The decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide clearly indicates the global pollution of water and air. Two studies of amphibians in Yosemite National Park in California confirm my conclusion. In 1915 there were seven species of amphibians in the park, and there were abundant numbers of each species. However, in 1992 there were only four species of amphibians observed in the park, and the numbers of each species were drastically reduced. The decline in Yosemite has been blamed on the introduction of trout into the park s waters, which began in 1920 . But the introduction of trout cannot be the real reason for the Yosemite decline because it does not explain the worldwide decline.
Sample Essay
In this argument, the writer of the letter concludes that global pollution of water and air has caused a decline in the number of amphibians worldwide. To support his or her conclusion, the writer cites the results of two studies, seventy-five years apart, that purportedly show that the number of amphibians in one park in California, Yosemite National Park, have drastically declined. Additionally, the writer casts aside a given reason for the decline, stating that the introduction of trout to the park does not explain the worldwide decline in the number of amphibians. This argument defies simple logic and suffers from several critical fallacies.
When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers.
Sample Essay
There would seem to be two different perspectives presented in the above statement. The first two sentences are concerned with exploring history and would seem to discuss looking at history that has already been written. People who concern themselves with the study of history are not storytellers, but rather story interpreters. The last sentence refers to the people that write about history, the historians themselves. Certainly, to a certain extent, historians must be storytellers because they have a story to tell. But the term storyteller seems to imply a greater amount of creativity than what is involved in actually explaining what has happened in history. For the purposes of this essay, I will focus on the perspective of the historian, as it would appear to be the underlying core idea.
From the perspective of the historian, most historians do not have the benefit of having lived through the period of history that they are writing about. By researching through thousands of old letters, legal documents, family heirlooms and the like, historians must look at fragments of history and somehow put these pieces together to reconstruct what actually happened. In this sense, they must be storytellers because inevitably, their personal insights become part of what others will see when they read the historians writings. As an example, there are many differing opinions as to whether Thomas Jefferson actually fathered children with one of his slaves. Some historians have written that it is a virtual certainty, while others argue that it was his brother, rather than Thomas himself, that fathered the children. They both cannot be right. Although they are all historians, they are also storytellers giving their opinion on what version of events actually transpired.
Teamwork as a whole can naturally produce an overall greater productivity through the concept of synergy , where the total of the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts. But the idea that people work more productively in teams rather than as individuals is going to vary greatly between the types of teams that are organized, the end reward or motivation for both the team and the individuals, as well as the individuals themselves.
Regarding individuals, some people are born with the desire to succeed, no matter what the situation or task that they are facing. These people may evolve into the classic Type A personalities that work ferociously because they are driven by an internal fire that says they must always be doing something, whether individually or as part of a team. Other people may desire to be less socially involved or are very highly competitive with other people. For these people, their work is most productive as individuals, because the very idea of cooperating with other people limits their effectiveness and efficiency because they simply do not want to be a part of the team. Whether this mindset is innate or developed over time does not matter, it is merely the state of their being and neither motivation nor rewards can generate inside them the desire to work collectively as a team.
In this argument, the writer of the letter concludes that global pollution of water and air has caused a decline in the number of amphibians worldwide. To support his or her conclusion, the writer cites the results of two studies, seventy-five years apart, that purportedly show that the number of amphibians in one park in California, Yosemite National Park, have drastically declined. Additionally, the writer casts aside a given reason for the decline, stating that the introduction of trout to the park does not explain the worldwide decline in the number of amphibians. This argument defies simple logic and suffers from several critical fallacies.
The following is a letter to the editor of an environmental magazine
The decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide clearly indicates the global pollution of water and air. Two studies of amphibians in Yosemite National Park in California confirm my conclusion. In 1915 there were seven species of amphibians in the park, and there were abundant numbers of each species. However, in 1992 there were only four species of amphibians observed in the park, and the numbers of each species were drastically reduced. The decline in Yosemite has been blamed on the introduction of trout into the parks waters, which began in 1920 . But the introduction of trout cannot be the real reason for the Yosemite decline because it does not explain the worldwide decline.
Too much emphasis is placed on the development of reading skills in elementary school. Many students who are discouraged by the lonely activity of reading turn away from schoolwork merely because they are poor readers. But books recorded on audiocassette tape provide an important alternative for students at this crucial stage in their education, one the school board should not reject merely because of the expense involved. After all, many studies attest to the value of allowing students to hear books read aloud; there is even evidence that students whose parents read to them are even more likely to become able readers. Thus, hearing books on tape can only make students more eager to read and to learn. Therefore, the school board should encourage schools to buy books on tape and to use them in elementary education.
