
2022-11-11 17:38:36 精品范文 下载本文





1、I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca. You know Ive never really been there. so I dont know.


2、–Where were you last night?

–Thats so long ago, I dont remember.

–Will I see you tonight?

–I never make plans that far ahead.





3、A lot of water under the bridge.


4、Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.


5、I remember every detail. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue.


6、Louis,I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


7、I guess our love story will never be seen on the big wide silver screen, but it hurt just as badly when I had to watch you go.


8、I love you more & more each day as time gose by.


9、I was a fool to fall for a man like you.


10、How extravagant you are, throwing away women. Someday they may be scarce.


11、I suspect that under that cynical shell you are at heart a sentimentalist.


12、I cant remember it, Miss llsa. Im a little rusty on it.


13、We all try. You succeed.


14、–Lets see, the last time we met…

–Was La Belle Aurore.



15、Another precedent gone. This has been a very interesting evening.


16、Thats the way it goes. One in, one out.


17、You played it for her. You can play it for me.


18、lf she can stand it, I can.


19、We said no questions.


20、Heres looking at you, kid.


21、– A franc for your thoughts.

– In America theyd bring only a penny. I guess thats about all theyre worth.

– Im willing to be overcharged. Tell me.

– 一法郎买你的心事。



22、Well, I was wondering why I m so lucky. Why I should find you waiting for me to come along.


23、With the whole world crumbling, we pick this time to fall in love.


24、Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look on his face, because his insides have been kicked out.


25、I guess neither one of our stories is very funny.


26、Tell me who was it you left me for? Was it Laszlo, or were there others in between or arent you the kind that tells?


27、If I had to stay and there were only visa for one, would you take it?


28、Im not interested in politics. The problems of the world are not in my department.


29、Im not fighting for anything anymore except myself. Im the only cause I m interested in.


30、One woman has hurt you, and you take your revenge on the rest of the world. Youre a coward and a weakling.


31、Richard, I tried to stay away. I thought I would never see you again. That you were out of my life.


32、– Miss Lund, she is very beautiful, yes, but you were never interested in any woman.

– She isnt just any woman.

– 伦德小姐,她非常美丽,不错,可是你从不对任何女人感兴趣。

– 她不只是任何女人。

33、Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life.


34、Well always have Paris. We didnt have… Wed lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night.


35、Ilsa, I m no good at being noble. But it doesnt take much to see that the problems of three little people dont amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday youll understand that.


36、She did her best to convince me that she was still in love with me. But that was all over long ago. For your sake, she retended it wasnt, and I let her pretend.


37、I was right. You are a sentimentalist.


38、She did her best to convince me that she was still in love with me. But that was all over long ago. For your sake, she retended it wasnt, and I let her pretend.















电影中的台词“Heres looking at you,kid” 是亨弗莱・褒嘉自己想出来的。








伟同,好久没给你写信了最近肩膀疼得实在厉害懒得提笔我这是学钱妈妈用录音带把话传给美国的儿子这样你不但可以听到妈妈的声音还可以省好多电话费,是吧!人家都说这个“五十肩”是进入老年期的开始疼个两年就会过去,但愿如此了爸自从部队退休以后变得好奇怪他过去当师长,手下指挥一万多人现在每天在家里只能管我跟老张两个人变得好敏感,真是越来越难侍候大概是蠢妻跟笨厨比部队还难带吧!谁晓得,想来是我老了,你爸更老了说正经的,你也老大不小了怎么还没有成家的打算?老爸由大陆一个人到台湾就你这么一个宝贝儿子你也别太性格了,是吧!我们最近为你报名,加入目前台北一家最高级的择偶俱乐部,他们马上会寄给你一份电脑表格, 询问你选择理想对象的条件, 这个来电俱乐部里的女孩子.不论是学历、气质, 还是身家教养、相貌保证都是一流的好像过去你看不上的钱妈妈的女儿啦好啦!儿子,你也别太挑剔了吧.诚如中国的六祖所说:青山本不老,为雪白头绿水本无忧,因风皱面

but because of my shoulder...I find it difficult to lift a pen.So I recorded this caette for you...my son in America.It will save you lots on phone bills, too.My shoulder has been hurting,since menopause began.They say after two more years, it won't hurt anymore.So, Pa has retired from the Army,and now he's acting strange.Before he was a general...in charge of thousands of troops.Now he's here at home...commanding only me and old Chang...and he's getting very cranky.It's hard for him to run things.Maybe it's because I'm getting old,and he's getting older...and you're not getting any younger yourself.When will you marry?You know, Pa came from China to Taiwan by himself...and you're his only precious son.So don't be such a snob!Last week we enrolled you into Taipei's best singles club...and they'll send you a computer form...for you to describe your ideal woman.All their girls have impeccable backgrounds.They are well-educated, well brought up...elegant and very attractive...like Mrs.Quian's daughter,the one you refused to marry.Please, son.Don't be so choosy.Relax.Stretch.那是什么意思?

What's that supposed to mean? 意思是假如你再不放轻松.你的物理治疗师就宰了你

If you don't Zen out, you'll be murdered by your physical therapist.赛门,电话!Simon, there's a call for you.喂!… Hello.我给你一块钱你可不可以暂停一下?

If I give you $1, will you stop playing for a minute? 赛门? Simon? 嗯,你在哪里?

