
2023-11-18 07:13:58 精品范文 下载本文



简历编号: 更新日期:
姓名: *****.com 国籍: 中国
目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族
户口所在地: 湛江 身材: 178 cm 65 kg
婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 30 岁
培训认证: 诚信徽章:
人才类型: 普通求职 
应聘职位: 质量管理/测试工程师(QA/QC工程师):储备干部/质量专员、质量检验员/测试员:质量管理员或储备干部、中学教师:体育政治数学老师
工作年限: 6 职称: 无职称
求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时
月薪要求: 1500--2000 希望工作地区: 广东省 广州
公司名称: 广州立白番禺公司起止年月:2009-01 ~ 2009-04
公司性质: 所属行业:
担任职务: 包材检验员
公司名称: 广州立白番禺公司起止年月:2006-03 ~ 2008-12
公司性质: 所属行业:
担任职务: 现场成品外观质量检验员
公司名称: 新塘颖海染厂起止年月:2005-06 ~ 2006-02
公司性质: 所属行业:
担任职务: 文员
公司名称: 某某中学起止年月:2004-09 ~ 2005-06
公司性质: 事业单位所属行业:
担任职务: 曾担任体育老师/数学老师/治政老师
毕业院校: 广州解放军体育学院
最高学历: 大专 毕业日期: 2002-06-01
所学专业一: 体育教育 所学专业二:
起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号
1999-09 2002-06 广州解放军体育学院 体育教育 大专
外语: 英语 一般
国语水平: 良好 粤语水平: 良好
联系电话: 136XXXXXXXX 家庭电话:
手机: QQ号码:
电子邮件: 个人主页:





姓 名:大学生个人简历网

性 别: 男

出生年月: 1987年11月

工作经验: 应届毕业生

毕业年月: 7月

最高学历: 本科

毕业学院: 重庆大学

所修专业: 体育教育

居 住 地: 福建省 漳州市 南靖县

籍    贯: 福建省 漳州市 南靖县

求职概况 / 求职意向

职位类型: 全职

期望月薪: 面议

期望地点: 福建省 厦门市 ,福建省 漳州市 ,

期望职位: 储备干部 教师 营销

意向概述: 希望工作地点能在福建


时间 院校 专业 学历

9月 - 206月 重庆大学 体育教育 本科


时间 工作单位 职务

3月 - 205月 南靖县第一中学 体育教师


获得时间 获得奖项 学校

月 各种奖励 体育学院


担任时间 职务名称 学校

10月 - 年10月 篮球社副社长 体育学院


我是重庆大学体育学院体育教育专业的届毕业生。从小喜爱体育,热衷于身体锻炼,在长期的体育锻炼过程中逐渐塑造出了体育人不怕苦,肯吃苦的坚强意志! 个性开朗,为人坦诚、直爽、冷静。待人诚恳友好,处事乐观,做事踏踏实实,做人勤勤恳恳。伴随着青春的.激情和求职的欲望,我的大学四年即将走完,但是新的挑战即将来临,我已经做好准备了…



手 机:



简历编号: 更新日期:  
姓 名:yjbys.com国籍:中国
户口所在地:湛江身材:178 cm 65 kg
婚姻状况:未婚年龄:30 岁
培训认证: 诚信徽章: 
月薪要求:1500--希望工作地区:广东省 广州
公司名称:广州立白番禺公司起止年月:-01 ~ 2009-04
公司名称:广州立白番禺公司起止年月:-03 ~ -12
公司名称:新塘颖海染厂起止年月:-06 ~ 2006-02
公司名称:某某中学起止年月:-09 ~ 2005-06
起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专 业获得证书证书编号
外语:英语 一般  
手 机: QQ号码: 
电子邮件: 个人主页: 



个人相片姓 名:

性 别:男 民 族:汉族出生年月:


婚姻状况:未婚身 高:175cm体 重:75kg户 籍:河南洛阳现所在地:河南洛阳毕业学校:焦作师范学 历:本科专业名称:体育教育毕业年份:


