(自我介绍)hello, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Henanprovince。First, please let me introduce myself to you.My name is apple , I‟ll be your local guide during your stay here ,This is MrZhang ,our driver ,He is conscientious and seasoned.(有责任心和经验)。So you are in good hands when riding inhis coach, to avoid getting a wrong bus.we‟d better remember the number andthe features of our bus.the number is 21806 and its color is red, if you haveany special interests, please let me know, my job is to smooth your way and trymy best to answer your questions ,we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hope that during your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes andstomach but also experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understandingof the Chinese people , it will take ushalf an hour to our destination, ShaoLin Monastery.During this time, I‟dlike to give you a brief introduction about Henan province.(介绍河南)Henan province ,also called „yu‟ for short,meaning a man pulling an elephant ,is situated right in the heart of China ,soit is also named „central Plain‟
or „centralState‟, covering an area of 167000 square kilometers, with a total populationof 100 million ,which is the largest of all provinces in China.As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, is our mother river.Andit runs through 8 cities of Henan province, as its name means ,the province islocated to the southern bank of the Yellow River, A great number of history books andexcavation have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilization here.So every year, many Chinese descendants from home and abroadto worship the fathers.The last few years has seen the development of Henan province.Especially in the industry and agriculture.The GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area.Henanprovince is famous not only for its long history and rich culture,but also forits beautiful natural scenery.For the overseas tourists , Henanprovince is just like a natural history museum with splendid culture civilization.Zhengzhou,which is the capital and largest city of Henanprovince in central China.A prefecture-level city, it also serves as the centre of political, economic,technological, and educational of the province, as well as a majortransportation hub for Central China.Zhengzhou is also named mall city.It wasonce the capital of Shang dynasty 3500 years ago and now is a modern commercialcity.That makes it closely relate to shang, which means commerce and trade inchina.Because of that, Zhengzhouis one of the Eight Great Ancient Capitals of China and holds important statusof modern mall center in connection with other places.Zhengzhou experiences amonsoon-influenced, four-season humid subtropical climate, with cool, drywinters and hot, humid summers.Spring and autumn are dry and short.Well, our bus is coming tothe downtown area of Dengfeng city.Dengfeng has a long history.A number ofsites in and around the township are well worth visiting them.Foremost on thelist is the Shaolin Temple the birth place ofboth Kungfu and Zen Buddhism.Nowladies and gentlemen, our destination has arrived, please carry your items withyou, and get down the bus one by one carefully.Then let‟s visit it together.ShaolinTemple
Well, ladies and gentlemen:
Here weare, Shaolin Temple, in the region of SongMountain, Dengfeng City, Henan Province, is reputedto be the Number One Templeunder Heaven.Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei dynasty , had the templebuilt to accommodate the Indian master Batuo ,ShaolinTemple means “temple in the thickforests of Shaoshi Mountain”.Shaolin Temple embraces many exciting attractions;the first sight we see is the Shanmen Hall.Hung on its top is atablet reading 'Shaolin Temple'.The tablet wasinscribed by the Emperor Kangxi during the Qing Dynasty.Under the stairs ofthe hall stands two stone lions made in the Ming Dynasty.The hall enshrinesthe Maitreya Buddha.Next we arrive at the Hall of Heavenly Kings.The gate of the hallis guarded by two figures depicting Vajra.Inside the hall are figures of theFour Heavenly Kings who are responsible for inspecting peoples' behavior,helping the troubled, and bleing the people.Please follow me, this is the Mahavira Hall.The Mahavira Hall‟s center is just before your eyes.Both importantcelebrations and regular prayers are held here.18 Buddhist Arhats stand alongthe eastern and the southern walls of the hall.Buddhas of the Middle, East andWest are enshrined in this hall, respectively Sakyamuni Buddha, PharmacistBuddha and Amitabha Buddha.On both sides in front of the hall of Mahavira, standthe Bell tower and the Drum Tower symmetrically.They were used to report hoursfor the temple.Normally the bell is used in the morning while the drum, in theafternoon, hence the saying “morning bell and afternoon drum”.Having seen the highlights in the temple courtyards ,let‟s visitanother leading section of the Shaolin Temple Sightseeing Zone , named the Pagoda Forest which stands at thefoot of Shaoshi Mountainabout half a kilometer west to Shaolin Temple.It is aconcentration of tomb pagodas for eminent monks and abbots of the temple.Arough count shows more than 240 tomb pagodas of various sizes from the Tang,Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties , making it the biggest pagoda forestin China.Most of the pagodas are stone and brick structures.Their shapes are varied,including polygonal, cylindrical, vase-like, conical and monolithic, making thepagoda forest an exhibition of ancient pagodas, carvings and calligraphy ofvarious dynasties.Besides, it isknown that martial arts have been practiced at the temple throughout itshistory.A legend had it that Bodhidharma found monks weak and unhealthy afterlong time meditation practices, so he developed the martial arts to strengthenthem, which formed the basis of Shaolin Kungfu.However the unique aspect ofShaolin culture is the combination of Shaolin Kungfu and Chan Buddhism.Ok ,ladies andgentlemen, the explanation of the Shaolin Temple has come to an end.Now youcan have a free look and take some pictures as well.See you on the bus an hourlater.Wish you a pleasant tour.Thank you!
