
2020-02-28 实习报告 下载本文



上课时间:周二 姓 名:马瑞 学 号:06121002 班 级:061211




1. 选择课题:数字水印与版权保护 2.关键词:数字水印 版权保护 检索式:数字水印 and 版权保护 检索时限:2014--2015 3.检索方法与步骤:





(5)构造检索式:数字水印 and 版权保护

4.每个平台命中文献篇数及3篇题录文摘的下载:(1)CNKI 命中篇数:158 题录文摘: 1.

SrcDatabase-来源库: CMFD2014 Title-题名: 基于数字水印的多媒体信息版权保护技术 Author-作者: 田敏 Source-文献来源: 山东大学

Keyword-关键词: 数字水印;;图像配准;;深度图像渲染;;零视差点;;图像重组 Summary-摘要: 当今世界,信息技术的飞速发展带来了多媒体信息技术的变革。信息形式由原来的以文本为主,变为今天以图片、视频为主要载体的多媒体数字信息。网络技术的发展使人们更容易从网上上传、下载资源。多元化的信息来源使拷贝变得日益简单,同时盗版问题也越来越严重。针对这个问题,数字水印技术应运而生,为数字多媒体信息版权保护提出了有效的解决方案。针对不同的多媒体信息版权保护,衍生出不同的数字水印研究方向。一方面,对于数字印刷品,随着打印机扫描仪的出现和发展,人们可以直接对印刷品进行打印后再扫描,将获得的资源在网络中传播,导致盗版问题日益严重。另一方面,对于视频而言,3D技术迅速发展,3D视频传输中央图像和深度...PubTime-发表时间: 2014-04-20 Year-年: 2014 Period-期: 10 PageCount-页码: 58 2.

SrcDatabase-来源库: CJFD2014 Title-题名: 用于图像资源版权保护的SVD域数字水印方法 Author-作者: 李旭东;Organ-单位: 浙江财经大学数学与统计学院;Source-文献来源: 现代情报

Keyword-关键词: 图像资源;;版权保护;;数字水印;;奇异值分解;;方法设计 Summary-摘要: 图像数字水印技术,作为潜在的可有效解决数字图书馆中图像资源版权保护问题的手段,受到了广大学者越来越多的关注。为有效地实现图像资源的版权保护,该文在讨论和分析了图像资源版权保护的现状和发展趋势后,提出了一种新的简单、方便、容易的SVD域图像数字水印方法。该文方法在对数字水印的提取时,无须原始图像的参与,实用性强。实验结果表明,该文方法对数字水印具有很好的透明性,并且方法对图像JPEG压缩、亮度调整、对比度调整、叠加噪声等常见图像处理攻击均具有很强的稳健性。因此,该文方法可有效地运用于图像资源的版权保护。PubTime-发表时间: 2014-11-15 Year-年: 2014 Period-期: 11 PageCount-页码: 75-78+95 3.

SrcDatabase-来源库: CJFD2014 Title-题名: 用于网络多媒体资源版权保护的数字水印方法 Author-作者: 李旭东;Organ-单位: 浙江财经大学数学与统计学院;Source-文献来源: 情报杂志

Keyword-关键词: 网络;;多媒体;;版权保护;;数字水印;;奇异值分解

Summary-摘要: 网络多媒体资源被非授权使用者非法复制、篡改和使用愈来愈容易,由此产生的网络多媒体资源的版权保护问题愈来愈突出。数字水印技术作为潜在的可以有效解决网络多媒体资源版权保护问题的手段,愈来愈受到了广大学者的关注。首先讨论和分析了网络多媒体资源版权保护的现状和发展趋势,然后提出了一种新的简便、实用的基于奇异值分解的用于网络多媒体资源版权保护的数字水印方法。实验结果表明,该文方法具有很好的水印透明性,并且方法对JPEG压缩、亮度和对比度调整等攻击具有很强的稳健性。非常适用于网络多媒体资源的版权保护。

PubTime-发表时间: 2014-10-18 Year-年: 2014 Period-期: 10 PageCount-页码: 171-174

(2)万方数据库 命中篇数:57 题录文摘: 1.

