1 活动时间 4月9日星期五晚7:30―9:30
3 活动地点 5—教室
二、 活动目的、意义及目标
三、 活动开展
① 会场布置:宣传部负责黑板部分,策划部负责教室布置。
② 校园宣传:宣传部的下星期两次海报宣传,社干电话通知,社员之间的相互转告。
③ 秩序维持:组织部的调剂,各位社员的`自觉维护。
④ 会场清理:09级社干
四、 活动流程
① 主持人:廖胡前 作开场白
② 主持人介绍特约在座嘉宾
③ 会长申珂发言
④ 体健干部发言
⑤ 会员代表发言
⑥ 游戏环节
《 一》活动名称:“缘分大爆炸”
1) 提前准备工作:工作人员事先将写有电话号码的纸条塞进气球内
2) 游戏规则:主持人将播放一段音乐,会员中传递花球,几组同时进行,音乐停止后,花球在谁手中,则请该同学上台选气球,拆开其中的纸条,拨打该号码,请该号码的拥有者上台与拨号者表演节目。
《 二》 寻找幸运者
1、 提前准备工作:工作人员事先将写有奖品的纸条贴在一些椅子下面。
2、 游戏规则:主持人告诉会员寻找纸条,找到者上台领奖。
⑦ 相互交流
⑧ 对优秀会员进行奖励
⑨ 会长总结
① 秘书处通知所有干部到位
② 宣传部负责海报制作与张贴到位(五栋、一食堂),并注意回收。
③ 策划部、网信部负责会场布置安排,物品准备。
④ 策划部、网信部负责活动所需资料准备到位(PPT、签到表、水)
⑤ 组织部负责活动现场人数清点,干事维持会场纪律,并负责会员签到登记。
⑥ 其余的部门(外联部、网络部)部长带领组织干事准备临时节目安排。
⑦ 所以工作人员一律佩戴工作证(到秘书处领)
⑧ 注意通知社联下放干部到场,所以干部有义务给邀请的会员讲解等。
六 通知会员
七 活动所需物品及经费预算
话筒 音响 彩带 气球 胶布 便签纸 活动道具和奖品
经费预算:①宣传费用 80
②活动器材采购:气球、便签纸、茶水等等 100
③奖品 200
总计 380元
1,入场须知(Customers Instruction)
No smoking is allowed in the club.(2)未经许可,禁止拍照、摄像。
No video or photo is allowed without permiion.(3)进入本俱乐部必须配合前台工作人员进行身份登记。
All club members or visitors need to make registration on reception when entering the club.(4)为保障您的财务不受损失,请不要携带贵重物品至俱乐部。
To protect your own belongings, we strongly suggest that please do not take valuables into the club.(5)请您在锻炼时佩戴手牌,并配合服务人员的核对工作。
Please wear the hand key once entering and show it to our service staff for identification if neceary.(6)请您不要再未通知前台工作人员或没有办理正常立场手续的情况下将手牌带出会
Please do not take away hand key without checking out or not inform it to the reception.Otherwise, you would be responsible for any loes bringing.(7)十六岁以下的儿童请勿进入器械区域。
Considering security factor, children under 16 years old are not allowed to enter the fitne area.(8)严禁将易燃易爆及可能危害他人的物品带入健身俱乐部。
Flammable, explosive and toxic articles are strictly forbidden to be brought into the club.(9)运动时请穿运动服和运动鞋,请勿穿着西装、牛仔裤、皮鞋、拖鞋等有可能给你带来
Please have sport wear and sport shoes during doing exercises.Injury could be happened if
you wear suit, jean, leather shoes, slipper or any other unsuitable wear or shoes.2,更衣室使用规定(Locker Room:Rules & Regulations)
Smoking is not allowed in the locker room.(2)请请保持更衣箱清洁卫生。
Please keep the locker clean and tidy.(3)请勿将首饰、手机、现金、信用卡、有价证劵及其他贵重物品放在更衣柜箱内。
Please do not leave your jewelry, mobile phones, cash, credit cards, securities and other valuables in the locker.(4)请用手牌上的号码使用对应的更衣箱。
Please use the locker according to the locker number.(5)请您在更衣室看管好自己的物品,以防丢失。
Please take good care of your belongings, so they will not be mi-placed.(6)俱乐部提供的更衣柜是循环使用的,为方便他人使用及防止您的物品遗失,离开时请
Please use the day locker to keep all of your personal items and all items should be cleared before you leave.(7)如果您需要长期存放私人物品,请在前台办理私人储物柜的租用手续。
Please contact the reception for hiring a private locker in case you need it.(8)如需帮助请与前台联系。
For any help please contact the reception.3,桑拿房使用规定(Sauna Room:Rules & Regulations)
Sauna is offered according to the guest needs.(2)使用桑拿前请先沐浴。
Please take a shower before entering the sauna room.(3)进入桑拿房前请先适量饮水。