(自我介绍)hello, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Henan province。First, please let me introduce myself to you.My name is Apple , I‟llbe your local guide during your stay here ,This is Mr Zhang ,our driver ,He isconscientious and seasoned.(有责任心和经验)。So you are in good hands when riding in his coach, to avoid gettinga wrong bus.we‟d better remember the number and the features of our bus.thenumber is 21806 and its color is red, if you have any special interests, pleaselet me know, my job is to smooth your way and try my best to answer yourquestions ,we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hope thatduring your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes and stomach butalso experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding of theChinese people , it will take us half anhour to our destination, Park with „Up-theRiver-on-Chingming-Festival‟ views in Kaifeng.During this time, I‟d like to give you a brief introduction about Henan province.(介绍河南)Henan province ,also called „yu‟ for short,meaning a man pulling an elephant ,is situated right in the heart of China ,soit is also named „central Plain‟
or „centralState‟, covering an area of 167000 square kilometers, with a total populationof 100 million ,which is the largest of all provinces in China.As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, is our mother river.Andit runs through 8 cities of Henan province, as its name means ,the province islocated to the southern bank of the Yellow River, A great number of history books andexcavation have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilization here.So every year, many Chinese descendants from home and abroadto worship the fathers.The last few years has seen the development of Henan province.Especially in the industry and agriculture.The GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area.Henanprovince is famous not only for its long history and rich culture,but also forits beautiful natural scenery.For the overseas tourists , Henanprovince is just like a natural history museum with splendid culture civilization.(介绍开封)While Kaifeng is located on the alluvial plainson the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, which is a key tourismcity along the banks of the river.It is 70 kilometers from Zhengzhou, the provincial capital.(地理位置)
The city has a history of around 2700 years,serving as the capital for 7 dynasties, Kaifeng reached its peak when servingas the capital of the Song Dynasty, which is equal to the the Tang dynasty inChinese history ,they both scored great achievements in many fields.Its magnificence,grandne and splendor made it the center of the politics, economy and culturein China ,as well as a flouring metropolis(大都市)of the world,papermaking, gunpowder, printing and compa ,Chinese four great inventions were all discovered here and been used widely.Kaifengis also famous for its flowers, the chrysanthemum.Every autumn, aroundOctober, there will be many visitors come here to enjoy flowers.And the wholecity will be decorated with flower here and there.The bustling sight of Kaifeng was vividly reflected in the famouspainting Up the River on Qingming Festival by Zhang Zeduan.the park we aregoing to visit is just named after the painting.The painting described thespectacles on the flouring Bian River on Chingming Festival;all the constructions in the park were of typical Song Style with an adoptionof some modern technology.So when you walking in to the park, you‟ll find youthrough time and space to the Song Dynasty.Now ladies and gentlemen, our destination hasarrived, please carry your items with you, and get down the bus one by onecarefully.Then let‟s visit the dreaming park together and enjoy the claicalatmosphere.Park withUp the River on chingming Festival
Welcome to the Park with Up the River on ChingmingFestival, After seeing the grand Opening ceremony, please follow me.Iwill take you to an ancient Kaifeng of a thousand years ago.Walking into the gate ,the first sight we see isthe three-by-sixteen-meter hug relief on a screen wall.In front of which thereis a big statue of Zhang Zeduan, the well known Northern Song painter with hisfamous scroll painting in his hands, titled A Deep Love for Dongjing, as asymbol Of greetings and welcomes to visitors,Now let me give a brife introduction about thefamous painter and his great scroll painting, Zhang zeduan was called Zhengdao,was born in present Shandong Province in the Northern Song Dynasty and died inSouthern Song.His was travelling to Kaifeng to study when he was young, andwas accomplished in painting.He had once served as a painter in the paintingstudio of the Imperial Academy.While the famous painting UP the River on QingmingFestival is really a mirror to the flourish and prosperity of the capital city Kaifeng in the NorthernSong Dynasty.It describes all kinds of people and objects,they were reflectedvividly.from which we can see the whole Northern Song ,So it is really animportant evidence for historicans and scholars in the study and research ofpolitics , economy , culture ,science, architecture, military defenses and thesociety in the Northern Song Dynasty.The park covers an area of about 33hectares.consisting of 8 functional parts including the areas of hotels ,folk custoe, food street, culture andentertainment , flowers and birds, bustling capital, shopping plots andcomprehensive service based on the scroll painting.there are so much interestingthings for you to see in the park.You can go through the rainbow bridge, mountthe city gate.have a visit to the Hongfu Monastery, go shoppong in the silkstore, have a stay in an ancient post house, have a taste of seasonable food inthe restaurant of ancient style, and so on.you can also visit a traditionalweave room ,enjoy the popular acrobatics and other folk arts like the new yearpainting house, paper-cut.local kite and puffed-sugar-figures,etc.Now, let‟s first go to the Rainbow Bridgewhich was well-known in the northern song dynasty.As one of the 10 famousancient bridges in China,it was a wooden-structured bridge built in 1050 AD, playing a very importantrole both land and waterborne transportation.While it was destroyed inwarfare.the present Rainbow Bridge was set up 1998completely following the original pattern and style in painting.It‟s a singlearched bridge, 25 meters long and 5 meters wide, with 2 ornamental columns, and2 nine-meter high vertical shafts on both sides, on top of the shafts is a dogvaneformed by a plate with a white crane standing on.The crane can be turned withwind and tells the direction of the wind when it points to a certain positionof the croed wooden bar.The river under the bridge was BianRiver, which was originated from theancient Luo Riverin Luoyang.Theriver was a most important and bsiest water artery for transportation fromnorth to south in the North Song Dynasty, it linked the three big river ,theyellow river ,the Yangse River, and the Huai River.it had brought so manyadvantages to the development of the North Song Dynasty, boats and veels busyat carryong foods and grains sailed from south to north day and night ,so agreat number of hotels ,restaurants, shops were built densely along the banks,which brought more benefits to the capital city and made Kaifeng aworld-famous flourishing metropolis during the North Song Dynasty.After seeing the bridge, you can take part in theclaical wedding, the beautiful girl thrown a silk ball on the loft to see ahusband.Of course ,you can also watch the shows like operas, drum playing, acrobatic,andso on.Enjoy the atmosphere here happily.But please remember the time ,and we‟llmeet at the gate of the park 1 hours later.See you later!
