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八下英语课文原文 篇1

Chen Huan: Hi, everybody.

Sally: Wed like to thank you for talking us around Radio Beijing.

Chen Huan: Dont mention it. I enjoy showing visitors around. Now I want to answer your questions, but remember to look out for the red light…

Betty: …and stop talking!

Chen Huan: Come this way. This is the new room. We collect the late news and write the reports here.

Lingling: How can I become a newsreader?

Chen Huan: On Radio Beijing everyone needs to speak English well. So keep studying, and maybe one day you can join us. Heres where I work on Starsearch. We decide what to listen to…and who to see.

Daming: What about the sports news? I like listening to the football sesults.

Chen Huan: Thats over there.

Tony: Id like to be a sports reporter.

Daming : Me,too!

Chen Huan: And this is where we prepare the weather reports. Lets watch the newsreader. Ok, see the red light? Quiet, please.

Newsreader: Finally, some sports news about the England and China football match. England scored two goals, and China…three.

Daming: Hey! We won the match!

Tony: And we lost! I hate losing!

All: Ssh!

Newsreader: And tomorrows weather-sunny in the morning, but itll start raining in the afternoon. And thats the end of the six oclock news.

八下英语课文原文 篇2

Radio times

“How old are you?” the radio studio manager at WXBN looked down at me.

“Fifteen,” I said.

And you want a job in radio? Shouldnt you be at school? He asked.

How could I explain? Ive always loved the radio. When I was about four or five years old, I remember sitting close to the radio in the living room, listening to my favourite programmes, and to the voices of my favourite presenters. It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. At the age of nine, I asked for jobs in small radio stations.

As I grew older, my interest in radio grew. One day I leant about Internet radio. Once a week. I played my favourite music from my fathers computer to the listeners, talked about life at school, and then closed down and did my homework.

Soon my friends at junior high school started to listen, and then they wanted to help. We prepared the weekly programmes, articles about music, sports news, jokes and the weather report (I did this by looking out of the window).

“Ok, come with me,” the WXBN manager said. I sat down in the studio, in front of a microphone. He was in another room, behind the glass wall.

“Ok, lets do a sound check. Just tell me what you had for breakfast.”

All radio presenters begin work with the same question.

“I had eggs, fruit and some milk.”

“Ok, thats great!” the man behind the glass said.

“And this was how my first real job in radio began.

八下英语课文原文 篇3

(Irish music, with a violin…)

Lingling : Thats lovely! Whos playing?

Sally: thats us! Chen Huan wants a recording for his programme, and he lent me his CD recorder. The orchestra was practicing some Irish music yesterday, so I recorded it.

Tony: How does it work?

Daming: Lets look at the instruction. ”If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button. If you want to play back, press the green button.

(The same Irish music)

Daming: Youve done that.

Tony: “…and if you want to record, press the red button. If the red light doesnt come on, wait for thirty seconds. Ok, lets try.

Daming : Is it working?

(Playback: Is it working?)

Tony : Yes, it is. ”If you want to send your recording by email, connect the recorder to your computer. If theres no green light, choose the copy symbol.

Lingling: And are you playing the violin?

Sally: No, thats my best friend Kylie. She plays really well.

Lingling : But why do you want to send Chen Huan a recording of Kylie playing?

Sally : Well, shes my friend, and its important for her.

Lingling : But its important for you, too, Sally.

Betty: Think Chen Huan wants to hear you on Starsearch, not Kylie. Come on, Sally. Wheres your violin? Tony, press “record!”

Tony: Ok! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our star musician…Sally Maxwell!

All: Hooray!

八下英语课文原文 篇4

Daming: Hi, were you awake at 10clockyeasterdayevening?

Betty: No, I was too sleepy. Why?

Daming: It was Sallys interview.

Tony; What did she say?

Daming: She was fantastic! She said that she was with some classmates from London, and that she was studying Chinese.

To0ny: Did she talk about her friends?

Daming: She said missed her parents but she had some close friends here.

Tony: Thats us!

Daming: And she said China was a very exciting place. But she didnt like the word “foreigner” .She explained that her visit was about making friends.

Tony: Was that it?

Daming: Yes, that was the end of the interview, but Chen huan then said Sally played the violin really well. He said their concerts were excellent and everyone loved the music. And finally, he played the recording of Sallys music. She was excellent. I wanted to clap and cheer!

Betty: So she knows that shes among friends. Good. But Im worried about her because shes unhappy. We must look after her.

八下英语课文原文 篇5

Lingling: Hi Sally! Come in and sit down. Sorry its a bit untidy. Ill tidy up the table and chairs.

Sally: Hey! Look at all those fans! Theyre beautiful! Youre got a wonderful collection.

Lingling: Yes, Ive got fifty or sixty fans. Do you collect anything?

Sally: Yes, I have a collection of dolls. And my brother collects stamps.

Daming: And I collect tickets-you know bus tickets and train tickets!

Sally: Do you really? But my real hobby is music. I play the violin and I listen to music all the time.

Lingling: What made you so interested in music?

Sally: My father is a musician. I often listened to him play the violin. And he game me my first violin eight years ago.