Please drink plenty water before using the sauna.(4)有皮肤病,心脏病,高(低)血压,哮喘等疾病的患者请勿进入桑拿房。
People with infections skin diseases are prohibited from using the sauna.People suffering
from heart problems, high/low preure, Asthma should not use sauna.(5)儿童及孕妇禁止使用桑拿房。
Children and pregnant women are prohibited from using the sauna.(6)饮酒后请勿进入桑拿房。
Please do not enter the sauna room after having alcohol.(7)桑拿房的温度已经设定好,如您需要,倾向更衣室工作人员咨询。
The temperature of the sauna has been fixed.If further requirement, please consult the staff
on duty.(8)在桑拿房内不宜超过15分钟。
Please do not stay more than 15 minutes inside the sauna room.(9)请勿将食品、化妆品等带入桑拿房。
Food and cosmetics are not allowed in the sauna room.(10)请不要再桑拿房内洗、晾衣物。
Please do not wash or dry your clothes in the sauna room.4,湿蒸房使用规定(Steam Room:Rules & Regulations)
Steamer is offered according to the guest needs.(2)使用湿蒸房前先沐浴。
Please take a shower before entering the steam room.(3)进入湿蒸房前请先适量饮水。
Please drink plenty of water before using the steam room.(4)有皮肤病,心脏病,高(低)血压,哮喘等疾病的患者请勿进入桑拿房。
People with infections skin diseases are prohibited from using the sauna.People suffering from heart problems, high/low preure, Asthma should not use sauna.(5)儿童及孕妇禁止使用桑拿房。
Children and pregnant women are prohibited from using the sauna.(6)饮酒后请勿进入桑拿房。
Please do not enter the sauna room after having alcohol.(7)桑拿房的温度已经设定好,如您需要,倾向更衣室工作人员咨询。
The temperature of the sauna has been fixed.If further requirement, please consult the
staff on duty.(8)在桑拿房内不宜超过15分钟。
Please do not stay more than 15 minutes inside the sauna room.(9)请勿将食品、化妆品等带入桑拿房。
Food and cosmetics are not allowed in the sauna room.5,有氧操房使用规定(Aerobic & Group Exercise studio:Rules & Regulations)
Only relevant activities are allowed in the studio.Activities that have been approved by the club management are exception to this rule.(2)在健身过程中,请您至始至终穿着运动服和运动鞋,禁止穿拖鞋、皮鞋或光脚进入有
Workout attire, shirts and sports shoes must be worn at all times, no slippers or bare feet workout are permitted(appointed claes such as yoga and plates are excluded).(3)请遵守教练的指导及课程的预约程序。
Please follow all the cla instruction and cla reservation procedures.(4)请准时参加健身课程,并提前5分钟于室外等候,按顺序入场。
Please attending the cla on time and please wait outside the studio 5 minute ahead of cla and enter the studio in order.(5)在参加健身锻炼时,请您将手机调至震动或暂时关机。
Please turn your mobile phone into vibration or switch it off during the cla.(6)请勿在集体课程教室内用餐,如需适量饮水,请注意保持环境的清洁。
No eating is allowed in the studio.You are welcome to have your water bottle as long as no water will be spilled over the floor.
由于不清楚你的场地情况:只能帮你估算一下器材投入:国产30-80万进口200-600万 健身俱乐部策划书健身俱乐部的现状和发展趋势 随着我国市场经济的发展人们的生活水平逐渐提高,人们有了“想花钱买健康”的意识,健康生活理念已经越来越深入人心。健身俱乐部是为大众提供全面体育服务的经营性组织,现在加入健身俱乐部为自己的健康投资已成为了人们实现自己健康生活最佳途径。20世纪80年代以来,随着国内各种规模的健身俱乐部的广泛建立,也带给我们一种全新的健身理念,使的有氧健身操、健美项目等得以广泛的发展,并从中派生出一些新的健身项目,如街舞、踏板操、拉丁健美操、爵士健美操及瑜伽、形体操等。这些新的健身项目不仅给大众带来了健康的体魄并且成为了一种不同年龄段的人们共同追求的时尚。现在在国内很多城市,特别是北京、上海等大城市已经出现了不少各种规模的健身俱乐部,但相对与这些城市的人口和消费水平来说现在的俱乐部数量还远不能满足市场的需求,并且健身俱乐部在我国发展的时间还比较短,俱
