
2023-11-18 07:13:51 精品范文 下载本文



HER MAJESTY the queen has asked me to form a new government and I have accepted。Before I talk about that new government, let me say something about the one that has just paed.Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compaionate abroad, and that is something we should all be grateful for。

On behalf of the whole country I'd like to pay tribute to the outgoing prime minister, for his long record of dedicated public service。

In terms of the future, our country has a hung parliament where no party has an overall majority and we have some deep and preing problems – a huge deficit, deep social problems and a political system in need of reform。

For those reasons, I aim to form a proper and full coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.I believe that is the right way to provide this country with the strong, the stable, the good and decent government that I think we need so badly。

Nick Clegg and I are both political leaders who want to put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and for the national interest.I believe that is the best way to get the strong government that we need, decisive government that we need today。

I came into politics because I love this country, I think its best days still lie ahead and I believe deeply in public service.And I think the service our country needs right now is to face up to our really big challenges, to confront our problems, to take difficult decisions, to lead people through those difficult decisions, so that together we can reach better times ahead。

One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system.Yes, that’s about cleaning up expenses;yes, that’s about reforming parliament;and yes, it’s about making sure people are in control and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters。

But I believe it’s also something else.It’s about being honest about what government can achieve.Real change is not what government can do on its own.Real change is when everyone pulls together, comes together, works together, when we all exercise our responsibilities to ourselves, to our families, to our communities and to others。

And I want to help build a more responsible society here in Britain, one where we don’t just ask ‘what are my entitlements?’ but ‘what are my responsibilities?’.One where we don’t just ask ‘what am I just owed?’ but more ‘what can I give?’.And a guide for that society, that those who can, should, and those who can’t, we will always help。

I want to make sure that my government always looks after the elderly, the frail, the poorest in our country.We must take everyone through with us on some of the difficult decisions that we have ahead。

Above all, it will be a government that will be built on some clear values – values of freedom, values of fairne, and values of responsibility。

I want us to build an economy that rewards work, I want us to build a society with stronger families and stronger communities, and I want a political system that people can trust and look up to once again。

This is going to be hard and difficult work.A coalition will throw up all sorts of challenges.But I believe together we can provide that strong and stable government that our country needs, based on those values – rebuilding family, rebuilding community, above all rebuilding responsibility in our country。Those are the things that I care about, those are the things that this government will now start work on doing。

