Julianne Potter, a 27-year-old New York restaurant critic, is criticizing a dish in a restaurant with her confidant George, whose job is Julianne’s editor.During the dialogue, Julianne mentions her former lover Michael and their agreement that they will get married to each other if both of them are single at 28.However Julianne gets a phone call from Michael, and Michael tells her he has fallen in love with, and is about to marry, Kimberly Wallace, a 20-year-old University of Chicago student from a wealthy family.the news, she immediately gets upset and plans to break them up, the following day, she set off to see them.Firstly, she urges Kim to sing in front of many people, in spite of knowing Kim’s shortne in music.To her surprise, Kim tries her best to sing for Michael and wins respect in the end.Then she persuades Kim to believe that it’s good for Michael to change from his favorite job the wandering sportswriter to a decent job.As expected, they have a quarrel with each other, but Kim’s sincere apology makes Michael forgive her easily.When she is confused about what to do next, she asks for George’s help, but his coming doesn’t work.At last, she write a letter in the name of Kim’s father to Michael’s bo.After hesitation, she doesn’t send it, But the letter still be sent out by another person.Michael misunderstands Kim and that threats their tomorrow’s wedding.What’s more, she exprees her love for Michael and kies him.Unfortunately, Kim sees this and misunderstands Michael too.These experiences makes Julianne believes the true love between Michael and Kim and helps them make the wedding go smoothly.
《我最好朋友的婚礼》经典台词1、众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。2、选我吧,嫁给我,让我来带给你幸福。3、我可以想象出你一定单独的坐在桌子前 穿着你淡紫色的'......