Main roles: George, Julianne, Waiter
That day, Julianne received the invite and danced with George.And then, they said goodbye and returned back to their own hotel.The next day, they took plane to come back.One day, they had dinner together in the restaurant.George:” You has failed finally.Even though, I respect you because of your courage.You are the most special women I have ever met.” Julianne:” Forget it.I am the most stupid woman.I’m such an idiot.”
George:” Don’t say that.At least you made it.You are so brave to say your love out.”
Julianne:” If I know such result, I had absolutely never do such fool thing.I would rather hidden it in my heart.”
George:” Oh, you are regretful now.But I dare to say you would been more regretful if you had not done it and you would feel more deeply.And now, you realized that you and your best friends, Mike, are impoible to get together again.” Julianne felt a little angry.Julianne:” What? I don’t believe that.I believe he still love me and can’t forget me.He will date with me again one day.Don’t you feel that I’m attractive enough to appeal to him.”
George:” I have no idea.(whisper)I just know you are attractive for me.”
Julianne:” What?” George:” Nothing.”
Julianne:” I’m sorry that I have to go.I have a lot of things to do today.”
After she left, George speak to himself and make sigh for many times.George:” You still don’t understand me.”
George waves at a waiter and intends to pay for this meal.George:” Hey, waiter.Here’s a hundred.Keep the change.” Waiter:” Sorry, sir.” George:” Anything else?”
Waiter:” It’s not enough, this meal should pay for $214.” George:” I’m sorry, wait a minute.”(George feels embarraed.)Waiter:” Thank you, sir, Glad to see you again.”
In fact, George isn’t a gay.And he intends to empre love to Julianne.He makes the phone call.George:” Hello, Julianne.It’s George.”
The phone from Julianne:” Hello, it’s Julianne.I’m not on the phone.Could you please leave a meage.”
George:” Hey, Julianne.I have an important thing to tell you.Do you have time to meet me tonight in the old place.I wouldn’t leave without seeing you.” In the restaurant.George speak to himself:” Julianne, I’m not a gay.I just have no chance to tell the truth.In fact, I had known you before I met you.I heard that you are a cold woman and hard to get along with.The first time I met you, I thought you are the right woman to me.We talked and laughing on the journey.But you asked me suddenly:’ Are you a gay?’ I felt surprised and angry.You noticed my expreion and said embarraed:’ I’m sorry, I have thought that…’ I hesitated a while and said:’ Yes, you should not feel sorry, it’s true, I just don’t want to tell the truth.But now, I think it’s OK to me.’ After that, I became a ‘gay’.Now, I have to tell you that I love you.Can you date with me?” Then.George:” Oh, sucks.I can’t say that.We couldn’t be friends after that.”
George waits for a long time.And Julianne don’t come to meet him.Waiter:” Hey, sir.Your girlfriend don’t come with you today.How about her? Do you annoy her?” George:” She isn’t my girlfriend.”
Waiter:” But I can see that you like her, don’t you?” George says nothing but smile.Waiter:” Sorry, sir.It’s the right time to close up.So…” George:” OK, I’ll leave now.”
The next day, they meet at the company.Julianne:” I’m sorry not to meet you last night.I leave my phone at the repair store.What’s important thing?”
George:” You leave your coat at my apartment, I’ll take it next time.” Julianne:” It’s the important thing? Really?” George:” Yes.”
Julianne:” OK, thanks to remind me.”
Julianne invites George to have lunch together.But George refuses and claim has another thing to do.So, Julianne has lunch by herself in the restaurant.Waiter:” Hello, this lady.Can I help you? ” Julianne:” As usual, please”
Waiter:” Please wait for a while.Your friend stay at here till we closed last night.He seemed waiting for someone.Are you the right one he waited for?”
Julianne:” Has he bought a female coat?” Waiter:” No.”
Julianne:” I got it, thank you!”
After lunch, Julianne returns to company.When you meet George, she invite him to have dinner.Julianne:” Hey, George.Could you come to have dinner tonight.” George:” I’d love to but I have to prepare tomorrow’s file.”
Julianne:” You’ve changed, you have never refused me.But you refused me twice for a day.Why do you hide me and lie to me.You didn’t bring my coat to the restaurant.The waiter told me.I really want to know what is the important thing.” George:” You don’t want to.”
Julianne:” How about telling it tonight.” George:” Well done.”
Up to night, they set at the restaurant.It seems everything has frozen.The atmosphere appears a little embarraed.Julianne:” What’s it?”
George:” Could you promise we will also be friends if I say anything.”
Julianne:” Whatever you do, I’ll forget you and be your friends forever.So, tell me.”
George:” Here we go.There are two things.First, I lied to you.” Julianne:” Go on, I gueed that because you hide me recently.What’s the matter you need to lie to me.” George:” I’m a normal people.”
Julianne laughed:” Isn’t you? Or you are an animal?” For a minute.Julianne:” Wait, you mean you isn’t a gay, is it? I can’t believe that you cheat me from the beginning to end.Why did you cheat me about the truth.You have no reason not to tell the truth.I have token it.How about the second thing? Don’t lie to me for a bigger matter? Did you do something hurt? I can’t imagine.”
George:” Julianne, Julianne, take it easy.The second thing indeed is more surprising.But it isn’t bad like
your imagination.” Julianne:” OK, I will be quite to listen to you.”
George:” I’m so happy to hear that you were failed to ruin Mark’s marriage and couldn’t stay with him.Thanks God.”
Julianne:” No, it’s the bad thing.Do you hate me? I usually treat you as my good friend.I told you everything and never kept my secret.I thought you were the only one who understand me.Did you hate me?”
George:” No, I don’t hate me.In fact, I love you.I love you for a long time.I don’t you if you are so attractive for Mike.But for me, you always appeal to me wherever you are.I love you since I met you.I know you wouldn’t receive me.I have told the two things.Can you continue to be my friend.”
Julianne:” No.I can’t treat you as my friend any more.” George fells depreed.Julianne:” But, I’d like to treat you as my boyfriend.” George:” Really? You want to be my girlfriend.” Julianne:” You don’t want to?”
George:” Sure, I have dreamed it so long.”
Julianne:” But I still have a question? How do your boyfriend do if you have a girlfriend?”
George:” Let it go.He is just my boy-friend not my boyfriend.” At the moment, the waiter comes.Waiter:” I have said that she is you girlfriend.”
《我最好朋友的婚礼》经典台词1、众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。2、选我吧,嫁给我,让我来带给你幸福。3、我可以想象出你一定单独的坐在桌子前 穿着你淡紫色的'......