职 称:


职位性质:全 职


工作地区:洛阳 ;
待遇要求:0元/月 可面议 ; 不需要提供住房






所在公司:洛阳巨龙集团技工学校时间范围:7月 - 8月公司性质:事业单位所属行业:教育、培训、科研院所担任职位:教师-院校教务管理人员工作描述:本人在职期间任09级,08级焊工班班主任,学生科政教员兼管学生会,全校体育课程。在被评为年度优秀班主任离职原因:








 基本信息    个人相片
姓 名:   性 别:
民 族: 汉族 出生年月: 1988年12月8日
证件号码:   婚姻状况: 未婚
身 高: 175cm 体 重: 66kg
户 籍: 广东湛江 现所在地: 广东佛山
毕业学校: 佛山科学技术学院 学 历: 本科
专业名称: 社会体育 毕业年份:
工作年限: 一年以内 职 称:  
职位性质: 全 职
职位类别: 销售行政及商务


职位名称: 无 ; 无 ; 无
工作地区: 湛江市 ; 广东佛山 ; 广东广州 ;
待遇要求: 可面议 ; 需要提供住房
到职时间: 一周内
时间 所在学校 学历
9月 - 207月 佛山科学技术学院 本科
时间 培训机构 证书
所在公司: 好又多超市
时间范围: 年6月 - 2010年8月
公司性质: 外资企业
所属行业: 批发零售(百货、超市、专卖店)
担任职位: 商管课职员
工作描述: 我在商管课工作期间,刻苦好学,努力完成上级交给的任务,得到领导的一致好评!
离职原因: 合同期满
所在公司: 清华同方
时间范围: 2010年10月 - 2010年12月
公司性质: 国有企业
所属行业: 家电业
担任职位: 市场推广(销售)
工作描述: 我在清华同方工作期间,努力学习产品知识,把自己学到的知识应用到实际方面,向顾客推广产品。虽然很苦很累,但有时能销售出产品,心里就很有成就感!
离职原因: 合同期满
自我介绍: 本人性格热情开朗,待人友好,为人诚实谦虚。从小就学会自立、勤奋努力,认真对待学习,掌握专业的技能知识,工作勤奋,认真负责,能吃苦耐劳,尽职尽责,有耐心。做事积极主动,能友好地与人交流沟通,有强烈的团队合作精神和服务精神。




Name: Miss Li

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: October 1983

National: Han

Height: 161

Account where: Guangxi

Current: Guangzhou

Graduate institutions: the Chinese Communist party members

Political landscape: the Chinese Communist party members

Highest level of education: college

Repair by a professional: Physical Education

Talent type: fresh graduates

Job seekers intent type: Full-time

Position: teacher,健美操教练, clerks, civil servants,

Hope Location: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Zhaoqing, Qingyuan

Wish to pay: To be negotiated through education and training in September 1991 - July 1993 students in Baise City in Guangxi Province civilization primary

September 1994 - July students in Baise City, Guangxi Province, the fifth secondary

September 1996 - July high school students in Baise, Guangxi Province

Since September 2002, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education students

003- years in a row won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education for three years, “Miyoshi model” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in , Shenzhen Branch of “learning from Lei Feng activists” title.

Communist Youth League in won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Committee “outstanding member” title.

In Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2003-2004, “a first评优54 activities” in the “excellent komsomolets” title.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005, “the teachers and students singing contest,” second prize

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2005 Physical Education, the second “Ten OK karaoke singer competition” second prize.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2004 Physical Education, “speech and the election of cadres,” the first prize.

Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education was the first “healthy vitality Aerobics Routine” competition first prize.

Participating in “National Aerobics Competition” get good results.

Practice in 2005 by the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education “outstanding trainee” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005 Aerobics Course Group II Open women's singles first

1 to participate in social practice and experience. During the life lesson at the university on several occasions to perform out-of-school performances (aerobics, gymnastics-based Salala). Such as synchronized as the United States Basketball Harlem Guangzhou line performances performances performances Salala speaking guests. Shenzhen also held by Pepsi-Cola soccer star Thierry Henry fans Shenzhen line interaction and so on will be the guest performers.

