今年暑假我在宁陵快乐成长辅导班进行社会实践,在实践中我得到许多的感悟!一:挣钱的辛苦 总是听家长大人们说教师是一份好工作,假期多,又不累,只是拿着书本讲课,可是对于初登讲台的我来说却不是那麽容易,每次上课之前,我都要做大量的准备工作,可还是很难达到预想的结果。我更多的感觉到的是我在成长,有意义的成长。而且在另一方面,我也感受到了“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”意识到了自己的不足,因为自己没有什么实践经验,处理问题不够成熟,书本的知识又与实际结合不够紧密,没有与人交流的口才,而且有的东西以前没有尝试过,看起来很简单,做起来却并没有想象中的那么理所当然。但是在那一次又一次的实践中,我正渐渐把那些“错误”减少。而且我也真正体会到了挣钱的辛苦,每一份工作都不容易。在那时,我才真真正正的明白,原来父母在外打工挣钱真的很不容易!二:人际关系 在这次实践中,让我很有感触的一点就人际交往方面,大家都知道社会上人际交往非常复杂,但是具体多么复杂,我想也很难说清楚,只有经历了才能了解.才能有深刻的感受,大家为了工作走到一起,每一个人都有自己的思想和个性,要跟他们处理好关系得需要许多技巧, 就看你怎么把握了.我想说的一点就是,在交际中,既然我们不能改变一些东西,那我们就学着适应它.如果还不行,那就改变一下适应它的方法。让我在这次社会实践中掌握了很多东西,最重要的就是使我在待人接物、如何处理好人际关系这方面有了很大的进步。同时在这次实践中使我深深体会到我们必须在工作中勤于动手慢慢琢磨,不断学习不断积累。遇到不懂的地方,自己先想方设法解决,实在不行可以虚心请教他人,而没有自学能力的人迟早要被社会所淘汰。
三:管理者的管理 在学校里边,教师既担任着教授学生知识又担任着管理人员的工作.要想成为一名好的教师和管理人员,不仅要有丰富的知识,还必须要有好的管理方法,要以艺术性的管理方法去管理好你的班级以及你班级里的同学们!要想让他们服从你的管理.那么你对每个同学,要用到不同的管理方法,意思就是说:在管理时,要因人而异!四:自强自立,工作认真 俗话说:“在家千日好,出门半”招“难!”意思就是说:在家里的时候,有自已的父母照顾,关心,呵护!那肯定就是日子过得无忧无虑了,但是,只要你去到外面工作的时候,不管你遇到什么困难, 挫折都是靠自已一个人去解决,在这一个多月里,让我学会了自强自立!凡事都要靠自已!现在, 就算父母不在我的身边,我都能够自已独立!另外,在这次实践中也让我认识到了认真工作的重要性。平时在学校,单词错了改一改 就可以交上去了,但作为一个教师,讲课时绝对不可以出错,因为教师是学生的榜样,要以身作则,才能保持教师在学生心目中的重要地位。所以教师要时时保持着这种竞争状态,才能在学生中保持好印象。而且,就因为这样,学校会对每一个教师严格要求,每一个环节都不能出错,这种要求在学校的课堂上是学不到的,这里更需要的是与实际相结合,只有理论,没有实际操作,只是在纸上谈兵,是不可能在这个社会上立足的,所以一定要特别小心谨慎,而且一旦出错并不是像在学校里一样老师打个红叉,然后改过来就行了,在工厂里出错是要负上责任的,这关乎工厂的利益损失。
五:认识来源于实践 一切认识都来源于实践。实践是认识的来源说明了亲身实践的必要性和重要性,但是并不排斥学习间接经验的必要性。实践的发展不断促进人类认识能力的发展。实践的不断发展,不断提出新的问题,促使人们去解决这些问题。而随着这些问题的不断解决,与此同步,人的认识能力也就不断地改善和提高!马克思主义哲学强调实践对认识的决定作用,认识对实践具有巨大的反作用。认识对实践的反作用主要表现在认识和理论对实践具有指导作用。认识 在实践的基础上产生,但是认识一经产生就具有相对独立性,可以对实践进行指导。实践,就是把我们在学校所学的理论知识,运用到客观实际中去,使自己所学的理论知识有用武之地。只学不实践,那么所学的就等零。理论应该与实践相结合。另一方面,实践可为以后找工作打基础。通过这段时间的实习,学到一些在学校里学不到的东西。因为环境的不同,接触的人与事不同,从中所学的东西自然就不一样了。要学会从实践中学习,从学习中实践。我们不只要学好学校里所学到的知识,还要不断从生活中,实践中学其他知识,不断地从各方面武装自已,才能在竞争中突出自已,表现自已。
六:专业的重要性 这次的实践活动还让选择了英语为专业的我懂得了,我们现在还处于学习阶段,没能真正了解到工作的难处和辛苦,和自己踏入社会所要面临的种种问题。想想现在的我能在这么好的环境下读书,我们就更应该要学会珍惜,而不应该整天在家无所事事。我们应该努力学习专业知识,为进入社会工作打下坚实的基础。我们只有有了扎实的专业知识,才能更快的适应工作,提高工作效率,更快的在社会工作中站稳脚步。另外,现在的社会需要的不仅仅是拥有知识的人,更加需要的是拥有各方面的能力、综合素质较强的人才。如果我们光靠在学校汲取知识,那是远远不够的,从现在开始,更重要的是注重自己专业能力的培养。
姓名: 班级:
Through this summer social practice, I understand the students' social practice is to guide our students out of school , to society, with the society, to understand the community , to join the community of good form;caliber training exercise is a good channel to enhance the idea of self-cultivation , establish service social thinking and effective way.By participating in social practice, students will be helped to update our ideas , absorb new ideas and knowledge.More than one month of social practice flashed by , which made me learn to understand a lot of things , and these things will make me benefit lifelong.Social practice deepened my feelings of people in all sectors of society, not only to narrow the distance between me and society , but also to their practice in the community to develop a vision , an increase of competence , to further clarify our young students to become useful and shoulders of the road miion.Social learning and education is a big claroom , on that vast world , our value of life has been reflected, more intense competition for the future and lay a more solid foundation.This summer I worked in “growing up happily remedial claes” for social practice , in practice, I get a lot of sentiment!