-Yeah, where are you? 在城里,进城来会我,我请你吃晚饭

In the city.Come here and meet me.I'll take you out to dinner.你还在生气吗? You're still mad? 我们计划这趟旅行已经这么久了你不去,至少该讲一声… It's just we've been planning this trip for months.All you had to do was tell me.可是我又不能控制社区规划委员会开会的时间.我们会再找到时间的,我保证.你回家就是了,稍晚再谈

But I can't control when zoning boards meet.We'll get time together, I promise.Just come home tonight, okay? We'll talk about it later.好,我先到威堡大楼去一下七点钟到家

Sure.I'm going by the Williamsburg Building first.I'll be home by 7:00.嘿哇塞!在这里碰到你高伟同

Wai Tung!Wow!What a coincidence!!


You live in Brooklyn? No, in Manhattan.哇塞!最近忙什么啊? What are you up to? 多久没看你呀?搞不好有…从我手术以后吧!Last time I saw you was before my operation.看,33条铁丝钢筋在里头

They put 33 different wires, 连疤都看不到,不赖吧!but you can hardly notice...你看皮肤移植的地方 only the skin graft.小罗对不起,我赶时间


Sorry, but I'm late.Call me sometime.Yeah, let's get together.就像从前一样

Just like the old days.你吃得太快了

You're eating too fast.我紧张啊 I'm nervous.假如他们准我改建贺逊大楼我就发了

If they let me convert the Hudson building, I'll make millions.假如不行我们连去斗六渡假的钱都没了

If not, we couldn't even afford a vacation in the Poconos.你连休闲时间都没有还谈什么有没有钱渡假?

What's the point of being able to afford a vacation...if you won't even take time off to have one? 讲到渡假,史提夫和安德鲁刚从比利兹回来.他们恨透了那个旅馆 Speaking of which, Steve and Andrew just got back from Belize.They hated the hotel.是不是原来我们也要住的那一家?

Was that the one we were going to stay in? 是啊,还好我们没有一起去 So I gue it's great we didn't go.赛门,我真的很抱歉.可是我已经决定了我九月请你到巴黎去玩,就在社区规划的听证会之后.算是你的生日礼物

Simon, I'm really sorry.But I've made up my mind.I'm taking you to Paris in September, right after the zoning hearing.It will be a birthday present.生日礼物?

You're such a jerk.喂,兔子,跑到这里来干什么?

Hey, you homo!What are you doing in this neighborhood? 史提夫,别乱开玩笑

Hello.Don't joke about it.看看那边的威契尔夫妇

You know the Witchells down the street? Check them out.好可爱!Cute.下午两点要不要跟伟同一起来打篮球?

Do you and the mighty Wai want to go shoot 伟同要去威堡大楼处理一些房客的问题,我应该可以去.我打电话给你吧

some hoops later, maybe around 2:00? Wai has to run into Williamsburg and deal with some tenant stuff.I might be able to make it though.I'll call you.一定要来!Just show up.好吧,再见 Bye.到十点钟这些垃圾不从路边移开我就要吃罚单了

If they're not off the sidewalk by 10:00, I get a ticket.对不.起!老板 Sorry, bo 对不起?这些罚单一张一百七十五元.再拿一张,就扣你薪水!You're sorry? Those tickets cost me $175.If I get another one, it's coming out of your salary.是谁?收房租的地主

Who is it? The nasty landlord.六楼已经被解放了.小伙子,既然你长得那么帅那就进来吧!This floor has been liberated...but since you're so handsome, you may come in.这个不能当房租 This is not rent.赛门说十年后我一幅画值几十万

Simon says these will be worth a lot some day.赛门不是你房东,我是我不懂现代艺术

Simon is not the landlord, and I don't know modern art.可是你喜欢我呀!But you like me.It's my fate.我命中老是爱上同性恋的美男子

I always fall for handsome gay men.你根本不是喜欢我,你是想赖房租

Bullshit!Don't try to trade paintings for rent.吵死了!What a racket!对不起,外面太吵了我没法用心画画

It's to block the noise.I can't concentrate.你喜欢台湾的流行歌曲啊? You like Taiwanese music? 这个音乐是用来赶外面噪音的-Anything to block the noise.这画的是什么?

What's this painting called? 热!“Heat.” 这暖气一关整幢大楼的房间都会没热水;不要乱动啊!And if you shut it off, the whole building will be without hot water.Then don't touch it.伟同,能不能花钱修一下,热死了,真不是人住的地方 Can't you fix it? It's so hot in here.这儿本来就不该住人我才算你这么便宜啊

How am I to live like this? That's why the rent is so low.我试过一年多了,打不开的It's not a living space.I've tried it for a year.It's stuck 这煮什么东西啊? What's this? 我的沮丧特餐

My depreion special.你真的这么穷啊?

You're really that poor? 没有,只是沮丧 Just depreed.昨天移民局的人到餐厅来抽查

Immigration showed up at work yesterday.还好,我迟到了

Luckily I got there late.老样子 As usual.是啊!可是他们把艾蜜莉带走了.下次他们捉到我我就可以回上海和艾蜜莉见面了 Yes.They got Emily.If they get me, I'll be meeting Emily in Shanghai.艾蜜莉是我在这儿最要好的朋友.现在我没有了工作,也没有朋友 Emily was my best friend.Now I've lost my job and my friend.对不起你在这儿都没有亲戚吗? I'm sorry.You have no relatives here? 亲戚担保我过来已经是够意思了,我那里还会去麻烦人家呀?那里像你,有钱又是美国公民 They sponsored me.I can't trouble them again.I'm not like you, rich...American citizen.其实我也没有什么钱钱都押在这些烂房子上.I'm not as rich as you think.All my money is stuck in here.多谢你在这幢大楼里唯一的投资就在我房里

Then thanks for the extra investment in my loft.其实我蛮喜欢这张画的,画得不错,可以抵销这个月的房租,连上两月的也一并算了吧

Actually, I kind of like this one.It's pretty good.I'll take it as rent...for the last two months also.谢谢,伟同

Thank you, Wai Tung.好Okay.…


When will you fix the sink? Say hi to Simon.Simon's lucky to have a handsome and rich boyfriend.Ask him to get me one, too, then I'll pay the rent.My perfect woman.什么?又来一份?这些服务不花钱吗?

