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1. good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

2. obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

3. the new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

4. we lead. others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

5. impos*le made pos*le.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

6. take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

7. the relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)

8. poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

9. come to where the flavor is. marlboro country.


10.to me, the past black and white, but the future is always color.


11. the taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)


Comparison Study on Chinese and English Advertisement Abstract Advertisement plays an increasingly important role in our daily life, not only for those businemen but also for us ordinary people.Good advertisement stimulates the whole sales volume, serving as a promotion tool.To some extent, it also changes people‟s consuming psychology.A good slogan is a critical benchmark of a good advertisement and that‟s what all the advertisers pursue.A good slogan is require to expre the core of the advertisement directly, clearly, concisely through novel, impreive, popular words, which means every word used has to hit the nail on the head.There are five main criteria to judge a slogan: attention value, memory value, expreive function, directive function, aesthetic function.Besides, with the development of globalization, many products are selling all over the world, which makes translation of advertisement more important.This paper studies the features and functions as well as the advertisement translation.Key words: advertising translation;culture difference;values, functions, features.摘要:广告作为文化的产物,可以更直接的展示语言和文化的关系。广告在我们的生活中扮演着日益重要的角色,作为促销工具,一个好的广告会刺激产品的销量,提高其商业价值。在一定程度上,广告改变的消费者的心理。精彩的广告语言是衡量一个广告好坏的重要标志。好的广告语需要具备一定的条件。与此同时,随着经济全球化的发展,跨文化的交流、合作日趋频繁,广告翻译中存在的语言和文化的差异将影响着商业活动的发展。因此,广告翻译也显得格外重要。本文就中英广告语的特点及功能以及翻译策略进行探究。关键词:广告语特点,广告语功能,广告语翻译,文化差异

Literature review

Extensive research has been done about advertisement, such as its functions and translation techniques.Most of them focus on the cultural differences in advertisement translation.In Qinhan‟s paper, the differences of Chinese advertisement

and English advertisement are caused mainly by the cultural differences.The social values and cultural psychology were discued.He also mentioned that the different thinking modes and aesthetic standards influence people‟s attitude towards many things.Then , the translation strategies were discued, for example, domestication and foreignization were mentioned.Another similar paper by Qiuyimeng also studied the advertisement translation based on the culture differences.The author divided the research into two parts.First one is about the translation and the second part is about how culture differences affect translation.The main factors that influence the translation are the different values and thinking mode.While in Luo‟s study, the similarities and differences between English and Chinese slogan were discued.She hold the opinion that Chinese and English advertisement‟s slogans have the similar sentence structure.Besides, they usually use the same figure of speech.When it comes to the differences, the author thinks that the slogans have different focuses and different style.Chinese people like festive and lively atmosphere while western people prefer private, elegant and tasteful.Every country or nation has their own unique traditional cultures including values, modes of thinking, moral rules, customs, life styles, etc, which forms the differences among different nations on culture.As a results, those differences mentioned above are dominated by the different culture background.1.What values should English and Chinese advertisement have? 1.1 Attention value

A good advertisement first has to draw people‟s attention quickly.Only when people notice the advertisement and have interest in it can other values be accomplished.Therefore, a good slogan has to be eye-catching.The more people it attracts, the greater chance it wins.If the advertisement has to draw people‟s attention in a minute, the words used have to be catchy, which means every chosen word has the quality of concise, clear, and understandable.In English slogans, monosyllables are used most frequently.Actually,in many popular and well-accepted advertisement, their slogan are sharing the common values, for example, “Just do it”(from NIKE).These three words are so simple and concise that it can be easily noticed and understood.On the other hand, a lot of deeper meanings can be expreed through these three words, including the connotation of this brand.There are many analogous examples: the slogan of the Maxwell Coffee “Good to the last drop”,it conveys the brand‟s core idea through five simple words.It makes people have the impulse to buy it and that‟s the succeful point of an advertisement.And “Obey your thirst” of Sprite.Three simple words fully attract people‟s attention.In Chinese advertisement, slogans such as “农夫山泉,有点甜”,“好空调,格力造”“头屑去无踪,秀发更出众” are very good examples.A famous English linguist Leech once mentioned that most commonly-used verbs can be used to show the relationship between consumer and products.In his articles, he pointed out that words like”get, buy, keep, have, take etc.” means customers occupy something while “meet, suit‟ connected with the usability of the products and verbs such as “like, feel, need” expre the psychology orientation towards the products.So, it is well-accepted that in advertisement, all products producer try its utmost to convey their ideas to consumers by using words what were mentioned above.1.2 Memory value

