(一)Dorothy C.Thomas 1473 Goldleaf Lane Newark, NJ 07102 Phone: 201-564-2411 Email ID: dorothy.c.thomas@mail.com OBJECTIVE:
To obtain an entry-level position in an organization where my work-related skills are utilized to their maximum potential.EXPERIENCE:
Castle Island Engineering Works, South Boston, MA May – Sept 2001 Summer Placement Performed time studies on each proce in a large manufacturing area.Planned the floor layout for a new automated production line.Completed Auto-CAD drawings for the Senior Engineer on line layout and ergonomic space-saving concepts.Identified potential bottlenecks to production, and developed methods to reduce and prevent these impediments to efficiency.Completed change requests on production procedures and drawings.Douglas Engineering Co.Ltd., Cambridge, MA June – Sept 2000 Summer Placement Completed Auto-CAD drawings of proposed layouts for a large production facility in Boston.Reviewed production procedures and engineering specs including machine drawings prior to submittal for review in the change proce.Developed and maintained a database for tracking tech files, equipment specs, equipment installation checklists etc.EDUCATION:
Boston University, Boston, MA 2000-Present BS in Mechanical Engineering, Graduated with Honours.Boston College, Boston, MA 1999 –2001 BS in Computer Science RELEVANT INFORMATION:
Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Acce, PowerPoint, Auto-CAD and Java.Participated in a two-week course in Machine Design, Christmas 2000.Other interests include Aircraft Model making and design, carpentry and tool making.Hobbies include Football, Hockey, Swimming and Reading.英文简历范文:学生个人简历
(二)Shannon D.Blank 4830 Richland Avenue Sugar Land, TX 77487 Phone: 281-313-4733 Email ID: shannon.d.blank@examplemail.com Objective:
To secure an entry level position as a documentation aistant in an organization where my skills are utilized to their maximum potential and benefit me as well as the company.EXPERIENCE:
Quincy Diagnostics, Quincy, MA May – Sept 2001 Summer Placement Aisted with the proceing of document change requests for Manufacturing Procedures and Protocols.Reviewed change requests for completene and absence of error prior to submittal for change.Aisted with the filing, printing, iuing and copying of documents for the department and the manufacturing areas.Aisted in the completion of urgent change requests, retrieving data or signatures neceary for the swift proceing of these documents.Released new documents to the production areas.South Boston Medical Inc., South Boston, MA June – Sept 2000
Summer Placement Aisted with the correction and typing of documents required for use within the production, quality and engineering departments.Proceed incoming change requests in order of priority.Reviewed each document for completene or errors.Filed and maintained technical files, change orders, validations and protocols within the department.EDUCATION:
Boston College, Boston, MA 2001 – Present BS in Computer Science Boston University, Boston 1998 – 2001 BS in Busine and Communications, Graduated with Honours.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Acce.Fluent in French and Italian.Hobbies include Swimming, Tennis, Reading, Travel.英文简历范文:学生个人简历
(三)Casey A.Hadley 3990 Farnum Road New York, NY 10016 Phone: 212-345-8654 Email ID: casey.a.hadley@mail.com Objective:
To secure an entry level position in an organization where my skills and expertise are utilized in a way that helps both me and the company EDUCATION
J.D.Degree(Or Juris Doctor Degree–never Juris Doctorate)anticipated or expected May, 2006, West Virginia University College of Law, Morgantown, WV.GPA 2.9/4.3 Cla Rank: 45/160.Top one/third.B.S.in Civil Engineering, summa cum laude, May 2003, West Virginia University College of Engineering, Morgantown, WV GPA 3.98/4.0.Cla Rank: Second in cla of 500.EXPERIENCE
Summer Aociate, Dewey Cheatham And Howe, Pittsburgh, PA.May-August 2005 Rotated between Real Estate and Corporate Departments.Research and drafted memoranda in areas of antitrust and trade regulation, electronic commerce, and land use planning.Volunteer Legal Clerk, Hometown Legal Firm, Anywhere USA May-August 2004 Researched property records at courthouse and prepared memoranda for attorneys;delivered and picked up various legal documents as aigned.Helped with document sorting.Student Intern, WVU College of Engineering, Morgantown, WV.June 2002-May 2003 Performed legal research and analysis to ae the statutory, regulatory and case law ramifications of innovative underground storage tank remedial technology.Summer Worker, 1999-2003.Various jobs to provide part of educational experiences including: Laborer Convex Eagle Gla, Clarksburg, WV.Counter person, Wendy’s International, Morgantown.HONORS AND ACTIVITIES WVU College of Law Student Member, American Bar Aociation;Member, Patent Law Student Aociation;Member, Volunteer Law Clerks, student organization which researches legal questions aigned by WV Circuit Judges;Member, International Law Society;Phi Alpha Delta, International Legal Fraternity.West Virginia University Member, Mountain Honorary, highest honor society for WVU undergraduate students;Mortar Board National Honor Society;Captain,(two years)Varsity Tennis Team.SKILLS AND INTERESTS
Fluent in spoken and written German, reading knowledge of Spanish and
French.Certified in LEXIS and West Law.Excellent ability in WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, GroupWise and Quicken.Captain, tennis team, 4 years undergraduate.
Name: Xin WangGender: Female
Date ofBirth: Sep.21,1991Health: Excellent Marital Status: Single
Mobile Phone: 12345678901
Educational Background:
Sep.2010 to present: Sichuan University
Majoring in English
Sep.2007 to June.2010: Chengdu High School
Work Experience:
Oct.2011 to Nov.2011: Chengdu Tianmeng Investment ManagementCo.Ltd.Sales
June.2010 to Aug.2010: Ruicheng Hotel Chengdu
Qualification & Certificates:
Mar.2011Got the certificate of SCET-3
Apr.2011Got the certificate of NCRE-1 May.2011Pa the Mandarin Test
1. 教育背景中写相关课程。但千万不要为了拼凑篇幅,把所有的课程一股脑儿地都写上,如体育等。这样不很有效,别人也没耐心看。
2. 奖学金一项一行。许多学生每年都有奖学金,这样一来,也可写出三四行,甚至更多。
3. 拉长句子。每个句子都可加入一些词拉长一些。其实拉长并不难,难的是缩短。
4. 自然地多换行,多写点句。
5. 加大字号。可将10号,小五改成12号,小四。
6. 社会工作细节放在工作经历中。这样会填补工作经验少的缺陷,例如,您在做团支书、学生会主席等社会工作时组织过什么活动,联系过什么事,参与过什么都可以一一罗列。如果只做过一件事,那就应该尽量把它掰开了写,如领导过多少人,完成了什么事,起到了什么作用。这样一来,起码就有了三行。如果做了更多的.事,一件一行就可以了。行文简洁的原则还是要遵守的。
7. 暑期工作。作为大学生,雇主通常并不指望您在暑期工作期间会有什么惊天动地的成就。当然如果您有就更好了。不过即使实在没有,就算是在父母的单位呆过几天,也不妨写上。这样