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Statement of William H.Overholt1

Asia Policy Chair Director, Center for Asia Pacific Policy

The RAND Corporation Before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review

Commiion May 19, 2005 Summary China has transformed itself from the world’s greatest opponent of

Globalization and greatest disrupter of the global institutions we created, into a committed member of those institutions and advocate of globalization.It is now a far more open economy than Japan and it is globalizing its institutions to a degree not seen in a big country since Meiji Japan.Adoption of the rule of law, of commitment to competition, of widespread use of English, of foreign education, and of many foreign laws and institutions are not just updating Chinese institutions but transforming Chinese civilization.中国已经由以前世界上最大的全球化反对国和全球各机构的打扰者转变成全球化的提倡者和那些机构坚定的成员国之一。它现在是一个远比日本开放的经济体,并且正在使国内机构全球化,达到一个从日本明治时期就从未出现过的高度。采取法制手段,致力于竞争,广泛使用英语,实行国外教育和众多国外法律制度,这些不仅仅是在改革中国体制,而是在重塑中华文明。

All of China’s economic succees are aociated with liberalization and globalization and each aspect of globalization has brought China further succees.Never in world history have so many workers improved their standards of living so rapidly.Thus popular support for globalization is greater than in Japan, where postwar recovery occurred in a highly managed economy, or with the former Soviet Union, where shock therapy traumatized society.In consequence, China has effectively become an ally of U.S.and Southeast Asian promotion of freer trade and investment than is acceptable to Japan, India and Brazil.中国所有经济上的成就都离不开自由化和全球化,而全球化的每个方面又为中国带来更多的成就。可以说在世界史上,从来没有这么多工人曾如此迅速地提高他们的生活水平。所以,对全球化的欢迎程度和拥护度高于日本,战后日本的经济复苏产生于高度管理的体制;或者和前苏联相比,那里动荡使社会元气大伤。于是,中国主动成为美国和东南亚的盟国,一起推动更加自由的贸易和投资,这些都超过了日本、印度和巴西的接受范围。The opinions and conclusions expreed in this testimony are the author’s alone and should not be interpreted as representing those of RAND or any of the sponsors of its research.This product is part of the RAND Corporation testimony series.RAND testimonies record testimony presented by RAND aociates to federal, state, or local legislative committees;government-appointed commiions and panels;and private review and oversight bodies.The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit research organization providing objective analysis and effective solutions that addre the challenges facing the public and private sectors around the world.RAND’s publications do not necearily reflect the opinions of its research clients and sponsors.Nonethele, rapid Chinese globalization has required streful adjustments.State enterprise employment has declined by 44 million.China has lost 25 million manufacturing jobs.125 car companies are expected to consolidate rapidly into 3 to 6.在这张证词中表述的观点和结论都是作者一家之言,不应该被理解为代表Rand或者这个研究的赞助商们。这个产品是Rand公司证词系列的一部分。Rand的证词记录了由Rand企业联合出示的证词,它分别呈递给联邦、州以及当地立法委员会,政府指定的佣金事务委员会,私人审查和监管单位。Rand法人是一个非营利研究组织,专门为面临挑战的全球公、私部门提供客观分析和有效解决方法。Rand的出版物不一定反映内部研究委托方和赞助者的观点。但是,中国快速发展的全球化过程要求紧张的调整。国有企业的就业人数下降了4400万。中国已经失去了2500制造业的工作,125家汽车公司将会快速合并成3-6家。

China’s globalization succees are profoundly influencing its neighbors.India has learned from China the advantages of a more open economy.Asians schooled in antipathy to foreign investment and Latin Americans with protectionist traditions are going to have to be more open to foreign investment and le dependent on loans in order to compete with China.This will transform third world strategies of development and create broader global opportunities for our companies.中国全球化成就正深远地影响着领国。印度从中国学习到一个更加开放经济体的优势。被培养成憎恶外国投资的亚洲人和有着地方保护主义传统的拉丁美人正学着必须更加开放地对待外国投资并且不依赖于借贷来和中国竞争。这将会转变第三世界发展的策略并为我们的公司提供更广阔的全球机会。

Contrary to early fears, China’s rise has stimulated neighbors’ trade and foreign investment rather than depriving them.Indeed China’s recent growth spurt revived Japan’s economy and saved key neighbors from receion, poibly averting a dangerous global downturn.和早前的害怕相反,中国崛起已经刺激而不是剥夺了邻国的贸易和外国投资。事实上中国近年来经济急剧增长使日本经济复苏并且拯救了主要邻国免于经济衰退,可以说避免了一场危险的全球经济衰退。

