商务英语商务礼仪 The Busine Etiquettes in Busine Activities_商务英语商务礼仪

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商务英语商务礼仪 The Busine Etiquettes in Busine Activities由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“商务英语商务礼仪”。

。。外文学院 姓 名:专 业:论文题目:指导教师:


。学 号:。。。英语(商务方向)班 级: 200906 The Busine Etiquettes in Busine Activities。职 称:。

2012 年 月


The Busine Etiquettes in Busine Activities

Abstract: This paper deals with etiquettes in busine activities.It contains of six parts, general idea, greeting etiquette, gift etiquette, table etiquette, conference etiquette and dre etiquette.Part one is about the importance of busine etiquettes.Part two describes how we greet each other.In part three, I talk about sending gifts in different occasions and table manners in part four.Conference etiquette is divided into several procedures to make it clear for readers how to get prepared before a meeting, which is in part five.The dre etiquette is put in part six, and it is talked respectively in men and women.I hope this paper can help with students or other people in busine world.摘要:随着全球化的进程和改革开放的深入,中国人越来越多地走到了国际舞台上,商务活动在所难免,而商务礼仪是商务活动进展顺利与否的一个重要因素。论文围绕商务活动中的商务礼仪这个主题,描述了商务礼仪在商务活动中的重要性和其在商务活动中的具体实施方式。论文主要内容有问候礼仪,送礼礼仪,餐桌礼仪,会议礼仪和着装礼仪。五个方面分别通过不同场合,地域,性别,身份,时间等来加以描述,以展现商务礼仪在具体商务活动中的正确处理行为。谨以此文献给在商务领域中需要的人士或者该领域的研究人员。

With the development of global economic integration, the busine community is becoming more and more competitive.In order to stand out in busine areas, we need to master effective communicative and proper interpersonal skills.Together with China's acceion to the WTO, there is more emphasis on the importance of busine etiquette.Thus I am going to talk about etiquette in busine dealings.At the very beginning, I would like to give an introduction of busine etiquette.“Etiquette is the general name of courtesy and ceremony.It refers to the established standards of conduct and procedures that people use to beautify themselves and respect others during the various social interactions.It embodies the politene,courtesy, appearance, rite, etc.Etiquette is an important symbol of human civilization and social progre, which is not only the key part of communication, but also is the external manifestation of morality and culture.” When etiquette is used in busine, it is formed into the busine etiquette.That is to say, in the busine interaction, there is a certain established and accepted procedure and means abiding by people to show respect to each other.The central role of the busine etiquette is to reflect the mutual respect between people.Briefly, busine etiquette is a general requirement for people’s appearance and manners in the busine activities.For the claification, the widely common types are such as busine negotiation etiquette, busine letter etiquette, greeting etiquette, gift etiquette, conference etiquette, telephone etiquette, banquet etiquette and so on.Because busine etiquette is a comprehensive subject, the so-called several branches, are relative.The different branches of busine etiquette are mingling with each other.I am going to talk about greeting etiquette, gift etiquette, table etiquette, conference etiquette and dre etiquette one by one.Greeting Etiquette In different countries, people have different ways of greetings.“The impreion you make starts with the greetings you give people.It's their first opportunity to ae your personality, your demeanor and your manners.Greeting people politely is an important skill to master both socially and in a busine setting.To avoid making an unfavorable first impreion, be sure that you know the proper etiquette for any situation you may encounter.Many western countries accept hugs and kies as a popular form of greeting although a handshake is still the formal way of greeting people.”

In China, a handshake or a simple and kind salutation is common.Interactions in a busine setting are, generally speaking, more formal than interactions in your private life.If it is your first time meeting someone, you should stand;shake his hand and say, “I'm glad to meet you.” If you have already been introduced to one another, say, “It's good to see you again,” or “It's good of you to join us.” It is proper to shake hands

when you are introduced to someone for the first time and any time thereafter that he offers a hand to you.A handshake is the only touch that is appropriate in a busine setting.“In the U.S., a handshake and eye contact are the norms for greeting.In Europe, a smile usually accompanies the handshake.In the U.S., people tend to prefer personal space around them, keeping a distance of a foot or more between themselves and people they don't know well.In Mexico and other Latin American countries, personal space is much smaller;people may stand very close to you.The polite thing in such countries is not to reinstate your personal space.In Venezuela and some European countries such as France and Italy, once you've established a relationship, a ki on the cheek might be expected.” Our Chinese are not keen on physical contact.One must be conscious of one’s own body language and movement when doing busine in China.You should always present yourself as calm, collected and controlled.Body posture should always be formal and attentive, portraying self-control and respectability.An introduction is the first step to establish an interpersonal relationship.A succeful introduction makes the people being introduced feel closer and creates a good first impreion.Gift Etiquette It is always wonderful to personally select and give gifts to those we care about and have them truly appreciate it.It can certainly be a challenge deciding whether or not to give gifts, and if so, what type of gift is appropriate to give.Nobody likes to show up to any special occasion empty-handed.But if there is ever a request for “no gifts please”, then it is never appropriate to bring a gift.You may have a foreign bo and he will invite you to his birthday party or any occasions.You will have to learn how to give gifts.Everybody, every year, celebrates a birthday.To the dismay of some, it’s unavoidable.Although many people choose not to recognize their annual birthdays, the birth of a baby is universally noteworthy and