2. To participate in the Tianhe District, Guangzhou City long-distance running team, and actively participate in running the activities of species health.

3. Shennongjia in Hubei Province has participated in the movie “Love Story days” of the film, the role of woman as lizards.

4. To the Guangdong Television to participate in “God of Cookery hegemony” of the interactive programs.

5. Had a number of units outside help and guidance for exercise, such as Dongshan District, Guangzhou City “wuyang secondary” and other units.

6.2005-year in November to 12 months to practice Shenzhen Mission Hills Middle School, an “outstanding trainee title.”

Incentives received by the physical education level language Putonghua Proficiency Test conducted by the Guangdong Provincial Second Class Certificate B

By “institutions of higher learning English Test” (B level) certificate

Aerobics II permit athletes, is now ready to participate in “an aerobics class athletes race pass.”

II People's Republic of China gymnastics judge

II People's Republic of China track and field referee

II People's Republic of China swimming referees

People's Republic of China three referees volleyball items

The capacity of national institutions of higher learning computer non-computer professional level of computer proficiency test

I am self-evaluation and good humor, others warm and sincere. Proactive work to treat seriously the responsibility and the spirit of innovation, but also hard. Academic excellence for three consecutive years was named “Miyoshi model.” Have a stronger organizational capacity, the actual practical ability and group spirit of collaboration in the school to carry out a wide range of activities during the planning and organization of a member of the group is the backbone of the main cadres. To quickly adapt to the environment, and integration of them. Smiling is my favorite moves, and enthusiasm to help students, so good interpersonal skills. I love a broad and active participation in various extra-curricular activities such as singing, dancing, sports, speech teachers and students have access to the affirmative. New strength, new energy, hope that their new environment to become a member of the creation of better results.


Name: CNrencai

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: October 1983

National: www.0755rc.com

Height: 161

Account where: Guangxi

Current: Guangzhou

Graduate institutions: the Chinese Communist party members

Political landscape: the Chinese Communist party members

Highest level of education: college

Repair by a professional: Physical Education

Talent type: fresh graduates

Job seekers intent type: Full-time

Position: teacher,健美操教练, clerks, civil servants,

Hope Location: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Zhaoqing, Qingyuan

Wish to pay: To be negotiated through education and training in September 1991 - July 1993 students in Baise City in Guangxi Province civilization primary

September 1994 - July 1996 students in Baise City, Guangxi Province, the fifth secondary

September 1996 - July 2002 high school students in Baise, Guangxi Province

Since September 2002, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education students

003-2005 years in a row won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education for three years, “Miyoshi model” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2003, Shenzhen Branch of “learning from Lei Feng activists” title.

Communist Youth League in 2004 won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Committee “outstanding member” title.

In Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2003-2004, “a first评优54 activities” in the “excellent komsomolets” title.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005, “the teachers and students singing contest,” second prize

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2005 Physical Education, the second “Ten OK karaoke singer competition” second prize.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2004 Physical Education, “speech and the election of cadres,” the first prize.

Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education was the first “healthy vitality Aerobics Routine” competition first prize.

Participating in “National Aerobics Competition” get good results.

Practice in 2005 by the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education “outstanding trainee” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005 Aerobics Course Group II Open women's singles first

1 to participate in social practice and experience. During the life lesson at the university on several occasions to perform out-of-school performances (aerobics, gymnastics-based Salala). Such as synchronized as the United States Basketball Harlem Guangzhou line performances performances performances Salala speaking guests. Shenzhen also held by Pepsi-Cola soccer star Thierry Henry fans Shenzhen line interaction and so on will be the guest performers.

2. To participate in the Tianhe District, Guangzhou City long-distance running team, and actively participate in running the activities of species health.

3. Shennongjia in Hubei Province has participated in the movie “Love Story days” of the film, the role of woman as lizards.

