Coffee Talk
Coffee, the Taste of Ulterior Life
一首Almost Blue 听罢是Any old time 突然想起Nirvana的Nevermind 扭曲的吉他,沙哑的嗓音 镁光灯下凌乱的着装和长发 映射出温柔、感性、脆弱和恐惧 不像意式卡布其诺,亦非美式拿铁
而是一杯味苦浓香的曼特宁黑咖,纯粹而彻底 The song of Almost Blue Proves to be Any Old Time It reminds me of Nirvana’s Nevermind Twisted guitar, ragged voice Mey cloths and hair under the light Reflect the softne, sensitivity, fragile and fear It is not Cappuccino, nor American Latte Rather than black Mandailing, pure and thorough
The Inn of Thinking
闲暇,带心灵去旅行 Travel with A Heart
选在安静窗台下 一块原木色地板上 将窗帘摆到合适的位置 让光自然透过来 暖暖地照亮半边屋子 打开香气馥郁的书卷 细品海边的卡夫卡 以及玩笑中的昆德拉 乘着闲暇的时光
一起追忆普鲁斯特的似水年华 悄悄走进博尔赫斯小径分岔的花园 Beside a quiet window On the natural color floor With curtain lifted To let in the air Warming and brightening the room Open a book Appreciate Kafka on the shore And the joking Kundera Remember things of Proust’s past
And stepping into the tranquil garden of Borges
(我忘了博文新知原来是不是这样翻的Blog’s New Story)
有空,来和书本约会 Date with A Book
无需选择时间地点 即使不在晴朗夜晚
也能望见博尔赫斯的月亮 无需去遥远的佛罗里达 即可拜访麦田里的守望者 也许一切要的只是 一个舒适的姿势 一份闲适的心境 一杯密斯朵咖啡
就能体验何谓生活在别处 饱享妙趣横生的袋鼠晴日 Read a book Regardle time and place At night or daytime No matter sunshine or rain You can see the moon of Borges Visiting the catcher in the rye No need go to the far away California All you need might be A comfortable pose And a mind at leisure Enjoy the kangaroo’s fine day When life is elsewhere
Sweet Amour
偶尔,与自己探讨爱情 Talk Love with Yourself
有时候不得不承认 虽然两人很近
如同1900无奈举着唱片 眼神迷茫且落寞
只能一次次重复mi,please 有时候又不得不承认 尽管形同陌路
一切只不过是那天偶遇,你向左,我向右 Sometimes I have to admit We two are close But it is no more than close Like 1900 uphold the disc in vain With lo and isolate in his eyes Repeat Mi, please Sometimes I have to admit Two parallel lines might meet But it is no more than a coincidence You turn left, I turn right
(忘了原文是怎么翻的)心情,邂逅露西亚的情人 Coincide with Lucia’s Lover
看惯了夜场电影 不妨在某个午后 去邂逅露西亚的情人 幻想在地中海的艳阳下 淋漓尽致地谈一场恋爱 说出自己关于爱的一切心绪 午后的阿莫多瓦,大胆而理性 午后的露西亚,妆淡,魅而不惑 Feel bored with movie at night Why not try your chance to meet Lucia’s lover Imagine under the beaming sun of Mediterranean Fall in live with someone Tell all your feeling about love In the afternoon Almodova is brave and rational The lightly decorated Lucia is charming Yet not seducing
Dust in the Wind
Tracing the Light in August
我喜欢八月 莫名地喜欢 八月洁净的河流 河水消退后 留下一滩的卵石 闪着眩目的白光
都是为了迎接更大的风暴 八月之光像神的旨意 照亮了我的全部生活 I like August for no reason Water retreats Leaving glistening boulder on the bank August is the inn of my tramping life For my encounter with greater storm Light in August is the instruction from heaven
Give guidance to all my life
似水年华 Things of the Past
Time Is Brewed into Sentiment
时而划过耳际,时而停在空中 轻盈地跳跃着,然后逃的很远 印象中那个穿着旗袍的女子 是否依然站在岁月的渡口 等待一位陈姓的男子 补一个亏欠已久的回答 “如果,我多一张船票,你会不会跟我一起走?” The melody of violin Circling around and jumping into the far Is the lady in memory Still wondering at the ford Waiting a late answer from the man “If I have one more ticket, will you go with me?”
The Love of A Collapsed City(忘了原文是不是这样翻的)
在家,也在卡萨布兰卡。At Home and Casablanca
阳光从窗口照进来 均匀地铺在地板上 干净、带着明媚的味道 不禁想起了卡萨布兰卡 山姆的《时光流转》以及 眼神如秋水般的英格丽.褒曼 白色的房子,美丽的相遇 世界上有那么多城镇
城镇中有那么多酒馆,她却走进了我的 Sunshine comes into from the window And spray onto the floor The clean air around
Reminds me of Casablanca Sam’s as time goes by
And the watery eyes of Ingrid Bergman A beautiful meet in a white house Of the world are so many pubs in so many towns You come into mine
Leisure Time Afternoon 午后,是一个空间概念。Space of Afternoon
午后的情绪是米兰城的绚丽绽放 午后的笑靥是香榭大道的光彩照人 午后的心境是马尔代夫的斑斓缤纷 午后的窗外,布满普罗旺斯的麦田 午后的天空,浸润着爱琴海的深蓝 午后可以约上三五好友,快乐消遣 午后可以捧上一本好书,如痴如醉 午后,是一段时间,更是一种空间
Mood in the afternoon is the gorgeous Milan Smile in the afternoon is the radiant Champs Elysees Avenue Mind in the afternoon is the colorful Maldives Outside the window is wheat field of Province Sky is soaked in Aegean blue Invite several friends together Or spend the time on a book The afternoon is a phase of space rather than time
Art Style
艺术,创造且升华了生活 Art Makes and Recreate Life
1785年的莫扎特,创造了婚礼 1830年的柏辽兹,谱成了幻想 1981年的韦伯,塑造了猫
1853的威尔第,升华了茶花女 1872年的比才,重构了卡门
那么,是生活创造了艺术,还是艺术还原了生活? Mozart of 1785 created wedding ceremony Berlioz of 1830 composed fantasy Webber of 1981 represented cat
Verdi of 1853 recreated Camille Bizet of 1872 reconstituted Carmen Strau of 1905 reproduced Salome
Then it is that life creates art or art restores life?
Natural Is A Philosophy of Life
习惯了朝九晚五,难得无拘无束 习惯了角色扮演,难得回归真我 习惯了车水马龙,难得小径清幽
习惯了数据思考,难得情感审美 习惯了资本原理,难得自然哲学 习惯了巴菲特之路,难得梵高的星空 Accustomed to routine, seldom at ease Accustomed to game, seldom true self Accustomed to traffic, seldom tranquil alley
Accustomed to data thinking, seldom aesthetic enjoyment Accustomed to capital principle, seldom natural philosophy Accustomed to Buffet’s road, seldom Van Gogh’s starry night
Dionysus Life
周末,在去波尔多的路上 On the Way to Bordeaux 45°的曼妙光影 伴着醇醇酒香 轻啜一口法式浪漫 想象当年孟德斯鸠 闲坐加伦河左岸
“我爱着,什么也不说,只看你在对面微笑。” Graceful light dancing with bouquet of wine A small sip of French romance Imagine Montesquieu sitting on the bank of Gallons Talk while holding a Lafite Faintly I can hear a line of Muet “I love thee, nothing to say, just smile facing thee.”
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