
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


1.俗话说“失去了才懂得珍惜”。时间过得很快,你们即将初中毕业。同学,你是否在学习上有一些让你感到遗憾或后悔的事情呢?如果在过去三年中,你某学科弱;你错过了很多机会;假如再给你一次机会,你会尽最大努力学习吗?比如:课前预习、上课听讲、及时复习、认真作业……请你以“Give Me One More Chance”为题写一篇短文。

Give Me One More Chance

How time flies!We have spent three years living and studying together in the school.Now, I am leaving our school.I want to enter a good school, but I am weak in English.I regret that I haven’t learned English well in the past three years.I mied many chances.What if I had another chance?

As the saying goes, “It’s never too late to learn”.If I had one more chance, I would practice listening, reading, speaking and writing as much as poible.I would preview leons before claes, listen carefully in cla, go over 2.湖南卫视真人秀《爸爸去哪儿》收视火爆,节目讲述了五对笨手笨脚的爸爸带着孩子去陌生的地方完成一些有趣但


Last Monday we talked about the advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets.Some students think that more and more people keep pets nowadays.Animals become our good friends.Keeping pets can bring us a lot of fun.Especially for some old people, pets can make them feel le lonely.是艰难的任务。为了完成任务,孩子们学会了团队精神和如何与人相处。你所在的小组对“如何与人相处”展开了讨论,6.假定上周六晚上,你们全家在一家饭店就餐。请你根据以下要点提示.用英语写一篇短文,描述事情发生的经过,并适当加以评论。提示:(1)邻桌年轻人大声说笑、吸烟.(2)你请他们不要那样做。(3)他们不听,反而嘲笑你。(4)你认请根据以下你所在的小组的讨论结果,以“How to get on well with others”为题写一篇短文。


3.假设TV Guide外文版将刊登文章介绍湖南电视台热播的电视节目“爸爸去哪儿”(Dad, Where Are We Going?),上周五你看过一期。请据此写一篇观后感。1节目由5个明星爸爸和他们的孩子主演,深受各年龄段的人喜爱;2.目的是鼓励亲子双方重视交流,对于人们有良好的影响;3爸爸们以前没有时间陪孩子,现在已学会如何悉心照顾孩子.7.电视已成为我们生活中的一部分,看电视有好处也有坏处,根据你自身的体会,给大家提些自己的看法。请根据要点写一篇短文:1.我们应该选择合适的节目,比如看纪录片可以帮助我们了解许多有关自然和历史的知识;2.周一至周五我们学习很忙,我们最好在周末或假日里看电视;3.必须计划好自己的时间,试图在学习和看电视之间取得平衡是很重要的;4.看电视可以帮助我们放松,同时也能学到许多有用的知识;5.看太多的电视对眼睛不好, 你认为……。

4.人的一生中会有很多朋友,有的朋友热情大方;有的朋友文静优雅;有的朋友乐于助人;有的朋友事不关己,高高挂起,……。你喜欢什么样的朋友? 请你以 “I like friends who…” 为题,写一篇约100词的英语短文.8.请根据以下情况写出我们该怎样保护自己。1当我们独自一人在家时2当我们骑车在路上时3当我们看到小偷时

.9.每个人都拥有梦想,而实现梦想需要行动。请你根据所给图片写一篇题为“Take action to realize our dreams”的英语短文.内容:1描述图片内容,如情景、人物(Frank)、动作等;并简要表达你的观点;2谈谈你的梦想,及如何实现。

Take action to realize our dreams

All of us have dreams, but how can we realize our dreams?

From the pictures, we know that Frank dreamed to become a doctor when he was 15 years old.However, 45 years later he still dreams to be a doctor lying in bed.It is clear that he lives in the dream without any actions.It is clear that he lives in the dream without any actions I also have a dream.I wish to work as an engineer when I grow up.I will study hard every day and improve my abilities to get ready for my future job, so that I can make my dream

Can star signs guide our lives?

