广告口号翻译 论文_广告语翻译论文

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The translation of advertisements is a case in point.Multinational companies advertise their products at home and abroad.When certain product or service is advertised in a foreign market, the translation of the target consumers is indispensable in order to cater to the needs of the target consumers.As a result, the translated slogan will not poibly produce the desired effect to inform the consumers and arouse their desire to make purchase.As a matter of fact, there is an undeniable fact that some translated advertising slogans still leave much to be desired.In my thesis, I will give a brief account of the features of advertising slogans and the basic rules to follow when translating them.Then, I will put the basic theories of translation into the advertising slogan, so the busine can find an easy way to make a good relationship with the customers.The General Remarks on Advertising Slogan

2.1 Definition of Advertising Slogan

The word “slogan” originally came from the Gaelic phrase, “slugh gairm”.It means “battle cry”.The slogan is different from the other kinds of writing because it is designed to be remembered and repeated word for word, to impre its brand and its meage on the customers.2.2 Function of Advertising Slogan

The ultimate purpose of an advertising slogan is to arouse the consumer’s desire to make purchase.It influences not only the consumer’s economic decisions but also hisher social values and personal life.Therefore, an advertising slogan has two main functions: providing information and persuading the consumers to make purchase.2.3 The Lexical Feature in Advertising Slogan

The advertising slogans use the highly frequent expreions and words which are often used in the daily communication.Other adjectives are used for particular advertising products.Such as: crisp, fresh, delicious, rich for “food”, easy, safe and1of5

On Translation in Advertising Slogan

can be used for all types of machinery and appliances, kitchen products, extra, free, special are often used to attract specific clients.Example: let’s make things better.(Philips)

The taste is great.(Nestle)

Feel the new space.(Samsung)

2.4 Rhetoric Features in the Advertising Slogan

Trope is a rhetorical figure of speech that consists of a play on words, i.e.using a word in a way other what is considered its literal or normal form.A trope is a way of turning a word away from its normal meaning, or turning it into something else.That is making an analogy.Describe a thing by another thing which has different nature but similarities.It is usually divided into simile and metaphor.In order to emphasize or highlight a certain thing it is need to exert rich imagination to exaggerated the facts deliberately and enhance the influence and persuasion of advertising works.Give prominence to the theme and touch hearts of readers and win their good opinion of the commodities.The Advertising Slogans Translation

3.1 Theoretical Basis of Advertising Slogan Translation

As to the criterion for translation, there are different views existing in domestic and abroad translation studies.Guinn(1998)raises the idea that advertising translation is a commercial activity with predetermined purposes.In china, the authoritative theory is Yan Fu’s principle of “faithfulne, expreivene and elegance”.3.2 Translation Strategies Based on the Nida Theory

The globalization of economies and trade intensification leads companies to communicate with consumers of different languages and cultures.Within the framework of international marketing strategies, advertising plays a key role.Therefore, translating advertising means to produce a new text in a target language


setting for a target promoting purpose in order to appeal to the target consumers in the target cultural circumstances.3.3 The Different Culture in the Translation

Culture differences greatly affect the advertising slogan translation.The proce of advertising translation is not only a transfer of language, but also a transfer of culture.However, differences are the most common parts and they will bring many challenges to translators.Just because of this, a good translator must have a better command of the differences between the two cultures.Different value view has been the obstacle of cro-cultural communication.Traditional Chinese culture sets the priority of collective or national benefits over individual interest.In western cultures, the opposite is true.Most western cultures are characterized by paramount of individual interest.Such a cultural difference usually leads to the difference in the eastern and the western advertisements.For example, as the Chinese have a tendency of following suit, the Chinese consumers always believe that the more people buy a product, the better qualityit will have.Therefore, when they choose commodities, they usually buy what is favored by most people.Such kind of psychology is thus taken advantage by the Chinese advertisers.In our daily life, we can find many examples which stre group behavior.Examples:为你,为他,胃健康。(斯达舒胶囊)


These words are often seen in Chinese ads:“今天你吃了没有?”“男女老少皆宜” “大家都喜欢用”。

But in the west , individualism is valued, and what prevail in their advertisements are such word as independence, uniquene, and privacy.Examples: man should have his own voice.(Aleate mobile phone)男人应有自己的声音

I choose it , I like it.(Anta sports shoes)我选择,我喜欢。

Different thought patterns in the west and china are summarized as the following

On Translation in Advertising Slogan

aspects: a.unification concept: stre on authority rather than fact;b.smallholder concept: stre on interest rather than ideology: c.human relationship concept: stre on morale rather than effect;d.egalitarianism concept: stre on cooperation rather than competition.Different mental structure also leads to differences in ad in the west and china.Most Chinese ads words tend to be abstract, subjective, exaggerative, and empty.The westerners tend to be more objective.Therefore, what fill in our ears are often such word as “获得„金奖”,“国有企业”,“中国消费者协会推荐”,etc.The obvious implication behind these words is that the quality of their products is proved by authorities, which leaves no room for you to doubt.Conclusion

In summary, advertisements have their own unique language characteristics.It is neceary to have thorough understanding of their special and flexible characteristics and exercise them smartly in translation if the authors want to translate the eence of the advertisement.Therefore, it is neceary to master skills of translation.Hence, one should keep abreast of commercial developments and the general consumers’ psychology, firmly grasp the features of fashion, modern and trendy, and select the best way to expre the original meaning of advertisements to meet challenges of commodity economy by better advertisements and translations.It is believed that with further development of commodity economy it will show a brighter, colorful language world.华北科技学院毕业论文


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