【篇名】用于网络多媒体资源版权保护的数字水印方法 【作者】李旭东

【作者单位】浙江财经大学数学与统计学院 杭州 310018 【出处】情报杂志,Journal of Intelligence2014,(10)【ISSN】1002-1965 【页码】171-174 【摘要】网络多媒体资源被非授权使用者非法复制、篡改和使用愈来愈容易,由此产生的网络多媒体资源的版权保护问题愈来愈突出。数字水印技术作为潜在的可以有效解决网络多媒体资源版权保护问题的手段,愈来愈受到了广大学者的关注。首先讨论和分析了网络多媒体资源版权保护的现状和发展趋势,然后提出了一种新的简便、实用的基于奇异值分解的用于网络多媒体资源版权保护的数字水印方法。实验结果表明,该文方法具有很好的水印透明性,并且方法对JPEG压缩、亮度和对比度调整等攻击具有很强的稳健性。非常适用于网络多媒体资源的版权保护。

【DOI】10.3969/j.in.1002-1965.2014.10.029 2.

【篇名】构造顶点分布特征的三维模型数字水印算法 【作者】王新宇,詹永照

【作者单位】江苏大学计算机科学与通信工程学院 镇江212013 【出处】计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics2014,26(2)【ISSN】1003-9775 【页码】272-279 【摘要】为了提高三维模型非盲数字水印算法对抗高强度攻击及联合攻击的鲁棒性,提出一种构造顶点分布特征的三维模型数字水印算法.该算法融合零水印和嵌入式水印算法的思想,利用顶点范数的取值分布建立顶点分布特征;然后基于顶点分布特征构造数字水印,并由此水印强化这一特征,使数字水印与三维模型特征彼此契合、更加稳定.实验结果表明,文中算法能有效地抵抗平移、旋转、均匀缩放、顶点重排序、噪声、简化、剪切、量化、平滑和细分等常见攻击,对联合攻击也有较强的抵抗能力.【DOI】10.3969/j.in.1003-9775.2014.02.013 3.

【篇名】数字水印技术在数字图书馆版权保护问题中的应用 【作者】任卷芳,高岩,海涛等


【出处】计算机光盘软件与应用,Computer CD Software and Applications2014,(6)【ISSN】1007-9599 【页码】20-21,24 【摘要】近年来随着网络技术的发展,利用通信网络传送学术文献等图书资料复制品越来越普及,数字图书馆的版权保护问题也越来越得到学术界的关注。本文通过一种基于DCT域鲁棒水印技术的方法来举例说明,数字水印技术能够保护版权和信息安全,解决数字图书馆的版权保护问题。

二、请根据自己所选课题,在下列国外数据库系统平台中(Ei Village、WOS-Web of science)分别进行检索。



1.选择课题:Digital Watermarking and Copyright Protection 数据库名称:Compendex,Inspec,INSPEC,SCI,CPCI,NTIS 2.关键词:digital watermarking,copyright protection

检索式:(((digital watermarking WN All fields)AND((copyright protection WN All fields))检索时限:2014 to 2015 3.检索方法与步骤:

(1)课题分析:该课题涉及到的概念有数字水印,版权保护(2)选择数据库:Compendex,Inspec,NTIS(3)确定关键词:digital watermarking,copyright protection(4)构造检索式:(((digital watermarking WN All fields)AND((copyright protection WN All fields))

4.每个平台命中文献篇数及3篇题录文摘的下载:(1)Ei Village 命中篇数:163 题录文摘:

1.Combination of encryption and digital watermarking techniques used for security and copyright protection of still image Gonge, S.S.(Dept.of I.T., Trinity Coll.of Eng.& Res., Pune, India);Ghatol, A.A.Source: International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering(ICRAIE-2014), p 6 pp., 2014 Database: Inspec

2.Combination of encryption and digital watermarking techniques used for security and copyright protection of still image Gonge, S.S.(Dept.of I.T., Trinity Coll.of Eng.& Res., Pune, India);Ghatol, A.A.Source: International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering(ICRAIE-2014), p 6 pp., 2014 Database: Inspec 3.Digital watermarking in video for copyright protection Jadhav, Anita(Electronics and Telecommunication Department, Fr.C.Rodrigues Institute of Technology Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India);Kolhekar, Megha Source: ProceedingsInternational Conference on Electronic Systems, Signal Proceing, and Computing Technologies, ICESC 2014 Database: Compendex

(2)WOS-Web of science 命中篇数:69 题录文摘:

1.标题:Robust copyright protection using multiple ownership watermarks 作者:Li, Xiao-Wei;Lee, In-Kwon 来源出版物:OPTICS EXPRESS卷: 23 期: 3 页: 3035-3046

