
2024-12-02 07:12:18 精品范文 下载本文




Dear xx,

I intend to continue the study of History at university. As a subject I havebeen interested in since childhood, I enjoy studying the past and how it hasshaped our future. The study of History allows us to view the mistakes andsuccesses of the past and employ them to the future. a??History is a guide tonavigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way weare. (McCullough) History allows society to form an identity and to advancethrough learned tolerance and understanding.Last year in AS History I studied heunification of Italy which was key in my understanding of history. It wasfascinating to explore how Italy came together as one country from severalstates and to discuss whether Italy would have formed alone or whether inrequired to push from those such as Garibaldi or Cavour.

Having spent many years studying modern history and decided to take it uponmyself to expand my knowledge into ancient history. Earlier this year I read abook called Cleopatra by Lucy Hughes- Hallet. It was interesting to read aboutsuch a famous and influential woman of history from another womans perspective.Often Cleopatra is portrayed as femme fatale- as in the portrait by John WilliamWaterhouse or Shakespeare who said a??other women cloy the appetites they feed:but she makes hungry, where most she satisfies.

She is often seen by historians as a seductive, potentially poisonoustemptress, however this is not necessarily how Hughes-Hallet interprets her; toher she is plainer, more ambitious and less cruel. I think it is difficult toseparate fact from fiction when it comes to ancient history and especially inthis case someone as constantly redesigned as Cleopatra.

History has taught me to make substantiated judgments and to interpret andanalyse external material as well as my own opinions. I find History intriguingbecause it gives me the opportunity to study the development of human societyover a long-term. My inquisitive mind has further contributed to my enthusiasmfor the subject and I enjoy working independently. But all three of my subjectshave honed my writing skills, to be able to select and organise knowledge andcommunicate it coherently and concisely. More specifically, Sociology has beenhelpful in discerning social trends, and understanding something of the humanpsyche; and English Literature allows me to study works, in context. All theseskills will enable me to read History at university.

I enjoy visiting museums and monuments of history when I have theopportunity. I particularly love the trench experience at the Imperial WarMuseum and more ancient history- such as the ancient human occupation of Britain- at the National History Museum.

I work well within a team, but also have the necessary attributes to lead ifI am called upon, demonstrated in my active participation in my school'sCharities Committee for the past six years, organising various charity eventsthroughout the school. My work as secretary of the Charities Committee allows meto represent the school in the community and has taught me management andorganisation skills. In school I have also been a keen participant in theorchestra in which I am lead violinist in school and also play for the borough.I have been involved in several school plays either back stage, in the orchestraor as part of the cast. I have also been involved in numerous school sportsteams, including the netball and athletics teams. I am a naturally cheerfulperson who has a positive outlook on life, but with the maturity necessary foruniversity, and as such, I feel that I am fully prepared for the academic stepup to degree level. I greatly anticipating the opportunity not only to go touniversity, but specifically to read History as I know it will provide me withvital life skills, as well as giving me access to a potentially wide and variedcareer within the specialty.

Yours sincerely,




Dear x,

I plan to study for Ph.D. in Biochemistry at Case Western Reserve Universitywith special interests in metabolism, macromolecular synthesis, and proteincrystal growth. I have had plentiful preparations. First, when being anundergraduate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University,I got very extensive and intensive education. I took many courses on chemistryand the related subjects, and earned high scores for most of them. Second, mymajor, Polymer, can be put into good use in Biochemistry programs becausePolymer is closely related with biological Macromolecule. Third, I have workingexperience that enriches my theory and laboratory skills.

From 1990 to now, I have been engaged as an Assistant Engineer by theResearch institute, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation (RIBYPC). In thefirst year, I was in charge of a 5-litre reactor for polymerization ofCarboxylated Butadiene-Styene Latex. Then I was transferred to another researchgroup to synthesize PET/PHB copolymer, a kin of polyester, which has theproperty of Liquid Crystal. I am the assistant head of the group. We can preparethe novel polymer with high molecule weight and excellent property in a 2-litrestainless steel reactor. During this monomers, with purity of more than 99.99%;this made my leader very satisfied.

More than four years of working experiences expand my capacity. I often makeuse of NMR, X-ray, DSC and other instrumental methods for research. Among them,I am most skilled in NMR reactors, I have experiences on solving problems ofEngineering and Mechanics. What is more, I am familiar with computer operationand some application software. The above information about my specialty may behelpful for you to evaluate me.

It is said that the 21st century will be the age of Life Science. I hope toenter the esteemed Case Western Reserve University to face this challenge. I amconfident tat I shall be an excellent fellow. After completing my graduatestudy, I would like to return to my homeland and make use of my knowledge toserve the people.

By the way, I would like to give thanks to my parents. Being their oldestson, I am offered the most formal education and the deepest love. I never forgetthe 18-years life with them. Twelve years in the countryside and six years inShengli Oil Field bestowed me the character of diligence, resolution, andperseverance, as well as the deep love of nature and life. I am also indebted tomy dear wife. Without her never-ended encouragement and support in these years,I could not become closer and closer to the gate of the eminent Case WesternReserve University.

Yours sincerely,





我打算在xx大学继续学习历史。作为我从小就感兴趣的学科,我喜欢研究过去以及它如何塑造我们的未来。历史研究使我们能够看到过去的错误和成功,并将它们用于未来。a??历史是危难时刻的航海指南。历史就是我们是谁,以及我们为什么是现在的样子。 (McCullough)历史让社会通过学习的宽容和理解来形成身份和进步。去年在AS History我学习了意大利的统一,这是我理解历史的关键。探索意大利是如何从几个州合并为一个国家,并讨论意大利是单独成立还是需要从加里波第或加富尔等国家推动的,这很有趣。

花了很多年研究现代历史,并决定自己将我的知识扩展到古代历史。今年早些时候,我读了Lucy Hughes-Hallet写的一本名为Cleopatra的书。从另一个女性的角度阅读历史上如此著名且有影响力的女性,这很有

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Dear x,

Since studying Business at GCSE level and Economics at AS level, I havedeveloped an interest in the role of finance within businesses. Alongside mystudies at school, I have also taken inspiration from my involvement in myfather's part-time business. I have helped deal with some financial aspects ofthis business, including banking and completing

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Dear x,

There are a great deal of media and communication courses available, but adegree in public relations is something I could thrive on. I believe myestablished communication skills and enthusiasm for dealing with other peoplewould provide a solid foundation for which to further develop those skillsincorporated into this course. I relish the idea of a

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