In this argument, the writer claims that elementary schools place too much emphasis on the development of reading skills; therefore books on audiocassette should be provided as an alternative method of learning. The arguer attempts to substantiate the conclusion by citing studies that show the value of allowing students to hear books read aloud; including evidence that students whose parents read to them are even more likely to become better readers. This argument ultimately fails as it suffers from several critical fallacies.
First of all, the writer flatly states, without any supporting evidence whatsoever, that many students are discouraged by the lonely activity of reading, then continues on in the same sentence to state that students turn away from schoolwork solely because they are poor readers. Students often read to themselves or to the other students in a classroom situation - hardly a lonely activity. Additionally, this argument puts the effect before the cause - inviting the circular logic that students stop trying to learn to read because they are poor readers. Following this argument to its logical conclusion, because they are poor readers, they should not try to learn how to improve their reading. This absurd argument is analogous to saying that a new student should never start to learn in the first place, because he or she knows nothing.
The following is a letter to the editor of an environmental magazine
The decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide clearly indicates the global pollution of water and air. Two studies of amphibians in Yosemite National Park in California confirm my conclusion. In 1915 there were seven species of amphibians in the park, and there were abundant numbers of each species. However, in 1992 there were only four species of amphibians observed in the park, and the numbers of each species were drastically reduced. The decline in Yosemite has been blamed on the introduction of trout into the parks waters, which began in 1920 . But the introduction of trout cannot be the real reason for the Yosemite decline because it does not explain the worldwide decline.
Sample Essay
In this argument, the writer of the letter concludes that global pollution of water and air has caused a decline in the number of amphibians worldwide. To support his or her conclusion, the writer cites the results of two studies, seventy-five years apart, that purportedly show that the number of amphibians in one park in California, Yosemite National Park, have drastically declined. Additionally, the writer casts aside a given reason for the decline, stating that the introduction of trout to the park does not explain the worldwide decline in the number of amphibians. This argument defies simple logic and suffers from several critical fallacies.
The Trash-Site Safety Council has recently conducted a statewide study of possible harmful effects of garbage sites on the health of people living near the sites. A total of five sites and 300 people were examined. The study revealed, on average, only a small statistical correlation between the proximity of homes to garbage sites and the incidence of unexplained rashes among people living in these homes. Furthermore, although it is true that people living near the largest trash sites had a slightly higher incidence of the rashes, there was otherwise no correlation between the size of the garbage sites and peoples health. Therefore, the council is pleased to announce that the current system of garbage sites does not pose a significant health hazard. We see no need to restrict the size of such sites in our state or to place any restrictions on the number of homes built near the sites.
Sample Essay
In this argument, the council comes to the conclusion that the current system of garbage sites does not pose a significant health hazard and that therefore, there is no need to restrict the size of the garbage sites or the number of homes built near the site. To support this conclusion, the council cites a study of five garbage sites and three hundred people that showed only a small correlation between the closeness of the homes to the sites and the incidence of unexplained rashes among those people living there. Additionally, the council came to this conclusion despite the fact that people living near the largest such site had a slightly higher incidence of the rashes. This argument suffers from several critical weaknesses in logic and information presented.
1. 一句话只看一遍,充分利用自己的语法知识,时刻把握句子主干,修饰成分要毫无感觉得快速浏览(这里的“毫无感觉”不是略读,而是不希望过多的修饰成分或插入成分影响对句子主干的理解,这四个字需要自己体会)。
2. 做标记除了大写字母、时间年代、最高级、转折标志词、因果标志词、列举、让步、强对比以外,还要标记出并列连接词(如and)、分号、冒号、表示作者态度的词(这个比较难,需要自己体会收集),原因我会在下面的取舍中谈到。我的做标记的小窍门:标记符号不要只用一种(如下划线),也不要过多,个人感觉最多三种(如括号、圆圈、下划线),分别标记原因、转折和其他,不过我自己只用下划线和括号。
3. 一定要取舍。我以前的标准是:
a)让步分句(如:带although的分句、带it is true的分句、带do的分句等)一律跳过(但是用括号括起来),只看后半个分句;
b)such as后的内容一律跳过,也用括号括起来,不过我会数数列举的个数,如果是4个,则必出题,其他个数不用管,出题了再回头看;
c)for example举例只要提炼关键词的首字母就可以了,也要括起来,重点看后面或前面的结论。
d)原因――标志词常为because、since―― 一律跳过,括起来,只看结果。比较容易被忽略的是result in和result from,遇到这两个,我在下面划横线做标记。
4. (本来想把这条放在第一位的)我的提高阅读速度的不二法门:反复阅读已经读过的文章,5遍左右吧!慢慢地就会产生一种直觉,知道哪里略读哪里重读。
GRE考试分两种:GRE普通考试和GRE专业考试。考生需要根据自身的条件和申请学校的要求参加其中一项或双项考试。一般平常所说的GRE考试都是指General Test,绝大多数中国学生最常参加的也是普通考试。GRE普通考试的目的在于:根据大学毕业生的基础知识和能力水平,对考生在高级阶段从事学术研究的一般潜在能力作出衡量,而不涉及任何专业的.特殊要求。GRE专业考试的目的则在于:测试考生在某一学科领域或专业领域中所获得的知识和技能以及能力水平的高低,一般多用于跨专业申请。
Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.