Lingling: And now music has brought you to china. When will you play next time?

Sally: At the end of this term. Theres a concert at radio Beijing.

Daming: So can you relax now?

Sally: Well, no. Im going to school with you!

Lingling: Great!

Sally: But not next Friday …

Daming: Whats happening on Friday?

Sally:Im going to radio Beijing . Im giving an interview on Starsearch.

Daming: Ive listened to that programme! People sing songs or play music, and the listeners choose the best singer or musician.

Lingling: Wow! Youre going to be really famous!

八下英语课文原文 篇6

Good morning. Im Chen huan. Heres my culture report for today, Monday:

A new film starts tonight at the student cinema at eight oclock. The film is Pirates of the Caribbean. Its a fantastic adventure film. Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom are the stars. They are both very popular and famous, and they both act well in this film, and make their characters believable.

The story is about an old ship. It sails around the Caribbean islands. Depp and Bloom try to find some lost gold. Then they come face to face with some terrible men, and have to fight them. Theres lost of action, and the fighting looks really dangerous. They also save Keira Knightley. She plays Elisabeth, the daughter of a rich man. The scenes with Knightley and Bloom are beautiful and romantic.

The film isnt true to life, but its very exciting, and some of it is very funny. its an enjoyable film, although in my opinion theres too much fighting. But except for that, its an excellent film. If you didnt see it when it first came out, I advise you to go and see it now. Im sure youll enjoy it. Its showing all week.






Accidents or problems can sometimes happen when we do sports. Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen.




B=mountaion climbing




____fall down


___get sunburned


___have problems breathing


___cut ourselves


___hurt our back or arm



Read the passage and underline der ine the words you dont know. Then look up the words in a dic-tionary and write down their meanings


Finding the Order of Event


Writers describe events in acertain Order.Finding the order of the events will help you understand what you are readin.


He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing


Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climbing. As mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sport, There were many times when Aron almost lost his because of accidents. On April 26,2003 he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing un Utah.



On that day, Arons arm was caught under a 2,000-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains.Because he coulf not free his arm,hestayed there for five days and hoped that someone would

find him.But when his water ran out,he know that he would have to do something to save his own life.He was not ready to die that day.So he used his life tocut off halfhis right arm.Then,with his left arm,he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood.After that,he climbed dowm the mountain to find help.


After losing his arm,he wrote a book called Between a Rock and aHard Place .this means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem toget out of.In this book,Aron tells of te importance of making good decisions, and of being incontrol of ones life.His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.

在他失去胳膊之后,他写了一本名为《生死两难》的书。书名的意思是“处于一种你似乎无法的困境之中”。在这本书中,阿伦讲述了正确 ,抉择和自我掌控命运的重要性。他对登山如此酷爱,甚至在这次断臂经历之后他还继续爬山。

Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Lets think about it before we find ourslves “between arock and a hard place”,and before we hace tomake a decision thatcould mean life or death.



Read the statements and cicle True,False

or Dont Know.读这些陈述,圈出“正确”“错误”或“不知道”。


Read the passage again and answer the questions.


1.Where did the accident happen on April 26,2003?


2.Why couldnt Aron move?


3.How did Aron free himself?


4.What did Aron do after the accident?


5. What does “between a rock and a hard place” mean?

“between a rock and a hard place”的意思是什么?


Put the sentences iⅡthe correct order. Then use them to tell Arons story to your partner. Try to add other details from the reading.


On April 26,2003,he had a serious mountain climbing accident.


Aron loves mountain climbing and doesnt mind taking risks.


Aron did not……after the accident and keeps on climbing mountains today.

阿伦在这次事故之后没有放弃 ,如今他继续爬山。

Hewrote a book about his experience.


Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident.




Listen and number the pictures [1-5]the order you hear them.



Listen again.Match the problems with the advice.



2. stomachache胃痛

3.cough and sore throat咳嗽且喉咙痛


5. cut myself割伤我自己

a.lie down and rest躺下休息

b.drink some hot tea with honey喝些加蜂蜜的热茶

c.see a dentist and get an X-ray看牙医并做个X光检查

d.take your temperature量体温

e.put some medicine on it在它上面敷些药


Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.


A:Whats the matter?


B:My head feels very hot.


A:Maybe you have a fever…




Role-play the conversation


Mandy:Lisa,are you OK?


Lisa:I have a headache and I cant move my neck What should I do? Should I take my temperature?


Mandy: No,it doesnt sound like you have a fever.What did you do on the weekend?曼迪:不,听起来你不像发烧。周末你做什么了?

Lisa:l played computer games all weekend.


Mandy:That’s probably why. You need to take breaks away from the computer.


Lisa:Yeah,I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.


Mandy:I think you should lie down and rest.If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow,then go toa doctor.


Lisa: OK. Thanks,Mandy.






Unit 2 2d

Tom 我正在做一些计划这个夏天去敬老院工作。








Unit 3 section B 2d

Dear Sir,

I do not understand why some parents make their kids help with housework and chores at home.Kids these days already have enough stress from school.They

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