4. To the Guangdong Television to participate in “God of Cookery hegemony” of the interactive programs.

5. Had a number of units outside help and guidance for exercise, such as Dongshan District, Guangzhou City “wuyang secondary” and other units.

6.2005-year in November to 12 months to practice Shenzhen Mission Hills Middle School, an “outstanding trainee title.”

Incentives received by the physical education level language Putonghua Proficiency Test conducted by the Guangdong Provincial Second Class Certificate B

By “institutions of higher learning English Test” (B level) certificate

Aerobics II permit athletes, is now ready to participate in “an aerobics class athletes race pass.”

II People's Republic of China gymnastics judge

II People's Republic of China track and field referee

II People's Republic of China swimming referees

People's Republic of China three referees volleyball items

The capacity of national institutions of higher learning computer non-computer professional level of computer proficiency test

I am self-evaluation and good humor, others warm and sincere. Proactive work to treat seriously the responsibility and the spirit of innovation, but also hard. Academic excellence for three consecutive years was named “Miyoshi model.” Have a stronger organizational capacity, the actual practical ability and group spirit of collaboration in the school to carry out a wide range of activities during the planning and organization of a member of the group is the backbone of the main cadres. To quickly adapt to the environment, and integration of them. Smiling is my favorite moves, and enthusiasm to help students, so good interpersonal skills. I love a broad and active participation in various extra-curricular activities such as singing, dancing, sports, speech teachers and students have access to the affirmative. New strength, new energy, hope that their new environment to become a member of the creation of better results.



Name: Miss Li

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: October 1983

National: Han

Height: 161

Account where: Guangxi

Current: Guangzhou

Graduate institutions: the Chinese Communist party members

Political landscape: the Chinese Communist party members

Highest level of education: college

Repair by a professional: Physical Education

Talent type: fresh graduates

Job seekers intent type: Full-time

Position: teacher, clerks, civil servants,

Hope Location: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Zhaoqing, Qingyuan

Wish to pay: To be negotiated through education and training in September 1991 - July 1993 students in Baise City in Guangxi Province civilization primary

September 1994 - July students in Baise City, Guangxi Province, the fifth secondary

September 1996 - July high school students in Baise, Guangxi Province

Since September 2002, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education students

003- years in a row won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education for three years, “Miyoshi model” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in , Shenzhen Branch of “learning from Lei Feng activists” title.

Communist Youth League in won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Committee “outstanding member” title.

In Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2003-2004, “a first评优54 activities” in the “excellent komsomolets” title.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005, “the teachers and students singing contest,” second prize

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2005 Physical Education, the second “Ten OK karaoke singer competition” second prize.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2004 Physical Education, “speech and the election of cadres,” the first prize.

Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education was the first “healthy vitality Aerobics Routine” competition first prize.

Participating in “National Aerobics Competition” get good results.

Practice in 2005 by the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education “outstanding trainee” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005 Aerobics Course Group II Open women's singles first

1 to participate in social practice and experience. During the life lesson at the university on several occasions to perform out-of-school performances (aerobics, gymnastics-based Salala),


, Such as synchronized as the United States Basketball Harlem Guangzhou line performances performances performances Salala speaking guests. Shenzhen also held by Pepsi-Cola soccer star Thierry Henry fans Shenzhen line interaction and so on will be the guest performers.

2. To participate in the Tianhe District, Guangzhou City long-distance running team, and actively participate in running the activities of species health.

3. Shennongjia in Hubei Province has participated in the movie “Love Story days” of the film, the role of woman as lizards.

4. To the Guangdong Television to participate in “God of Cookery hegemony” of the interactive programs.

5. Had a number of units outside help and guidance for exercise, such as Dongshan District, Guangzhou City “wuyang secondary” and other units.

6.2005-year in November to 12 months to practice Shenzhen Mission Hills Middle School, an “outstanding trainee title.”

Incentives received by the physical education level language Putonghua Proficiency Test conducted by the Guangdong Provincial Second Class Certificate B

By “institutions of higher learning English Test” (B level) certificate

Aerobics II permit athletes, is now ready to participate in “an aerobics class athletes race pass.”