Hello,ladies and gentlemen,welcome to Henan province。First, please let me introduce myself to you.My name is Apple , I‟llbe your local guide during your stay here ,This is Mr.Zhang ,our driver ,He isconscientious and seasoned.(有责任心和经验)。So you are in good hands when riding in his coach, to avoid gettinga wrong bus.we‟d better remember the number and the features of our bus.thenumber is 21806 and its color is red, if you have any special interests, pleaselet me know, my job is to smooth your way and try my best to answer yourquestions , we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hopethat during your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes and stomachbut also experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding ofthe Chinese people.Then, I’d like to show you the courseof our journey.We start from Zhengzhoucity to xinzheng city, by the way of the Beijing-zhuhai high speed.Then wewill get to our destination-the hometown of Huang Di, an hour later.During this time, I‟d liketo give you a brief introduction about Henan province.Henan province ,alsocalled „yu‟ for short, meaning a man pulling an elephant ,is situated right inthe heart of China ,so it is also named „central Plain‟
or „central State‟, covering an area of167000 square kilometers, with a total population of 100 million ,which is thelargest of all provinces in China.As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, isour mother river.And it runs through 8 cities of Henan province, as its namemeans ,the province is located to the southern bank of the Yellow River, A great number of history books andexcavation have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilization here.So every year, many Chinese descendants from home and abroadto worship the fathers.The last few years has seen the development of Henan province.Especially in the industry and agriculture.The GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area.Henan province is famous not only for itslong history and rich culture,but also for its beautiful natural scenery.Forthe overseas tourists , Henan province is justlike a natural history museum with age-old history and splendid culturecivilization.Well, our bus is coming tothe downtown area of xinzheng city.Which is a level city if Zhengzhou, the provincial capital.Xinzheng is a historical city.She has 8000years Percy Li Gang culture , 5000 Yellow Emperor culture and 2700 years zheng stateculture.Because of its rich culture and abundant resources, many famous peoplehave been born here.As we all know, the famous poet Bai Juyi of Tang Dynasty,the prime minister Gao Gong of the Ming Dynasty, and so on.and Today I willlead you to the hometown of Yellow Emperor andenjoy Yellow Emperor culture.Oh yes ,xinzheng also has a name of the first hometown of dates.People always saylingbao‟s apples, tongguan‟s pears , xinzheng‟s jujubes are as sweet as honey.Now we‟ve got to the parking lot.Thanks for your attention!now please follow me to get off the bus and takeyour important things with you.TheNative Placeof the Yellow Emperor
Well, ladies and gentlemen:
Here weare, the native place of the yellow emperor----the place where he was born,started his career and founded his capital.In the Yang Shao culture period asearly as 5000 thousand years ago, there was a tribe called “Youxiong ”thatregarded bear as the totem around Xin zheng in central plain.The tribe leader,called shao dian, married Fubao, and they give birth to the yellow emperor atthe hill of xuanyuan, so the yellow emperor was also named “xuanyuan”.Theyellow emperor was extremely smart when he was young, when he grew up, he wasvery knowledgeable and able-minded and deeply loved by his tribe.The native place was originally built in Han Dynasty and later destroyedand repaired in Ming and Qing Dynasties.In the 54th year of Kangxiin Qing Dynasty.the administrator of Xinzheng, Xu Chaozhu set up a tablet of “the Hometown of Xuanyuan”.In order to spread the splendid traditional cultureof our Chinaas well as to memorize our ancestors‟ great contribution, Xinzheng governmentrecently extends the scenic spot of the ancient hometown of Emperor Huang.Please come with me, this square wesee is Chinese surname Square, It is China's first surname Square, is also the Asia's largest surname square.The Emperor Huang‟s valuablecauldron altar is on the middle of the square.After visiting the Chinese surname Square,we arrive in the Main Hall.It is the core area,and also the area's oldest building, which was built in the Western HanDynasty.Maybe you will be attracted by the paintings on the hall.Whichvividly depicts the great achievements of the Yellow Emperor in his life.Well,here the painting we are seeing shows, Thebirth of the Yellow Emperor: theman in the mural is shaodian, father of the Yellow Emperor ,and the woman isFubao ,mother of the Yellow Emperor.And, look at this painting ,it tells usthe story of Creation of ChineseCivilization: the Yellow Emperor is regarded as the first ancestor ofChinese humanities since he made so many inventions with his men.The YellowEmperor had been on the throne for 100 years ,died jingshan.Finally was buriedat qiaoshan.It is said the Yellow Emperor had 25 sons ,14 of whom had surnamesbeing separated in other places of the country.They multiplied continuously,and merged with other tribes ,actually formed the Chinese nation consisting ofmany tribes cored by the Huaxia tribe.Thus ,the descendents regarded theYellow Emperor as the ancestor ,call themselves the descendents of Yan Emperorand the Yellow Emperor.Over there are YellowEmperor‟s two wives Luo zu and Mother Mo‟s hills.This is the EasternWing Hill :Luo Zu, the first imperial concubine ,or the first wife of theYellow Emperor.She was the first person to raise silkworm and weave silk inancient China.Western Wing Hall :here is the statue of Mother Mo‟s the fourth wife of theYellow Emperor ,who had invented the earliest for weaving.Mother “loom”
Mo gave birth toCanglin the descendent of Beidi, who was the ancestor of ethnic minorities in North China.Ok ,ladies andgentlemen, the explanation of the Native Place of the Yellow Emperor has cometo an end.Now you can have a free look and take some pictures as well.See youon the bus an hour later.Wish you a pleasant tour.Thank you!