What? Another one? Don't those things cost a fortune? 是啊!但你叫我怎么跟他们讲不要再花这些钱?

Yes, but how can I tell them to stop paying for them? 你为什么不就跟他们讲明?差劲!Why don't you just tell them? Shit.真的,伟同,总有一天我会打电话告诉你爸爸,我就跟我爸讲了,看看你,爸妈寄给你一张表格你就吓得屁滚尿流.你是个大人了,知不知道?事实上,你已经步入中年了…

No, really, Wai.Someday, I'm just going to call your father and tell him myself.I told mine.Look at yourself.Your parents send you a form in the mail...an d you practically pee your pants.You are an adult.As a matter of fact, you're practically middle-aged.去你的!Fuck you!我看看…教育,对不对?对!Yes.No, two Ph.Ds.一个是物理还要会唱歌剧182公分高别太夸张毕竟她还是中国女孩…178公分还要会说五国语言…

One in Physics.And she should be an opera singer.And she should speak five languages.好你说得对

Good.You're right.都是些愚蠢的谎言

It's kind of stupid, all these lies 可是我.已经习惯了 But I'm used to it.对了,我要送你一个小礼物 I got you a little present.给我?为什么?Thanks.不客气

-You're welcome.对,可是假如我卖给他们。他们再重新估价缴税的时候会要我的命!Yeah.But if I sell it to the S-Corporation...and they reappraise the building, it'll kill me at tax time.把这个发给赵先生 Fax this to Chow.好,如果你这么讲,我就签了

Okay, I'll sign it if you say so.可是到时候如果要花钱就扣你薪水!But if it costs me, it's coming out of your salary.老板,刚刚你上一号的时候

顾威威小姐打电话来说暖气有问题 暖气,Bo, Mi Wei Wei called complaining about the heat.什么暖气?

Heat? What heat? 现在是六月天哪 It's June.儿子啊你一定没想到妈这么快又寄一卷录音带给你。那是因为妈有好消息告诉你。来电俱乐部果然名不虚传。已经为你找到近乎理想的对象,这个女孩175公分高,不过只有一个生物博士学位原来她是专攻歌剧的所以能说五国语言。爸爸跟我商量的结果我们决定送你一个大礼。我们会出钱安排这个女孩飞到纽约一趟。她的名字叫吴仁仁,大家都叫她的小名,毛妹。她大概再过两个礼拜就会到达纽约。她会住在她表姐的家里 我希望无论如何你一定要到机场去接她 糟!儿子,你听到这个消息一定会跟我们一样兴奋,是不是?

Son, you must be surprised to get another caette so soon.I have good news.Your singles club found a near match for you.She's 5“ 8” tall...and although she only has one doctorate degree..she is also an opera singer...and she speaks five languages.Dad and I are going to give you a surprise.We're flying her to New York so you can meet her.Her name is Wu Ren Ren, but everyone calls her Little Sister Mao.She'll be staying with her cousin in New York...and will arrive in two weeks.Please pick her up at the airport.Aren't you excited? We are.唉!累死了!高哥哥,不好意思,麻烦你啦!I'm exhausted.Sorry to put you out.不会.毛妹,毛妈妈…不,吴伯伯、吴妈妈现在都好吧? Sister Mao, how's your dad, Mr.Mao...I mean Mr.Wu.很好啊!谢谢

He's fine, thank you 你有没有带你表姐家的地址?

You have your cousin's addre? 我带了!又不是三岁小孩 Of course!I'm not a kid.对啊!你不是 I know.毛妹啊,你行李这么多为什么不把大件行李寄到你表姐家呢?

Sister Mao, your luggage is so heavy!Why didn't you use cargo? 我寄了啊!这里有一半是你的东西高妈妈托我带给你的I did!Half the stuff here is for you from your mother.哦!那真的不好意思今天晚上应该好好请你吃一顿这些东西真重 I'm sorry.I'll buy you dinner tonight for that.So heavy!不会呀

你车停在哪儿啊?Where's your car? 你是第一次到美国来吗? First time in America? 不是,我在旧金山歌剧院驻唱过两年

No.I sang at the San Francisco Opera for two years.哦,对对对,歌剧… Opera, yes.你是歌剧迷吗?Yes.Pavarotti.嗯? 什么? 没什么Nothing.这儿的服务怎么这么差!The service here is lousy.那你见过我爸妈了吧

So, you've met my parents? 只是你妈,你爸他人在医院

Your mom.Your dad was still in the hospital.医院?他什么时候住院的? Hospital? When? 大概在两个多礼拜前吧!他发心脏病怎么,你不晓得啊?

About two weeks ago.He had a stroke.Didn't you know? 我没听说啊

No, nobody told me.对不起,我大嘴巴

I'm sorry.Me and my big mouth.高妈妈大概是怕你担心不敢让你知道

Your mom probably didn't want you to worry.哦,不,谢谢你告诉我No.Thanks for letting me know.高妈妈她跟我们说当高伯伯躺在救护车里的时候。街上塞车,开了好久都到不了医院。有一阵子他半边身子麻痹了难过得要命。好像松口气就可以走了…还好,他就是有一口气咽不下去,好让他撑到了医院的急诊室 Your mom told me that when they took him in the ambulance...there was a huge traffic jam He was in pain, really suffering.She thought he was going to die...but he hung on...for one last wish.什么气咽不下去? What wish? 还没抱孙子哪!To hold his grandchild.他很快就会好的,你不要担心 He'll be fine, don't worry.可以点菜了吗?