II People's Republic of China gymnastics judge

II People's Republic of China track and field referee

II People's Republic of China swimming referees

People's Republic of China three referees volleyball items

The capacity of national institutions of higher learning computer non-computer professional level of computer proficiency test

I am self-evaluation and good humor, others warm and sincere. Proactive work to treat seriously the responsibility and the spirit of innovation, but also hard. Academic excellence for three consecutive years was named “Miyoshi model.” Have a stronger organizational capacity, the actual practical ability and group spirit of collaboration in the school to carry out a wide range of activities during the planning and organization of a member of the group is the backbone of the main cadres. To quickly adapt to the environment, and integration of them. Smiling is my favorite moves, and enthusiasm to help students, so good interpersonal skills. I love a broad and active participation in various extra-curricular activities such as singing, dancing, sports, speech teachers and students have access to the affirmative. New strength, new energy, hope that their new environment to become a member of the creation of better results.


Name: Miss Li

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: October 1983

National: Han

Height: 161

Account where: Guangxi

Current: Guangzhou

Graduate institutions: the Chinese Communist party members

Political landscape: the Chinese Communist party members

Highest level of education: college

Repair by a professional: Physical Education

Talent type: fresh graduates

Job seekers intent type: Full-time

Position: teacher,健美操教练, clerks, civil servants,

Hope Location: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Zhaoqing, Qingyuan

Wish to pay: To be negotiated through education and training in September 1991 - July 1993 students in Baise City in Guangxi Province civilization primary

September 1994 - July 1996 students in Baise City, Guangxi Province, the fifth secondary

September 1996 - July 2002 high school students in Baise, Guangxi Province

Since September 2002, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education students

003-2005 years in a row won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education for three years, “Miyoshi model” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2003, Shenzhen Branch of “learning from Lei Feng activists” title.

Communist Youth League in 2004 won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Committee “outstanding member” title.

In Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2003-2004, “a first评优54 activities” in the “excellent komsomolets” title.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005, “the teachers and students singing contest,” second prize

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2005 Physical Education, the second “Ten OK karaoke singer competition” second prize.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2004 Physical Education, “speech and the election of cadres,” the first prize.

Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education was the first “healthy vitality Aerobics Routine” competition first prize.

Participating in “National Aerobics Competition” get good results.

Practice in 2005 by the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education “outstanding trainee” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005 Aerobics Course Group II Open women's singles first

1 to participate in social practice and experience. During the life lesson at the university on several occasions to perform out-of-school performances (aerobics, gymnastics-based Salala). Such as synchronized as the United States Basketball Harlem Guangzhou line performances performances performances Salala speaking guests. Shenzhen also held by Pepsi-Cola soccer star Thierry Henry fans Shenzhen line interaction and so on will be the guest performers.

2. To participate in the Tianhe District, Guangzhou City long-distance running team, and actively participate in running the activities of species health.

3. Shennongjia in Hubei Province has participated in the movie “Love Story days” of the film, the role of woman as lizards.

4. To the Guangdong Television to participate in “God of Cookery hegemony” of the interactive programs.

5. Had a number of units outside help and guidance for exercise, such as Dongshan District, Guangzhou City “wuyang secondary” and other units.

6.2005-year in November to 12 months to practice Shenzhen Mission Hills Middle School, an “outstanding trainee title.”

Incentives received by the physical education level language Putonghua Proficiency Test conducted by the Guangdong Provincial Second Class Certificate B

By “institutions of higher learning English Test” (B level) certificate

Aerobics II permit athletes, is now ready to participate in “an aerobics class athletes race pass.”