(自我介绍)Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Henan province。First, please let me introduce myself to you.My name is ##,Yang is my family name ,I‟ll be your local guide during your stayhere ,This is Mr Zhang ,our driver ,He is conscientious and seasoned.(有责任心和经验)。So you are in good hands when riding inhis coach, to avoid getting a wrong bus.we‟d better remember the number andthe features of our bus.the number is 21806 and its color is red, if you haveany special interests, please let me know, my job is to smooth your way and trymy best to answer your questions, we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.It willtake us half an hour to our destination, the Longmen-Grottoes.During this time, I‟d like to give you abrief introduction about Henanprovince.(介绍河南)Henan province ,also called „yu‟ for short,meaning a man pulling an elephant ,is situated right in the heart of China ,soit is also named „central Plain‟
or „centralState‟, covering an area of 167000 square kilometers, with a total populationof 100 million ,which is the largest of all provinces in China.As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, is our mother river.Andit runs through 8 cities of Henan province, as its name means ,the province islocated to the southern bank of the Yellow River, A great number of history books andexcavation have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilization here.So every year, many Chinese descendants from home and abroadto worship the fathers.The last few years has seen the development of Henan province.Especially in the industry and agriculture.The GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area.Henanprovince is famous not only for its long history and rich culture, but also forits beautiful natural scenery.For the overseas tourists, Henan province is just like a naturalhistory museum with splendid culture civilization.While Luoyangis located at the western part of Henan Province.situated in thenorthern bank of the Luohe River and faces the sun,hence get the name.It is famous both for its long history of ancient cultureand modern industry, but it‟s more famous for being ancient capitals.Among China‟s 8 ancient capitals, Luoyang is the earliest one with the longesthistory.Well ,around 13 km south ofLuoyang ,there are two picturesque hills confronting each other with the YiRiver flowing northward between them, connected by an arched stone bridgeresembling a natural gate tower.This is the right place named Longmen, wherethe well-known Longmen-Grottoes is located.It was proclaimed as thefirst-grade cultural relics for national protection by the State Council in1961 and was also listed as the World Cultural Heritage by the United NationsEducational Scientific and Cultural Organization at the very end of thetwentieth century.Through the Qianxi Temple,we step into the Binyang Caves.It consists ofthree large caves, the North, the middle and the South caves.They were allbuilt under the imperial court of the Northern Wei Dynasty.The construction ofthe Mid Binyang Cave was ended in 523 AD with duration of 24 years, over800,000 man-days, that is, nearly 100 people worked on it at the same timeevery day by an average for 24 years.The mainBuddha sitting in the middle isSakyamuni about 8.4 m high with a delicate and preery smiling face, flanked bytwo disciples, two Boddhisattvas on the back wall.Please look around , theside walls were also carved with four layers of relief, like Emperor andEmpre Dowager worshiping the Buddha with their servants.They are allmasterpiece of the Northern Wei sculptures, but unfortunately the later watolen in the 1930s and mow is kept in the United States.After through the LotusCave ,we step in Fengxian Temple,the symbol or the soul of the world-known great Longmen-GROTTOES.It is thelargest Buddhist niche t Longmen.It was built under the imperial deict ofEmperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, with about 20 years of construcrionduration, started in 655 AD and completed in shortening the time of theproject, Empre Dowager Wu Zetian donated 20,000 Strings of Cash Coins for hercosmentics and also attended the consecration of the chief Buddha when the constructionwas thoroughly completed.Please look at here, the chief Buddha sitting straightlyin the center named Losana, the Rewarding Buddha of Buddhism, boasts thebiggest statue at Longmen, attaining a height of 17.14m , with its head 4m,each eat 1.9, flanked by two symmetrical disciples, Boddhisattvas, HeavenlyKings and Great Men of Strength on both sides.So we would rather say that theoverall arrangement of the Fengxian Temple is a scene of agrand imperial court than a spot of Buddhiam.Ladies and Gentleman, now we arein the Prescription Cave, the cave derivedits name just from the 140 prescriptions engraved at the doorway or inside thecave.The construction was started in the Northern Qi Dynasty and completed inthe early Tang Dynasty with an intermittent duration of 200 years.Itsprescription preserved in the cave boast the earliest of all the prescriptioncarvings of ancient times.Seeing the Guyang Cave,means the approach to the end of the visit to Longmen-grottoes.The creation ofthe Guyang Cave in 493 AD marked the formal startof the Buddhist carving project at Longmen under the royal court of theNorthern Wei Dynasty in large scale.Thus it has a history of over 1,500 years.The three lines of niches with images, fine in ornament and different inpattern, were engraved on both walls, forming an excellent combination of carving,painting, calligraphy, and architecture.What must be particularly pointed outis that the famous inscriptions, the cream if calligraphy, called “The TwentyChoice of Calligraphy at Longmen.5.内乡县衙