When a slogan succefully catches people‟s eyes, the next step falls on making people remember this brand.When it comes to the memory value, it is believed that those orally-used words can be easily remembered.If the slogan has several obscure and complex words, even if people noticed it at first sight, they can get confused.For those slogans that people can hardly remember will not manifest its maximized value.“Mosquito bye bye bye” is an slogan of an insecticide advertisement.“bye” was used three times to emphasis its purpose.Through repetition, it became even more impreive.As for MacDonald, its slogan “I‟m LOVIN‟it”, a common sentence directly shows its popularity.“Ask for more” is another famous slogan for Pepsi.“Think” is the slogan of IBM.It only has one word but contains endle meaning.It is believed that a slogan like this, easy, concise and catchy can be remembered at first

sight when people see it.When such a slogan is hanging on any billboard, it will play an important role in its marketing strategy.1.3Expreive value 1.3.1Pun:

There is a special kind of usage of English words--pun, which can be widely used in advertisement.Puns used in many slogans can be very humor and expreive.It often creates many unexpected language zests and flavor.There are mainly three kind of puns.Firstly, homo-phonic pun uses words that share the same or similar pronunciation to give a profound meaning.There are several examples of it: „Trust us.Over 5000 ears of experiences” , “ More sun and air for your son and heir”.Secondly, semantic pun used when homonyms occur.For example, TIME had a slogan “Make Time For Time, We will always make time for you”.It used „time” for 3 times artfully which makes the slogan more expreive and impreive.Another example” From sharp minds come Sharp products”.The last one is the grammatical pun.There are two typical examples to prove it.“ A sound way to learn English” and “I‟m More Satisfied”.The former one is an advertisement for tape and the latter one is for MORE cigarette.In Chinese advertisement, pun is also broadly used.For example, the slogan of an liquor company in China is “天尝地酒” and it has the same pronunciation with “天长地久”.“默默无蚊” was derived from “默默无闻”, from a mosquito killer company.1.3.2 Neologism:

Sometimes there are no such words to precisely show the exact meaning, so at this point some newly-invented words have to be used.Even though they are coinage, they can reach to some level that other words can not reach.“A Kodak Moment.”(Kodak).In Chinese, it is called “就在柯达一刻”.1.3.3 Loan words

There are examples of slogan which use other languages as well.With the development of globalization, many words from foreign languages flows into English vocabulary.These words are mainly aimed at those people who have accepted higher education.In addition, those advertisement centers in the luxury goods.Those loan

words often make the slogan contain exotic flavors.2.What functions should English and Chinese advertisement have? 2.1 Directive function

The ultimate function of the advertisement is to attract as many as customers to buy its products.A good advertisement has to try it best to show its advantages compared with other products.As a result, the slogan has to show the unique points and any other things that can make the products stand out.Good slogans make people have the desire to buy those products, even if they are not needed.Adjectives are the most widely-used words to accomplish this aim.According to a famous English linguistic Geoffrey Leech‟s statistics, adjectives occurred most frequently in advertisement are: new,crisp,good/better/best,fine,free,big,fresh,great,delicious,real,full,sure,easy,bright,clean,extra,safe,special,rich,juicy,economical,money—saving,time—saving,labor—saying,mouth—saving,inexpensive.For example:

The taste is great.(Nescafe Coffee)Good teeth,good health.(Colgate toothpaste)The new digital era.(Sony)Feel the new space.(Samsung)Adjectives have several forms which can distinguish this product from others.Such as: Things go better with Coco—Cola.

