
2020-02-27 教学课件 下载本文


New Words & Expreions unit 2  PIC: Public Limited Company公共有限公司  Annual: adj.每年的;年度的  An annual report 年度报告  Software: n.软件

 Personnel Department n.人事部,人事科  Colleague: n.同事,同行,同仁  Accounts department会计部,会计科  Market research;n.市场调查

 Personal aistant; n.私人秘书(private secretary) Finance;n.财政, 金融, 财政学

vt.供给...经费,  Production department 生产部  Fashion designer;n.时装设计师  Ware n. 1.[总称][常用于复合词]器皿;物品  2.[pl.]商品, 货物  3.陶器

 silverware银器  ironware铁器  chinaware陶器

 a popular ware热门货  small wares小百货

New words in Unit 3  Trip

旅行, 远足  Interesting 有趣味的 Hopefully

有希望地,有前途地  Interested 感兴趣的 Hobby

业余爱好  Unfortunately 不幸地  Pleasure 愉快, 快乐  Set up 设立, 竖立

 To be based 基于..., 以...为基础  Fashion 方式;风格;时髦, 时兴  Design

设计, 图案  Coincidence一致, 相合  Fix…up 安排;确定 Interesting

& Interested

 adj.Arousing or holding the attention;absorbing.有趣味的, 令人感兴趣的  an interesting man有趣的人

 an interesting story book for children一本有趣味的儿童故事书  adj.Having or showing curiosity, fascination, or concern:  感兴趣的;注意的;关心的, 有利害关系的  be interested in music对音乐感兴趣  the interested parties有关各方 hopeful  adj.有希望的, 充满希望的;抱乐观的, 有前途的 be [feel] hopeful that [of, about]对...抱希望[持乐观态度]  be hopeful about the future对未来怀着无限的希望 unfortunately  un-不+ fortunate 幸运的+-ly  fortunate  adj.1.幸运的, 侥幸的2.带来幸运的 a fortunate man 幸运的人  a fortunate star吉星  the fortunate幸运者

 be born under a fortunate star生来有福 fashion  n.1.方式;型式;风格

2.流行式样;时髦, 时兴  act after sb.'s fashion照某人的样子去做  the latest fashions(服装等的)最新式样  be in(the)fashion合乎时尚, 流行的  be out of(the)fashion 不合时尚;不流行  bring sth.into fashion使流行

 come / grow into fashion流行起来, 开始风行  follow the fashion赶时髦  go out of fashion过时

 set / lead the fashion开时尚之先 design  n.设计, 图案, 企图, 图谋

 I have purchased a set of furniture of simple but elegant design.我买了一套设计简洁而别致的家具。

 v.设计, 计划, 谋划, 构思

 She designs all her drees.她设计所有自己的衣服。

 The writer has designed a good plot.作者设计了一个很好的情节。coincidence  n.一致,符合 by coincidence碰巧,由于巧合  a mere coincidence巧合 What a coincidence!多么凑巧的事情啊!

New Words in Unit 4  Respond: reply  Response: answer  Appropriately: in the right way  Lovely: enjoyable  Glad: happy, pleased  Hand: give  Concert: musical performance respond  vi.作[回]答;回报;响应, 答应, 反应  respond by a nod


 respond with a smile

以微笑表示回答  Response n.回答, 响应, 反应

 They made a quick response to my inquiry.他们对我的询问很快作了答复。 in response to 响应, 反应  make no response 不回答 appropriate  adj.适合的;适当的;相称的  appropriate example 适当的例子  appropriate manners 适当的态度  You should write in a style appropriate to your subject.你应该用与你的题目相称的体裁写。

 appropriate to 适于, 合乎  appropriate for 适于, 合乎 lovely  adj. 1.可爱的,动人的,秀丽的 2.[口]令人愉快的,有趣的  a lovely view 明媚的风光

 have a lovely time

过得很愉快 glad  adj. 1.高兴的, 欢喜的 2.使人快乐的, 令人愉快的;(景色)灿烂美丽的  a glad spring morning 春光明媚的早晨

