
2020-02-28 观后感 下载本文


After watching the film ‘Facing giant’, I got a special leon.I learnt a lot from it and follows are my thoughts.In my opinion, as a student, it is of great importance for us to learnt to overcome our fears when we attempt to do something new.In order to do so, we must trust ourselves.Thus, we can complete it perfectly.Take David as an example, he hadn’t played football before he came to the school football team, and he couldn’t believe that he could win the match.In fact, he lost the match at the beginning.However, his father told him that ‘If you think you will fail in the match, you will get the failure’, and persuaded him to be more confident.In the final match, he changed his mind and shooted, which made his team get the first prize.Besides the importance that we need to have confidence in ourselves, it is also neceary for us to try to be grateful to everyone,whether our dreams come true or not.Just as what is said in the film , ‘We win, we thank the god, we lose, we still thank it’.If we can do as this old saying , we can get the care from the god.In conclusion, both confidence and gratitude are vital for us during our lives.If we trust ourselves and be grateful to everyone, who has helped me or not, we may get more succe.











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