Firstly : Earn money hard
Before I always listen to the parents, adults say teachers are a good job, more holidays and not tired , just holding books for lectures , but the job for me that has little experience is not so easy , every cla before that, I have to do a lot of preparation , may still be difficult to achieve the desired results.I feel that the more I grow meaningful growth.And on the other hand , I also felt the “ knowledge from paper is not deep,know this matter to practice” aware of his own shortcomings , because they no practical experience, not mature enough to deal with the problem , but also with the knowledge of the actual book combination is not tight enough , no eloquence to communicate with people , but some things never tried before , it seems very simple , but doing it but did not imagine so granted.However, in practice it again and again , I was getting those “mistakes” reduced.And I also really appreciate the hard work to make money , every job is not easy.At that time, I only really to understand that the original parents who work to earn money is really not easy!
Secondly: Relationships in this practice I am feeling a little on the interpersonal context, we all know that society is very complex interpersonal Exalted , but specific how complex , I think it is difficult to say clearly that only experienced to understand.in order to have deep feelings , we come together in order to work , everyone has their own ideas and personality, relationships have to deal with them requires a lot of skill, to see how you hold and I want to say is that in communication, since we can not change some things , then we learned to adapt to it and if does not work, then change it to adapt its methods.Let me in this social practice to master a lot of things , the most important thing is that I treat people , how to deal with interpersonal relationships have made great progre in this regard.At the same time I deeply appreciate the practical manipulation we must be diligent in their work hands slowly pondering , continuous learning continue to accumulate.Encounters do not know where their first trying to solve , it is not poible humbly ask others, and sooner or later, no self-learning ability of people to be eliminated by the society.Thirdly: the management of managers
Inside the school , the teacher is to serve as a profeor and served as the students' knowledge management staff.To become a good teacher and administrative personnel , not only have a wealth of knowledge, but also must have a good management methods, management should take artistic way to manage your claroom and your claroom, clamates!to get them to obey your management.then you have each student had to use a different management approach , meaning that : In the administration , to vary!
