
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



Maps  FISU: National University Sports Federation


 FNSU International Relations and Cooperation Department


 Functional Zone of Universiade Village: 大运村功能区名称  Operational Zone:运行区  Welcome Center 欢迎中心

-CIC Office 报名与资格审核(International Control Committee国际资格审核委员会)

-Accreditation Center 注册制证

-General Secretariat of FISU 国际大体联秘书处 -Fee Payment Counter 住房分配及缴费处 -Arrival & Departure Service Center 抵离服务中心 -HoD‟s Office 团长办公室

-Traffic Control Center 交通指挥中心 -Information Center 公共信息服务中心  Visitor Reception Center 访客中心 -Media Center 媒体中心 -VIP Reception 贵宾接待处

-Supermarket 超市

-Currency Exchange 金融服务点(外币兑换点)-Store of Licensed Products 特许商品经营部  Shuttle Bus Station 大运村班车站  South Entrance Parking Lot 南门停车场  International Zone:国际区  Flag-Hoisting Square 升旗广场

-Delegation Welcome Ceremonies 升旗仪式(代表团欢迎仪式)-Cultural Activities 文化活动  HoD Conference Hall 团长会会议室 -HoD conferences 团长会议 -Cultural Activities 文化活动

 Protocol Services Center 礼宾服务中心  Language Services Sub-center 语言服务处  Delegation Services Center 代表团服务中心 -Sports information Center 体育信息中心 -DVD Room & Internet Café 休闲区(网吧)-Meeting Center 会议室

-Delegation‟s Mail Box 代表团信箱  Polyclinic Doping Center 医疗中心  Religious Activities Center 宗教服务中心  Physical Recovery Center 体能恢复中心 -Swimming Pool 游泳池 -Gym 健身房

 Administration Center 行政管理中心  Chinese Culture Exhibition 文化体验区  Showcasing Area 赞助商展示区  Commercial Plaza 商业广场  Universiade Square 大运会纪念广场

 Residential Zone:居住区  Athlete‟s Apartment 运动员公寓

-Rooms for Athletes and HoDs 运动员及团长住房 -Extra Official Apartment 超编官员公寓 -Reception Desk 住宿服务台 -Self-service Center 便民服务中心  Athlete‟s Dining Hall 运动员餐厅

 Transportation Waiting Area 运动员候车区  Staff‟s Dining Hall 员工餐厅

 Logistics Zone:后勤保障区  Logistics Center 物流中心  Laundry Center 洗衣中心


Welcome to Shenzhen!Ladies and gentlemen I am your attaché.My name is… I will work for you as your attaché during the Universiade Shenzhen.So if you have any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to contact me.This is my contact information.欢迎到深圳来!女士们,先生们,我是你们的随员,我的名字叫…。深圳大运会期间我会一直陪同你们。若你们有什么问题请随时与我联系。这是我的联络方式。

Are you Mr.Taylor, head of UK delegation? 你是英国代表团团长泰勒先生吗? Nice to meet you!How many people do you have in your delegation?

Have you all got your luggage all right? 很高兴见到你!你们代表团有多少人?行李都准备好了吗? The reception personnel will help you check in.If you need to change rooms or have any particular requests about accommodation, you can contact our reception staff.接待人员会帮助你们办理入住手续。若想换房间或有特殊要求,请与他们联络。

Please follow me.I will show you the way to the accreditation center.请跟随我去制证中心。

This is the Accreditation Center;the staff will help you make the card.这是制证中心,工作人员会帮助你们办理证件

Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢? “Take a number.”取号(或者意思是请你到后面去排队慢慢等着)——备注:用于跟酒店人员说的时候。

I am very pleased to be your friend,let me introduce myself。我很高兴成为你们的朋友,请允许我自我介绍一下。

Could I have your name?我能知道你的名字么



American Style: Wait your turn, please请排队等候。Pull over!把车子开到旁边。

Are you sure you can come by at nine(**)? 你肯定你九点(**)能来吗? Line up, please请排好队!Don„t crush不要挤!

Turn rightleftaboutaround向右转|左|后

Please de quiet请安静.Keep in silence保持安静.Mind the traffic注意交通安全.Look out小心!Hurry up快点.It was wrong of me我做错了.It‟s my fault是我的错.二、一般用语&对话情景假设 1这是比赛/开或闭幕式的时间表。

This is the schedule of games/opening or closing ceremony.2.明早7 点30 分在大厅集合。请准时到达。

We will meet at the hotel lobby at 7:30 am tomorrow morning.Please be on time.3.现在我们正在赶往大运村,然后我们要去新闻中心。

Now we are going to the Universiade Village, then we will go to the pre center.4.这个日程贵方觉得合适吗

I wonder if this schedule is suitable for you?

5、先生您好,有什么可为您帮忙的吗?Good morning, sir.Anything I can do for you?


I'm the team leader of the Delegation of Denmark.For some reason, two athletes in our delegation have not received their luggage yet.I'm afraid they are still on the luggage van.Could you please see to it?


Sure.Could I have a look at your Accreditation Card, please?

8、没问题,我想我把卡装在口袋里了。在这儿,给您。Certainly.I think I got it with me in my pocket.Yes, here you go.9、好。您能告诉我这两名队员叫什么名字,是什么时候抵达大运村的吗? Okay.Could you tell me the two athletes' names and the time they arrived at the Village?


The names are Olaf and Thormoth.They got off at the Village about half an hour ago.11、我打个电话帮您查一下。

I'll make a phone call and check it for you.三、问路情况


Shenzhen is one of China's most important tourist cities, widely known as the “capital of China's.It is China's first Special Economic Zone.It was the “window” and “experimental field” for China's policy of reform and opening up, first established at the proposal of Deng Xiaoping.大运村简介篇

The Athletes' Village for the 26th Summer Universiade in Shenzhen, or Shenzhen Universiade Village, is conveniently located in the southwest part of the city's central Longgang district.It's on the new campus of the Shenzhen Institute of Information and Technology, with the main venue for the Universiade in the north.The village, built on a 492,000 square meter plot, has a floor space of about 478,000sqm and extends 1,171 meters from east to west and 768 meters north-south.During the event, officials expect between 12,000 and 13,000 athletes and team officials to reside in the village.They will be provided with catering, accommodation, recreational, transportation and other services.After Universiade 2011, all the facilities in the village will be transferred for the use of the Shenzhen Institute of Information and Technology.


志 愿 者 培 训 资 料 二0一四年度目 录一、服务对象的需要二、服务长者之理念三、建立关系方法四、义工探访独居长者须知五、到户清洁和慰问指引六、为长者设计及带领游戏......


学雷锋志愿者培训资料1、思想: ①统一思想:目标:使全体志愿者统一思想,认识到自己的身份职责,如何做好本次志愿者工作,服从安排,不抛弃,不放弃,不抱怨。培训内容:认识自我认识自我也就......


·基 本 概 念·一、志愿者的概念:志愿者是指不为物质报酬,基于良知、信念和责任,自愿为社会和他人提供服务和帮助的人。国际上给真正的志愿精神作出定义,一必须是志愿,二不为报......




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