May I take your order? 威威!你找到工作啦?

Wei Wei, you got a new job? 找到工作又怎么样? What's it to you? 威威,这位是吴小姐,刚从台北来。她是唱歌剧的This is Mi Wu.Just arrived from Taipei.She's an opera singer.威威是赖在我房子,她是我的房客

Wei Wei is a squatter.A tenant of mine.你知不知道赛门今天跟我通过电话? I spoke to Simon on the phone.赛门?喔!赛门!他最近还好吗? Simon? How's he doing? 他很喜欢我给你的那幅画。他说你今天出来处理一点儿家务事。这就是你的家务事?!赛门知不知道你在这里干什么?

He likes the painting I gave you.He told me you had some family busine to attend to today.Is this it? Does Simon know? 威威,这个不是你想像的那个样子,拜托 It's not what you think.骗我你是同性恋,我一直相信你

You told me you're gay and I believed you.你为什么不干脆告诉我,你嫌我?有什么问题吗?可怜的赛门,我同情他你无耻!喂,等一下

Why didn't you just tell me I'm not your type? Is there some kind of problem here? Poor Simon.I pity him!妈的!为什么不打完晚餐再辞工!Hey, wait.Shit!Why don't they quit after dinner? 你怎么会加入来电俱乐部的啊?

Why did you join the singles club? 我才没那么无聊呢!是我妈给我报名的啦!我也是跟你一样啊有一个白人男朋友 不敢给我爸妈知道…

I didn't.Like you, my mom did it.I have a white boyfriend, and I don't have the guts to tell them.是这样子啊以前声乐是在哪学的?

Really? Where did you learn to sing? 东吴音乐系

Dong Wu University.你讲话的声音听起来不像是唱歌剧的嘛!You don't speak like a singer.讲话跟唱歌的声音是不一样的啊

One doesn't speak like one sings.这样子啊!Is that so? 你真的喜欢听歌剧吗?

-Are you really an opera fan? 不喜欢-No 我想也是.可惜啊Thought so.Pity.还有几多级?What is it, three more flights? 真难为情You must forgive me.I'm so ashamed.赛门跟我讲了你的故事之后,我真恨不得跳下布鲁克林大桥

When Simon told me the story...I felt like jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge.不,该道歉的是我你的麻烦这么多了我想到的只是逼你付房租

No, it's for me to apologize.You've been having so many troubles, and all I do is preure you for rent.你看,我送你一台冷气机

Here.I brought you an air conditioner.可是电费…现在我又丢了工作都怪我自己没出色又奢望你会喜欢我,真傻 伟同跟我想请你吃个晚饭也好,算是我的道别晚餐

But the electricity costs? Out of work again.I'm such a fool.Always hoping you'll like me.nyway, Wai and I would like to invite you out to dinner.It will be my farewell dinner 你的什么?Your what? 我再也撑不下去了没钱、没工作,又没有绿卡…没有一个愚蠢的老美会跟我假结婚

Really.I can't last any longer.No money, no job, no green card.No stupid American will marry me.不是有一个波瑞斯的要娶你吗? What about Boris? I thought he was gonna marry you.是啊,可是他要五千美金He was.But he wanted $5,000.真的吗?上回你见的那个叫安德鲁的呢? What!What about Andre, 他也想娶我,可是结果我发现他是一个自己也没有绿卡的阿尔巴尼亚人我真是个白痴!that guy you were seeing? He wanted to marry me, too, but it turns out he's Albanian..and doesn't have a green card himself.I'm such an idiot.嘿!我说过了,不要!I said forget about it.可是你看,这样子的话威威可以留在美国画画你也可以给你爸妈一个交代

Don't you see This way Wei Wei can stay here and paint...and you can finallyget your parents off your back.不要嘛!Forget about it.我们可以先把她搬到地下室住直到通过移民局抽查为止,再拍些照片,寄给你爸妈,太完美了

We can move her into the basementuntil the immigration exam.Take some photos, send them backto your mom and dad, and perfect!不要!Forget it.再说,结婚的人,税都可以少缴好多

And as a married couple,you'll be able to take a big tax break.伟同的衣服、衬衫、内衣裤…平常穿三角裤不过睡觉时穿四角裤…这里都是他妈寄来的东西全是尼龙料,可是他当宝收藏沙发是他的小小世界这里,全是没空看的杂志世界贸易、财富…十足的雅痞这电话他打起来跟猪一样叫个没完这么多的垫子他常常窝在里面就睡着了有时候我硬是把他抱上床去,他都是早上淋浴,否则直接去健身房当那天心情不好,或是我们吵架他不抽烟不喝酒除非是我们吵架或是心情不好他不吃零嘴。除非是你们吵架或是他心情不好,在他的右边?不对,胎记在右边,痣在左边

Got it?We'll back up.Wai Tung's clothes.Shirts, underwear.He wears Jockey, but he sleeps in boxers.And here, all the stuff he gets from his parents.Mega polyester, but he saves the shit religiously The couch is his own little world.Here, piles of unread magazines.World Trade, Advocate, UW, and Fortune.He's such a disgusting yuppie.And, of course, the phone,which he hogs like a total pig.Extra pillows, 'cause he likes to drop off to sleep here.Sometimes I have to practically carry him up to bed.He showers in the morning unle he goes right to the gym...which is usually if he's in a bad moodor we've been fighting.He doesn't smoke or drink,unle we've been fighting or he's in a bad mood.No junk food either.Unle you've been fighting or he's in bad mood.On his right side?The birthmark is on his right side,the mole is on his left side.抽查的问题真的会这么隐私吗? Do the questions really get this personal? 当然会,如果你通不过的话…

-Yes, they do, and if you don't pa...我一定会通过的。我来看,今天是星期五你穿的是蓝色内裤

-Oh, I'll pa.Let's see, today's Friday.You're wearing blue Jockey shorts.哈罗,妈,是你啊

嗯,爸,你们都好吧? How's Pa?

