模联印度立场文件Position Paper of India英文版_印度文化英文版

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模联印度立场文件Position Paper of India英文版由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“印度文化英文版”。

Committee: The United Nations Environmental Protection Agency Topic: The Prevention& Control of atmospheric pollution Country: The Republic of India Delegate: Sun Jiangwenxiu&DiYa Atmospheric pollution has become the world's biggestenvironmental problemand increasingly drawn the wide attention of the world.To solve this problem, the United Nations has done a large number of surveys to find the main cause of the pollution and established the UnitedNationsEnvironmentProgramme(UNEP)as the world organization of the UNco-ordination to get to grips with pollution in 1972.India has always followed their action and taken some relative measures.As a developing country, with the development of industrial and cities, India has been damaged seriously.Air pollution in India is a serious iue with the major sources fromwood and bioma burning, fuel adulteration, vehicle emiion and traffic congestion.Meanwhile, based on the analysis of the environmental actuality, government has drawn up a detailed list of measuresand put forward the control countermeasures for reducing pollution.Such as the promotion of natural gas as a vehicle fuel,encouraging people to use public transport to leen emiionas well as restricting commercial trucks into the city.Second, India paed onThe Air(Prevention and Control of Pollution)Act to strengthen the force of supervision.Then local organizations establish smoke alarms, so that people know the air quality changes.It is an indisputable fact that an awarene of public environmental protection needs to be enhanced.So, In addition to rev up publicity with advertisements, the institution of environmental protectionorganizes and encourages afforestation and the protection of forests.All of these methods have made a great effect on pollution.Now, the environmental state is showing signs of improvement.But that’s not enough, India will learn from other countries which conduct well as the United States and Japan.Air pollution is a global problem, it related to every member’s interests.The members must immediately solve it together.India will also develop capabilities to the maximum.


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