Legally Blonde律政俏佳人剧本_律政俏佳人剧本
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Here it is!Thanks.Did you guys sign it? Did you sign the card? And five and four and--Hey, girls, sign!All right!Here you go!Thanks.You go, girl!Hi, girls!Here, sign!Thanks!There she is.Thank you.I love that restaurant!I heard Madonna went into labor there.Oh, gosh!I have to go shopping!I'll see you tonight.Bye.Bruiser, what's this? “Good luck tonight.Elle and Warner forever.” Oh, that's so cute.Oh, my gosh!You guys are so sweet!But I'm not positive it'll happen tonight.Hello!He just had lunch with his grandmother.You know he got the rock.Why else would she have flown in from Newport? It's not like she'd Fed Ex a six-carat diamond.Do you really think? I can't believe you're getting engaged!Oh, my guys have to help me
pick out the perfect outfit.Come on!
I think you should go with the red.It's the color of confidence.I don't understand why you're disregarding...your signature color.He's proposing.I can't look
like I would on any other date.This is the date--
the night I'll always remember.I want to look special.Bridal.But not like I expect anything.There's nothing I love more...than a dumb blonde
with daddy's plastic.Did you see this one? We just got it in yesterday.Is this low-viscosity rayon?
Yes.Of course.With a half-loop
top-stitching on the hem?
Absolutely.It's one of a kind.It's impoible to use A half-loop top-stitching...on low-viscosity rayon.It would snag the fabric.And you didn't just get it in.I saw it in the June Vogue
a year ago.So if you're trying to sell it
for full picked the wrong girl.Girls, this is it.In a few hours...I'll be the future Mrs.Warner Huntington III.Wow.You look so beautiful.So do you.Let's get out of here.Must be strange
having such perfect eyes.God, you're so wonderful.Elle, thank you.Here's to us.To us.One of the reasons I wanted
to come here tonight...was to discu our future.And I am fully amenable
to that discuion.Good.You know how we've been having...all kinds of fun lately? Well, Harvard
is gonna be different.Law school is
a completely different world...71 and I need to be serious.72 Of course.73 My family expects a lot from me.74I expect a lot from me.75 I plan on running for office someday.76 I fully support that.You know that.77 Absolutely.But the thing is...78 if I'm going to be a senator by the time I'm thirty...79 I need to stop dicking around.80 Warner, I completely agree.81 That's why I think it's time for us...82
Elle, pooh bear...83So?Who? 160
“Third year Yale Law student Putnam Bowes Huntington III...161
”and his fiancee Layne Walker Vanderbilt...162
“first year Yale Law.” 163
This is the type of girl that Warner wants to marry!164
This is what I need to become
to be serious!165 What?
Practically deformed? 166
No.A law student.167 Law school? 168 It's a perfectly respectable place, daddy.169 Honey, you were first runner up...170 at the Mi Hawaiian Tropics contest.171 Why are you gonna throw that all away? 172 Going to Harvard is the only way...173 I'll get the love of my life back.174 Sweetheart, you don't need law school.175 Law school is for people...176 who are boring and ugly and serious.177
And you, Button,are none of those things.178
Harvard Law School? 179
That's right.180
But that's a top three school.181
Oh, I have a 4.0.182
Yes, but your major is fashion merchandising.183
Harvard won't be impreed that
you aced History of Polka Dots.184 What are your back-ups? 185
I don't need back-ups.I'm going to Harvard.186 Well, then, you'll need...187
recommendations from your profeors.188
And a heck
of an admiions eay.189 Right.190
And at least a 175 on your LSATs.191
I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest...192
for Lambda Kappa Pi.193
Trust me, I can handle anything.194
You're welcome.196
Because I have a metrabolism--197
-I have a really high metrab--
-It's metabol...198
Oh, my God.199 What are you doing? 200 Reading about the LSATs.201 My cousin had that.202 Apparently, you get a really bad rash on your...203 The LSATs are an exam.204 Girls, I'm going to Harvard!205Let's all go!206 Road trip!207 No.I'm going to Harvard Law School.208 Why? 209 Elle, now, I know you're upset about all this...210 but can't you just take a Percoset? 211
Once Warner sees me as a serious law student...212