celebrated.A Baby Shower is meant to literally shower the baby with the neceities and is typically thrown before the baby arrives so that the gifts can be used right away.This means that a gift must accompany you if you attend the shower.It is customary for the mother-to-be to register for particular items that the baby will need and it is preferred that guests purchase the shower gifts from this list.Not only does this provide an added excitement to the pregnancy, it also allows for the mother to plan for items that will still be needed once the baby arrives.It is perfectly appropriate to give gifts to the expecting mother as well.These gifts can be in the form of pre-or post-delivery body pampering packages, baby books, homemade treats, landed clothing, and other items that any expecting mother will appreciate.He sixteenth birthday tends to be the “graduation” from childhood to adulthood, and so, therefore, is more often celebrated much more elaborately than any other birthday.Gifts for sweet sixteen birthdays are expected, and each invited attendee should take a present.The gifts should be opened at the party.While it may seem that it is a female sanction, it is appropriate for both males and females to celebrate this milestone.These parties can take the theme of a brunch, a swimming party, a theater party, or pretty much anything.Gift suggestions can range from charm bracelets, to books on the recipient’s special interest or hobby, to posters, to music or DVD’s, to perfume, to sports equipment, to video games, to watches, and to a myriad of other personal items.Flowers may be sent by almost everyone to almost anyone for pretty much any occasion, such as birthdays, weddings, thank-yours, showers, a hoste gift, and a myriad of others.Flowers are considered by most to be a very thoughtful gift.While some people are constantly sending flowers, others seldom do.Be careful not to aume that we shouldn’t send flowers because we think those we can afford are not good enough.The gesture of a gift is always appreciated, no matter how small.At times, money is the most welcome present of all, and it may also be an easy way of avoiding the challenge of choosing the perfect gift.There are very few teenagers and elderly who do not favor the idea of a little extra spending cash.And for those who don’t like just handing over cash, a gift certificate to their favorite store may seem a little more personalized.The excitement of moving into a dwelling and making it your

own creates a natural eagerne to show it off to others.Since the purpose is to open your home to friends and family, invitations to a housewarming can be sent on informal or commercial fill-in cards, or can be simply a phone call.Guests should bring gifts to the party to congratulate you on your new home.If you are having an open house style party, it is appropriate to open up gifts as you receive them.Or if you have a small intimate group, you can wait and open them all up at the same time in front of your guests.Thank you notes are a definite neceity!As an attendee, your gift does not have to be expensive.But be mindful that your gift is of a permanent use rather than flowers, which will only last a short time.For the most part, every occasion surrounding a wedding involves gifts.While the following descriptions follow traditional customs, there are many other ethnic groups that follow their own unique customs.In previous times, it used to be considered obligatory to send a gift if you received an invitation to a wedding, even if you couldn’t attend.But in recent years, invitation lists have morphed into entire lists of acquaintances, not thinking about the obligation they impose.While a gift may always be sent whether or not you receive an invitation, if you are not an intimate friend of the bride and groom or of their families and you are not invited to the reception, you need not send a gift.However, the more personal the invitation, the greater the obligation is to send a gift.Keep in mind that a wedding announcement is not an invitation, and carries no obligation for gifts at all.If the bride and groom have registered for their gifts, it is wise to purchase from their registry, or at least review it in order to get a better idea of their taste and needs.You have no obligation to purchase from their registry, especially if there is nothing on the list that fits within your financial abilities.In this case, by reviewing the registry, you can still purchase a gift within your means and have a good idea of the needs of the bride and groom.Table Etiquette When we talk about table etiquette, we are not only referring to how we eat or drink

but also how to sit and toast and any other manners that happen when we have dinner.When it is in china, we have our table etiquette.Chinese people love to eat and China is regarded as one of the world's greatest cuisines.During the long period of development of the eating culture, there formed many things about the eating that foreign visitors may find quite different from what they are used to and even feel weird.When called to table by the host, guests take the places aigned to them by the host.The order of the seating on the part of the host is somewhat complicated and follows strict rules.The first rule governs the guest of honor, who, if not a special guest for the occasion in question, is the eldest member of the family.In ordinary family get-togethers, the guest of honor is always the eldest member of the family.The guest of honor always occupies what in the American Wild West might have been termed the “Wild Bill Hickok Seat”, i.e., the seat that affords the most comprehensive view of the other guests as well as the best view of the entrance door to the room.If there is no seat facing the entrance door, then the “central” seat facing eastward is the seat of honor.A corollary to the respect shown to the guest of honor in the seating arrangement is the rule that the guest of honor “breaks the ice” by taking the first drink or by proposing the first toast, just as it is the guest of honor who is the first to begin eating.As to the mechanics of the first toast, the guest of honor raises his gla first, then the first “row”, the second “row”, etc., down the line as each “row” raises its glaes until the last “row” is reached, where upon everyone drinks at the same time, poibly to a special toast.As for western table etiquette, dinner usually begins with soup.The largest spoon at your plate is the soup spoon.It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side.If there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup.There may be a special fork for the fish, or it may be similar to the meat fork.Often it is smaller.The main Course is usually served by the host himself, especially if it is a fowl or a roast which need to be carved.He will often ask each guest what piece he prefers, and it is quite proper to state your preference as to lean or fat, darker light.If a servant paes food around, he will pa the dish in at your left hand so that you can conveniently serve yourself with your right hand.Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right;it is then the turn

