产业结构优化 optimization of industrial structure
节能减排conserve energy and reduce emiion积极的财政政策a proactive fiscal policy
稳健的货币政策 a prudent monetary policy惠农政策farmers-benefiting policies新兴
产业 emerging industries优惠政策preferential policies扶贫工作poverty alleviation免费师
范生tuition-free students in teachers’ colleges and universities全民健身活动public fitne
activities低保户 subsistence allowance recipients(residents entitled to subsistence allowance)
五保户 residents entitled to five forms of support(food, clothing, medical care, housing and
burial expenses)三公经费 spending on official overseas trips, official vehicles and official
hospitality营业税 busine tax增值税 value-added tax(VAT)事业单位 public institutions
三个代表 Three Represents 科学发展观 the Scientific Outlook on Development实体经济 real
economy产能过剩 exce production capacity扩大内需 expand domestic demand稳定外需
keep foreign demand stable米袋子工程 the “rice bag”(grain supply)菜篮子工程 the
“vegetable basket”(non-grain food supply)经济发展方式 the pattern of economic development
农民工 rural migrant workers留守儿童 children left behind by rural migrant workers who work
in cities 科教兴国 develop China through science and education素质教育 well-rounded
education(eential-qualities-oriented education)社会保障social security system港人治港
the people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong 祖国统一大业 the great cause of China’s
reunification民生 people’s wellbeing实施宏观经济政策 carry out macroeconomic
policies供求平衡 equilibrium in supply and demand三农 iues of agriculture, farmers
and rural area校车安全 school bus safety养老保险制度 old-age insurance system新
农合 the new type of rural cooperative medical care system 安居工程low-income housing
户籍管理制度household registration system文化设施 cultural infrastructure 政府职能
government functions 财税金融体制 fiscal, taxation and financial systems医保medical
insurance system城镇登记失业率 registered urban unemployment rate以人为本的社会
people-first society收入分配income distribution依法行政 run the government in
accordance with the law 民间资本 nongovernmental investment 高新技术 new and high
technologies 对外投资 outward(overseas)investment两岸关系 relations acro the Taiwan
Straits 食品安全 food safety
政府工作报告热词——能源、环境篇[ 2008-03-10 10:47 ] 能源消耗 energy consumption 清洁、可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources 化学需氧量 chemical oxygen......
2014年 1月热词“地方政府债务”逾10万亿2014-01-02 08:51地方政府债务(local government debt)包括地方政府负有偿还责任的债务(local governments' direct debt/debt that......