那你们收到我的信啦? You got my letter?

我在信上不都写得很清楚了吗? Like I've told you, 顾威威是大陆来的.我们交往了两年,一直到最近感情才真的稳定下来,在这之前,我一直都不敢告诉你们怕你和妈会不赞成 She's from the mainland, and we've decided to settle down together.I didn't tell you because I was afraid you wouldn't approve.什么?!你们要来?就这个月十五号的飞机!What!You're coming here? The 15th? 我当然不是不欢迎你们来主持婚礼.To arrange the wedding?No.Of course I want you to do it.我知道这是件大事.It's only once in a lifetime...我信上不是说得很清楚了吗?爸,你血压高,又才刚出院.but with Pa's health,千万不要跑这么远来万一你又累坏了, he shouldn't make such a long trip.What if...爸!你千万不要说这种话.Don't say that.你当然活得到抱孙子, Of course you'll see your grandchild.我不会让你失望的, I won't disappoint you.我只是说形式不重要嘛.I was just concerned.妈!妈,你去劝劝他好不好? Ma, talk to him.请他别那么敏感…

Tell him not to be so sensitive.好啦!明天我打过去.我们明天再谈,明儿见!

Okay, I'll call tomorrow.听得懂吗?

Did you understand any of that?


Unfortunately, I think so.这都是你出的鬼点子

This was your big idea.他们想待多久?

How long are they coming for?


Just a short visit.Two weeks!晚安

Good night.紧张死了,怎么办? God, I'm so nervous.别紧张,丑媳妇总要见公婆的嘛 Relax.The in-laws want to meet even an ugly bride.那丑女婿呢? How about an ugly son-in-law?

来了!Here they come 哎啊,伟同,好想你啊!Wai Tung!I mied you so much!


Are you tired?

一路睡过来,没有时差 Slept all the way 我可没有那么好福气 I'm not as lucky.不过看见你精神就来了

But I feel better now that I see you.你们都瘦了好多不过看来气色很好嘛!Pa, you're so thin!You look good.老了

威威没来啊? Where's Wei Wei? 她在那儿 Over there.高伯伯、高妈妈,你们好 Pleased to meet you.比照片还漂亮, You're prettier in person.头发怎么剪短了? You cut your hair?


Short hair is nicer.谢谢你照顾我们伟同啊!Thanks for caring for our son.那里!是他照顾我 He takes care of me.好啦!我们别在这儿挡路了,走吧!We're blocking traffic.Let's leave.我来背 Allow me.伟同啊!你在哪儿找这么漂亮的老婆? Where did you find such a beauty?

登报找的啊!两年前我们的房子登报招租 I placed an ad for an apartment two years ago.结果二十几个人来看房子我挑了威威

Twenty people answered.Wei Wei was one of them.好,总算我的投资没有白费

Good.My investment paid off.哎,你觉得怎么样? What do you think?

好,能生能养 啐!She'll make lots of babies.威威,来美国多久啦? How long are you here?

三年多了,还没回去过呢!Over three years.Never been back.家里还有些什么人哪? And your family?

爸爸、妈妈,还有一个读高中的弟弟 I have my mom, dad, and a kid brother in school.那爸爸、妈妈是… What do they do?

她爸爸在医院做事 妈妈在中学教美术

Her Pa works at a hospital and her mom teaches art.好好!Good 按礼数,我们该提四色礼物

It's traditional that we bring the Gift of Four Colors...到你们家提亲才对

to formally propose to your parents.我爸妈人都很随和的!My parents are happy.他们看过伟同的照片

They've seen pictures of Wai Tung...也常听我在信里提起他!and I talk about him all the time,他们都很喜欢伟同… and they like him...只是大陆上出来不太方便

but it's impoible for them to come here from the mainland


Too bad.嗨 Hi.爸、妈,这位就是赛门 我的室友兼房东

This is Simon, my roommate and landlord.高伯伯、高妈妈,久仰,久仰

It is pleasure, Mr.And Mrs.Gao 欢迎,欢迎

Welcome, my home.你会说中文!You speak Chinese!


Thank you for caring for our son

这次又让我们住你的房子 and letting us stay here.爸,他听不懂啦

Pa, he doesn't understand.不懂? No? 懂点皮毛而已 A little.那你告诉他,说他的家好漂亮!tell him his home is beautiful.要不要我帮你们把行李搬到房间? Shall we help you up to your room?

会舒服点的That'd be great.伟同啊你为什么每个月租赛门的房子 而不住你自己的房子呢?

How come you rent from Simon and don't live in your own building?

唉,妈,我的房子都是些破烂的旧房子 根本不能住人的 he building is a dump.You can't live there.不过威威跟我在找新房

We are looking for a new home.等结了婚再搬开

We'll move after the wedding.爸

这里环境不错 Nice place.嗯!这儿空气好

Yeah, the air is fresh.伟同啊,你要结婚了

Now that you're getting married,爸爸有件事情要告诉你…

I've got something to tell you.你知道爸爸当初为什么从军吗?

You know why I went into the Army?