of your neighbor on the right.It is polite to take some of everything that is paed to you.But if there is something you may not like, you may quietly say: “No thank you.” A salad is eaten with a fork only held in the right hand with points turned up.There is usually a special one for the salad, a little smaller than the meat fork.Bread is taken in the fingers and laid on the side plate or the edge of the large plate;it is never taken with a fork.Butter is taken from the butter dish with the butter knife and placed on the side plate, not on one's bread.It is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hoste gives the signal at the end.When the hoste indicates that the dinner is over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests she raise from theirs at the same time.Conference Etiquette If you are going to companies, you are bound to have conference to attend.Prior to attending to the conference, do your homework and figure out whom you would like to meet and see over the next few days.Scan through the welcome packet and highlight any names of people you’d like to see.Upon arrival, make it your miion to network with the highlighted attendees.“Don’t come so hungry that you attack the bar area and food area as soon as you arrive.Networking is the time to meet and greet, and then eat and drink.About a half hour before the opening reception, get a snack.Make it something light but filling, like an apple or a smoothie.Then, you won’t be starving during the opening seion.” The purpose of this event is to meet and greet people, which can be difficult when you’re carrying a drink and a plate.If you are alone at the networking or opening seion, start off by approaching another individual or small group of two to three people.It can be awkward to approach a larger group, as they are harder to break into and to start a one-on-one conversation.After you have your initial conversations, ask your new contacts to have a drink with you or meet you near the buffet for food.Move around the room.When you meet someone, introduce yourself, exchange busine cards, talk, poibly set-up another

time to meet, or a time for a call when you return to the office.Shake hands as you leave;thank them and then move on to the next person.You need to come to the seion prepared with notebook paper and pens.If you forgot to bring some, you may be able to find a notepad in your hotel room or at the front desk, but better to be prepared ahead of time.Don’t take up two or three seats.Move right on in and meet someone new, sitting next to you.Introduce yourself.Enjoy their company before the speaker begins.Arrive early, sit in the front and learn as much as you can.This is a time to learn.If you’re with a chatty attendee, politely tell them that you would love to talk after the seion.Be polite, sincere, and firm.Tell them right at the beginning of the conversation.If you wait too long to say something, you can get hooked into the conversation, and it will be more uncomfortable to get out.Respect the speaker.As a speaker, it can be frustrating to be on a stage in front of a group and realize attendees are chatting among themselves.If you must have a conversation or make a phone call, please leave the room out of respect.Dre Etiquette It is often said that the first impreion is the best impreion.So, efforts must be taken to ensure that a positive long lasting impreion is made the first time.Appearance and the way one carries oneself are the two things that are first noticed on entering a room.So, corporate dreing etiquette is to be given great importance.The way we dre reflects our inner self.Dre can make a person look confident and in control of the situation.Dre should be befitting the occasion.Identify the dre code followed in the busine entity before appearing for the interview.Company website can give a general picture of the dre code followed.For example, while browsing through the careers in Accenture, India, one gets a view of the people and the way they have dreed helps in preparing oneself for the interview.Geographical and cultural environment influence the dre code to an extent.For instance, many Indian companies opt for casual attire because of the warm climate in the country.Formals like blazers are generally worn on important customer meetings, if neceary.The cultural environment is another significant determining factor.For example, wearing

of a black tie is inappropriate in the presence of Japanese clients as black ties are worn during mourning.So selection of the dre must be made with great care.Dre attire can be casuals or formals.Men should be properly shaved and dreed to the occasion.While choosing formal attire, the suit, shirt, tie and the shoes must be in perfect co-ordination and well fitted, the tie knot should be in accordance to the situation, hair should be well groomed, aftershave must be applied, and it should not be too strong.Similarly, casual shirts and trousers must not be too flashy or too tight, never wear shorts to work.In case of women, skirt suit is ideal, but trousers too can be opted with formal closed shoes and suitable jeweler and perfume.Casuals should not be too flashy, never wear tight, revealing or short attire to work.Companies invest a great deal of time, effort and money on creating and maintaining brand image.The importance of proper attire has been accepted by many.Companies like Tata Consultancy Services provide a dre allowance to employees who are working with the customer onsite to create a better image on its manpower.The recognition of the power of a well dreed individual is reflected by this example.Customers are more willing to accept the ideas put forth by a well dreed person as the better the image projected, the better the confidence they have in you.The personality, the confidence can be made conspicuous by dreing in accordance to the situation.An enterprise with well dreed manpower can speak of better confidence, thus adding to its brand value.参考文献:

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商务英语商务礼仪 The Busine Etiquettes in Busine Activities
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