After learning star signs, our cla had a hot discuion about if star signs could guide our lives.come true.10.2013年,湖南卫视明星亲子真人秀节目《爸爸去哪儿》连续十期收视夺魁,并问鼎年度上星频道中收视最高的季播节目。你班同学也非常喜欢看,并关于“什么样的爸爸才是好爸爸”展开了讨论,请你根据下面的表格提示,用英语简

The other day we had a discuion about what kind of father is a good father.Most students thought that a good father could make friends with children, play with them and make

them happy.Some students believed that a good father must criticize children when they made mistakes and at the same time he

11.假设你是初中学生李华。近来,学生在网上看书(online reading)的风气越来越盛行。对此同学们有

12.学习了Star signs这个单元后,班上同学就Can star signs guide(指导)our lives?进行了讨论。现在请你以此为题,参照表内所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文。

Some students think star sighs are the part of the western culture and it is interesting to learn aboutstar

13.学校准备组织一次到敬老院为老人们献爱心,尽义务的活动。请以“Come and join us!”为标题写一个广告,号召大家积极参加本次活动。广告需体现出号召者以下意图:1.想建立一个志愿者服务中心,帮助孤寡老人。2.可以给老人捐衣物和钱;到敬老院为老人们清扫房间。3.修理烂桌子;表演节目来让老人们高兴起来。4.如果缺钱,可以想出一些办法来,例如,可以到街上分发广告。5.请别推迟了.今天就来加入我们吧!给我们打电话,我们的电话是4448375。(志愿者中心Volunteer Center敬老院Old People’s Home)

Come and join us!

We are going to the Old People’s Home to care for the old people.We plan to set up a service center for volunteers to help the lonely old people.You can give away some clothes and money to the old people.If you have free time ,you can come to the Old People’s Home to clean up their rooms.If you can fix up the broken desks ,you can join us.If you can sing or dance ,you can join us too.We can plan a party to cheer the old people up.If you run out of money ,you can come up with some ideas.For example ,we can hand out some ads.So don’t put off ,join us today!Please call us at 4448375.14.2014年高考改革引发了热议,许多人对中国学生学习英语的重要性有了更多的思考。请你针对这一现象写一篇文


In my opinion, learning English well is very important for us.Because English is widely used around the





3、提出提高汉字书写能力的方法:端正书写态度;开展书写竞赛。(中国汉字 Chinese characters传递pa on书写竞赛:writing competition)

Boys and girls, have you ever experience this moment? You pick up a pen and start to write something down,but you can’t remember what the characters look like.solve problems in our daily life.The dinner time is just a chance for communication.Also, home-made meals are healthier for us to eat, for the food problem seems more and more serious now.As for me, I have dinner with my parents every day.My family all think the time for dinner is the most important

It seems that Chinese characters are in danger.Most people now write Chinese on keyboards.They nowcommunicate with each other by e-mail or on QQ instead of writing letters.As a result they forget what a Chinesecharacter looks like.moment for each of us.Chinese people must understand the importance of Chinese characters, and it’s our duty to pa on Chinese 20.假如你班要就“如何为中考做准备”开一个主题班会,请写一篇发言稿,谈谈你认为在中考准备过程中要注意的事项及culture.What’s more, we can feel the beauty of them.When we do homework, we must try to write carefully.More 理由:1.保持良好情绪。不要焦虑和紧张,否则会没有面对困难的勇气。2.制定合适的目标。太低的目标使人懒散,太高writing competitions can be held to help us write correctly.By studying Chinese characters, a window to Chinese culture and history is open to you.16.假定你报名参加了校学生会组织的“和谐校园你我他”为主题的英语演讲比赛活动。请写一篇演讲稿。(参词汇respect尊敬,voluntary志愿的,haze雾霾)1 学生应遵守校规,尊敬师长,团结友爱;2 学生应积极参加校园内外各种志愿者活动;3 最近,泰州出现雾霾天气,给人们的日常生活带很大伤害,学生应该注意保护环境;比如(请例举两例)4 学生应安排好自己的时间,学会搞好学习和爱好之间的平衡5 学生应学会感恩.As we all know a beautiful peaceful and harmonious school is very important for all of us to grow up healthily

In my opinion as middle school students We should first follow the school rules respect our teachers and get along well with clamates Secondly we should often take part in all kinds of voluntary activities so that we can enjoy the sweet feeling of helping others Recently there’s haze weather in Taizhou it does a lot of harm to people's daily life

We students should pay attention to protecting the environment For example we can plant more trees and ask our parents to walk more and drive le if poibleAlso we should organize our time well and achieve the balance between studies and hobbies Finally we should learn to be grateful to others including our parents teachers friends and even strangers and devote ourselves to our society in the future17.What is happine?