The most unforgettable women in the world weal “Revlon.

According to Lin Lixia, in English advertisement, evaluative adjectives are commonly used in order to leave a deep impreion peoples mind.She mentioned that “ such adjectives used in English are „latest, up-to-date, fragrant, attractive, golden, succeful, charming, comfortable, perfect, great, wonderful, first-rate, ever-lasting, super, unique, ideal etc.‟ and these words polish the advertisement suddenly.By using those words, beautify the products and cater consumer‟s tastes.”

In Chinese advertisement, we have examples like: 5




“ 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传”(diamond)

“ 视觉创新影”(Hollywood)

2.2 Aesthetic function

According to “ Marketing management ”, a succeful advertisement should be equipped with four aspects: attention, interest, desire and action.If a slogan poe all the mentioned values, the last step to polish it is to make it worth appreciating, which means it plays the role of making it more beautiful.The most two powerful means to make it are the use of figure of speech and rhyme.2.2.1 Figure of speech :

Parallelism: World in hand , Soul in Cyber.(Microsoft)

Take TOSHIBA, take the world.(TOSHIBA)


These two examples above both use parallelism to create a special and beautiful context and language atmosphere.Simile: Feather-water, light as a feather.(FEATHERWATER GLASSES)

Our eyebrow pencils are as soft as petals.(eyebrow pencil)

These two examples both show the beauty and flexibility of language.The first one regards a pair of glaed as a feather to make it lighter and more comfortable.The second one compare the eye brow with petals to convince its softne.Personification: Flowers by inter-flora speak from the heart.(Inter-flora flower)

It handles the road as easily as it handles Mother Nature.(Ford)

These two examples above use personification.The first one uses “speak from the heart” vivify the flowers and endow new meaning to the brand.The second one uses “handle” to manifest its function, making it more convincing.2.2.2 Rhyme:

Don‟t dream it.Drive it.(Jaguar)It uses end rhyme “it” to make it sound more

beautiful and the rhythm becomes distinct and lively

Food, folks and fun.(McDonald)It uses alliteration to make its point stand out and impre people

Other examples :My goodne, my Guine!


From chips to ships.(Hyundai)



3.Advertisement Translation

Language is a part of culture and reflect the culture.Language is the carrier and container of culture and it also exerts its influence on culture.Human knowledge and experience are described and stored through language.Customs, habits and behavioral patterns of each nation are different because of different kinds of cultures.They have different social institution, value systems, beliefs, world views which and be demonstrated by language.Since China has been an agriculture country ancient time, the land and the people were closely connected so they believed in Onene of Nature and Man.The philosophy is „Let things remain as they are‟.The Confucianism and Taoism completely prove it.Chinese are used to illustrating things from causes to results, from big to small according to their sequence and this kind of thinking mode can be called Particular-General Pattern.On the contrary, the westerners are used to separating human beings from nature.Ronald Reagan once said “ I do not believe in fate that falls on us no matter what we do, but I do believe in fate that will fall on us if we do nothing.” From what he said, actually, we can see that American believe that they can change their fate;they believe in struggle.Americans love to try something new mostly because of a belief that newer maybe better.In China, the collectivism plays a dominant role while in Western countries, the individualism is what most people emphasize.As a result, in Chinese advertisement, the focus will be the practicability and they 7

worship collectivism, and that‟s why our products like to add their honors such as “省优,免检,金奖,驰名商标”.But this kind of advertisement is not consistent with western traditions.They believe in their own judgment and do no need awards to prove it.Besides, Chinese emphasize the family value so lots of products are designed to fit the use of the whole family.Western people lay stre on individual.Values like „Freedom‟, „independence‟, „competitivene‟ are praised and pursued.As for advertisement, they focus on the perceptual effects.For example, the slogan of Nike in Hongkong was translated into “想做就去做” for a very short time.In US, it is very normal and acceptable while in Chinese people‟s eyes, it may have bad influence on teenagers(inducing them to commit crimes).As a result, they later changed it into “应做就去做”.According to David Ogilvy, the father of modern advertisement, if you want to win in the fierce competition, the image and reputation is very important and a good slogan is your open sesame.Nowadays, globalization makes products cro the national boundaries, when the oversea market gets bigger, it is of great importance of advertisement translation.3.1 Translating according to characteristics of a nation