The following is from an editorial in the Midvale Observer, a local newspaper.
Ever since the 1950s, when television sets began to appear in the average home, the rate of crimes committed by teenagers in the country of Alta has steadily increased. This increase in teenage crime parallels the increase in violence shown on television. According to several national studies, even very young children who watch a great number of television shows featuring violent scenes display more violent behavior within their home environment than do children who do not watch violent shows. Furthermore, in a survey conducted by the Observer, over 90 percent of the respondents were parents who indicated that prime-time televisionprograms that are shown between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.-should show less violence. Therefore, in order to lower the rate of teenage crime in Alta, television viewers should demand that television programmers reduce the amount of violence shown during prime time.
The following appeared in the editorial section of a health and fitness magazine.
In a study of the effects of exercise on longevity, medical researchers tracked 500 middle-aged men over a 20-year period. The subjects represented a variety of occupations in several different parts of the country and responded to an annual survey in which they were asked: How often and how strenuously do you exercise? Of those who responded, the men who reported that they engaged in vigorous outdoor exercise nearly every day lived longer than the men who reported that they exercised mildly only once or twice a week. Given the clear link that this study establishes between longevity and exercise, doctors should not recommend moderate exercise to their patients but should instead encourage vigorous outdoor exercise on a daily basis.
GRE考试特点 你都清楚不
1. 精确定位排除法
如果题目中是关于A的提问,但是原文中没有直接给出与A相关的描述。不过,文中出现了与B相关的特征描述,而B呢正好是与A形成强烈对比的对象。那么我们只需要把B的特征取非就可以得到答案了。一般文章中会出现unlike,in contrast to, compared with,阅读的过程中遇到该类别的关键词注意要做笔记。
Great comic art is never otherworldly, it does not seek to mystify us, and it does not deny ambiguity by branding as evil whatever differs from good. /Great comic artists assume that truth may bear all lights, and thus they seek to accentuate contradictions in social action, not gloss over or transcend them by appeals to extrasocial symbols of divine ends, cosmic purpose, or laws of nature. /The moment of transcendence in great comic art is a social moment, born out of the conviction that we are human, even though we try to be gods. /The comic community to which artists address themselves is a community of reasoning, loving, joyful, compassionate beings, who are willing to assume the human risks of acting rationally. /Without invoking gods or demons, great comic art arouses courage in reason, courage which grows out of trust in what human beings can do as humans.
第一类Otherworldly, extrasocial, divine, cosmic, nature, transcendence, gods, demons 感性
第二类Social, human, reasoning, rationally, reason, human, humans 理性
大家应该已经看到了这里面的同义词,比如otherworld和extrasocial; divine, cosmic和nature;反义词如social和extrasocial等等,而extrasocial和divine, cosmic, nature 就是我所谓的逻辑包含,divine, cosmic, nature则是逻辑同类,而gods,demons和human则是逻辑反类。总之,这些词都有内在的逻辑关系,这有什么用处呢?
该篇阅读对第一类词都是否定的,比如说never otherworldly,而对第二类词都是肯定的,比如Great comic art arouses courage in reason. 这说明了作者对great comic art的一个态度:伟大的漫画艺术是有普世价值的(即是理性的)。
Great comic art; great comic artists; the moment of transcendence in great comic art; the comic community; the courage
伟大漫画艺术 从漫画团体方面来讲 是有普世价值的
对GRE verbal部分漫长的准备过程,最后一个160+的分数肯定不是你能得到的最划算的结果,你的英文水平包括知识储备都应该上一个新台阶。为此,韦氏的几本字典都是我相当推荐的,如果说要练就地道的写作,你要天天抱着牛津搭配字典的话,那么要精通GRE阅读的话,你恐怕要好好记背一下绿色的vocabulary builder和 黄色的synonyms and antonyms。背同义词反义词对新GRE的好处是潜移默化的,你可以迅速spot词与词之间的关系来帮助你看清文章结构,进一步读懂文章。
1. 考场应严格按照GRE要求审核身份证件。考生如未携带美国教育考试服务中心要求的材料或提交的材料不符合考试要求,将被拒绝进入考场,考试费用不予退还。
2. 来自中国大陆、香港和澳门的考生必须携带有效身份证作为主要身份证件。这项政策没有例外。请优先办理第二代身份证。来自台湾的考生必须携带台湾居民证往返大陆。非中国籍考生必须携带有效护照原件。
GRE必备核心词组:take … for granted
take … for granted 认为……理所应当
If you take something for granted, you believe that it is true or accept it as normal without thinking about it.