 Glad [I am glad] to see you.看到你很高兴。 He brought us glad news.他带给我们好消息。 I am glad of it.那很好。

 I feel very glad about it.我对此事感到非常高兴。Hand: give  hand back 归还

 hand down(to)传给(后代), 发给下级  hand in上交;提交(辞职申请书) hand in hand 手拉手地;联合地;形影不离地  hand into 扶...进去;扶...上(车) hand on 依次传递;传给后代

 hand out 交出;分发;把...扶下(车) hand over 交出;移交

 hand round / around 传递[阅];分发  hand to hand 逼近地;短兵相接地  hand up交给上级, 呈交 concert  n. 1.音乐会,演奏会; 合奏(曲)


 a concert hall 音乐厅

 in concert异口同声地,齐声

 in concert with和...相呼应[合作]

New Words In Unit 5  Hierarchy:层次;等级制度

 Organizational: showing the way a company is organized  Structure: organization  Managing director: director who is in charge of the whole company  Executives: people who put decision into action  Personnel: staff  Training: teaching employees how to do something  Rationalization: making more efficient  Region: part of a country /an area  split: to divide  Matrix(basis): organized according to two sets of criteria  Section: part of a company  Subsidiary: company which is owned by a parent company母公司,总公司  Affiliate: company wholly or partly owned by another company organizational  adj.组织(上)的;编制的;机构的  organize vt. 1.组织;编组;筹备, 成立  2.使组成工会;使加入工会  organize an army 组编军队

 organize the steel industry 组成钢铁工会 structure  n.1.结构;构造;组织

2.建造物, 房屋  grammar structure 语法结构

 the structure of human body


 simplify the administrative structure 精简机构

 The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous structures in the world.埃菲尔铁塔是世界上最著名的建筑物之一

managing director  n.常务董事;总经理

 a board of directors理事会, 董事会  executive director执行理事, 常务董事  faculty director大学院长;系主任  finance director财务经理;财务处长 executive  adj.实行的, 执行的, 行政的  n.执行者, 经理主管人员

 an executive committee执行委员会  an executive branch行政部门  executive authorities行政当局  executive board董事会;理事会 personnel  n.1.全体人员, 职员

2.人事(部门) engineering and technical personnel 工程技术人员  personnel agency职业介绍所  personnel department人事处[科]  personnel director人事主任  personnel manager人事经理 training  n.训练, 教练;培养;锻练;

 the training for a football足球训练

 the training of mind and body脑力和体力的训练  A training airplane教练机  A training ship练习舰[船] rationalization  be in [out of] training 练习得好[不好]  go into training从事练习  n.合理化;合理状态

 rationalization proposals合理化建议  rationalization of industry产业合理化  rationalization of production生产合理化

 Rational和 reasonable都含“有理性的”、“合理的”意思。 rational 强调“有理性和思考、推理能力的”, 如:  Man is a rational being.人类是有理性的动物。

 reasonable 语意较弱, 指“合情合理的”、“(价格)公平合理的”, 如:  I'll buy the car if the price is reasonable.如果价钱公道, 我就把这辆车买下。split  vt.(split;splitting) 劈开;切开;剖开;割裂;撕裂

 split up a hill to let the water through劈山引水

 split(up)a compound into its elements把化合物分解成元素  A lightning bolt split the night sky.一道闪电划破夜空。subsidiary  adj.1.辅[帮]助的2.附属的;次要的  subsidiary busine业余工作;副业  subsidiary food stuffs副食品  a subsidiary company子公司  subsidiary troops雇佣军  subsidiary payments补助金 affiliate  vt.联合, 使隶属于