Next: self-reliance, work seriously As the saying goes: “ a thousand days at home , go out half” trick “difficult!” Meaning to say : When at home , have their own parental care , care, care!That life can not be sure it is carefree , but as long as you go to work outside of the time, no matter what difficulties you encounter setbacks are relying on their own to solve a person in this month , let me learn self-reliance!everything should rely on their own!now, even if the parents are not by my side , I can own independence!also , in this practice, but also made me realize the importance of a serious work.Usually in schools, can be altered, the word is wrong to pay up , but as a teacher lectures definitely not wrong, because the teacher is the student's role model , to set an example , in order to keep teachers in the minds of students an important position.Therefore, teachers should always maintain this state of competition in order to maintain a good impreion on the students.And because of this , the school will each teacher strict requirements , each link can not go wrong , this requirement is in the school claroom can not learn , there is more need is combined with the actual , only theories, no actual operation , just on paper, it is impoible to gain a foothold in this society , they must be particularly careful , but once the error is not the same as the teacher in the school to make a red cro , and then changed over the line, an error in the factory is to be held responsible , and this lo of interest relating to the plant.Then : everything from practice and derived from the practice of understanding.Practice is the source of knowledge explains the neceity and importance of hands , but does not exclude the neceity of learning indirect experience.Continue to promote the development of the practice of human cognitive development.Practice of continuous development and raise new questions , prompting people to solve these problems.With these problems continue to solve , and this synchronization , the human cognitive ability will also continue to improve and enhance!Marxist philosophy emphasizes the decisive role of the understanding of practice , knowledge on the practice has tremendous counterproductive.Understanding of the reaction on the practice mainly in understanding and guiding role of theory to practice.Knowledge generated on the basis of practice , but recognizes it has a relative independence by generating , you can practice guidance.Practice that we learned in school to theoretical knowledge , applied to the objective reality in order to enable the theoretical knowledge they have learned there is usele.Learn not only practical , then learned on the other zeros.Should combine theory and practice.On the other hand , the practice may be laying the foundation for future job.By this time internship , I have learned some things you can not learn in school.Because of the different environment , contact with people and things different from what they have learned something naturally not the same.To learn to learn from practice , learning from practice.We do not just learn the knowledge learned in school , but also constantly from life , practice school other knowledge , all aspects of armed themselves constantly in order to highlight their own in the competition , the performance of their own.Finally: The importance of the major
this profeional practice also allows me to realize the importance: selected English as my major.I know , we are still in the learning stage , did not truly understand the difficulties and hard work , and their own into the community to be faced problem.Think now I can read in such a good environment , we must learn to cherish more should and should not be at home all day doing nothing.We should strive to learn profeional knowledge for entry into the social work to lay a solid foundation.We only have a solid profeional knowledge in order to quickly adapt to work, improve work efficiency , faster footing in social work.In addition , the society requires more than just people who have the knowledge , more is needed is the ability to have all aspects of the overall quality of a strong talent.If we rely on the knowledge learned in school , that was not enough, from now on, more important is to focus on their profeional ability.In addition , in this social practice , I also deeply felt one's own paion for the importance of jobs , whether noble or humble work , you should use a sincere heart to treat.It virtually makes me have a more accurate positioning , enhance the confidence and perseverance and take more efforts.Precisely because of this , I know the truth: to create our own businees, we must redouble efforts.With a dedication to work and a firm belief, the distance of the succe will be more and more closer with us.For me, I have benefited from The practical activities , which makes me a better understanding of society , rather than to fear it , reject it.No matter in dealing with people , practice, will , etc., we have been improved.I learned to treat seriously and responsibly everything that I should do.For the self-generated questions , we must learn to find an answer to my own satisfaction.We are constantly growing up in front row , although there will be a lot of ups and downs, we are not afraid of failure.Because our hearts have a firm belief , that is to overcome difficulties encountered in the growth, and unswervingly advance toward our own goals.I believe that only through the efforts our tomorrow will be more colorful.Student ID:
遵义会址之行 利用这个暑假的机会,我踏上了前往贵州这片红色的乐土。目的很明确,就是要去参观一下遵义会址,遵义会址这个名字从我上小学的时候就印在我脑子里了,那徽章上遵义会......