he'll totally want me back.213 It's a completely brilliant plan!214
But isn't it hard
to get into law school? 215
I had the highest GPA in Delta Nu.216
Oh, well.Here, you're gonna need this.217
Your scrunchy? 218
My lucky scrunchy.It helped me pa Spanish.219
You paed Spanish because
you gave Profeor Montoya...220
a lap dance after the final.221
My name is Elle Woods, and for my admiions eay...223
I'm gonna tell all of you at Harvard...224
why I'm gonna make an amazing lawyer.225
As president of my sorority...226 I'm skilled at commanding
the attention of a room...227
and discuing
very important iues.228
It has come to my attention
that the maintenance staff...229
is switching our toilet paper
from Charmin...230 to generic.231 All those opposed to chafing please say “aye.” 232 A--neither type of opera...233 or neither type of rap is on sale.234 B--neither type of jazz...235 and neither type of opera is on sale.236 C--neither type of opera and neither type of soul--237 Party!Delta Nu, we love you!238 I'm able to recall hundreds of important details...239 at the drop of a hat.240 Hey, Elle, do you know what happened...241
on Days of Our Lives yesterday? 242
Why, yes, Margot, I do.243
Once again, we join Hope
in the search for her identity.244
As you know, she's been
brainwashed by the evil Stefano.245
Get set and go!246
One forty-three.247
I feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life.248
I object!249
It's here!250
-What?Tell us!255
What is it? 256
One seventy-nine!257
One seventy-nine!258
And that's why
you should vote for me...259 Elle Woods,future lawyer
for the cla of 2004.260
She does have a 4.0 from CULA...261
and she got a 179 on her LSATs.262
A fashion major? 263 Well, sir, we've never had one before...264 and aren't we always looking for diversity? 265 Her list of extracurricular activities is impreive.266 She was in a Ricky Martin video.267 Clearly, she's interested in music.268 She also designed a line of faux fur panties...269 for her sorority's charity project.270 She's a friend to the animals as well as a philanthropist.271 Elle Woods...272 welcome to Harvard.273 Bruiser, it's so exciting!Look!Harvard!274
Are you excited? 275
This is our new house for the next three years.276
Are you thirsty? 277
Let's get you some water.278
Sweetheart,you just look parched.279
Hey, Brad, check out Malibu Barbie!280
Where's the beach, honey? 281
Here you go.282
Good boy.Warner's gonna be
so excited to see you.283
Guys, this way.284
-This ain't L.A.!Killer.-Thanks.Good times.313
Aaron Mitchell.314
I graduated first in my cla
from Princeton.315 I have an I.Q.of 187...316
and it's been suggested that Stephen Hawking...317 stole
his Brief History of Time...318
from my fourth grade paper.319 Cool.320Yeah.321
Hi.I'm Elle Woods
and this is Bruiser Woods...322
and we're both
Gemini vegetarians.323
I have a bachelor's degree in fashion merchandising...324
from CULA, and I was a Zeta Lambda Nu sweetheart...325 president of my sorority, Delta Nu...326 and last year, I was homecoming queen.327 Two weeks ago I saw Cameron Diaz at Fred Segal...328 and I talked her out of buying...329 this truly heinous angora sweater.330 Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed.331 Wish me luck, Bruiser.332 This is my first cla as a serious law student.333 I totally look the part.334 There is no way she got in here on her own.335
I totally forgot you go here.336
What are you talking about? 337
I'm sorry.Are you here to see me? 338
No, silly.I go here.339
You go where? 340
Harvard.Law school.341
You got into Harvard Law? 342
What, like it's hard? 343
Oh, my gosh, Warner, it'll be so great.344
I'm planning this great mixer.You have to help me.345
I'm thinking like
a luau or casino night.346
It'll be just like senior year
except funner.347
Time to go.I have to go to cla...348
but meet me after on the benches.349
All right, bye!350
A legal education
means you will learn...351
to speak in a new language.352
You will be taught to achieve insight...353
into the world around you...354
and to sharply question what you know.355
The seat you have picked
will be yours...356
