
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


1.M: Did you go to the match on Saturday?

W: No,I listened to the commentary instead.It sounded pretty exciting,I must say.Q: What are they talking about? 2.M: Two six two four three double four.Charles Farmer speaking.W: Hello,Charles,it's Joan-Joan Cook.Q: What kind of talk is this?

3.M: I have written five books,You know.W: But you should have written six books.Q: How many books have the man written?

4.M: Linda is coming by train.Let's go to the railway station.W: OK,but I must wash the dishes first.Q: Can the woman get to the station?

5.M: You speak Chinese quite well.How long did you study the language?

W: I studied it in a college for two years.Then I was sent to China and worked there for three years.Q: How long did the woman study Chinese?

6.W: I want to go shopping.Can you come with me, please.You can help me carry the things.W: Certainly,dad.Do you have the shopping basket? Q: Where will they go? 7.M: I'll give a thorough check

first open your month and show me your tongue.W: Is there anything wrong?

Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?

8.M: How long have you been in America?

W: I arrived one month ago,I will stay here for one year.Q: When will the woman leave?

9.M: How do you spend your weekend?

W: I usually go shopping or go fishing or go to a movie.Q: Which is not mentioned in the conversation?

10.M: If you buy this blouse,you'll save five dollars.It's only twenty-one dollars.W: But I want a small size.So could you hand me the eighteen-dollar blouse? Q: How much did the woman plan to pay for the blouse?

Paage One

My friend Wilfred works in the post office.He is a good sportsman and so he belongs to the Monta Sports Club.Three months ago Wilfred made a money-box.He got a flat box,and he coloured it white.He cut a slit on the top of the box.He wrote these words on the box,in big letters.WILL YOU HELPThat was all.He did not write his name,or any name.The words were just---WILL YOU HELPWilfred took the money-box to the club.He put it on a table,just inside the door.Every Friday evening he opens the box.I do not belong to Monta Sports Club.but I went there last Friday evening with Wilfred.He opened the money-box and took out the money“Not bad,”he said “Between two and three poundsHe shut the box then,and put it back on the table.The money went into Wilfred's pocket ”People are kind,“ Wilfred said ”They like to help.They like to give some money away.“”Are you going to keep the money?“ I asked.Yes.I'm not a rich man,and that box is mine.”I said,“Doesn't anyone ever ask questions about it?”“No.They help or they don't help.They never ask questions

People don't like to ask questions about money.”


11.What does a money-box always have?

12.How often does Wilfred open the box?

13.Why does Wilfred leave the box near the club door?

14.People put money in the box.Whom are they helping?

Paage Two

It is ten o'clock at night ]and you are outdoor.You can see many points of light in the sky.They are stars.Each star is another sun.The sky is big,and it has many sun.Our Sun is near to us.It warms us and gives us light in daytime.The stars are not near.We can see their light only at night and they do not warm us.The stars are not all the same.Many stars are quite like our Sun.They are of the same size and they have the same color----yellow.Other stars are bigger or smaller.A “giant” star is very, very big.A “dwarf” is a small star--smaller than the sun.Stars have different colours too.They can be red,orange,yellow,white or blue.here are giants and dwarfs in all these colours.All stars are,of course,very hot.The hottest stars are the blue ones.White stars come next they are le hot then yellow and orange stars are le hot again red stars are the least hot.And they are also the oldest stars.Questions:

15.We don't see stars in the daytime.Why?

16.What colour are the hottest stars?

17.As what do we see the stars?

Paage Three

What you hear is only a recording of the movie.The theater is closed.Today's movie is The Godfather Part II winner of six Academy Awards---Oscar AwardThere will be continuous showings at two-thirtyfive o'clock,seven-thirty,and ten o'clock.The movie is rated PD.Tickets are two-fifty for adults and half price for cildren under sixteen.If you need more information the theater will be open at two o'clock.Please call back at that time.Questions:

18.What time does the last show start?

19.How much does a ticket for a child under sixteen cost?

20.When did the speaker say that the theater would be open?






第六部分:作文(满分15分)1.根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲写一篇不少于80字的短文。Water and Life提示:1.随着工业化(industrialization)的推进,地球上的淡水(fresh water)越来越......


题型说明一:听力部分(20分)听力部分共三个部分:Section A: Questions (1%*5=5%)Section B: Short Dialogues (1%*5=5%)Section C: Spot Dictation (2%*5=10)共计l5小题.占总分......


命题教师 :魏巍教研组长:系主任:教务处主任: 卜少利河北省科技工程学校2007-2008学年第一学期期末试卷(A)《大学英语》 试卷班级: 电子信息1班Ⅰ、Match the explanations wit......

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