
2020-02-27 申请书 下载本文


.**大学 **教授:

私は** と申します。19**年**月**日に中国**省は**市に生まれました。200*年*月に**大学**学部を卒業し、*学学士の学位を取得しました。私 は20**年**月に日本に留学して**教授の下でまず学部研究生として学び、その後修士(及び博士)課程において**についての研究をしたいと考えてお ります。ここで、私の現在の状況について簡単に紹介させて頂きたいと思います。



日本は科学技術の発達した世界における経済大国であり、人口知能やオートメーション化、基礎材料及び応用、化学などの多くの分野において世界の先端を行 き、近年得た科学研究成果は世界中の注目を浴びています。**大学は日本で最も優秀な大学の一つであり、優秀な教授陣、完璧な研究施設を有し、世界におい ても非常に高い信望を集めています。中国の経済と技術の発展に伴い、「**」の開発及び応用は今後大きく発展する将来性があります。私はこの分野に対して 大変強い興味を抱いておりますが、現在の中国においてこの分野の研究と応用は依然として後れている為、この分野においてさらに高レベルな研究を行うにあ たって現在の中国の技術状況や研究条件はまだ満足のいくものではありません。私は、現在**教授の行っている最も進んだ研究を拝見し、**教授の指導の下 で**年の時間を費やしてこの分野の研究を行い、理解を深めると同時に新しい研究にも力を入れ、修士(及び博士)の学位を得たいと考えております。

私は既に十分な英語の基礎を身に着けていますが、今後日本でより深く研究を進めていく為に、現在意欲的に日本人の先生について日本語を学んでおり、来年 4月に研究生として入学するまでには、日本語の日常会話及び交流において相当なレベルに達するだろうと考えています。経済方面に関しては、両親と家族全員 が私の留学を支持してくれており、現在既に**ドル程度の人民元を留学資金として準備しております。両親の収入は比較的安定しており、そこから私の留学費 用をまかなってもらえるので、問題はありません。



Dear Profeor **, My name is ** and I was born in the city of **, ** province, China on ****, 19**.I graduated from ** in **, 20** and got my Bachelor of ** degree.I chose ** as my major two years ago.Through two years of hard working, I got a better understanding of my subject and became fully aware of the wide prospect of **.I plan to go to Japan to further my study and research in the field in **, 20**.I wish to become your research student and take part in the entrance exam of graduate schools in **.20**, then choose ** to study for my Master and Ph.D.degree.During the four years' study in **, I took a lot of core courses of my major, such as ************** and laid a solid academic foundation in the field of ****.I not only acquired the fundamental knowledge for my further study, but also fostered the ability to study independently and to think creatively.The theme of my graduation thesis is **, which is based on the principle **.The thesis includes two parts.In the first one, **.In the second part, ** Japan is a strong nation with advanced science and technology.It is in a leading position in many scientific fields, such as Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Fundamental and Applied Materials, Chemical Engineering, etc.Japan has made a lot of scientific achievements which attract the whole world's attention in recent years.** University is one of the most excellent universities in Japan, which owns well respected faculty, perfect equipment and facilities.With the development of the economy and technology in China, the research and application of ** will have a bright prospect.As far as I am concerned, I am very interested in the field of **, but it is a pity that the field lags behind in China.The current technology and research conditions cannot meet my need to pursue further studies in this field more deeply.Recently, I come to know that you are doing advanced researches in the field and I realize you are just the profeor I am seeking for.I hope that I can spend 5 to 6 years doing researches in this field under your instruction to achieve breakthrough and innovation.In the meantime, I will work hard to get my master and PhD degree.Although I have a good command of English, I am now learning Japanese with the help of a Japanese teacher in order to do researches more easily and smoothly in Japan.I think I can communicate with other people in Japanese fluently before the enrollment in April next year.In economic aspect, my parents own about $** bank deposit to support my further study,and their high salary can pay my living cost and other expenses in Japan without any difficulty.I take the liberty to write to you with the earnest desire to be offered an opportunity for further study.After my graduate study, I will return to my homeland to boost the development of the relevant field of ** with my knowledge acquired in Japan, and moreover, to promote Sino-Japanese cooperation and exchange of technologies.I would like to thank you for taking your time to read the e-mail.Your kind consideration will be greatly appreciated, and I'd like to provide more information upon your request.I am looking forward to hearing from you.











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