II People's Republic of China gymnastics judge

II People's Republic of China track and field referee

II People's Republic of China swimming referees

People's Republic of China three referees volleyball items

The capacity of national institutions of higher learning computer non-computer professional level of computer proficiency test

I am self-evaluation and good humor, others warm and sincere. Proactive work to treat seriously the responsibility and the spirit of innovation, but also hard. Academic excellence for three consecutive years was named “Miyoshi model.” Have a stronger organizational capacity, the actual practical ability and group spirit of collaboration in the school to carry out a wide range of activities during the planning and organization of a member of the group is the backbone of the main cadres. To quickly adapt to the environment, and integration of them. Smiling is my favorite moves, and enthusiasm to help students, so good interpersonal skills. I love a broad and active participation in various extra-curricular activities such as singing, dancing, sports, speech teachers and students have access to the affirmative. New strength, new energy, hope that their new environment to become a member of the creation of better results.


Sex: Female

Date of Birth: October 1983

National: Han

Height: 161

Account where: Guangxi

Current: Guangzhou

Graduate institutions: the Chinese Communist party members

Political landscape: the Chinese Communist party members

Highest level of education: college

Repair by a professional: Physical Education

Talent type: fresh graduates

Job seekers intent type: Full-time

Position: teacher,健美操教练, clerks, civil servants,

Hope Location: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Zhaoqing, Qingyuan

Wish to pay: To be negotiated through education and training in September 1991 - July 1993 students in Baise City in Guangxi Province civilization primary

September 1994 - July students in Baise City, Guangxi Province, the fifth secondary

September 1996 - July high school students in Baise, Guangxi Province

Since September 2002, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education students

003- years in a row won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education for three years, “Miyoshi model” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in , Shenzhen Branch of “learning from Lei Feng activists” title.

Communist Youth League in won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Committee “outstanding member” title.

In Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2003-2004, “a first评优54 activities” in the “excellent komsomolets” title.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005, “the teachers and students singing contest,” second prize

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2005 Physical Education, the second “Ten OK karaoke singer competition” second prize.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2004 Physical Education, “speech and the election of cadres,” the first prize.

Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education was the first “healthy vitality Aerobics Routine” competition first prize.

Participating in “National Aerobics Competition” get good results.

Practice in 2005 by the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education “outstanding trainee” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005 Aerobics Course Group II Open women's singles first

1 to participate in social practice and experience. During the life lesson at the university on several occasions to perform out-of-school performances (aerobics, gymnastics-based Salala). Such as synchronized as the United States Basketball Harlem Guangzhou line performances performances performances Salala speaking guests. Shenzhen also held by Pepsi-Cola soccer star Thierry Henry fans Shenzhen line interaction and so on will be the guest performers.

2. To participate in the Tianhe District, Guangzhou City long-distance running team, and actively participate in running the activities of species health.

3. Shennongjia in Hubei Province has participated in the movie “Love Story days” of the film, the role of woman as lizards.

4. To the Guangdong Television to participate in “God of Cookery hegemony” of the interactive programs.

5. Had a number of units outside help and guidance for exercise, such as Dongshan District, Guangzhou City “wuyang secondary” and other units.

6.2005-year in November to 12 months to practice Shenzhen Mission Hills Middle School, an “outstanding trainee title.”

Incentives received by the physical education level language Putonghua Proficiency Test conducted by the Guangdong Provincial Second Class Certificate B

By “institutions of higher learning English Test” (B level) certificate

Aerobics II permit athletes, is now ready to participate in “an aerobics class athletes race pass.”

II People's Republic of China gymnastics judge

II People's Republic of China track and field referee

II People's Republic of China swimming referees

People's Republic of China three referees volleyball items

The capacity of national institutions of higher learning computer non-computer professional level of computer proficiency test

I am self-evaluation and good humor, others warm and sincere. Proactive work to treat seriously the responsibility and the spirit of innovation, but also hard. Academic excellence for three consecutive years was named “Miyoshi model.” Have a stronger organizational capacity, the actual practical ability and group spirit of collaboration in the school to carry out a wide range of activities during the planning and organization of a member of the group is the backbone of the main cadres. To quickly adapt to the environment, and integration of them. Smiling is my favorite moves, and enthusiasm to help students, so good interpersonal skills. I love a broad and active participation in various extra-curricular activities such as singing, dancing, sports, speech teachers and students have access to the affirmative. New strength, new energy, hope that their new environment to become a member of the creation of better results.