Many Americans seem to take U.S. supremacy in the world for granted.
Such a “sociodemographic” approach tends to regard assimilation as a benign process, taking for granted increased economic advantage and inevitable cultural integration, in a supposedly egalitarian context.
GRE必备核心词组:rip out of
rip out of 从……中剥离
If you rip something out of something, you tear the first thing out of the second.
The priest ripped the beating heart out of the sacrificial victim.
Other theorists propose that the Moon was ripped out of the Earth’s rocky mantle by the Earth’s collision with another large celestial body after much of the Earth’s iron fell to its core.
GRE必备核心词组:be consistent with
be consistent with 与……保持一致
If one fact or idea is consistent with another, they do not contradict each other.
These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the shutdown of North Atlantic Warm Current can lead to rapid cooling on a global scale.
Brown’s results are clearly consistent with Fuch’s argument that discrimination by consumers has a greater impact on the earnings of women than does discrimination by either government or private employers.
on a par with
英文解释:equal in importance or quality to; on an equal level with
例句:This home cooking is on a par with the best restaurant cuisine in the world.
The decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide clearly indicates the global pollution of water and air. Two studies of amphibians in Yosemite National Park in California confirm my conclusion. In 1915 there were seven species of amphibians in the park, and there were abundant numbers of each species. However, in 1992 there were only four species of amphibians observed in the park, and the numbers of each species were drastically reduced. The decline in Yosemite has been blamed on the introduction of trout into the park s waters, which began in 1920 . But the introduction of trout cannot be the real reason for the Yosemite decline because it does not explain the worldwide decline.
Sample Essay
In this argument, the writer of the letter concludes that global pollution of water and air has caused a decline in the number of amphibians worldwide. To support his or her conclusion, the writer cites the results of two studies, seventy-five years apart, that purportedly show that the number of amphibians in one park in California, Yosemite National Park, have drastically declined. Additionally, the writer casts aside a given reason for the decline, stating that the introduction of trout to the park does not explain the worldwide decline in the number of amphibians. This argument defies simple logic and suffers from several critical fallacies.
When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers.
Sample Essay
There would seem to be two different perspectives pre
The Trash-Site Safety Council has recently conducted a statewide study of possible harmful effects of garbage sites on the health of people living near the sites. A total of five sites and 300 people were examined. The study revealed, on average, only a small statistical correlation between the proximity of homes to garbage sites and the incidence of unexplained rashes among people living in these homes. Furthermore, although
Teamwork as a whole can naturally produce an overall greater productivity through the concept of synergy , where the total of the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts. But the idea that people work more productively in teams rather than as individuals is going to vary greatly between the types of teams that are organized, the end reward or motivation for both the team and the individuals, as well as the individuals them
The following is a letter to the editor of an environmental magazine
The decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide clearly indicates the global pollution of water and air. Two studies of amphibians in Yosemite National Park in California confirm my conclusion. In 1915 there were seven species of amphibians in the park, and there were abundant numbers of each species. However, in 1992 there were only four species of amphibians obse
Too much emphasis is placed on the development of reading skills in elementary school. Many students who are discouraged by the lonely activity of reading turn away from schoolwork merely because they are poor readers. But books recorded on audiocassette tape provide an important alternative for students at this crucial stage in their education, one the school board should not reject merely because of the expens
What society has thought to be its greatest social, political, and individual achievements have often resulted in the greatest discontent.
I strongly agree that great achievements often lead to great discontent. In fact, I would assert more specifically that great individual achievements can cause discontent for the individual achiever or for the society impacted by the achievement, or both. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge tha
近日,ETS公布了新GRE将给中国GRE考试带来的若干重大变化:包括取消GRE分开考试,中国考生可一天之内在计算机上完成GRE语文、数学和写作考试;提供更多考试机会,每月固定举行1至2次考试;统一全球收费结构,中国考生缴纳的考费消除了以往因参加分开考试所导致的价格差。David Payne补充说,新GRE还有其他有利于考生的改变,如取消类比和反义题,代之以阅读理解与生活场景题,数学部分增加在线计算器功能等。
“2011年8、9月间参加考试的考生限时减免50%的考试费用的优惠措施。” Payne提醒考生注意现行考试和新考试的几个重要日期。据悉,新GRE考试将于2011年8月8日开考,2011年3月15日起开始接受
