
2020-02-28 读后感 下载本文


Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta on 8 November 1900 and raised in a lawyer family.As she was a child, she could often hear of talks of War Between the States, and it made her have the desire to write a novel about war.That was why Gone with the Wind published after she grew up.Margaret Mitchell didn’t have many words in her life, but Gone with the Wind is everlasting in the world.Every one in the Gone with the wind has his or her particular character.However, the first time after I had finished reading the novel, I can not totally understand the meaning to describe such a woman as the heroine.In my eyes, the other characters are better.Melanie Hamilton is a kind and great woman, Ashley is a righteous gentleman, and Rhett is an honest and unconstrained man.But Scarlet, who seemed to always care about herself, was so mean and hateful.She could marry men whom she didn’t love to, she could take her sister’s lover away and she even didn’t show too much sorrow when her two husbands died.But the second reading gave me another feeling;I finally understand a great word is not a fairy tale, which has its certain good or bad characters.A coin has two sides;Scarlet in the Gone with the wind is just a character to show us readers something.So, what is something? First, there is a clue------Tara.From the beginning to the end, many plots were happen though it.At the beginning of this novel, Scarlet knew the news Ashley was

going to marry Melly, she asked her father to prove it and know the news was truth, there was dialogue between she and her dad: Pa,” I want my girl to be happy and you wouldn’t be happy with him(Ashley).” Scarlet:” Oh, I would!I would!” Pa:” That you would not, daughter……Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything……for ‘tis the only things in this world that lasts, and don’t you be forgetting it!‘Tis the only thing worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for……”This is the first time to mention the signification of the existence of Tara.And at that time, Scarlet just laughed her father like a Irishman and what she cared was just Ashley, he was her dream!

Then was the marriage to Charles, the war, and her first husband’s dead.During the war, she lost almost everything, she went through the starvation, the panic, the dead around her and what she wanted was staying at home------Tara.This is the second time to describe Tara, and at that time, because of having suffered a lot, she became much matured and loved money.So, in the end of the novel, she was alone, the only thing lasted was Tara, which she loved to go when she was suffering anything.Something maybe is the capitalist fate or the maid’s heart in love, it gave her the courage to live and became brave.There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes, by reading this novel;the readers could certainly feel its great fascination.


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