Thank you。



PRIME MINISTER CAMERON: Thank you, and apologies for keeping you waiting.It's a pleasure to welcome President Obama here today.We've just been having a barbecue in the gardens of Number 10 Downing Street with some of our service--armed-service personnel from the United States and from the UK.And it was a great reminder of the incredible debt that we owe all of them and their families for their service, for their sacrifice, for all they do to keep us safe.It was a great event and it was wonderful to have Barack and Michelle there.It was also probably the first time in history, as we stood behind that barbecue, that I can say a British Prime Minister has given an American President a bit of a grilling.So I'm going to hold onto that.Over the past year I've got to know the President well.And whether it's in routine situations like sitting round the G8 table, or the slightly le routine of getting a phone call in the middle of the night, I've come to value not just his leadership and courage, but the fact that to all the big international iues of our time, he brings thoughtful consideration and reason.And I know that today, Mr.President, you'll be thinking of the dreadful tornado in Miouri and all those who've lost livelihoods and lost their lives and loved ones.And our hearts in Britain go out to all those people, too.Barack and I know well the shared history of our countries.From the beaches of Normandy to the Imjin River, our soldiers have fought together.From labs in Cambridge, Maachusetts, to Cambridge, England, our scientists have decoded DNA and cured diseases together.And in millions of interactions every day, including our maive busine relationship, our people forge friendships together.That is what makes this relationship special.But what makes it eential is that it's not just about history or sentiment;it is a living, working partnership.It is eential to our security and it's eential for our prosperity.And I feel every day just how important this partnership is.The President and I, together with my Deputy Prime Minister, have just had some excellent discuions.We've been talking today about the two things we care about most--getting our people jobs and keeping our people safe.Because every night millions of British and American people take the same worries to bed with them.They're asking if they can find a good job, if they're going to get a paycheck next month, and if there will be work for their children when they grow up.The stark truth of the world today is that no country is owed a living.We've got to pay our way and we've got to earn our way.And that is what the President and I are determined to do.Barack and I did not come into politics to cut public spending, but neither did we seek office to see our great economies decline or to land our children with unsustainable debts.And that is why in the second half of this decade, we're making sure that debt ratios will be falling on both sides of the Atlantic.At the same time, we're investing in our roads and railways, in science and innovation, and above all, in our young people.And down the line, the succe of all this won't be measured in export figures or trade flows;it will be in the feelings of the factory worker, whether they're in Phoenix or the shopkeeper in Liverpool or the engineer in Ohio--the people who know if they work hard, then prosperity will be there for them and the promise of a better life there for their children.As well as the economy, the President and I had some very good discuions on security.Now, Americans and Brits, you don't need to explain terrorism to one another.Both our people have suffered at its hands, and indeed they have died together.My wife Samantha was in Manhattan on 9/11, and I'll never forget the five hours of trying to get hold of her.And she'll never forget the New Yorkers that she met that day or the sense of solidarity that she felt that day and that we have felt ever since that day.And today, as we come up to its tenth anniversary, we should remember the spirit of that city and the sympathy we feel with those who lost their loved ones.Now, there are those who say that this terrorist threat is beyond our control, and we paionately believe that is wrong.We can defeat al Qaeda, and the events of recent months give us an opportunity to turn the tide on their terror once and for all.I believe there are three actions we must take.First, we must continue to destroy their terrorist network, and I congratulate the President on his operation against bin Laden.This was not just a victory for justice, but a strike right at the heart of international terrorism.In this vital effort, we must continue to work with Pakistan.People are asking about our relationship, so we need to be clear.Pakistan has suffered more from terrorism than any country in the world.Their enemy is our enemy.So, far from walking away, we've got to work even more closely with them.At the same time, this is a vital year in Afghanistan.British and American forces are fighting side by side in Helmand, right at the heart of this operation.We've broken the momentum of the insurgency, and even in the Taliban's heartland, in Kandahar and central Helmand, they're on the back foot.Now is the moment to step up our efforts to reach a political settlement.The Taliban must make a decisive split from al Qaeda, give up violence, and join a political proce that will bring lasting peace to that country.We are agreed to give this the highest priority in the months ahead.Second, we must reach a conclusion to the Arab-Israel peace proce.Again, I congratulated the President on his recent speech on the Middle East, which was bold, it was visionary, and it set out what is needed in the clearest poible terms--an end to terror against Israelis and the restoration of dignity to the Palestinians;two states living side by side and in peace.Yes, the road has been, and will be, long and arduous, but the prize is clear.Conclude the peace proce and you don't just bring security to the region;you deny extremists one of their most profound and enduring recruiting sergeants, weakening their calling and crippling their cause.That is why whatever the difficulties, we must continue to pre for a solution.Our third action must be to help elevate the changes in North Africa and the Arab world from a moment in history to a turning point in history.We've seen some extraordinary things--protesters braving bullets, bloggers toppling dictators, people taking to the streets and making their own history.If global politics is about spreading peace and prosperity, then this is a once-in-a-generation moment to grab hold of.It is not a time for us to shrink back and think about our own iues and interests.This is our iue and this is maively in our interests.Those people in Tahrir Square and Tripoli just want what we have--a job and a voice.And we all share in their succe or failure.If they succeed, there is new hope for those living there and there is the hope of a better and safer world for all of us.But if they fail, if that hunger is denied, then some young people in that region will continue to listen to the poisonous narrative of extremism.So the President and I are agreed we will stand with those who work for freedom.This is the meage we'll take to the G8 tomorrow when we push for a major program of economic and political support for those countries seeking reform.And this is why we mobilized the international community to protect the Libyan people from Colonel Qaddafi's regime, why we'll continue to enforce U.N.resolutions with our allies, and why we restate our position once more: It is impoible to imagine a future for Libya with Qaddafi still in power.He must go.In all of these actions, we must be clear about our ambitions.Barack and I came of age in the 1980s and '90s.We saw the end of the Cold War and the victory over communism.We saw the invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Huein and the world coming together to liberate that country.Throughout it all, we saw Presidents and Prime Ministers standing together for freedom.Today, we feel just as paionately about extending freedom as those who came before us;but we also know that idealism without realism does no good for anyone.We have learned the leons of history.Democracy is built from the ground up.You've got to work with the grain of other cultures, and not against them.Real change takes time.And it's because of this we share the view that our partnership will not just continue, but it will get stronger.And this is a partnership that goes beyond foreign affairs.At home, we have similar goals--to bring more responsibility to our societies, and to bring transparency and accountability to our governments.In all these ambitions, our countries will continue to learn from each other and work with each other.And as ever, it has been a pleasure to talk to the President, and an honor to have him with us today.Mr.President.




My message to Britain’s small businesses is you are the lifeblood of our economy. Over 90% of firms in this country are small firms, over 60% people working in the private sector work for businesses like yours. So please keep doing what you are doing, creating the jobs, the wealth and the success our country needs. The g

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It’s a New Year and there’s a lot that is new in our country today: two million new private sector jobs created since 2010;a new spirit in our clarooms with over one million more children learning in schools that are good or outstanding;for over 24 million hard-working people, there’ve been new tax cuts and for three million of the lowest paid, no income tax whatsoever.There are tens of thousands of new homeowners, thanks to our Help to Buy scheme

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