for the next nine months of your life.357 And those of you in the front row...358 beware.359 “The law is reason free from paion.” 360 Does anyone know who spoke those immortal words? 361Aristotle.362 Are you sure? 363 Would you be willing to stake your life on it? 364 I think so.365 What about his life? 366 I don't know.367 Well, I recommend knowing before speaking.368 The law leaves much room for interpretation...369
but very little for self-doubt.370
And you were right.371
And you were right.372
It was Aristotle.373
Good job.374
Now, I aume all of you
have read pages 1-48...375 and are now well-versed in subject matter jurisdiction.376
Who can tell us about Gordon vs.Steele? 377
Let's call on someone from the hot zone.378
Elle Woods? 379
Actually, I wasn't aware that we had an aignment.380
Vivian Kensington.381
Do you think it's acceptable
that Ms.Woods is not prepared? 382 I don't.383
Would you support my decision
to ask her to leave cla...384
and to return
only when she is prepared? 385
Now, Ms.Kensington...387
did diversity jurisdiction exist in this case? 388
No, it did not.389
Good.How about in the case of Owens vs.McCullogh? 390 I can't believe that girl.391 So stupid!392 Who does she think she is? 393 Excuse me.Are you OK? 394 Do they put you on the spot like that all the time? 395 The profeors? 396 They tend to do that.Socratic method.397 If you don't know the answers, they just kick you out? 398 You have Stromwell, huh? 399 Yes!Did she do that to you, too? 400 No.But she did make me cry once.401
Not in cla.I waited till I got back to my room...402
but she'll kick you right in the ball--403
Or wherever, you know.404
She's really tough.405 Great.406
Don't worry, it gets better.Who else do you have? 407 I have Callahan, Royalton,and Levinthal.408
Let's see, speak up in Callahan's cla.409
He really likes people that are opinionated.410 And in Royalton's cla...411
try to get a seat in the back.412
He spits when he talks about products liability.413
And for Levinthal, make sure
you read the footnotes.414
That's where he gets a lot of his exam questions.415 Right.416 Wow.I'm really glad I met you.417
Are you a third year? 418Hey, Elle.419 Hi!
Thanks for all your help.420
Good luck.421 So...422
how was your first cla? 423 It was good, except for this horrible preppy girl...424 who made me look bad in front of the profeor.425 But no biggie.426 You're here now.So, how was your summer? 427 Good.It was good.428 Did you do anything exciting? 429 Have you met Vivian? 430 Hi.Vivian Kensington.431 Do you know her? 432I'm his fiancee.433 I'm sorry.I just hallucinated.What? 434 She was my girlfriend in prep school.435
And, well, we got back together
this summer...436
at my grandmother's birthday party.437
Warner told me all about you.438
You're famous at our club.439
But he didn't tell me you'd be here.440
Pooh bear,I didn't know she would be here.441
Excuse me.442
Oh, thank God!443
Are you free?
It's an emergency.444
Bad day? 445
You can't even imagine.446 Spill.447
I worked so hard
to get into law school.448
I blew off Greek week to study for the LSATs.449
I even hired a Coppola to direct my admiions video.450
All to get
my boyfriend Warner back.451
And now he's engaged to this awful girl Vivian...452
so it was all for nothing, and I...453
I just wish...454
I just wish
I had never gone to Harvard.455
After you went to all that trouble.456
He's engaged!457 She's got the six-carat Harry Winston...458 on her bony, unpolished finger.459 What am I supposed to do? 460 You're asking the wrong girl.461 I mean, I'm with my guy eight years...462 and then one day, it's...463 “I met someone else.Move out.” 464 Oh, no.That's awful.465 Dewey kept the trailer and my precious baby Rufus.466 I didn't even get to throw him a birthday party.467 What's a girl to do? 468
He's a guy who followed his pecker...469
to greener pastures...470
and I'm a middle-aged high-school dropout...471
who's got stretch marks and a fat a.472
That's terrible.473
Yep.Happens every day.474
So what's this Vivian got
that you don't have? 475
Three tits? 476
She's from Connecticut.477
She belongs
to his stupid country club.478
Is she as pretty as you? 479
She could use some mascara
and some serious highlights...480 but she's not completely
unfortunate looking.481
Hello, ladies.482
Hello, ladies.483
-Hey, there.-How you doing? Sign here.484
Oh, jeez.485
Look what I did.486
-See you later.Can she play?Hi, everybody.Hello?