What is happine? Different people have different ideas.Some people are rich;they think they are happy.Other people have many friends, so they feel happy.Still others are happy because their lives are meaningful.Happine attractseveryone.For children, happine often suggests eating something good or playing with toys.For a stamp collector, stamps bring more delight than meals.And for a scientist, a discovery or an invention rather than anything else gives him greatest satisfaction.Happine always promisesa hope by which people go on living.When they come to the point of losing hope because they have suffered a great deal, it is often the time when happine comes that will give them the courage and desire to live.Cheer up and be happy.Happine is not far from you.It’s just around you.Try to grasp it and enjoy it.18.今年央视春晚,一曲《时间都去哪儿了》让许多观众深受感动。假设你是九年级一班的李明,你将代表班级参加学校举行的“感恩父母”英语演讲比赛。包括:1.讲述一件你和父母之间难忘的事情;2.你对“感恩父母”的认识;3.具体的感恩行动(至少两点).4.表达祝福与愿望。

Hello, everyone!I’m Li Ming from Cla 1, Grade 9.Today the topic of my speech is love for my parents.My parents do many things for me.When I was 10 years old, I caught a cold and had a high fever at midnight.I felt so terrible.My mother took me tohospital immediately.She took good care of me without a rest during the whole night.My parents give me almost everything.However, they don’t want to get any reward from me.From now on, I will help my parents do more housework.My mother’s birthday is coming, I will make a birthday card for her.I must thank her by studying hard.I hope my parents are in good health forever.19.随着我们长大,和家人围坐在一起吃饭的时间越来越少。研究表明,跟家人一起吃饭有助于身体健康。对此你有何看法?你又是如何做的?请以Eating with parents makes you healthier为题写一篇短文陈述你的理由。

Eating with parents makes you healthier

I believe eating with parents will make teenagers healthier.First, as we know, a happy mood keeps people healthy.Talking more with parents is a better way of helping的目标使人失去信心。3.不要熬夜,以确保上课时精力旺盛,注意力集中。4.多与父母、老师、同学交流沟通,以便走出困境。5.谈谈你的观点。

Boys and girls, the final exams are coming.What should we do in order to prepare well for the exams? Here are some suggestions.Firstly, it’s very important for us to be in good moods.Don’t be nervous or streed.Otherwise, we will not have the courage to face difficulties.Secondly, we should have proper aims.If we aim too low, we may become lazy.If we aim too high, we may lose confidence.Thirdly, Don’t stay up late so that we can make ourselves energetic in cla

and pay attention to our study.Fourthly, we’d better have more communication with our parents, teachers and clamates.They can help us get out of trouble.Finally, a healthy diet is very useful as well.With these done, I believe we can be succeful in the exams.21.新华学校实施了改善学生健康的“蛋奶工程”。Wet Hua是该学校的一名学生。这天,Wei Hua 又得到了刚发下的鸡蛋和牛奶。他打开那盒牛奶喝了一点点,就不想喝了。连续吃了一段时间的牛奶和鸡蛋,Wei Hua感到吃腻了,就偷偷地把鸡蛋和大半盒的牛奶扔进了垃圾桶里。远处的王老师看到了他的举动,并对他进行了教育。他对此感到抱歉,决定今后要节约粮食,不再浪费粮食。

参词汇rubbish bin垃圾桶,be tired of 对感到厌(腻)了,throw扔,save节约

To improve students’ health Xin Hua Middle School has carried on the Milk and Eggs Project for students Wei

Hua is a student at the school Today Wei Hua got the milk and egg again as usual He opened the box of milkand drank a little He felt tired of the egg and the milk He didn’t want to have them any more Then he threw the milk and egg into the rubbish bin At that moment Mi Wang saw this from far away She came over and told him not to do this again Wei Hua felt sorry to do so He promised not to waste food any more





Parents wish their children to have a bright future so they pay much attention to their study After school they don’t allow their children to do anything except study.I know parents love us and what they do is for us Although it’s our duty to study it’s not only thing for us to do There are many things for us to learn and we want to know more about the outside the world We should not only take

exercise to keep us healthy but also read more literature books So I hope our parents can give us more time to develop our hobbies.


中考英语作文分类好词好句1.学校生活及学习成绩be absorbed in …,bury oneself in … 对……入迷give an excellent performance before the whole cla 在全班面前好好表现......


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中考英语作文分类好词好句1. 学校生活及学习成绩put one’s heart into … 一心扑在…上 be fond of … 喜欢/爱好……make progre in … 在……方面取得进步 be getting on......




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