The Book Report of Hamlet
Have you ever experienced the misfortune which changed your life completely? Imagine that everything around you is changed suddenly and you have to aume the hardly bearable responsibility to defend the justice, what will you do? This is the tough experience of our hero—Hamlet.你是否曾遭遇过颠覆自己整个人生的不幸?试想一下,当你周围的一切突然间彻底改变,而你迫不得已去承担生命中本不该承受之重,倾尽全力去担当维护争议的角色。此刻,你会作何抉择?这便是我们的故事主人公哈姆雷特的悲惨遭遇。
Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, accomplished a great transmutation after experiencing multiple woes.His life had ever been filled with happine and love.However, everything changed after an unexpected misfortune—His father died suddenly.Hamlet went back home in a hurry from Germany to attend his father’s funeral.Ridiculously, he failed to catch up with his father’s funeral, but witneed the wedding ceremony of his mother and his uncle Claudius, the new king.Hamlet felt shamed and bitter, he began to know the darkne of the world.It turned worse after Hamlet met his father’s ghost, who told him that his uncle was the murderer and wanted him to revenge for his father.Then, Hamlet’s world turned into complete darkne.He felt hopele and didn’t trust in anyone.He grew weary of the world, which seemed to him a weeded garden, where all the flowers were chocked up, and nothing but weeds could thrive.“To be or not to be, that’s a question”.(Act III.i.56)
If he chose death, he could cast off the suffering and vexation, but he would be too guilt to face his dead father.If he chose to face the woes, he would have to take responsibility for revenging for his father and saving his country, but it was so heavy that he could hardly undertake.However, Hamlet couldn’t put up with living in darkne, he secretly planned to revenge on his uncle.He pretended to lose his sanity and treated others rudely, including his loving girl, Ophelia.However, Hamlet was a man with contradictory, who always thought many questions.As a result of his hesitation, he lost many chances to kill Claudius.After Hamlet accidentally killed Polonius, father of Ophelia and Laertes, Ophelia became mad and drowned in the river.To revenge for his father and sister, Laertes challenged Hamlet to a duel.It was a plot of Claudius that Laertes poisoned the tip of his sharp blade to kill the prince.Both Hamlet and Laertes were poisoned during the duel.After knowing the plot, Hamlet killed Claudius angrily.This done, our hero collapsed and died in his friend’s arms, just like a flower of Epiphyllum oxypetalum, which had just bloomed, perished together with the darkne.Epiphyllum oxypetalum, this is the Hamlet in my mind.The Epiphyllum oxypetalum is a kind of broad-leaved evergreen bush, famous for its special flowers, which bloom in the darkne, lasting for a single night only.After a lot of suffering and hesitation, he burst into the full bloom, just like the Epiphyllum oxypetalum, which had struggled for a long time, suddenly bloomed in the darkne.The flower, as white as the moonlight, perished together with the darkne.If we look at Hamlet from different angles, we will have all kinds of ideas.In my opinion, as a result of the situation, Hamlet transformed from an innocent child into a brave soldier with wisdom and courage.Meanwhile, Hamlet also had many bad attributes.To some degree, he was a cowardly prince, who always hesitated and lost many chances.Before his father’s death, Hamlet was like a tender shoot in the greenhouse.He hadn’t experienced the tribulation of the life and was influenced a lot by the humanism.As a result, he could just become a giant of thinking and dwarf of action.In other words, Hamlet couldn’t integrate his awarene with his action in reality.He was accustomed to replacing real action with philosophical thinking and questioning himself.It is his biggest problem, the basic reason of his tragedy.However, just because the thinking and hesitation that Hamlet showed when he faced the revenge, morality and love, this book become distinctive and unique.That makes him more realistic, because sometimes readers may have the same feeling in our real life.When he faced the cruel twist of fate, how difficult it is to make a choice!In fact, everyone has a smack of Hamlet.This part reminds me that sometimes I lose chances because of hesitation.The author wants to tell us that we should fight against the fate without usele hesitation when we are faced difficulties in our lives.Shakespeare also wants to tell us a principle of revenge: we shouldn’t harm others, or we’ll pay for it.After closing the cover of the book, I find it leaves me so much to recall and think.In a word, Hamlet is the finest of all the plays in the English revenge tradition, which has influenced generations of readers.(Epiphyllum oxypetalum 昙花)
Name: CiciCla: 0708Number of Words:796
Student Number: 20071411247
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