B.on C.for D.of()10.A.likes B.like C.to like D.liking

一、(1)A(2)B(3)A(4)A(5)B 二、(1)C(2)B(3)B(4)C(5)A(6)A(7)A(8)B(9)A(10)C(11)B(12)A(13)C(14)B(15)C(16)C(17)B(18)C(19)C(20)B





小升初英语全面复习教案总编(语法讲解、配套练习和答案) 第一阶段:小学英语语法知识复习及练习题(4天)(经过了解发现,所教学生的语法知识比较薄弱,尤其是人称代词,冠词基础比较弱,填空......


只做最专业的教育!小升初英语语法(一)———BE动词be动词用法歌:I用am, you用are,is用于他(he),她(she),它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问......







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