-Hey, it's me.548
It's Elle!Gue what I'm doing right this second!549
I don't know.What? 550
I'm picking out my wedding dre!551
-Josh proposed!552
Did you get the rock yet? 553 Almost.554
Well, hurry up,so you can come home!555 We mi you!556 I mi you guys, too.The people here are so vile.557 Hardly anybody speaks to me--558 Oh, my God!I almost forgot to tell you!559 What? 560 I got bangs!My hair is so now.561 Really? 562 OK, so just listen to me.563 Keep June 1st open, you're one of my bridesmaids...564 and give Warner our love...565 because I'm getting married!566 So don't forget.Eight o'clock
at 45 Dunston Street.567
-It'll be a really nice party.-We'll be there.568
And don't forget
to bring your own merlot!569
No way!Is somebody at this
school actually having a party? 570 Yes...571
But it's a costume party.572
You probably
wouldn't want to come.573
I love costume parties.574
Well, then I gue we'll see you there.575
Oh, at 45 Dunston Street.576
Oh, my God!577
Thanks for inviting me, girls.This party is super fun.578
Nice outfit.579
I like your outfit, too.580
Except when I dre up as a frigid bitch...581
I try not to look so constipated.582
Oh, she's horrible.583
You've got the ring, sweetie.584
-Nice ears.-How you doing? 585 Warner,the English language...586
is all about
subliminal domination.587 Take the word semester.588
A perfect example of this school's...589 discriminatory preference of semen to ovaries.590 That's why I'm petitioning to have next term...591 be referred to as the winter ovester.592Wow!593 Don't you look like a walking felony? 594 Thank you.You're so sweet.595 Are you having fun? 596 I am now.What's with the costume? 597 I just decided to dre up.598 Really.599
I feel like we barely get to see each other...600
since we've been here.601
I know.I'm so busy with
these case studies and hypos.602
I know what you mean.I can't imagine doing...603
all this and Callahan's internship next year.604
That's gonna be so much.605
Elle, come on,you'll never get the grades...606
to qualify
for one of those spots.607 You're not smart enough, sweetie.608
Wait, am I on glue...609
or did we not get into the same law school? 610
Yeah, but--611
But what?
We took the same LSATs...612
and we're taking the same claes.613
I know, but come on, Elle, be serious.614
You can do something more valuable with your time.615
I'm never going to be good enough for you, am I? 616
-Oh, come on.No.Come on, guys.Bye.1016
So, I called your room last night.1017 I heard.1018
I was thinking maybe we could go out sometime.1019
No.You're a dork.1020
I'm in law school.1021
Look, I'm not going out with you.1022
I can't believe you'd even ask.1023 Girls like me don't go out with losers like you.1024 Let's get out of here.1025 Excuse me.1026 Why didn't you call me?
1027 What?
1028 We spent a beautiful night together...1029 and I never hear from you again?
1030 I...1031 I'm sorry?
1032 Sorry for what? For breaking my heart...1033 or for giving me the greatest pleasure...1034 I've ever known and then just taking it away?
1035 Both?
Well,forget it.1037
I've spent too many hours
crying over you.1038
So...when did
you want to go out?
1039 Come in.1040
Are you done with that deposition yet?
Yeah.Here, take it.1042
I've read it 20 times.1043
You know, Elle,I still can't believe...1044
you didn't tell
Callahan the alibi.1045
It's not my alibi to tell.1046 I know.1047
And I thought
that was very clay of you.1048 Really?
1049 Sure.1050 Thanks.1051
Did you ever notice how Callahan never asks Warner...1052
to bring him his coffee?