Basic personal information

Name: Miss Li

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: October 1983

National: Han

Height: 161

Account where: Guangxi

Current: Guangzhou

Graduate institutions: the Chinese Communist party members

Political landscape: the Chinese Communist party members

Highest level of education: college

Repair by a professional: Physical Education

Talent type: fresh graduates

Job seekers intent type: Full-time

Position: teacher,健美操教练, clerks, civil servants,

Hope Location: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Zhaoqing, Qingyuan

Wish to pay: To be negotiated through education and training in September 1991 - July 1993 students in Baise City in Guangxi Province civilization primary

September 1994 - July 1996 students in Baise City, Guangxi Province, the fifth secondary

September 1996 - July 2002 high school students in Baise, Guangxi Province

Since September 2002, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education students

003-2005 years in a row won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education for three years, “Miyoshi model” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2003, Shenzhen Branch of “learning from Lei Feng activists” title.

Communist Youth League in 2004 won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Committee “outstanding member” title.

In Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2003-2004, “a first评优54 activities” in the “excellent komsomolets” title.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005, “the teachers and students singing contest,” second prize

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2005 Physical Education, the second “Ten OK karaoke singer competition” second prize.

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2004 Physical Education, “speech and the election of cadres,” the first prize.

Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education was the first “healthy vitality Aerobics Routine” competition first prize.

Participating in “National Aerobics Competition” get good results.

Practice in 2005 by the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education “outstanding trainee” title

Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005 Aerobics Course Group II Open women's singles first

1 to participate in social practice and experience. During the life lesson at the university on several occasions to perform out-of-school performances (aerobics, gymnastics-based Salala). Such as synchronized as the United States Basketball Harlem Guangzhou line performances performances performances Salala speaking guests. Shenzhen also held by Pepsi-Cola soccer star Thierry Henry fans Shenzhen line interaction and so on will be the guest performers.

2. To participate in the Tianhe District, Guangzhou City long-distance running team, and actively participate in running the activities of species health.

3. Shennongjia in Hubei Province has participated in the movie “Love Story days” of the film, the role of woman as lizards.

4. To the Guangdong Television to participate in “God of Cookery hegemony” of the interactive programs.

5. Had a number of units outside help and guidance for exercise, such as Dongshan District, Guangzhou City “wuyang secondary” and other units.

6.2005-year in November to 12 months to practice Shenzhen Mission Hills Middle School, an “outstanding trainee title.”

Incentives received by the physical education level language Putonghua Proficiency Test conducted by the Guangdong Provincial Second Class Certificate B

By “institutions of higher learning English Test” (B level) certificate

Aerobics II permit athletes, is now ready to participate in “an aerobics class athletes race pass.”

II People's Republic of China gymnastics judge

II People's Republic of China track and field referee

II People's Republic of China swimming referees

People's Republic of China three referees volleyball items

The capacity of national institutions of higher learning computer non-computer professional level of computer proficiency test

I am self-evaluation and good humor, others warm and sincere. Proactive work to treat seriously the responsibility and the spirit of innovation, but also hard. Academic excellence for three consecutive years was named “Miyoshi model.” Have a stronger organizational capacity, the actual practical ability and group spirit of collaboration in the school to carry out a wide range of activities during the planning and organization of a member of the group is the backbone of the main cadres. To quickly adapt to the environment, and integration of them. Smiling is my favorite moves, and enthusiasm to help students, so good interpersonal skills. I love a broad and active participation in various extra-curricular activities such as singing, dancing, sports, speech teachers and students have access to the affirmative. New strength, new energy, hope that their new environment to become a member of the creation of better results.