It is well-known that the slogan of the famous sports brand Adidas is „Impoible is nothing‟.The three words are very concise and clear so it can be directly translated into “没有什么不可能”.In China , there is also a famous sports brand Lining;its slogan is very much similar with Adidas, „ 一切皆有可能‟.It meets the persistent and dauntle spirits of Chinese people.When it translated into English, it is “ Anything is poible”.This slogan makes Lining become a leading sport brand in China in a very short time.There is a cigarette brand used Shakespear‟s “ to be or not to be, that is the question” for reference and design a slogan “ To smoke or not to smoke, that is a question”.Most people are very familiar with the former one, so it can be translated into “吸烟还是不吸烟,这是个值得考虑的问题”.Another example, the slogan of an 8

emergency pill „A friend in need is a friend indeed‟ was translated into “随身携带,有惊无险”.Chinese people like to use four-character idioms and in the translated version, the features of the product were embodied.3.2 Translating according to culture differences

It is not hard to find out that the culture differences will affect consumers‟ understanding towards the slogan and the products.Therefore, the translation of the slogan must follow different culture background.When we translate s slogan, we should try to get close to the native advertisement style.For example, when Mitsubishi Group entered the American market, it adopted the slogan “ Not all cars are created equal”;it can easily make people think of “ All men are created equal” in The Declaration of Independence, succefully involving Americans historical and cultural emotions.So does Toyota Motor Corporation.When Toyota entered the British market, it designed a slogan “ Home, Sweet Honda” which was similar to the well-known folk song “ Home, Sweet Home” and this song exprees British people‟s love for their family.Because the Chinese proverb “ where there is a will, there is a way”(有志者,事竟成)is very popular when it entered China, it changed its slogan into “ where there is a road, there is a Toyota”;it was translated into “油路就有丰田车”.3.3 Rhyming translation

Both in Chinese and in English we use alliteration, aonance and rhyme in advertisement.When we translate them, we have to try to retain the original flavor.For example, the English slogan of Seven-up is “Fresh-up with Seven-up” and in Chinese “提神醒脑喝七喜”.The English slogan of Colgate is “Good teeth, good health”.When it is translated into English, it‟s “牙齿好,身体就好”.Another Chinese example, Dabao has a very famous slogan in China “要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝” and it can be translated into “Applying Dabao morning and night, it makes your skincare a real delight”.The translation version retain the rhyme.Conclusion

It is now the age of information and advertisement has permeated into daily life.It uses vivid language to manifest its function and expre consumers‟ requires and hopes, attracting people at the same time.It is becoming a kind of social culture now.In summery, English words used in advertisement have various characteristics and most succeful advertisement share the common values.Knowing something about advertising will not only help those sellers but also the customers themselves because there are advertisement everywhere in daily life.In this paper, five main criteria to judge a slogan in an advertisement are discued, from which we can also get to know the main characteristics of advertisement.Advertising is one of the marketing strategies in the international busine activities.Advertisement exists everywhere and it influences us everyday, which means much attention should be paid to the translation.Advertisement translation is not only a kind of language transformation but also a kind of busine activity.Good translation of slogan will increase the brand‟s level and improve the image, and potentially it plays a role of promoting, which is the most important goal of advertisement.Reference [1] Leech, G.N.The Language in Advertising [R].10

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In October 2002, the Biblical Archaeology Society announced a discovery which could provide historical evidence for the existence of Jesus。 An inscription had been found on an ancient bone box (ossuary) that reads “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus。” If authentic, this container provides the only new Testament-era mention of

the central figure of Christianity and is the first-ever archaeological discovery to corroborate biblical referen

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