响应蒋公的十万青年十万军的号召吗? Because you wanted to fight with General Chiang against the Japanese.不是,No.爸是… 嗯? 为了逃家从军嘛



I had to run away, so I joined the Army.Your grandpa arranged a marriage.I got angry and just took off.后来紧接着抗战、剿匪

We fought the Japs and the Communists...到民国四十年 and then I went to Taiwan.家乡有人逃出来,One day, a relative escaped

爷爷托信告诉我and brought a letter from grandpa..老家全完了

that said the Gao family was gone...叫我自己在海外生根立足 and it was up to me 延续高家的香火…

to continue the family name.今天爸爸能够参加你的婚礼 真的是感触良多啊!I can't tell you how I feel...about being at your wedding!

你实在是应该留在家里好好再休养一阵子 You should have stayed home and rested.爸,吃饭之前要不要先洗个澡松活一下? You want to take a bath before dinner?


Stir-fry it a little bit longer and then drain the juice.威威,辛苦你了!Thanks for cooking.那里!It's nothing.洗个澡是不是舒服一点儿? Feeling better? 是啊!Yes!


Where's Pa? Dinner is ready.他马上就洗好了 He's coming.我看,我帮你摆碗筷吧!-I'll set the table.喔,在那儿

They're over there.伟同命好啊

Wai Tung is lucky.这个年头还能找到这么会做菜的女孩儿 He found a girl who can cook.可真不容易啊

Today that's rare.那里!这幅字我什么时候写的? When did I write this?

爸,这是你前年三月寄来的 Two years ago.是我最喜欢的一幅,所以挂在客厅

It's my favorite,that's why it's in the living room.这幅字写得好

This is very good.全篇写下来没有一个败笔


Not one bad stroke.Not easy to do.爸,菜好了,吃饭吧!Pa, dinner is ready.爸!尝尝看我们这手艺比家里老张怎么样? See how this compares to Old Chang's cooking.爸!这是您写给伟同的字里面 我最喜欢的一幅,真是好 Of all your scrolls, this is my favorite.It's really great art.How so?


王羲之的行书讲究的是平和自然含蓄有味 The Wang Hsi Zhi school emphasizes harmony and nature.您写的王体字不论用笔或者是结构呢

都有一种经过精心推敲却又浑然天成的美 Your Wang style of calligraphy reflects a beautiful structure...combined with unrefined purity.而且气韵跟这一首白居易的诗浑然呵成一体 Bei Qu Yi's poem and your writing flow naturally.这是艺术里面非常高的境界

That art is not often attained.而且您看这幅字全篇从头到尾没有一个败笔 这是神闲气足,长寿之征啊!

And every stroke is perfect.That shows your steadine,It's a sign of longevity.伟同啊!威威比你内行哦!She's more expert than you, son.她是科班学美术的嘛!Of course.She's an art student.菜凉罗!吃饭吧!Food is getting cold.Let's eat.威威啊!我们来劳累你了!Wei Wei, we're so much trouble.那里!应该的Not at all.It's something I want to do.好


Pa, taste the shredded tofu,see if you like it?

非常好 Very good.苏打的份量正好而且泡水的时间拿捏得有学问 软硬适中

Right amount of soda, perfect soaking time.Just the right tenderne.他喜不喜欢? He likes it? 喜欢Wei Wei, what an effort!

那里!比不上老张的手艺 Not really.I bet it's not as good as Old Chang's.不,比他好,他下手太重

Yours is better.His is too salty.他什么意思?

What does he mean?

这是爸跟妈给儿媳妇的见面礼 谢谢照顾伟同

A gift to our future daughter-in-law for taking care of our son.这是干什么? What's this?


He is in your hands now.那…我是非收下不可是不是? Then I can't refuse.这是爸跟妈去年到日本玩的时候买的一串珍珠

We bought these pearls in Japan.你婚礼上可以戴

Please wear them at the wedding.好漂亮,很贵吧!How beautiful!


They're natural pearls, not cultured.这是马来西亚买的,红珊瑚胸针

This red coral pin is from Malaysia.真是漂亮…你们给我太多东西了!It's gorgeous!This is too much!


It's a bracelet.这是爸跟妈在台北

最好的一家仪仟旗袍服装公司给你买的 这件你试试看,有没有地方可以改?

Here is my wedding Chi-Pao gown.Please try it on.Can we have it altered?


Probably in Chinatown.这可是宝贝哦

It's a real treasure.这是妈年轻时候从大陆带到台湾来的

I brought it from the mainland when I was young.你看看,这做工,这料子现在找不到了 This quality and workmanship, you can't find it anymore.我去试试

I'll try it on.还有…

Wait, one more.这是老张送给你的金镯子

This gold bracelet is from Old Chang.老张在我们家四十多年了

He's worked for us for nearly 40 years.伟同是他带大的He helped raise Wai Tung.我真是不知该说些什么才好

I'm speechle.我去试试旗袍

I'll try on the Chi-Pao.嗳呀,我说她会喜欢吧

She likes them!


And you said I shouldn't give my old things.爸、妈,赛门有见面礼物要送给你们

Simon has some gifts for you.哎呀!已经来打搅了

Oh, no.We are already your guests.怎么还好意思要他破费呢? We can't accept gifts, too!


Just a little something.高伯伯心脏不好,血压高

You, heart problems...and high preure.有了血压器可以未雨绸缪

随时检查,看看自己有没有危险 This...show preure...all times.高妈妈,这是专门给老年女人用的营养面霜 This facial cream, special...for old ladies.每天睡前擦一点,可以防止脸皮松驰 Put every night, stop wrinkles.你是要我青春永驻?

