商务礼仪英语Bisine Etiquette_商务英语商务礼仪
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A Study on International Commercial Etiquette and Its Significance
CONTENTS(TIMES NEW ROMAN 小三号加黑加粗)INTRODUCTION„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.1 CHAPTER ONE ABCCCCCCCC„„„„„„„„„„„„„.7 1.1 Abc„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.7 1.2 Abc „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.8 1.3 Abc„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.„„„.9 CHAPTER TWO ABCCCCCCCC„„„„„„„„„„„„„11 2.1Abc„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.11 2.2Abc „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„12 2.3Abc„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.13 CHAPTER THREE„ CHAPTER FOUR„ „
内 容 摘 要
Abstract Nowadays different nations communicate frequently.Etiquette is becoming an important iue, which is not confined only in the domestic affairs.At the same time, the values vary from nations to nations, so does the practice of etiquette.There is not an acknowledged standard and it is only a set of established rules which are obeyed by all the people.Therefore, a busine man should be familiar with all the protocols in all fields, such as politics, economics, and culture and military.International busine is no longer the privilege of the minority of people.More and more people prefer to go into busine.In the era of human-oriented society, how to respect others and maintain one’s dignity becomes a challenge.International busine etiquette is the basic knowledge which should be applied in the competition in the international busine environment..This thesis gives a clear definition of commercial etiquette and systematically explains its contents, categorizations, features, principles, functions and practices.It illustrates the busine introduction, greetings, welcoming guests, entertaining visitors, international busine negotiation, practical busine English writing in detail.It also shows the significance of the commercial etiquette.INTRODUCTION Busine communication and busine etiquette In an era of globalization, understanding the basics of etiquette and protocol that is, the type of behavior that others expect of you in both informal and formal settings—is an important skill.It can instill an individual with confidence to handle almost any situation in any culture and allow a busineperson t concentrate on the deal at hand rather than worrying about such distractions as which fork to use or which hand to use for paing food.Without an understanding of the basics of etiquette and protocol, you risk coming off as a boorish Neanderthal.You may even put your company’s image at risk or risk potential failure in the formation of key busine relationships that are vital to global succe.Finally, a well-honed sense and appreciation of local customs etiquette and protocol can make you stand out in a competitive global market.In order to comprehend the International Commercial Etiquette, we should find out the full contents of its activities.Just as its name implies, the International Commerce indicates that there is only one purpose of commercial activities, that is, to realize, increase and convert the value.One sales its goods to the other to realize the market value of this production, at the same time, the value is increased in this proce, therefore, the seller gains some profits, which will be conversed into the value form needed in the next commercial campaign, no matter it is cash, products or service, thus, makes preparation of the following commercial activity.International Commercial is based on the approbation and reception of each other’s trade motivations between the bargainers.Especially nowadays, this kind of activity is an action in which both sides are voluntary and almost without any force to pre on.Besides, this kind of commercial activity goes along under the condition of free trade all over the world.Therefore, in the atmosphere of international commerce, the traders have the same quality, intent and environment, as well as three CHAPTER ONE ABC
CONCLUSION Increased globalization has been one of the most important developments in the past decade.The Internet has been instrumental in accelerating the growth of busine acro borders.The ability to effectively conduct busine with trading partners around the world is eential in the twenty-first century.Savvy companies view the development of international busine etiquette and communication skills as a strategy to distinguish their company from competing firms.One busine educator has cautioned, “Being closely attuned to the orientations of diverse trading partners is an increasingly important advantage in the highly competitive global marketplace, where only the very best thrive.” Colleges and universities have responded to this need by integrating international perspectives into the curricula.Busine schools in particular have worked to internationalize the curriculum, partially through the expansion of international busine communication courses.Even student clubs have recognized the need for enhanced understanding of other cultures, sponsoring popular busine etiquette dinners and workshops on global busine protocol.Proper etiquette in today’s busine world goes well beyond basic table manners(they are, after all, a given in most cultures)and common courtesies(allowing an esteemed colleague or superior to precede you through a doorway, for example).Think of all the elements that go into making a first impreion.The list is lengthy.There is your manner of dre, your profeional appearance, the color of your dre or tie, your body language, handshake, posture, amount of eye contact on introduction, where you put your hands, how you accept a busine card and how you present yours as well as the actual content of the card-and you haven’t even sat down to begin talks.Regardle of the culture, proper etiquette means maintaining your own values while respecting those of others.It does not mean slavishly following the rituals and practices of others to please your host.If you make an effort at the language, at understanding the basics of common courtesy, and avoid any offensive acts, don’t be overly concerned about the subtleties-at least the first time around.To be honest, not that much is really expected of the first time visitor to another culture, thought a deeper understanding will be expected each time you visit.The value in understanding etiquette and protocol id in the confidence it gives you and the impreion it makes on colleagues.Although what is covered is handled well, there are some areas that could have received greater attention.For example, there is little discuion of the differences among the various countries and cultures in each continent.And I’d have liked more on busine etiquette and the use of humor, entertainment and letters.We previously discued the importance of busine etiquette in daily busine activities in terms of “busine introduce”, dining, busine invitations.There are some other important busine etiquettes, such as the proper attitude towards foreign cultures, music and arts, the respect for their dining habits, holidays and religions.We will not discu them in details because of the limited scope of this paper.Shortly put, understanding more about foreign busine etiquettes put us in a good position to deal with all kinds of busine occasions and hence facilitate the development of global trade.References: [1] Grace Fox.Everyday Etiquette, A Guide to Modern Manners[M].[2] Mary Jane McCaffree, Pauline Innis.The Complete Handbook [8] R.G.Feltham.Diplomatic Handbook[M].[M].Time-Life Custom Publishing.[3] Williams-Sonoma, Inc.and Wedon Owen Inc.The Bar Guide Berkley Publishing Group with Doubleday Direct, Inc, 1998.of Diplomatc i[M],.Official and Social Usage.[4] 杜培.现代礼仪学[M].中国工人出版社, 1997.[5] 韩欲和, 张彦.涉外礼仪[M].译林出版社, 1996.[6] 金正昆.涉外礼仪教程[M].中国人民大学出版社, 1998.[7] 李斌.国际礼仪与交际礼节[M].世界知识出版社, 1985.[8] 李天民.现代国际礼仪知识[M].世界知识出版社, 1999.[9] 宋长美.对外交往中的礼仪礼节[M].黑龙江人民出版社,1996.(中文参考文献按拼音顺序排,英文按字母顺序排。英文在上,本论文来自网络转载,请勿抄袭。
毕 业 论 文(2012届)题目: The Role of Etiquette in Busine Negotiation 系部:经济管理系专业:商务英语班级:09 商务英语(3)班学生学号:0909010319学生姓名:指导教师:完成时间:2012......
商务礼仪英语常用句 Part I Meeting and greeting 一.问好:你好!Hello!Hi! (较随意) 早上好! Good morning! 下午好! Good afternoon! 晚上好! Good evening!晚安! Good night!......