Chinese growth has brought American companies new markets.The flow of profits from China to the U.S.is as disproportionate as the flow of goods.Inexpensive products have substantially improved the living standards of poorer Americans.Inexpensive Chinese goods and Chinese financing of our deficit have kept U.S.inflation and interest rates down and prolonged our economic booms.At the same time, it has caused trade deficits and social adjustments.Chinese misappropriation of intellectual property creates loes for many of our companies.A manic construction and transportation boom has raised

global raw materials prices, to the great benefit of producers and a great cost to consumers.中国的经济增长也为美国公司带来了新的市场,从中国流向美国的利润也和货品一样不协调。廉价的商品在提高了美国下层的物质生活。廉价的中国商品和赤字,使美国保持通货膨胀率和利率的下降,使经济持续增长。同时,它也导致贸易赤字和社会调整。中国不合理的知识产权为我们的很多公司造成了损失。建设热和交通热使全球原材料价格上涨,使生产商受利并使消费者遭受损失。China’s succe is one of the most important developments of modern history, but projecting from current growth to Chinese global dominance or threats to our way of life is just wrong.Unlike the old Soviet Union, reformist China does not seek to alter any other country’s way of life.Its economy faces world history’s most severe combination of banking, urbanization and employment challenges, and by 2020 a demographic squeeze that will have few workers supporting many dependents.The best outcome for us would be a China that is eventually like Japan, prosperous, winning in some sectors, losing in others.Signs that China is making rapid progre in that direction should be welcomed , not feared.中国的成功是现代史最重要的发展之一,但是从中国目前的发展就认为中国会统治全世界或者会为我们的生活方式造成威胁是完全错误的。不像之前的苏联,改革者中国并不寻求改变其他国家的生活方式。它的经济面临着世界史上最剧烈的结合----银行业、城市化和就业的挑战,并且在2020年以前,人口统计学上的拥挤将会使更少的工人支撑这么多的家庭。最好的结果就是---中国最终会像日本一样,繁荣,并在某些领域赢得一席之地,或输给别人。中国正在朝着那个方向飞速进步应该受到我们的欢迎而不是恐惧。

China and Globalization Before reform, China was the world’s most important opponent of globalization.It had an autarkic economy.It opposed the global economic order.It opposed the global political order and the major global institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank.It believed that global disorder was a good thing, and under Mao Zedong it actively promoted disorder throughout the world, including promotion of insurgencies in most of China’s neighbors, in much of Africa and Latin America, and even in our universities.Accompanying foreign policy disaffection was domestic cultural despair on a scale the world has seldom witneed.In the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976, China’s students and others, under the guidance of Mao Zedong’s peasant chiliasm, humiliated a majority of senior government and party leaders, attacked the country’s major educational, social and political institutions, destroyed much of China’s cultural heritage, and in general tried to smash the country’s establishment.For two centuries Chinese had tried a range of ways – socialism, capitalism, empire, republic, warlords, religious fundamentalism, and others.All failed.Alienation was so severe that, along with students, much of the country accepted that the world economic and political order, and the Chinese economic and political order, were so stacked against them that any path to succe had to start with destruction of the existing order.The Cultural Revolution was actually just one small episode in the problems that Chinese impoverishment and political division created for the world and specifically for us.Had China been prosperous and unified throughout the twentieth century, we would have had European War II rather than World War II and World War I would have been quite different.China would have been able to deter or defeat Japanese aggreion.The cost of those conflicts to the U.S.would have been radically smaller because Pearl Harbor and much else would not have happened.We and the world, not to speak of a billion Chinese citizens, have paid a horrible price, over more than a century, for China’s weakne.The world needs a healthy China.Because of China’s succeful globalization we no longer have such problems.China is no longer a vacuum that sucks the world’s great powers into gigantic conflicts.China no longer sponsors insurgencies in Southeast Asia and Africa and Latin America.China no longer seeks to undermine the global financial institutions.We obtain benefits from a China that supports stable capitalist democracy in Thailand and the Philippines;that joins the IMF, World Bank, and WTO;and that counsels its neighbors about the benefits of political stability, free trade, and free investment.From the beginning of the Cold War, it has been the central tenet of U.S.foreign policy that, if we could engage as much of the world as poible in succeful economic growth, through domestic reform and what came later to be called globalization, we could stabilize Europe and Asia, win the Cold War, and create a stable global order.Our military protected this proce, but from the Marshall Plan to our aid miions in Asia and Africa, the core long-run strategy of our country has been to engage the world and stabilize it by enmeshing other countries in a web of institutions and succeful economic practices that constitute the kind of world we want.This strategy has proved to be one of the most succeful geopolitical strategies in human history, so much so that it has entangled our former enemies as well as our allies in the web we wove.Throughout, it has stimulated many controversies, and occasional waves of fear in this country.Key industries, including especially textiles and shoes, have succeively opposed liberal trade with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, China and Latin America.We had a wave of panic over whether Japan was going to takeover all manufacturing and buy all our most important aets;after all, if they could triumph in steel, cars, and televisions, and buy Rockefeller Center, wasn’t everything in our economy at risk? Elsewhere,weren’t



horrible dictatorships by encouraging the development of Taiwan and South Korea? Each time, our fears have proved exceive, and each time our strategy triumphed.The results have been good for our security, good for our prosperity, good for political liberalization overseas, and good for the people of our trading partners.Our concerns about China are the same.China’s globalization