 She affiliated her child to Smith.她判定孩子是史密斯的。

 She affiliates with an academic society.她是某学术团体的成员。

 This hospital is affiliated with that university.这个医院是那所大学的附属医院。

New Words In Unit 6  Shelving: rows of shelves  enquire;to talk  Specifications: detailed information  Flexible: movable  fit: to fix, attach  stick out: to reach a position further than is wanted伸出  Deliver: to transport goods to a customer‟s addre  Warehouse: large building where goods are stored  Area: part of a town  Charge: money which must be paid  Place an order: to order  Guarantee: promise that something will work well  Standard: normal  Discount: percentage by which a seller reduces the full price for a buyer  Round… off: to increase/decrease to the nearest full figure  Sturdy: strong强健的, 坚定的  Average: normal inquire  vt.(=enquire)1.询问, 打听

2.调查, 查问  inquire a matter of sb.向某人打听一件事  He inquired the way.他问路。 vi.询问;查问;调查

 inquire about trains to London 打听去伦敦的火车  inquire into a matter调查一件事情

 The lady inquired after your health.这位女士问候你。specification  n.详述, 规格, 说明书, 规范  test specification试验规格  tool specification刀具规格  type specification类型说明  standard specification标准规范

 technical specification技术规范[说明]  program specification程序说明书

 qualification test specification质量鉴定试验规范  quality specification质量标准 flexible  adj.1.易弯的, 挠性的, 有弹性的  2.柔韧的;柔顺的  3.灵活的;可塑造的 a flexible schedule灵活的计划表  A flexible rule软尺, 卷尺  flexible preure流体压力 deliver  vt.投递(信件, 报刊等);交付, 移交, 引渡  deliver sth.to sb.把某物交付给某人  deliver a meage带信, 传话  deliver a speech作演讲 area  n.面积;地区, 区域;范围, 领域

 The desert areas of North Africa北非洲的沙漠地区  the liberated area解放区  an area of research研究范围

 the whole area of science科学整个领域 guarantee  n.保证, 担保, 保证书;担保品, 抵押品  stand guarantee for...替...担任保证人

 offer one's house as a guarantee以房屋为担保品  guarantee vt.保证, 担保

 My watch is guaranteed for one year.我的表保修一年。standard  adj.标准的;权威的, 模范的;合规格的, 一般性的  the standard atmospheric preure标准大气压  standard English 标准英语  standard time标准时间  standard money本位货币  a standard writer权威作家 average  adj.平均的;普通的, 平常的, 一般水平的  A men of average ability能力一般的人

 The average age of the boys is 15.这些男孩平均年龄是15岁。 The students of average intelligence普通智力的学生

New Words In Unit 7  Installation: the proce of putting new machines into an office or a factory安装  Complicated: difficult  Technician: skilled technical worker  Sort out: put right  Fix: arrange  Manage;to be able to do something.eg: meet on Tuesday  Suit: to be suitable or convenient complicated  adj. 复杂的,混乱的,麻烦的 a complicated piece of machinery一件复杂的机械 technician  n.技术员, 技师

 an electronics technician电子学技师  an automotive technician汽车技师 sort  vt.分类, 整理, 拣选(out) sort out整理;挑出

 n.种类, 品种;品质, 本性;方法, 情形;某种人[物]  under all sorts of names以各种各样的名义  people of every sort and kind各种各样的人

 They'll never stomach that sort of attitude.他们永远不会容忍那样的态度。 He is the right sort.他倒是挺合适的人。 He is my sort.他正是我需要的人。fix  vt.1.使固定;钉牢;安装  2.盯住, 凝视  3.决定;规定

 4.归(咎)于;寄(希望)于

 fix a picture on the wall把图画钉在墙上  fix one's attention on [upon]集中注意力于  fix sb.with one's eyes用眼睛盯牢某人  fix a date for the meeting确定开会日期  fix the blame on a person归罪于某人  fix one's hope on寄希望于 manage  vt.1.处理, 支配;管理, 经营  2.驾驭, 开动;训练(马) 3.[与can, could连用]对付, 吃  4.设法完成;达成 manage one's household治家

 manage the affairs of a nation处理国家事务  manage a naughty child管住顽皮孩子

 Can you manage another slice of cake?你能再吃一片蛋糕吗?  We finally managed to get there in time.最后我们及时赶到了。suit  vt.1.适合于, 使适应;使满意  2.讨好某人

