埃及王子 观后感 英文_埃及王子英文影评

2020-02-28 观后感 下载本文

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Question Religion influences culture and worldview.Think about how religion influences culture in terms of deep worldview aumptions(the origin of the people, their place in history and how they treat others).In the case of Moses and Pharaoh Rameses II, explain how their faiths influence their behavior and how it effects the lives of their followers.As for the origin of the people, Egyptian identity is closely tied to geography.The population of Egypt is concentrated in the lower Nilevalley, the small strip of cultivable land stretching from the First Cataract to the Mediterranean and enclosed by desert both to the east and to the west.This unique geography has been the basis of the development of Egyptian society since antiquity.If regarded as a single ethnic group, the Egyptian people constitute one of the world's largest.It is believed that the original shapes of the script go back to Egyptian hieroglyphs, though the phonetic values are instead inspired by the acrophonic principle.The common ancestor of Hebrew and Phoenician is called Canaanite, and was the first to use a Semitic alphabet distinct from Egyptian.As for their place in history The Delta posed problems of drainage and was difficult to settle as few regions were permanently above the level of the high Nile.The marshes along the northern coastline were much of the time water-logged.These problems were overcome to some extent by building dams and drainage canals.In the end the majority of the Egyptian population lived in Lower Egypt.As for how they treat others ,IPharaoh Rameses II sought to build an empire,the task for which his birth had had destined his the ancient traditions is to be the morning and evening star.If he said day is night, it would be written,and his people would be what he said they were.In his eyes,people from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were just slaves,what they should do is to obey and their lives deserve nothing.Moses respected his people and protected them.He thought he was sent by the god of his ancestors to deliver his people,leading them to good land flowing with milk and honey where everyone is equal and has right to poses happine.So you see,these are how their faiths influence their behavior and how it effects the lives of their followers.











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埃及王子 观后感 英文
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