(自我介绍)hello, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Henan province。First, please let me introduce myself to you.My name is Apple, I‟llbe your local guide during your stay here, This is Mr.Zhang ,our driver ,He isconscientious and seasoned.(有责任心和经验)。So you are in good hands when riding in his coach, to avoid gettinga wrong bus.we‟d better remember the number and the features of our bus.thenumber is YA1267 and its color is red, if you have any special interests,please let me know, my job is to smooth your way and try my best to answer yourquestions, we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hope thatduring your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes and stomach butalso experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding of theChinese people.It will take us half an hour to our destination,Yamen in Neixiang County,During this time,I‟d like to give you a brief introduction about Henan province.(介绍河南)Henan province ,also called „yu‟ for short,meaning a man pulling an elephant ,is situated right in the heart of China ,soit is also named „central Plain‟
or „centralState‟, covering an area of 167000 square kilometers, with a total populationof 100 million ,which is the largest of all provinces in China.As weall know, the Yellow River is the cradle ofChinese civilization, is our mother river.And it runs through 8 cities of Henanprovince, as its name means ,the province is just located to the southern bankof the Yellow River, A great number ofhistory books and excavation have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestortarted the civilization here.So every year, many Chinese descendants fromhome and abroad to worship the fathers.The last few years has seen thedevelopment of Henanprovince.Especially in the industry andagriculture.The GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area.Henan province is famousnot only for its long history and rich culture,but also for its beautifulnatural scenery.For the overseas tourists, Henan province is just like a naturalhistory museum with splendid culture civilization.Okay,today we‟ll pay a visit to Yamen in NeixiangCounty, the city lies within the Nanyang Basin,which is part of a region in Central China that lies in the gap between theeastern end of the Qinling Mountains and the source of the Huai River.To the north of Nanyang city proper, there is a mountain called Mount Du,which is famous for the Dushan Jade, one of the four famous jades of China and isnow a rarity.Nanyangis the hometown of many famous persons in Chinese history ,such as Fan Li,Zhang Zhongjing, the medical sage, and the great scientist , Zhang Heng, thegreat strategist and statesman , Zhu Geliang, farmed and lived here, in theThree-Kingdom Period.Because of its rich natural resources, greatcivilization, beautiful scenic spots and great historical sites, Nanyang hasbeen an attracting destinations for the people from home and abroad.Now ladies and gentlemen, our destination hasarrived, please carry your items with you, and get down the bus one by one carefully.Then let‟s visit it together.Yamen in Neixiang County
Ladies andgentlemen, welcome to Neixiang County.The constructionof the Yamen here started in 1303 in Yuan Dynasty, and the present buildingshere were built in Qing Dynasty.It was the most well preserved governmentoffice of county level in feudal China.Since it opened up to theoutside world in 1984, it has attracted a number of government officials andvisitors from both home and abroad to come, because of its special history, science,artistic value and its own charm.It hasbeen said theat: Beijingis the dragonhead while the dragon‟s tail is in Neixiang.It is also one of theimportant cultural relics of state level.The frontpart building of the Yamen was called a screen wall, which was built with bluebrick relief sculpture.In the middle of the screen, there is a strange beast,which is called “Tan”.It was said to be a greedy beast that could swallow goldand silver treasure in the legend.Here in the picture we can see that aroundit there were treasures everywhere.But he is not satisfied.He is opening hismouth widely intending to swallow the sun in the sky, but as a result, he fallsoff the steep cliff, having his body smashed to pieces.The picture on thescreen was first created by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty.Thepurpose of the drawing is to warn the government officials not to take bribesand break the law.Paingthrough Yimen, you can see a grand building here in front of you.That is thegreat hall.Along the two sides of the paage, are the offices of the sixadministrative bodies of the old government.On the east side are the Ministry of Official Personnel Affairs,the Ministry of Revenue and the Ministry of Rites.On the westside are the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministryof Punishments and the Ministry of Industry.The great hall was the place wherethe governor of the county announced the government orders, and also someimportant ceremonies were held here and some important and serious criminalcases were tried here.Now we havecome to the second hall.It was he place where the County Magistratedealt with small cases.Please look at these famous couplets, which means thatbefore law everyone was equal.So the judges should pa the fairest judgementon people.Along the wall stood the instruments of torture.Now look at thishanging flat board.The three big Chinese characters mean that you rule yourcounty by playing a Chinese musical instrument “Qin” instead of going here andthere to settle everything by yourself.Later people use this metaphor topraise those leaders who knows their subordinates well enough to aign themjobs commensurate with their abilities.In order to show their intelligence andwisdom, the officials at that time named the second as “Qinzhi Hall”.This iscalled “Fuzi Yard”, an ancient form of addre to a Confucian scholar or to amaster by his disciples.Fuzi was usually the official‟s aistant who wasusually their close friend of knowledgeable and artistic talent.Everyone,including the county governor respectfully addreed him as “Lao Fuzi”(meaningold scholar)so the place where Fuzi worked was called Fuzi Yard.Now ladiesand gentlemen, our visit has come to an end ,then you can have a free look andtake pictures as well ,but please don‟t forget the time , we‟ll meet at thegate 1 hour later, wish you a happy journey,thank you!