He's asked me at least ten times.1054
Men are helple.You know that.1055
I know.Warner doesn't even do his own laundry.1056
He has to have it sent out.1057 I know.1058
Did you know when he first applied...1059 he got wait-listed.1060 What?
1061 His father had to make a call.1062 You're kidding.1063 No way!
1064 God, that is such a precious dog.1065 His name is Bruiser.Do you want to hold him?
1066Sure.1067 Look, he likes you.1068 He's giving me kies.1069 Thanks, Jeoff.1070 We're here today covering the trial of Brooke Windham.1071
She's charged with
the murder of her husband...1072
Boston millionaire Heyworth Windham.1073
First to testify are the victim's daughter and ex-wife.1074
The Superior Court of Suffolk
County is now in seion.1075
The Honorable Judge Marina R.Bickford presiding.1076
You may be seated.1077
And where was she exactly?
Standing over
my father's dead body.1079
And what was
the defendant doing?
She was sitting next to the pool, tople...1081
while the Latin boy handed her a drink.1082
Mr.Salvatore,can you tell us what this is?
My uniform.1084
My uniform.1085
This is the uniform...1086
Mrs.Windham asked you to wear
while cleaning her pool?
Are you having an affair with Brooke Windham?
Define “affair.”
Have you and Mrs.Windham
had sexual relations?
Yes.OK? Yes.1091
Ladies and gentlemen, court will reconvene...1092 tomorrow morning at 9 A.M.1093 We're adjourned.1094 A Delta Nu would never sleep with a man who wears a thong.1095 Never!
1096 I just liked watching him clean the filter.1097 I believe you, Brooke.1098I will.1099 I got a big one for you.1100 Can you sign?
1101 I got it.1102 You broke his nose?
1103 I blew it, Elle.1104 My snap was
all over the place.1105
I'll be there
as soon as court is out.1106
We have to
cro-examine Enrique.1107
But don't worry.My girlfriend Serena...1108
barfed on a guy during “The Blair Witch Project”...1109
and they ended up dating
for three months.1110 Really?
All right.Bye-bye.1111 OK.Bye.1112
Don't stomp your little last-season Prada shoes at me.1113 These aren't last season.1114
-He's gay!Enrique's gay!See!
-What are you talking about?
He isn't Brooke's lover.He's making it up.1119 Back up.How do you know he's gay?
1120 Gay men know designers.Straight men don't.1121
Know what?
He left a Cher tape
in the pool house one time.1123
While I appreciate
your masterful legal theory...1124
I have a murder trial to attend to.1125 I'll take care of it.Thanks.1126 The court will come to order.1127 Mr.Salvatore, do you have any proof...1128 that you and Mrs.Windham were having an affair?
1129 Only the love in my heart.1130 If that's all the proof that he has, Your Honor...1131 I think I'm done here.1132 You may step down.1133 I'd like to ask a couple of questions, Your Honor.1134 Just give me a couple minutes.1135 Did you ever take
Mrs.Windham on a date?
A restaurant where
no one could recognize us.1138
How long have you been
sleeping with Mrs.Windham?
Three months.1140
-And your boyfriend's name is...Good night.1154
Callahan asked to see you
before you leave.1155 Really?
He already has coffee, but maybe he needs a doughnut.1157
-Do you need any help?What?
Callahan hit on her, so she quit.1251
My God.Scumbag.1252
-Oh, God.You're not going up there.And jury people.I do.So stricken.1319
Go ahead.1320
Mi Windham,did you hear a shot fired?
what had you done
1321 No.I was in the shower.1322 So, sometime in the 20 minutes...1323 that you were in the shower, your father was shot.1324 I gue.1325 Your father was shot while you were in the shower...1326 but you didn't hear the shot because...1327 because you were in the shower?
1328 I was washing my hair.1329 Where is she going with this?
1330 Have a little faith, Gerard.1331 Mi Windham...1332 earlier that day?
I got up...1334
got a latte,went to the gym...1335
got a perm, and came home.1336
Where you got in the shower?
