The Report of Hamelt Hamelt is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare’s art.As we all known, different people have different perspectives for Hamelt.After reading the great tragedy, I do have my own view.Three times the ghost of Denmark’s dead king had stalked the battles of Elsinore Castle.On the fourth night night Horatio, Hamelt’s friend, brought the young prince to see the specter of his father, two months dead.He was sad and sorrowful for the dead king’s strange dead.Even there was something else which made him sadder.His mother, Gertrude, married Hamelt’s uncle, Claudius, only after two months of his ex-hunsband’s dead.Meanwhile Claudius became the late king of Denmark.The ghost of the dead king told Hamelt he was put poison into ear and died.He also told Hamelt to be brave and kill Claudius for him.But he could not kill and hurt his mother, because his father thought she would repent for her own sins.After he knew the truth, he changed and acted madly.He was rude to Ophelia, the girl he had loved.A group of actors visited him and played to make him happy.He added his father’s suffering to the play and invited his mother and uncle.It turned to be true that the reactions of them proved the ghost story was true.His uncle was guilt and very angry, and told his mother to talk to Hamelt.Ophelia’s father was hiding behind of the curtain when Hamelt had a conversasion with his mother.Ophelia’s father was killed because Hamelt mistook it was his uncle.Hamelt’s punishment was decided by the king.Two former school comrades of his were entrusted with a commiion to leave him in England, where sealed orders were to bring about the Prince's death.But by a combination of plot and accident the execution was visited instead upon the heads of the two accomplices.After Ophelia’s father was died, she became sad and insane.At last, she had wandered about the court singing and strewing flowers, then had strayed to the banks of a stream and been drowned.Ophelia’s brother,Leartes came back, the king told him his father was killed by Hamelt.When Hamelt happened to Ophelia’s funeral , he was in grief and contested with Leartes.Leartes hated Hamelt.The king and he decided to kill Hamelt with poisonous wine and sword through a battle between a friendly sword fight.During the fight Laertes strunk Hamelt slightly on his shoulder.Hamelt’s mother was excited and drank the poisonous wine she didn’t know.During the second half of the fight, the two men dropped both their swords and picked each other’s sword.Soon Leartes was hurt by the poisonous sword.Finally Leartes told Hamelt their evil plan and die.Hamelt then carried out his revenge to kill his uncle for his dead father.The story was written according to a prince in Denmark.When Shakespeare created this tragedy, England was in the late Reniaance Period.At that time, England society was in a period of domestic turmoil.Hamelt describes the situation in Demark.In politicics the bad guy just like Hamelt’s uncle who persecuted his own brother for his own desire for right and woman.Family members like Hamelt’s mother maried to her dead husband’s brother only after two months later.Ophelia loves Hamelt, but his father and brother didn’t allow her having a relationship with her lover.Girls couldn’t choose their own life.Hamelt was in a complicated situation and struggled.Finally he 2009170012
revenged for his father and lead to miserable results.This is a mirror of England.Shakespeare looked into the England society.It indicated that he was worried and unsatisfied of the reality in England.It also shows the writer’s humanity spirit.Leartes asked the king why he didn’t kill Hamelt,and the king said the people in Denmark love him very much.According to this, we can know Hamelt was a good prince.He always doubted his father’s strange dead and followed the ghost.At last he knew the truth about the dead king.He pretended to be mad.He also succeeded escaping to Denmark.It turned out he was brave and smart.However, he pursued Ophelia and finally gave up because of the revenge.Before he was fight with Leartes, he said sorry to him.This indicates he was guilt and sorry for Leartes lost his father.He was a kind and sincere man.Ophelia was innocent, but at last she lost Hamelt’s love, her father even her own life.Hamelt was full of revengement.He thought nothing but his hatre.He was irresponsible to Ophlia and his people.At the end of the story he did finish his revengement, but Demark had no king and would be in a tormoil for a while.Hamelt Ophelia was a young and noble lady.However, she was taught to have no rights for her own life.At the beginning of the play, she heard her brother and her father.She actually loved Hamelt, but she refused him as her father told her.She had no decision-making power.She was a typical woman at that time.Hamelt had his strenghs and weaknees.When we read the play, we can easily feel the dilemma.If he chose not to revenge, he would suffer his weakne at the rest of his life.If he chose to revenge, he would die and lead to terrible consequence.The tragedy is a milestone in Shakespeare's dramatic development;the playwright achieved artistic maturity in this work through his brilliant depiction of the hero's struggle with two opposing forces: moral integrity and the need to avenge his father's murder.“the dilemma of Hamlet the Prince and Man” is “to disentangle himself from the temptation to wreak justice for the wrong reasons and in evil paion, and to do what he must do at last for the pure sake of justice.From that dilemma of wrong feelings and right actions, he ultimately emerges, solving the problem by attaining a proper state of mind.” Hamlet endures as the object of universal identification because his central moral dilemma transcends the Elizabethan period, making him a man for all ages.In his difficult struggle to somehow act within a corrupt world and yet maintain his moral integrity, Hamlet ultimately reflects the fate of all human beings.To be, or not to be:that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;No more;and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and thousand natural shocks The flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd.To die, to sleep;To sleep;perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, 2009170012
Must guve pause: there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life;For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppreor's wrong, the proud man's delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin?Who would fardels bear The words above describes Hamelt’s inner contradictory conflict.This is a brilliant work of Shakespeare.Today we still feel the story happens clearly when we read it.Besides the complex relationship among the people ,vivid description for actors and reasonable conflicts, we can also the romantic words by Shakespeare.All this makes the great work.“To be or not to be”is used as a symbol by many people.No matter which option was decided, he would face difficulties.Before his father was dead, he wasa a happy prince, a happy son, a happy young man in love.Everything changed after he knew his father’s dead truth.He lost his father, then he could not forgive his mother.He gave up Ophelia because her father was acceary for his father’s death.At last he lost his mother, his lover Ophelia, and forced to kill Leartes and his father.Hamelt was the person who lost most ,even his life.However, actually he cannot stop these things happen to him.His tregedy was made by the society he was.Today we are all taught that we are born to be equal, and we are the masters for our life.While Hamelt was a noble prince at that time, he could not be his own master but to be die.As a prince and a son, he had heavy burdens for his country and his father.Sometimes I think it is lucky to be a common person, because life seems easier than the person who was born with great responsibility.This doesn’t only happen on Hamelt.Tragedy does not happen for no reasons.People learn from it ,and try to avoid the same things happening.It is a kind of power to promote social progre.3
2009170012医英一班唐果果The Report of HameltHamelt is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare’s art.As we all known, different people have different perspec......
An analysis of HamletHamlet, Prince of Denmark, or simply Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare in 1601—1602, and was first published in 1603.Wil......
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