(自我介绍)Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Henan province。First, please let me introduce myself to you.My name is ##,Yang is my family name ,I‟ll be your local guide during your stayhere ,This is Mr Zhang ,our driver ,He is conscientious and seasoned.(有责任心和经验)。So you are in good hands when riding inhis coach,to avoid getting a wrong bus.we‟d better remember the number and thefeatures of our bus.the number is 21806 and its color is red, if you have anyspecial interests, please let me know, my job is to smooth your way and try mybest to answer your questions ,we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.It willtake us half an hour to our destination, the Yin Ruins museum in Anyang.During this time, I‟d like to give you abrief introduction about Henanprovince.(介绍河南)Henan province ,also called „yu‟ for short,meaning a man pulling an elephant ,is situated right in the heart of China ,soit is also named „central Plain‟
or „centralState‟, covering an area of 167000 square kilometers, with a total populationof 100 million ,which is the largest of all provinces in China.As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, is our mother river.Andit runs through 8 cities of Henan province, as its name means ,the province islocated to the southern bank of the Yellow River, A great number of history books andexcavation have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilization here.So every year, many Chinese descendants from home and abroadto worship the fathers.The last few years has seen the development of Henan province.Especially in the industry and agriculture.The GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area.Henanprovince is famous not only for its long history and rich culture,but also forits beautiful natural scenery.For the overseas tourists , Henanprovince is just like a natural history museum with splendid culture civilization.Then I „ll give you a brief introduction to Anyang,as we all know ,anyang is one of the 8 ancient city in china and is famous as asrare historic and cultural cities,Anyang has a history of 3000 years and isthe birthplace if the Chinese nation.As early as about 2000years ago humanbeings began to live here.Ever since Emperor Pan Geng of the Shang Dynastymoved the capital to Anyang,it served as the capital of the ancient dynasty for 8dynasties.Due to its age-old history and splendid culture,the greet number of scenic spots and cultural and relics dot the city likestars in the sky, such as Wenfeng Pagoda, the Red Flag Canal, the Grand TaihangCanyon, the Remains of Youli Town, and so on.In addition ,Anyang is also the birthplace of the Book ofChanges, the hometown of Yuefei , A famous general of the South Song Dynasty.While the Yin Ruins is the remains of Shang Dynasty,it first discovered in 1928, and be ranked as world culture heritage in2001.it is really important andvaluable for historians and scholars inthe study and research of politics, economy, culture, architecture, military defensesand the society in the Shang Dynasty.the ancient town left us many relics suchas those of palaces, work-shops and tombs, with large amouts of tools,utensils, ritual applicance and musical instruments.Of course, the earliestwritten form of languages of the world-inscriptions on bones or tortoiseshells, and the Simuwu Quadripod are most famous items that attract people tovisit here every year.Now ladies and gentlemen, our destination hasarrived, please carry your items with you, and get down the bus one by onecarefully.Then let‟s visit the Yin Ruins and enjoy the claical atmosphere.Museum on Yin Ruins
Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the gate ofthe museum, I think that after myintroduction you‟ll have a better understanding about the culture of the YinRuins.Now let‟s visit it together.We can see the main entrance to the garden is aspecially designed gate, which was built in the shape of the Chinese word „gate‟.it was carved with beautiful designs of dragon, tiger, cicada and other animals.on top of the gate is an inscribed board with the words.„Garden of the YinRuins‟ written by Mr.Zhou Gucheng, a famous historian in China.The first appear in our eyesight is the main hallthat copy the Shang Dynasty.The big hall is 51 meters long, just like the heartof the capital, it is the meeting place of the Shang Dynasty, the buildingstyle makes it so grand.The famous oracle inscriptions are exhibited here,the inscriptions marked a recorded history of nearly 4000 years in China, theoracle are shells or bones of tortoise on which some words were carved.theywere used as divinations in the Shang Dynasty when the society were notscientific, the contents of these inscriptions cover wide fields, ranging fromsacrifice, wars, state affairs to weather, hunting and so on, which provideimportant information for the study of the Shang dynasty, as we know, nowadays,the study of oracle of inscription has become a new science and is become moreand more popular.The different shapes of the oracle inscriptions on behave ofdifferent meanings.Now we can see a big quadripod, just like you think,it‟s the famous Simuwu Ding, it first be used as the tool of cooking, while asthe development of the society and economic, it becomes a symbol of power andstatue.it‟s 1.33 meters long and 0.78 meters wide.It‟s the biggest one in theworld so far, so weight a appliance, it must be very difficult to make, so wecan image how advanced our technology is in the ancient time.And thetechnology of bronze casting reached its peak in the Shang Dynasty.At last.we would come to the site Of the imperialpalaces and tombs, which lies opposite the palace acro Heng River,11 tombs had been discovered here, of which 8 are kings‟.In 1976, near thesite of the imperial palaces archaeologists found the tomb of the first womangeneral in Chinese history.Tomb of Fu Hao, who was Emperor Wu Ding‟s wife,both intelligence and courageous.She had led the army fighting in many warsand made great contributions to the protecting of the country.After her death,Wu Ding was so sad and then he built a large tomb near the palace to honor her merits.Many slaves and prisoners, along with many sacrifice objects were buried withher.Now ladies and gentlemen, I‟ll give you half anhour time to visit here, and we‟ll meet at the gate of the park,7.Mt.Yuntai
Good morning, ladies andgentleman:
First of all, please allowme to introduce us to you.My name is A, but you just call me B, your localguide here, while this is our driver, Mr.Li.He has been working asprofeional driver for over 15 years and he is surely experienced andresponsible.Then on behalf of my travel service, my colleagues and myself, Iwarmly welcome you to Henan.I‟ll do everything poible to make your stay most comfortable and enjoyable.Be sure to let me know when you have any questions, any problems or anyrequests, no matter what they are.Perhaps, it is the firsttime for most of you to visit Henan,so I‟d like to take this opportunity to give you a brief introduction about it!
