简爱读后感 英文版_简爱最新读后感
简爱读后感 英文版由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“简爱最新读后感”。
5.Four hundred-odd pages of purely descriptive writing 4.Overt religious themes and moral preaching
3.A plain-Jane heroine who stays plain.No makeovers to reveal a hitherto hidden prettine that only needed an application of hydrogen peroxide and some eyebrow plucking to emerge full-blown.2.The world is not well-lost for love.In the war between self-respect and grand paion, principles win hands down.Rousing, yet tender speeches do not make our heroine forsake her creed to fall swooning and submiive into her alpha's arms.1.NO SCHMEXING!
When I was a little girl, I had a doll named Saloni.Now Saloni wasn't a particularly attractive specimen as dolls go, especially since, over the years, I had drilled a hole in her little rosebud mouth in order to 'feed' her, I had 'brushed' her hair till all the poor synthetic threads had fallen out and I had dragged her around with me so much, one of her big blue eyes had fallen off.But in my eyes, Saloni was the best doll ever created.She was my comfort, my mainstay in a world filled with confusing new things like school and daycare and other little people.Jane Eyre is my grown-up version of Saloni.Comfort food for my brain.There are two authors I will read over and over and over again, until the day I die.One of them is Charlotte Bronte, the other one is Georgette Heyer.I have read Jane Eyre a million times, but I never tire of the story.Every time I reach the scene where she profees her love to Mr.Rochester, I come out in goosebumps.Every single time.Age and experience have taught me to spot the flaws in the story and the characters.The ineffable belief in English superiority.The condescending attitude towards servants and people of the lower cla.The ill-treatment of mentally disabled people.The almost Quaker-ish sentiments of Jane Eyre.But all of this detracts not a whit from one of the greatest love stories ever told.And there are a lot of things to admire in this book as well.Edward Rochester, ugly as sin, but powerful and dominant and unbelievably attractive in spite of his looks.A love that grows and strengthens on the basis of mutual sympathy, respect and a meeting of the minds, that a lot of our authors would do well to learn from.Jane Eyre, who does not think that her great love excuses acts of selfishne and immorality.Despite being drawn as a somewhat submiive personality, Jane manages to hold her own with quiet fortitude, never loudly aerting her intelligence or talent, but nonethele displaying a strength of character that would put the Bellas and Noras of out time to shame.Jane Eyre would never, as I have said above, be a bestseller if it had been written in our times.And that is a lo we must take upon ourselves.That we have put such prime value on lust and looks and power that we have forgotten to be real in our writing.There is a reason why millions of people the world over remember and revere a book written a hundred and fifty-odd years ago while the bestsellers of our times slip quickly and quietly from our memories.Jane Eyre is more than just a beautiful book about a love story that
transcends all boundaries;it is a testament to the power of pure emotion, that can be felt through the ages and acro all barriers of time and culture.
Jane Eyre《Jane Eyre》 is a novel with a propensity for autobiography.Its writer, Charlotte Bronte,was born in a poor and calamitous family.They lived in a remot......
this is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlely struggling for her ideal life.t......