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我是杨雪峰,目前,我在日本住友化学工作,职位senior technician 2,工作时间2年6个月。主要职责是DCS操作(yogokawa),确保生产在最优化状态下运行,平稳,安全。工厂主要设备:高压蒸汽包,高温锅炉,废水燃烧炉,废气焚烧炉,汽轮机,蒸馏塔,汽提塔,萃取塔,列管反应器,制冷机,各种各样的泵。
工厂每年开停车检修两次,7月左右Aeration,需10天左右,部分停车。中国新年前SDM,40天左右,全厂停车检修包括蒸汽系统。我的任务是根据标准操作法和任务条操作DCS,平稳停车,碱洗,开车。与此同时,作为一个senior technician,指引新人停车,碱洗,开车,氧化反应器aeration,裂解催化剂再生;教他们如何安全交出设备。
曾经历过两次跳车,一次是外操,一次是内操。跳车对公厂是坏事,但对我是一次很好的魔鬼训练。我很幸运通过这两次停车,特别是第二次,在今年4月员工表现评估时,经理认为我沉着和有条不紊,破格提升为senior technician 2。还参与过多次抢修,比如一些重要的阀门更换,泵的维修,塔的碱洗。
I am very keen in your company.My name is Yang Xuefeng.Currently, I work for summitomo chemical company as a senior proce technician in singapore.So far, it is about two years and six months.My duty is to operate the plant from automated DCS control panel(yogokawa)to maintaine smooth operation and to ensure that all equipments are running at optimal conditions in the plant.For example, high preure steam boilers, high temprature furnace, waste liquid combustion furnace, steam turbines, extractor tower, distillate tower, striping tower, multitube reactor, chiller, many types of pumps.My plant shuts down and starts up biannually.One is aeration, occuring in July,about 10 days.The other is SDM before Chinese new year, about 40 days.During these time, my duty is to operate DCS to shut down, clean and start up with fieldman according to SOP and check list.During the same time, as a senior techcian, I guide fresh technicians to shut down, start up, clean, do oxidation reactor aeration and regenerate cracking reactor catalyst, teach them how to hand over equipments for maintenance in field and supervise contractors doing maintenance.I experienced plant trip two times.One time I did field, the other I did DCS.The
first time I was a bit nervous, the second time I calmed dowm, protected my plant product and shuted down the trip section smoothly.It is not good for company, but on the other hand it is good experience for me.Just because of my performance in second time, I gained promotion to senior technician Ⅱin April this year.I also joined schedule one section shuting down and a part of section shuting down for some important equipments repair and cleaning, for example key valves replacement, pump rush repair, towers and exchangers cleaning.My company arranged me a lot of training courses druring past two years and 4
months.Hazardous material, confined space safty aeor, first aid, fire fighting, 5 S, work permit training.These courses enrich my safty knowledge.Last year, I was a safty committee member in our plant.I am honest, enthusiastic, easy-going, believe in Jesus Christ and able to work
well under preure.I am keen on learing and willing to take on new challenges.Especially, I have strong abilities of plan, organise and management, and a team player with good problem-solving and emergency-handling skills.Now , I am looking for an opportunity to get more space to upgrade myself and
improve my life.On the other hand, my parents want me work in China to make baby and lead a stable life;me and my wife both 30, it is time to stop homele status, and stay steadily in a city.Therefore, I determine to go back to develop myself.Attached below is my resume for your kind perusal and I look forward to hear
from you soon.I can be contacted at my mobile phone: 065-83138049(Singapore).Thanks ®ards
Yangxuefeng08 2010
学历:硕士出生日期:1981/09 /30电子邮件:yxfbieley@163.com手机:065-83138049(新加坡)
▼2008/07/07—2008/07/09 危险化学品▼2008/11/07—2008/11/11 5S现场管理培训
▼2009/09/17—2009/09/21 急救▼2009/11/07—2009/11/08消防
▼2010/07/07—2010/07/14 限制空间安全评估员
计算机:江苏省计算机二级,能熟练应用Office、CAD、Photoshop、Statistical软件。期望月薪: 6000元/月到岗时间:1月
“丙烯酸酯系列改性硅油的合成和性能研究” 于《应用化学》;“丙烯酸酯系列改性硅油消泡剂性能研究”《化学品应用》;“Synthesis and comparative properties of poly dimethylsiloxane grafted alkyl acrylate”于Journal of Applied Polymer Science。
Personal Details:
Degree:MasterDate of Birth:1981/09 /30Email:yxfbieley@163.comCell phone:065-83138049(Singapore)
Work Experience:
◆2008/04—nowSumitomo MMA(Singapore)Co.Ltd / overseaProce Technician
(overseas)Charging for normal operation, monitoring the whole chemical proce system
running in optimal condition from DCS control panel(Yagokawa), high preure steam boilers,steam turbines, high temprature furnace, multitube-reactor, waste water treatment system, chillers
and so on.I joined in shutting down and starting up the whole plant biannualy.During biannual
maintenance, I was involved in towers caustic cleaning, reactor catalyst regeneration, evaporator
steaming and the whole loop leak test.◆2007/07—2008/04DSM Chemical(Nanjing)Co.Ltd/ domesticProce Engineer
Collect data from DCS(honeywelll), optimize the plant productivity, monitor all equipments
running under good safety status.Do modification and trouble-shoot.Over see the past few days
job and help manager prepare morning breifing.Arrange shedules for shutting down, starting up
and maintenance.Summarize proce problems to be solving before SDM and what need to
correct after SDM.Training:
▼2008/07/07—2008/07/09 Hazardous Materia▼2008/11/07—2008/11/11 5S course
▼2009/09/17—2009/09/21 First Aid▼2009/11/07—2009/11/08 Fire Fighting ▼2010/07/07—2010/07/14 Confined Spacse Safty Aeor
★2004/08--2007/06Nanjing University of TechnologyChemical EngineeringMasterCertifications:
English CapabilityCET-6,communication is good.Computer CapabilityNationwide Computer Level Test Band2, I am skilled in Office, CAD,Photoshop, Statistical soft ware.Expected Salary: 6000RMB/MonthAvailable Time: 1 months
Papers for master degree: “Acrylate groups modification for organic poly-siloxane” in, “Acrylate groups modification for organic poly-siloxane
defoamers”, “Synthesis and comparative properties of
poly-dimethylsiloxane grafted alkyl acrylate”.Self Aement: I am honest, have a high responsibility, good at planning and organizing team
work, able to work well under preure and challenge to hard work.
例文:_______公司人事部:从本周《××××报》得悉贵公司正在招聘职员,本人符合报载所列条件,拟参加应征。 本人于××××年毕业于××大学外文系,主修英文,通过四年的系统学习,......