 It is difficult to find a time that suits everybody.很难找到一个对每人都合适的时间。 The role does not suit him.这个角色不适合他演。 He tried to suit everybody.他想讨好每个人。

New Words In Unit 8  Corporate: referring to a whole company  Appointment: arrangement to meet  Approach: contact someone  Investment;placing of money so that it will increase in value  Convenient: suitable  Suit;to be suitable or convenient  Current: present  Prospectus: document which gives information to buyers or customers 说明书 corporate  adj. 1.团体的; 法人组织的  2.团结的; 组合的  3.共同的; 全体的 a corporate body团体; 法人组织  corporate responsibility共同责任 appoint  vt.1.委派, 任命

2.指定;约定, 决定  appoint sb.to a post派某人任某职

 appoint a time for the meeting约定开会时间

 He was appointed mayor of the city.他被任命为市长。

 The time appointed for the meeting was ten o'clock.约定的开会时间是十点。 break an appointment/ break one's appointment违约, 失约  have an appointment with sb.at要在某时间和某人有约会  keep one„s appointment /keep an appointment守约  make / fix an appointment with sb.与某人约会  hold an appointment担任某职

 take up an appointment就职, 上任 approach  vt. 1.向...靠近;接近, 走近

 2.探讨, 分析, 研究, 看待, 处理  3.与...打交道, 向...提议

 approach one's home快到家

 approach a problem from different angles由不同的角度研究一个问题  approach sb.with a suggestion向某人提出建议  He approached the new job with enthusiasm. 他满怀热情地去干新的工作。investment  n.投资(额);投入

 an investment trust投资信托公司  bid to boost investment鼓励投资  make an investment in投资于... Invest


 2.授予;赋予

3.投资;投入;花费(时间、精力等) invest sb.with a decoration给某人戴上奖章  be invested with mystery带有神秘色彩  invest sb.with full power授予某人全权

 invest money in busine enterprise投资于工商企业 convenient  adj. 1.便利的,方便的  2.合宜的 3.附近的,不远的  4.实用主义的 When would it be convenient for you to go?你什么时候去方便?  We must arrange a convenient time and place for the meeting.我们必须安排一个合适的时间和地点开会。

current  adj.1.流行的;流通的, 通用的  2.现代的;当前的 current money通用的货币  current English现代通行英语

 overcome current difficulties克服当前的困难  current events时事

 current fashions现代服装式样

New Words In Unit 9(1) Interview: meeting to ask a person questions in order to collect information vt.n.接见, 会见

 Journalist: person who writes for a newspaper n.新闻记者  Event: happening n.事件, 事变

 Cover: front and back pages of a newspaper or book n.盖子, 封面, 藉口  Post: mail, letter n.邮件, 岗位, 职位  Sort out: put in order v.挑选出

 Attention: action n.注意, 关心, 关注 New Words In Unit 9(2) Deputy: person who takes the place of another n.代理人, 代表  Agenda: list of things to be done n.议程

 Up-to-date: informed of the latest information adj.最近的, 最新的  Canteen: factory restaurant n.内部食堂

 Plant: factory n.植物, 庄稼, 工厂, 车间, 设备

 Committee: official group of people who plan or organize for a larger group n.委员会  Board meeting: meeting of the directors of a company董事会议

 Engagement: appointment to do thing, eg, go out for dinner n.约会, 约定, 预约  Midnight: 12o‟clock at night n.午夜  give an interview to sb.接见某人  have an interview with sb.会见某人  job interviews求职面试  depth interview深入查询  individual interview个别谈话  panel interview专门小组会谈  preliminary interview初次访问  sports journalist 体育记者