I believe the witne has made it clear...1338
that she was in the shower.1339
Yes, Your Honor.1340
Mi Windham, had you ever gotten a perm before?
How many would you say?
Two a year since I was 12.1343
You do the math.1344
A girl in my sorority, Tracy Marcinko, got a perm once.1345
We all tried
to talk her out of it.1346
Curls weren't
a good look for her.1347
She didn't have
your bone structure.1348
But, thankfully, that same day...1349
she entered the Beta Delta Pi
wet t-shirt contest...1350 where she was completely
hosed down from head to toe.1351
Why is this relevant?
I have a point, I promise.1353
Then make it.1354 Yes, ma'am.1355 Chutney, why were Tracy Marcinko's curls ruined...1356 when she got hosed down?
1357 Because they got wet?
1358 Exactly.Isn't it the first cardinal rule...1359 of perm maintenance that you're forbidden to wet your hair...1360 for at least 24 hours after getting a perm...1361 at the risk of deactivating the ammonium thioglycolate?
1362 And wouldn't somebody who's had, say, 30 perms...1363 in their life be well aware of this rule?
And if in fact
you weren't washing your hair...1365
as I suspect, because your curls are still intact...1366
wouldn't you have heard
the gunshot?
And if in fact
you had heard the gunshot...1368 Brooke Windham wouldn't have
had time to hide the gun...1369 before you got downstairs...1370
which would mean you would
have had to have found...1371
with a gun in her hand...1372
to make your story plausible.Isn't that right?
She's my age!
Did she tell you that?
How would you feel if your father married someone your age?
You, however,had time to hide the gun...1376
after you shot your father.1377
I didn't mean to shoot him.1378
I thought it was you walking through the door!
1380 Order!
Oh, my God.1382
Oh, my God.1383 Oh, my God.1384 Bailiff, take the witne into custody...1385 where she will be charged for the murder of Heyworth Windham.1386 In the matter of The State vs.Brooke Windham...1387 this case is dismied.1388 Mrs.Windham, you are free to go.1389 Thank you!
1390 Thank you!
1391 Elle, how did you know Chutney was lying?
1392 Because she's brilliant, of course.1393 The rules of hair care are simple and finite.1394 Any Cosmo Girl would have known.1395 What?
I just wanted to say...1397
that you were
so brilliant in there.1398
And that I was wrong.1399
And you are the girl for me.1400 Really?
Pooh bear...I love you.1402
I've waited so long to hear you say that.1403
But if I'm gonna be a partner at
a law firm by the time I'm 30...1404
I need a boyfriend who's not such a complete bonehead.1405
Thank you, boys.1406 Ladies and gentlemen...1407
I present the graduates of Harvard Law School...1408
Cla of 2004.1409
I am personally very honored to introduce...1410
this year's
cla-elected speaker.1411
After getting off
to a quite interesting start...1412
here at Harvard...1413
she graduates today with an invitation to join...1414
one of Boston's
most prestigious law firms.1415
I'm sure we are going to see
great things from her.that we take our next 1416 Ladies and gentlemen, Elle Woods.1417 On our very first day at Harvard...1418 a very wise profeor quoted Aristotle.1419 “The law is reason free from paion.”
1420 Well, no offense to Aristotle...1421 but in my three years at Harvard...1422 I have come to find that paion is a key ingredient...1423 to the study and practice of law and of life.1424 It is with paion, courage of conviction...1425 and strong sense of self...1426
into the world...1427
that first impreions...1428 are not always correct...1429
you must always have faith
in people...1430
and most importantly...1431
you must always have faith
in yourself.1432
Congratulations, Cla of 2004.1433
We did it!
律政俏佳人 Legally Blonde 中英文剧本Here it is! 就是这!Thanks. 谢谢Did you guys sign it? 你看过吗Did you sign the card? 你看过这张卡片吗And five and four and.......
律政俏佳人观后感一部不错的电影,看完让我想起那个英文短语:spread the love。也许这就是美国文化的特点,尊重个性,鼓励发展个性,尊重在个人进步同时位社会做贡献。由个人的发展......