You want me to be forever young.对,永远不老…老…老化

Yes.Never get old...older...old.嘿!好合身啊

Look, it's perfect!Look, it fits perfectly!


I knew it would fit.A mother-in-law knows.这叫母女连心,代代相传

It's a spiritual bond that paes from generation to generation.威威啊,我们有缘

You were brought together by fate,You and our son.你和伟同在这里这叫有缘千里能相会

这就叫做…天涯咫尺 We call that: “Fate will find you no matter how far apart.” Excellent!


妈,您看,这是伟同专用的小汤杓 This is Wai Tung's personal spoon 太舒服了!足足走了一个小时

I feel great.We walked for an hour.我到楼上擦把脸 I'll wash up.伟同啊,叫赛门起床了!Go wake up Simon.看什么看?没见过荷包蛋哪? What are you looking at? Never seen eggs before?


Love muffin, time to make the doughnuts.我第一天的表现如何?

How was my performance on the first day?


About a B-plus.我也不知道可能不该让你留在这里的 I don't know, we should have moved you out.我们会撑得下去的 I'll survive.如果威威一直做菜下去的话就难讲了 Not if Wei Wei keeps cooking.爸!爸!爸!起来吃早饭了!Breakfast time.好!伟同啊!今天有什么安排没有? What are our plans today?


We'll stay home this morning.爸如果您字瘾犯了可以到我书房练字 You can do some calligraphy.下午我们去结婚

This afternoon we'll get married.结婚?

Get married? 结什么婚? Who?


你们到这儿不就是来参加我们的婚礼的吗?Table 2C?

对!他们来多久了? Yes.How long?


Quite a while.They've been served already.等会儿你不要收他们钱 另外到厨房去交代一下给他们添两个菜 Don't give them a check.Go order two more dishes for them.左公鸡,干烧全鱼 General Tao Chicken and pan-fried whole fish.我到那儿去看看 I'm going over.好!师长!Commander!老陈

Old Chen!真巧Oh, no.I'm not worthy of sitting at your table.你现在当老板了还说这些话干什么?

What is this? You're an important bo now.坐啊…

Come on, sit.师长、太太,您们还是叫我老陈 Please just call me “Old Chen.”

我站在这儿比较舒坦点儿 And I prefer to stand.大少爷,你来美国多久了? Young master, how long have you been in America?

十年了 Ten years.别再叫我大少爷好不好? And please don't call me “young master,”

就叫我伟同嘛 just Wai Tung.时间过得真快啊!How time flies.这两位是…

And your friends?


This is Simon, my landlord.我呀,给师长开了二十年的吉普车

I drove the Commander's jeep for 20 years.陈伯伯

Hello, Uncle Chen.那位小姐是…

-And this young lady? 这是我们新媳妇!She's our new daughter-in-law.大少爷,你什么时候结的婚?

Young master, when did you marry?

我这份礼不能省,补送也得送 I have no gift for you.I must make it up to you.你别客气!

That won't be neceary.我们今天下午刚在法院公证结婚

We just got married today at City Hall.爸妈是专程来参加我们婚礼的Pa and Ma came for the wedding.今天公证结婚?

You got married at City Hall?


That's right.This is our wedding dinner...真巧,就碰上了你

and we ran into you.大少爷,我从小看你长大的Young master, I know I'm out of line...今天我老陈斗胆托大讲你几句 师长是最爱面子的 but the Commander is very well-known and respected.你怎么那么糊涂呢!How could you have been so inconsiderate?


你记得小三子结婚的时候 我还请了二十多桌呀!I'm only a servant, but even when my third son was married...I had a banquet for 200 guests.老板,干烧全鱼,跟左公鸡

Bo, here are the special dishes.小店的菜没什么吃头比不得老张的菜

Our food can't compare to Old Chang's.师长,您要多包涵

I hope the Commander won't mind.老陈啊,不要客气啦!

-Don't be so formal, Old Chen.哎!师长,我倒有个主意I'll get Wei Wei ready.嗳呀,再坐一会儿机会难得嘛Thank you, Ma.谢谢爸,妈Don't let this marriage...三个多小时的化妆啊!We are such trouble.您还满意吧?-Was it satisfactory? 谢谢你 Thank you那里…Don't even mention it.那您慢走.Get home safely.老陈,谢谢你慢走慢走-Thank you.Thanks.拜拜 拜拜Good night.你还好吧?You okay? 服务生,换新毛巾Room service.好!不能开门!把门锁上!大惊奇!闹新房啊…闹洞房…

No.Don't open the door.Surprise.We're invadingthe newlywed suite.老兄!你还真会挑房间什么号码不好挑

You really know how to choose a room, huh? 妈挑个1069号!.Number 1069 小罗,你不是喝醉了吗?I thought you paed out 喝醉?我喝死了也不能放过闹你洞房!这是我们的国粹啊必须在海外发扬光大!Paed out? Never.And mi the Newlywed Invasion?This old glorious tradition we've now brought here.这是干什么啊?What are you doing? 我说,爱人同志啊Dear comrade lover, 今天晚上我们是不走了!同志们,长期抗战哪!行!we're staying here with you.The long struggle has begun.伟同,这种诚挚的友谊难道你不感动吗?Aren't you touched by such friendship? 感动…I am.来来来,让我先来…Here we go.Me first 喝多了吧!.是多喝了一点…高兴嘛!Had a bit too much, huh?Yeah, but I was so happy.吃两颗药吧!Want your pills? 也好Yes, I should.东

哎,我们是下一对新人哪!We'll be the next to marry.打牌有点默契好不好?We should have more harmony.他们为什么叫你卤蛋啊?