 His is a journalist by profeion.他的职业是新闻从业人员。 He is a profeional journalist.他是一位专门的新闻从业人员。 current events 时事

 field and track events 田径赛

 at all events =In any case.不管怎样  in any event =In any case.不管怎样  in the event = in case.如果发生;万一  in the event of 万一...的话;如果是...的话  in the event that 如果;在...情况下

 The book needs a new cover.这书要装个新封面。 cover the table with a cloth把桌子铺上台布  be covered with mo长满绿苔                                    be covered with snow all the year round 终年积雪 His studies covered a wide field.他的知识渊博。Lies cannot cover up facts.谎言掩盖不住事实。

Give your whole attention to what you are doing把全部注意力用于你所做的事。devote one's attention to专心于, 对...注意 direct one's attention to密切注视;仔细考虑

focus / center one's attention on把注意力集中在...give(one's)attention to注意;关心 pay attention to注意, 重视, 倾听 pay one's attentions to殷勤款待某人 prompt attention从速办理 with attention留心地, 注意地

a deputy to National People's Congre(中国)人民代表大会代表

John will be my deputy while I am away.我不在时, 约翰将是我的代理人。adj.代理的, 副的deputy chairman副主席, 代理主席 deputy mayor副市长

by deputy请人代表, 通过代理人(做某事)up-to-date style

时新的式样 Up-to-date technology最新技术

up-to-date fashions最近时尚

place [put] sth.on the agenda把某事提到日程上来 approved agenda审定议程 provisional agenda临时议程 appeal committee仲裁委员会 arbitration committee仲裁委员会

advisory committee咨询委员会,顾问委员会 consultative committee咨询委员会,顾问委员会 academic standing committee学术常务委员会 budget committee预算委员会 cla committee班委会

executive committee执行委员会 organizing committee组织委员会 preparatory committee筹备委员会

New Words In Unit 10  Current: present adj.当前的, 通用的, 流通的  Project: plan n.计划, 方案, 工程

 EDP: electronic data proceing电子数据处理  User: person who uses something n.用户

 Accounting: concerned with the work of recording money paid and received n.会计学, 清算帐目

 Install: put(an machine)into an office or factory vt.安装, 安置  Automated: work automatically by machine自动化的 Aembly line: production system where the product moves slowly through the factory with new sections added to it as it goes along n.(工厂产品的)装配线  Recruitment: looking for new staff n.招募

 Graduate: person who has a university degree n.(大学)毕业生, 研究生

 Prototype: first model of a new machine before it goes into production n.原型                                  Rationalize: make more efficient v.合理化

Distribution: way of sending goods n.分配, 分发

Network: system which links different places, eg.Warehouse, together n.网络, 网状物 Cut: sudden lowering of costs降低, 减少 a cut in prices物价的降低 Series: group n.连续, 系列

overcome current difficulties克服当前的困难 current English日常英语 current events时事

current fashions现代服装式样 go current流行, 通用;流传 pa current流行, 通用;流传 run current流行, 通用;流传 go with the current随波逐流 swim with the current随波逐流 action projects行动计划 crash project应急计划

demonstration project示范项目 development project发展项目 diploma project毕业设计 economic project经济规划

research and development project研究与发展计划[方案] the distribution of wealth财富的分配 the distribution of profits利润的分配 the distribution of insects昆虫分类 distribute...over...把...配给到[散布于]...distribute sth.to把某物分给...distribute sth.among把某物分给...a series of pictures连环画 a series of books丛书 a series of一系列, 许多

in series连续, 逐次;按顺序排列的 in series with与...串联,与...相连

New Words In Unit 11(Letters) Lay one‟s hands on: find(inf)发现

 Consultancy: act of giving specialist advice咨询、顾问

 Contract: legal agreement between two people or groups合同, 契约, 婚约  Quotation: estimate of how much something will cost报价单, 行情表  Above-mentioned: something already referred to in a letter上述的  Attach: fasten, link vt.缚上, 系上, 贴上  Due: expected, supposed正当的, 预期的 Appreciate: be thankful or grateful vt.赏识, 鉴赏, 感激  Post: job岗位, 职位