出版年: FEB 9 2015 被引频次: 0(来自所有数据库)Generally, conventional transform(DWT and DFT, etc.)-based watermarking techniques provide only one spectrum plane for embedding the watermark, thus the embedding watermark information can be easily removed.To solve this problem, we propose an efficient cellular automata(CA)based watermarking method that CA transform(CAT)with various gateway values can provide many transform planes for watermark embedding according to various CA rules.In this paper, multiple ownership watermarks are first recorded in the form of an elemental image array(EIA), simultaneously, and then the recorded EIA as the watermark data is embedded into the CAT coefficient.An additional advantage of this proposed method is that EIA is composed of many elemental images and each elemental image has its own property of watermarks.Even though most data of elemental images are lost, the watermarks can be reconstructed from the remaining elemental images succefully.Experimental results show that the proposed technique provides good image quality and is robust in varying degree to some image proceing attacks.(C)2015 Optical Society of America

2.标题:Reduced reference stereoscopic image quality aement using digital watermarking 作者:Zhou, Wujie;Jiang, Gangyi;Yu, Mei;等.来源出版物:COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 卷: 40 期: 8页: 104-116

出版年: NOV 2014 被引频次: 0(来自所有数据库)In this paper, a novel reduced-reference stereoscopic image quality aement(RR-SIQA)algorithm is proposed by means of an unconventional use Of watermarking technique.Watermarking techniques are usually employed for authenticity verification and copyright protection.Here, watermarking technique is adopted to provide a new approach for RR-SIQA.Firstly, the features of image are extracted in reorganized discrete cosine transform domain, and then embedded into the stereoscopic image as invisible hidden information.In order to improve the reliability of the watermarking, some channel coding techniques are applied before the proce of embedding watermark.At the receiver, the watermark can be decoded and used to measure the quality of the distorted stereoscopic image.The proposed algorithm overcomes the limitations of other existing methods that require an auxiliary channel.Experimental results illustrate that the proposed algorithm has a good consistency with subjective quality scores, and can reflect the visual perception of stereoscopic image effectively.(C)2014 Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.3.标题:A new robust and secure digital image watermarking scheme based on the integer wavelet transform and singular value decomposition 作者: Makbol, Nasrin M.;Khoo, Bee Ee 来源出版物:DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 卷: 33页: 134-147

出版年: OCT 2014 被引频次: 1(来自所有数据库)In this paper, a new robust and secure digital image watermarking scheme that can be used for copyright protection is proposed.The scheme uses the integer wavelet transform(IWT)and singular value decomposition(SVD).The grey image watermark pixels values are embedded directly into the singular values of the 1-level IWT decomposed sub-bands.Experimental results demonstrate the effectivene of the proposed scheme in terms of robustne, imperceptibility and capacity due to the IWT and SVD properties.A challenge due to the false positive problem which may be faced by most of SVD-based watermarking schemes has been solved in this work by adopting a digital signature into the watermarked image.The proposed digital signature mechanism is applied to generate and embed a digital signature after embedding the watermarks;the ownership is then authenticated before extracting watermarks.Thus, the proposed scheme achieved the security iue where the false positive problem is solved, in addition to that, the scheme is considered as a blind scheme.A computer simulation is used to verify the feasibility of the proposed scheme and its robustne against various types of attacks and to compare it with some previous schemes.Furthermore, the statistical Wilcoxon signed rank test is employed to certify the effectivene of the proposed scheme.(C)2014 Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.. 5.相关度较高文摘翻译:

Combination of encryption and digital watermarking techniques used for security and copyright protection of still image 组合加密和数字水印技术用于安全性和静态图像的版权保护


For faster transmiion of the question paper of university exam, electronic system is used along with wired or wirele network.This system avoids the physical work of staff.It helps to transport the question papers of university exam within short period of time to respected colleges.However, the iue of copyright protection and security iue arise.There are many techniques use in practice to provide the copyright protection such as digital watermarking techniques using various transforms and Computational Intelligence techniques.Security can be provided by encryption and decryption technique using various methods such as RSA, AES, DES, etc.In this paper, it is going to discu the combination of encryption and digital watermarking techniques used for security and copyright protection of still image.电子系统与有线或无线网络的使用是为了大学考试试卷更快的传播。该系统避免了员工的体力劳动。它有助于大学考试试卷在短时间内传送至知名大学。然而,版权保护的问题和安全问题由此出现。有很多技术已经运用到实践中以提供版权保护,比如数字水印技术使用了不同的转换和计算智能技术。加密和解密技术可以提供安全性,其使用了许多不同的方法,如RSA,AES,DES等。本文将讨论结合加密和数字水印技术在安全性和静态图像的版权保护方面的使用。


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