我黑呀!我是外黑里黄Get lost.I've got no luck.It's always the same for me.不行啦!撑不住了!No.I can't anymore.各位饶命!Please spare me, guys.我看他是醉得差不多了好吧!今天就便宜你了 Okay, he's had enough.最后一个节目,看完了我们就走

We'll leave you alone after one last game.Then we'll go.还有最后一个节目啊!Another game? 行!放马过来!有你的!Let's do it.That's the spirit.请新郎新娘钻进被窝

Okay, you two get under the covers.好贱!Oh, shit.你们两个把衣服一件件脱下来,丢到棉被外面来

Then take off all your clothes and throw them on the floor.Only when the last piece is off, we'll go.脱光了我们才走.咦,怎么还不脱啊?

-Where are the clothes? Are you not man enough? 手气这么背,不打到天亮翻了本我是不下桌了

I'm losing money.We play until I get it back.春宵一刻值千金呀!Every minute of a wedding night is worth 1,000 pieces of gold.太好了,太好了That's the way.太美了,太美了Beautiful, just beautiful.再见…-Bye.他们还会不会再回来?Will they be back? 不会啦!I don't think so.闹洞房闹到这个样子已经算到头了!They had enough fun for one night.威威,你的手在那干什么?Wei Wei, what's your hand doing? 没有,休息一下Just resting.威威,你不要乱来啊!Don't do that.伟同,你骗人,你说你对女人没反应Liar.You told me women don't excite you.威威,你要干什么?What the hell are you doing? 我要解放你!I'm liberating you.不行!No.有人在吗?

干嘛?-Take care.来嘛!没人在家Come on, there's nobody around.好久没有在下午做了It's been a long time since we did it in the afternoon.你怎么搞的嘛?What's wrong with you? 到我房间去Let's go to my room.回来啦!You're back.爸,你没跟他们一起去逛街啊? Pa, you didn't go shopping? 女人逛百货公司罗哩罗嗦的.而且是精力百倍,我可受不了.我身体不太舒服在家里休息,练练字.唉!人老了就不中用了.多喝几杯酒,就躺了三个礼拜!对了,你找到房子没有?总不能老住在赛门这里啊!呃,倒是赛门这血压计派上了用场!Shopping is a woman's game.It requires unlimited stamina.I can't keep up with them.So I stayed home to write.Age takes its toll.I only had a few drinks...but it has taken me three weeks to recover.Son, have you found a home yet? We can't live here at Simon's forever.You know, this gift has been very useful.让我来Here.May I? 爸,别担心 等你血压一降,就可以上飞机了

Don't worry, Pa.As soon as your preure is down you can go home.她们回来了回来啦They're back.我们行,车行还有还有呢There's more in the car.


伟同,好久没给你写信了最近肩膀疼得实在厉害懒得提笔我这是学钱妈妈用录音带把话传给美国的儿子这样你不但可以听到妈妈的声音还可以省好多电话费,是吧!人家都说这个“五十肩”是进入老年期的开始疼个两年就会过去,但愿如此了爸自从部队退休以后变得好奇怪他过去当师长,手下指挥一万多人现在每天在家里只能管我跟老张两个人变得好敏感,真是越来越难侍候大概是蠢妻跟笨厨比部队还难带吧!谁晓得,想来是我老了,你爸更老了说正经的,你也老大不小了怎么还没有成家的打算?老爸由大陆一个人到台湾就你这么一个宝贝儿子你也别太性格了,是吧!我们最近为你报名,加入目前台北一家最高级的择偶俱乐部,他们马上会寄给你一份电脑表格, 询问你选择理想对象的条件, 这个来电俱乐部里的女孩子.不论是学历、气质, 还是身家教养、相貌保证都是一流的好像过去你看不上的钱妈妈的女儿啦好啦!儿子,你也别太挑剔了吧.诚如中国的六祖所说:青山本不老,为雪白头绿水本无忧,因风皱面

but because of my shoulder...I find it di

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《卡萨布兰卡》经典台词(2010-04-26 16:14:48)转载▼ 标签: 杂谈

Posted on Wednesday, March 4th, 2009 at 4:02 pm 06年吧,在往北京的飞机上看了这部影片(《卡萨布兰卡》,英文《casablanca》)的介绍,拿出随身携带的记事本摘录了几句里面的台词,事后也就忘了。今天整理的时候偶然在笔记本的末页看到当时潦草的几句话,Google了一下,找全了电影的几句经典台词。顺便也想看一下这部电影,落后了我。我摘录的–I gue there are many broken hearts in Casablanca.You know I’ve never really been there.so I don’t know.我猜在卡萨布兰卡一定有很多破碎的心,你知道我从未置身其中,所以不得而知。–Where were you last night? –That’s so long ago, I don’t remember.–Will I s

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第5篇:卡萨布兰卡,because of you,God is a girl 中英歌词(推荐)


I fell in love with you 我坠入了爱河

Watching Casablanca 与你一起看《卡萨布兰卡》时

Back row of the drive-in show 在露天汽车剧院后排

In the flickering light 摇曳的亮光中

Pop-corn and cokes 可乐与爆米花

Beneath the stars 在星空下

Became champagne and caviar 仿佛香槟和鱼子酱

Making love 爱意情长

On the long hot summer's night 漫长炎热的夏夜里

I thought you fell in love with me 我以为你也爱上了我Watching Casablanca 与你一起看《卡萨布兰卡》时

Holding hands beneath the paddle fan 电扇下双手相拥

In Rick'’s candle-lit cafe 在Rick咖啡店的烛光下

Hiding in the sh

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