在我努力工作的同时,我不忘自己是一名在校学生,学生的天职是学习,所以我把体院开设的每一门课程都做到了深入研究理论课,我在吃透书本的基础上,到资料室翻阅资料,全面发展,四年来我的专业课优秀率达到了85%,全系的综合排名名列第三名,连续两年获一等奖学金,一年获二等奖学金, 从这三年的'健美操兼职教练社会实践中,我不仅增强了社会经验,包括带操经验、人际交往经验和各种公司管理经验,而且巩固增加了我的专业知识,使我主动学习和获取了课堂上没有的知识。更重要的是,这种经历,使我提前走入了社会,在社会中扮演了重要角色,理解了教师这一行业的辛酸与苦乐,而且开拓了我的视野,更加看到了自己的缺点和不足,并及时改正。为以后步入工作岗位打下了坚实的基础。







目前所在: 湛江 年 龄: 20

户口所在: 广州 国 籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族

培训认证: 未参加  身 高: 182 cm

诚信徽章: 未申请  体 重: 135 kg

人才测评: 未测评



人才类型: 在校学生

应聘职位: 美容/健身/体育:,兼职教师:

工作年限: 1 职 称:

求职类型: 兼职 可到职日期: 三个月以后

月薪要求: --3500 希望工作地区: 湛江,广州,白云区


人和三中 起止年月:-10 ~ -02

公司性质: 政府机关 所属行业:教育/培训/院校

担任职位: 体育老师





毕业院校: 湛江师范学院

最高学历: 本科 获得学位:  毕业日期: -06

专 业 一: 体育教育 专 业 二:

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号


外语: 英语 良好 粤语水平: 精通

其它外语能力: 雷州话!广州话!普通话!阳江话!

国语水平: 优秀





姓 名:大学生个人简历网

性 别: 男

出生年月: 1987年11月

工作经验: 应届毕业生

毕业年月: 2012年7月

最高学历: 本科

毕业学院: 重庆大学

所修专业: 体育教育

居 住 地: 福建省 漳州市 南靖县

籍    贯: 福建省 漳州市 南靖县

求职概况 / 求职意向

职位类型: 全职

期望月薪: 面议

期望地点: 福建省 厦门市 ,福建省 漳州市 ,

期望职位: 储备干部 教师 营销

意向概述: 希望工作地点能在福建


时间 院校 专业 学历

2008年9月 - 2012年6月 重庆大学 体育教育 本科


时间 工作单位 职务

2011年3月 - 2011年5月 南靖县第一中学 体育教师


获得时间 获得奖项 学校

2008年10月 各种奖励 体育学院


担任时间 职务名称 学校

2009年10月 - 2011年10月 篮球社副社长 体育学院


我是重庆大学体育学院体育教育专业的2012届毕业生。从小喜爱体育,热衷于身体锻炼,在长期的体育锻炼过程中逐渐塑造出了体育人不怕苦,肯吃苦的.坚强意志! 个性开朗,为人坦诚、直爽、冷静。待人诚恳友好,处事乐观,做事踏踏实实,做人勤勤恳恳。伴随着青春的激情和求职的欲望,我的大学四年即将走完,但是新的挑战即将来临,我已经做好准备了…



手 机:







性 别: 男

民 族: 汉族 年 龄: 35

婚姻状况: 已婚 专业名称: 体育教育

主修专业: 体育类 政治面貌: 群众

毕业院校: 莆体师 毕业时间: 20xx年6 月

最高学历: 大专 电脑水平: 精通

工作经验: 十年以上 身 高: 183 cm 体重:70公斤

现所在地: 新罗区 户 籍: 漳平市


期望从事职业: 人力资源、行政管理,培训岗位 期望薪水: 面议

期望工作地区: 新罗区 漳平市 长汀县 期望工作性质: 全职

最快到岗时间: 随时到岗 需提供住房: 不需要


20xx年9月至20xx年7月 莆体师 体育教育 大专毕业证


公司名称: 南京文交所龙岩体验中心 ( 20xx年9月 - 20xx年12月 )

所属行业: 金融业(银行·保险·证券·基金·期货·投资) 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 10~50人 工作地点: 龙岩市


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