Henan Province,also called “Yu” for short, meaning a man pulling an elephant, is situatedright in the heart of China,covering an area of 167000 square kilometers, with a total population of 97million.Henanis reputed for agriculture.Henan is alsonamed “Central Plain” or “Central State”.Over 200 kings oremperors of over 20 dynasties had the capitals or shifted the capitals here,and have left numerous historical relics and places of interest, of which, thehistorical relics remain underground in the province rank the first in thecountry.Now we are at the Zhengzhou.Zhengzhou is the capital of Henan Province.---------junction of the Beijing-Guangzhou and Lanzhou-Lianyungang railways, it is alsothe political, economic, cultural, and transportation center of Henan.Please lookoutside the window, there are so many trees along the road, with its lushfoliage.Zhen Zhou is china„s model for planting trees in urban areas thereforegot the name “Green city”.Zhengzhouhas a long history.As early as 3,500 years ago, it became the capital of theShang Dynasty which together with ancient Egypt,India, and Babylon, was considered to be one of theoldest civilizations of the world.Today cultural relics and historical sitesabound in and around the city, attracting more and more tourists andarchaeologists both from Chinaand abroad.Now we‟re paing throughthe February 7th Memorial Tower.It was built justto commemorate the strike occurred in February 1923, being the symbol of Zhengzhou City now.Ok ladies and gentlemen, now we‟re stepping into Jiaozuo.Jiaozuo is an industry city famous for itscoal industry.Thus it earns the title of “Coal city”.And it has developedinto a tourism city succefully.Situatedin Xiuwu county, Jiaozuo city, Henan province, it harbors a grand collection ofnational park, forest, geological reserve, protected watersheds, a naturepreserve for rhesus monkey, a 5A tourist zone, a national scenic area andnational natural heritage.In 2004,it was one of the first to be granted thestatus of World Geological Parkby UNESCO.Mt.Yuntaiis part of Taihang Mountains.Within its 190square kilometers scenic area, it boasts a great collection of scenic spots fortheir beauty such as Red Rock Valley,Quanpu Gorge, Tanpu Gorge, Zifang Lake, WanshanTemple, Baijia Cliff, Cornus Peak,Rhesus Monkey Valley, Colorful Cave, Blue Dragon Gorgeand Fenglin Gorge.These scenic spots offer an outdoor science cla fortourists to study ecology, human history, topography, water resources andstratum structure.Here we are, please bring your personal stuffand close the windows.Let‟s get off the coach!
Mt.Yuntai 景点
Ladies and Gentlemen, now we are at the Red Rock Valley.It also known as the Warm Plate Valley.It stretches1500m in length.It is 68m deep with its width at the widest point 20, and thenarrowest point, only several meters.Deep and narrow, the valley is cool inthe summer and warm in the winter.It is known as the Ever Spring Valley.And has all the features of a Chinese potted landscape.When you get close to the Ren rock Valley, you will feel as if walking into afairyland.Wind, water, even volcanic, eruptions and earthquakes have sculptedthis global masterpiece.After billions of years.Rock stratum containing quartzsand was eventually exposed to the air.Iron oxide discolors the entire cliffwall.Hiddenin the vast green, the red cliff looks like beautiful ribbons surging throughthe mountain ranges, creating a magnificent view.The perimeter of the Zifang Lakeis 4km.The deepest point measures 65m.According to history, Zhang Liang, a renownedofficial during the Western Han dynasty, hide himself here in the Yuntai Mountainafter his failed aaination attempt on the Emperor Qin.As Zhang‟courtesyname was Zifang, the lake became ZifangLake and the peak nearby, the ZhangLiang Peak.“The lake is boundle and stillwhile the mountain ranges are dreed in spring color.”
