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To learn the national beliefs from the flags 【Abstract】We can learn the national beliefs from the flags.Flag helps us understand the world and communicate with people from other countries better.【Key Words】intercultural communication;flag;national beliefs

Mutualunderstanding is the base ofcommunication.And intercultural communication requires that we must first learn about the different cultures in the world.Small, which is only a globe;the world is too big, in which a person can never walk to every place in his or her whole life.I think one of the most direct and effective way to have some fundamental understanding of a country is to study the national flags.Different flags have their own colors and patterns.Whenever I see them, numerous scenes of history flashthrough my mind.It is true that the national flag tells the long story of a country.What a national flag looks like is closely connected to plenty of historical reasons and natural causes.The flag manifeststhe national religious belief.We often see acro on flagsofthe Nordic countries like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and some other countries.Thecro is a Christian faith marker.There are also many national flags withthe pattern of a star anda crescent moon.In the case of Turkey, the Turkish flag was rectangular and red, with a white crescent moon and a white five pointed star on the side.The crescent moon and the star means the belief of Turkish people in Islam.It is also a symbol of brightne.Almost all countries whose flag hasthe pattern of a star and a crescent moon believe in Islam.This pattern is the symbol of Islam, which is right from Turkey.The original graphic is just asconcise as what the Turkey flag painted.Surely, somecountrieswill make changes, but the original meaning of thesymbol is still.Some national flag styles are also relevant to the state system.To take the United Kingdom for example,many people are always confused by the concept of the UK, Great Britain and England.In fact, it can be very easy to make a distinctionby studying the British flag.At the same timewe will have a more profound understanding ofthe British constitution.The official name of the British flag is “the union flag”.The shape on the British flag is a mixture of the original England(white with red cro of St George's flag), Scotland(blue and white cro of St.Andrew's banner)and Northern Ireland(white with Red Cro flag of St.Patrick)flag signs.The UKrepresents the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Great Britain refers to the island of Great Britain, which is the main part ofthe territoryin the UK.Great Britain is composed of England, Scotland and Welsh.England is a federation of the UK.Some people say that the flag is the face of a country.The British flag is a face showing that the UK isa United Kingdom andEngland, Scotland and Northern Ireland are all deserve respect.It is on behalf of the UK’s state system.The history of a nation may also reflect on the flag.For example, flags of many countries occupiedbyNapoleonhave the same color as the French flag which respectively representing liberty, equality and fraternity.To give another example, the five-star red flag is a symbol of the Chinese people’sarduous struggleand great unity during the Democratic Revolution in China.Sometimes, the flag also reflects the natural environment.TheArabia countries’ flagsoften have the green color.Green is one of the most important colors in Arabia country.Because lots of them live in the desert, the oasis is very important.So, green represents hope of living.This is similar to that maritime countriesusually have blue on their flags.Through the above analysis, we can summarize that there must be some reasons for each national flag to have its own characteristics.And these reasons are precisely what people value most.When we know the national flags, we must make good use of this advantageto communicate with international friendsbetter in the proce of intercultural communication.If we are in another country, flags sometimes remind us of some local taboos.For example, the Swedish blue yellow cro flag was a private flag and the Royal Naval flag of the king of Sweden,it is not appropriate to use blue and yellow as commercial;there is a famous sayingon the flag of Saudi Arabia that goes, “there is no God but Allah, and Mohamed is the meenger of Allah”.It shows the Muslim absolute reverence for God.Ordinary people cannot wear yellow robe;black on Egyptian flag is on behalf ofa long history with foreign oppreion, so the Egyptians very taboo black......Flag has its own story.Listen to it, understand it andmake it our bridge to other culture.With the stories of flags,let us embrace theworld and, at the same time, show ourselves.Bibliography 1.杨黎炜.世界国旗图志.知识出版社.2007,7 2.视频:http:// 4.http://blog.renren.com/share/241781336/4492340697



关键词:《千字文》 伦理道德教育 语文教育 人文理念


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