
2020-02-27 申请书 下载本文



作者: jiangtaojnu(站内联系TA)发布: 2007-01-16



I am xxx, a Ph.D.candidate who studying at xxx University and will be graduated at 2009.When I noticed the news about the coorperation research between famous University abroad and my University, I was so encouraged and glad to check the information by all kinds of way.Noticing you and your research is by means of the Internet.The Environmental Bioanalytical aays is interested me much before I entered xxx University.So I choose my doctor theme is something about the environmental biological technology.In the half year of studying on biological monitoring technology of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products(PPCPs), I noticed that there is a great deal of space for us to research and the technology of bioanalysis is beginning to be the more precision and selectivity way.So with the enthusiasm feeling, I hope I would have the opportunity to work under you.然后指出自己研究的特色及能力。

My excellent job has always ensured me top places in my cla.I steadily remained in the top ten listing among the five hundred students.Following my paion, in 2000, majoring in environmental engineering, I entered the Department of xxx University.I was ranked No.1 in my cla for four consecutive years and had won scholarships every academic year.In June 2004, being an outstanding graduate, I also got an excellent score on my thesis project.Through substantial field survey, resource collection, careful experiment and data analysis, I find the best condition which has the quicker transparency and measurement.Owing to my excellent experience on studying and researching, I was selected by my Master’s research supervisor who show me the way of further education on xxxat xxx University.During the two years studying on environmental science, I gained the most importance experience is the biology knowledge which is related to the marine organism.To broaden my knowledge scope, whenever there was an environment-related seminar, whether it discues environmental technology or xxx iues, I was there.Thanks to my master’s suggestion, I had a chance to take part in the 3rd International Conversation on the Prevention and Management of xxx in South China Sea in Hong Kong and was honored to give a presentation there.最后把申请的截止日期及要求邀请函的紧迫性写出来。

I will be a full-day student studying in your group for two years.After finishing my program which will be set by both you and my supervisor, I will get my Ph.D.degree at xxx University.I believe that, if given the opportunity to work under you, I could be of great help in your research.Would you please give me a change to study in your lab and give me an answer quickly, for the last application day is in xxx xxx.Thank you very much!









联合培养博士研修计划项目课题介绍:X在能源开发、化工、电子、航海、航空和航天等部门中应用广泛。XX在XX工业中作为XXX,可提高XXX, 属于高附加值产品。在我国国民经济发展中,X......




XXXX与XXXX 联合培养博士研究生工作细则(暂行)为规范和完善博士生联合培养工作,根据《XXXX与XXXX联合培养博士研究生合作协议》,经XXXX(以下称甲方)与XXXX(以下称乙方)协商,制定本细......


瑞士博士申请经验这部分是为飞跃手册写的碰巧刚有同学问我一些申请博士的事儿,所以就先把概述部分发在这里了,至于一些个人经验,我稍后会补上 --------------------- 博士申请......



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