Now we are stepping in the Quanpu Gorge.TheYuntai Heavenly Waterfall is one of the best.It plunges 314m.the highest in ChinaThe long descent in windy conditions renders the misty and vall-like fall thecreate a lazy and hazy quality.The spectacular scene was depicted in the poemof the great poet Li Bai:“Stream of water plunge from high up in the sky;I thought it was theMilky Way falling from the outer space.”The QuanpuGorge stretches over 3km, featuring deep water and high ridges.A chain ofcreeks and springs can be spotted through the valley.As the saying goes, amountain with no water is boring, Being indulged in the sight here, your heartdances with the creek, merrily cricroing around your feet.Nest, we are going to Tanpu Gorge.What wesee is one step it is a spring the next, a waterfall and the a lake is seen asone travels.As a lonely guest away from home, the feelingof longing increases on holidays.Finding the spot where brother you oncestood, everywhere, I see the cornus, only you are miing.The Tang Dynastypoet Wang Wei hiked Zhuyu Peak during the ChongyangFestival over a thousand years ago and wrote this famous poem.The poemexprees the deep feeling and the family bond between the poet and hisbrother.It‟s been paed on per centuries allowing Zhuyu Peakto be known far and wide.1380m above sea level.Zhuyu Peakis the highest in the Yuntai mountain ranges.It is named after a plant calledcornus that thrives here.8.嵖岈山
Hello, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Henan province。First, please let me introduce myself to you.My name is Apple,I’ll be your local guide during your stay here, This is Mr Zhang, our driver,He is conscientious and seasoned.(有责任心和经验)。So you are in good hands when riding in his coach, to avoid gettinga wrong bus.we’d better remember the number and the features of our bus.thenumber is 21806 and its color is red, if you have any special interests, pleaselet me know, my job is to smooth your way and try my best to answer yourquestions , we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hopethat during your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes and stomachbut also experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding ofthe Chinese people.Then, I‟d like to show youthe course of our journey.We start from Zhengzhoucity to Zhumadian city, by the way of the Beijing-zhuhai high speed.Pathrough Xuchang , Luohe , and it will take us 4 hours to our destination, Mount Chayashan.Duringthis time, I’d like to give you a brief introduction about Henan province.Henan, also called ‘yu’ forshort, meaning a man pulling an elephant ,is situated right in the heart ofChina ,so it is also named ‘central Plain’ or ‘central State’, covering an area of 167000 square kilometers, with atotal population of 100 million ,which is the largest of all provinces inChina.As we all know, the Yellow Riveris the cradle of Chinese civilization, is our mother river.And it runs through8 cities of Henan province, as its name means ,the province is located to thesouthern bank of the Yellow River, Agreat number of history books and excavation have proved that 8000 years ago,Chinese ancestors started the civilization here.So every year, many Chinese descendantsfrom home and abroad to worship the fathers.The last few years has seen thedevelopment of Henanprovince.Especially in the industry andagriculture.The GDP of Henanhas been ranked top in the middle area.Henan province is famous not only for its long history and richculture, but also for its beautiful natural scenery.For the overseas tourists,Henanprovince is just like a natural history museum with splendid culturecivilization.While the ChayaMountain Sightseeing Area, in Zhumadian City.It was one of the earliest provincialsightseeing areas in the province.And it was said it has been called „bonsaiof the central plain China‟,for it‟s so small but pretty exquisite.And one of the Chinese four masterpieces ofliterature, the journey to the west, was written by Mr.Wu‟s visit to thismountain, who was a famous writer of the Ming Dynasty, themountain iituatedin the transitional zone of the north and south, and be bestowed with an agreeable climate and abundant resources.On the mountain there are steep and rocky peaks and deep caves surrounded byage-old trees and green vines.At the foot, there flow streams towards lakes,making various reflections.In this fairyland, there are altogether 9 sites, 9peaks, 9 stones, 9 pavilions, 9 caves and over 200 scenic spots of variouskinds.Now ladies and gentlemen, ourdestination has arrived, please carry your items with you, and get down the busone by one carefully.Then let’s visit mountain here happily.ChayaMountainSightseeing Area
Hello,ladies and gentlemen, We have got to the Chaya Mountain Sightseeing Area.Ihope that after my introduction, you‟ll have a better understanding about ChayaMountant.Then let megive you a brief introduction about it, The whole sightseeing area consists of fourparts such as the Mila Hill, the Six-peak Hill, the Northern Hill, and theSouthern Hill.First,appears in our sight is the new gate of the mountan,it was designed by a famous expert of the architecture designinstitute in Beijing,mixing the style of natural and modern technology together.The two big banyansforming the whole gate sighting, they are so big and special, their trunks areall made with the modern technology of Germany the first time.they are so realthat you can‟t image they are all artificial.The geological museum and officebuilding are hided in the big trunks.and the trunk are made by many smallbanyans, The computer controls all link taches, so it remain green throughoutthe whole year, and it‟s the unique one in China.Now,please look at the hill over the lake.It‟s just the “Mila Hill”, about 300meters in height.Why is it called so? It is said that there were flowerseverywhere on the hill formerly, and many wild bees came to deflower theflowers to make honey.The bees made so much honey and no people came forcollection, so the honey was frozen up in the crevice in the rock.When summercame, the strong sunlight made the honey melt and run down along the hill.As aresult, the entire hill looked as if coated with thick beeswax, hence the name,the “Mila Hill”.The local people living nearby would drink the honey from thehill when they came for firewood, or medicinal herbs or shepherding sheep onthe hill.And here is an interesting story about the honey.Long, long ago,there lived a rich man at the foot of the hill.He wanted very much to eat thehoney on the hill, but he was too lazy to climb the hill by himself.So heordered one of his men who did hard work for him to get the honey from thehill.The man came back with a big jarful of honey.Unfortunately he fell downon the way down the hill by carelene.Sure enough, the earthen jar wasbroken, and the honey flowed down.It was said that the white line along the North Slope of the hill we can see now is the rightvestige left by the honey running from the broken earthen jar.The lake atthe foot of the hill is called “Xiumi Like”, in which the water is still sweetbecause of the honey flowing down from Mila Hill.You can have a taste of it ifyou are interested.Nowwe have come to the Ten-Thousand-People-Cave,which is so unique that has been listed as one ofthe nine greatest and the most famous caves.It is a natural underground cavewith caves in caves and channels connecting channels.The smallest one onlyallows one person to pa or crawl through;while the biggest is as big as afew houses, the room of which, can hold ten thousand people in all, hence thename “Ten-Thousand-People-Cave”.Ok,ladies and gentlemen, after a series of sightseeing, the visit to Chaya Mountainhas come to the end.I hope you have enjoyed these last few days as much as Ihave.We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed being here and that one day inthe future you will return to visit us again.Thankyou for your good cooperation!Wish you a pleasant journey!Wish to see youagain!Good luck!
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