What we never expected from our strategy was that it would entice our former adversaries, including China, into our web of economic institutions and our commitment to geopolitical stability.Although joining late, China has joined the globalized system much more enthusiastically than Japan.China’s economy is much more open than Japan.China’s trade in 2004 was equal to 70% of its GDP, Japan’s to 24%.China received $60.6 billion of foreign direct investment in 2004, while Japan, with an economy several times larger and in a phase of restructuring that should have attracted disproportionate foreign investment, received only $20.1 billion.China’s globalization is not confined to opening the economy but more importantly to globalization of institutions.Here the development strategy of contemporary China bears a striking resemblance to that of early Meiji(mid-nineteenth century)Japan, when the Japanese government was sending miions around the world to choose for emulation the best foreign navy(Britain), the best foreign education system(Germany), and so forth.In the intervening century and a half, Japanese practice has become more inward-looking, while China has evolved from Qing defensivene and Maoist peasant xenophobia to an aimilative cosmopolitanism.Today China is the country that sends miions throughout the world seeking best practice.It adapts not just foreign technology and foreign corporate management techniques but also a wide variety of foreign institutions and practices: international accounting standards;British, U.S.and Hong Kong securities laws;French military acquisition systems;a central bank structure modeled on the U.S.Federal Reserve Bank;Taiwan-style regulations for foreign portfolio investment;an economic development strategy adapted from South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan;and many others.Among the most important of these changes are the decision to adopt the Western concept of rule of law;adoption of competition as a centrally important economic practice;and adoption of English language as virtually a second language for the educated Chinese population.Today I can lecture in Peking University and interview senior officials in Beijing and Shanghai without a translator.Perhaps most importantly, China has sent its elite youth abroad for education in an exercise of internationalism comparable to the Romans turning over their children to the Greeks.Of course, such changes occur gradually;you can’t instantly introduce Western accounting or Western law in a country that starts with no profeional accountants or lawyers.But the changes are startlingly fast compared with what other countries do.More importantly, these are not technical adaptations in the manner of the old dynastic efforts to pursue “Western technology, Chinese culture.” These are transformative procees that in cases like rule of law and promotion of competition repudiate core aspects of traditional Chinese civilization that go back for millennia.China is also experiencing globalization of tastes.The exposure of the Chinese population to foreign brands has been incorporating them into global culture.To take one example, I spent many months studying the Chinese car industry.One of the questions we were asked was whether China might develop indigenous car models in a closed-off market like that of South Korea in the 1970s and 1980s.What we discovered was that the Chinese people have been so much more exposed to global culture than South Koreans of a generation ago that no car could succeed in China unle it incorporated global designs and prestigious foreign technologies.Ten to thirty years ago,when South Korea was at a phase of car industry development more comparable to China today, one virtually never saw a European or American car on the road, and they are still very rare today.But in China the roads are packed with Volkswagens and Buicks.China has come to believe in globalization more than most third world countries and many first world countries.China’s succees have all coincided with “reform and opening,” that is, with globalization.In contrast, Japan’s and South Korea’s succees occurred in an era when, although they were globalizing, they employed far stricter controls on trade, foreign investment, and domestic economic activity than today’s China.Globalization has required extremely painful adjustments by China.Employment in the state enterprises has declined from 110 million at the end of 1995 to 66 million in March 2005.Those who think there has been a simple transfer of U.S.manufacturing jobs to China will be surprised to know that manufacturing jobs in China have declined from over 54 million in 1994 to under 30 million today.Even these striking numbers understate the adjustments China has had to accept due to greater competition and lately from WTO membership.For instance, while employment in the car industry has remained relatively constant, the number of car manufacturers is expected to decline from 125 at the peak to somewhere between three and six.Meanwhile, foreign joint ventures have come to dominate much of the market.It is hard to overstate the social adjustment Chinese are experiencing.But because China has been willing to accept such adjustments, no large country in human history has ever experienced such rapid improvements in living standards and working conditions.When reform began, workers in Shanghai all wore the same clothes, looked tired and listle, and seldom owned basic appliances like televisions or even watches.In the countryside malnutrition was widespread.Today Shanghai workers wear colorful clothes and look confident and energetic.Today the average Chinese family owns slightly more than one television.Malnutrition has



result,Chinese overwhelmingly support further globalization.


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