 Availability: state of being able to take up a new jobn.可用性, 有效性, 实用性 New Words In Unit 11(Phone Calls)

 Reply: answer答复;回答

 Urgently: Immediately迫切地, 急切地  Get back to: phone again  Advertise: announce publicity that job is vacant v.做广告, 登广告  Application: asking for something, eg.A job, usually in writing 申请, 申请表;应用  Recommend: suggest推荐, 介绍, 劝告

 Drop a line: write a short letter写短信给某人 contract  sign a contract签订合同

 bind oneself by contract有契约约束  break the contract撕毁合同; 解除婚约  draw up a contract草拟合同

 keep a contract遵守[履行]合同  make a contract with与...签定合同  enter into a contract with与...签定合同

 I'm under contract to teach here for one year.我按照聘约要在这里教一年书。quotation  closing quotations收盘, 收市行情  highest quotations顶盘

 lowest quotations底帐, 最低价格, 底盘  market quotation市场行情

 minimum quotations坐盘, 最低报盘  official market quotation官方牌价  off-the-book quotation黑市交易行市  opening quotation开市行情, 开市价  recent quotation最新价格  share quotation股票牌价

 spot price quotations现货报价

 stock market quotation证券市场行市, 股票市场行市 attach  attach a document to a letter将文件附在信中  attach labels to the luggage把标签系在行李上  attach one's name to在...上签名

 He attached his horse to a tree.他将马栓在树上。

 The hospital is attached to that university.这医院附属于那所大学。 attach oneself to依附;热爱, 依恋

 attach to认为有(重要性、意义等);归因于, 适用于  attached please find[书信用语]附上...请查收  be attached to连在...上, 附属于;热爱, 依恋 appreciate  appreciate English poetry欣赏英诗  appreciate good food品尝美味

 appreciate sb.'s friendship珍视某人的友谊

 We shall appreciate hearing from you again.我们恭候佳音。 I appreciate your kindne.多谢厚意。application  an application for admiion(to school)入学申请  fill out an application填写申请书  application blank [form]空白申请书

 make an application to sb.for sth.请求某人做某事  on application to向...函索;索取, 申请  find application获得应用  have application in应用于  in application to在应用于...时  the application of a discovery to industry新发现在工业中的应用

New Words & Expreions unit 12

 Target: level, eg.of sales, to aim for目标, 对象

 Performance: how good or bad the results are执行, 成绩, 性能, 表演

 Product: thing which is made or manufactured产品;制品

agricultural products农产品  To launch: to put a new product on the market推出(新产品) Peak: highest point山顶, 顶点, 最高峰  Unit : single product个体,(计量)单位

 Steadily: in a regular or continuous way稳定地, 有规则地  To settle: to stay at the same level安放, 使定居, 安排, 解决  Rapidly: quickly迅速的, 敏捷的 Slightly: not very much, a little轻微地;有一点

 Results: outcome of the year‟s trading结果, 成效, 计算结果  Target  target date预定开始或完成日期  shoot at the target打靶

 make a target for attack成为众矢之的  exceed the target超额完成任务[指标]  set a target for production制定生产指标  Performance  a performance test【机】性能实验

 He is faithful in the performance of his duties.他忠于职守。 Launch  launch an artificial satellite发射人造卫星  launch a new enterprise创办一个新企业  launch an attack开始攻击

 launch a ma production movement开展群众性生产运动  Result  bring about [yield] good results得到好结果[好成绩]  give out the results发表成绩

 meet with good results取得好结果

 obtain [produce] results产生结果, 获得结果  as a result因此;结果

 as a result of作为...的结果;由于... with the result that结果是, 因此, 从而  without result无效地, 毫无结果地  result from起于, 由于

 result in导致, 终于造成...结果


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