
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



1.分发传单hand out the leaflets / give out the leaflets

2.想出若干办法come up with several ways/ ideas

3.号召某人做call on sb to do

4.和谐生活live in harmony with nature

5.积极参与take an active part in sports activity.6.为国家、社会做贡献do contribution to our country/ society

7.环保protect the environment

8.节能 save the resources浪费能源waste the resources

9.乱扔垃圾 throw away the rubbish

10.采取措施take measures/step/action

11.垃圾分类 claify the rubbish / rubbish claification

可回收,不可回收Recyclable and nonrecyclablewaste/rubbish

12.欣赏大自然的美景 enjoy the beautiful scenery

While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery.Seeing the beautiful scenery, I felt relaxed.13.交通阻塞get stuck in the traffic jam

14.充满快乐be filled with joy

We were tired but were filled with joy.15.开拓视野 broaden the horizon

In order to broaden our horizon, we went outing.16.抓住机遇seize the chance/ opportunity

17.实现梦想realize one’s dream

18.达到目标achieve the aim/goal

Only by working hard can we achieve our goals.19.大扫除do some cleaningswept the floor, clean the tables

20.表演节目put on performance

21.出发set off early in the morning

22.On arriving there, we began to work immediately.23.挥手告别 wave goodbye to

24.返回学校 return to school/ return home

25.The activity was very meaningful and I learned a lot from it.26.满头大汗sweat heavily / a lot

27.校门口集合gather at the school gate

28.跑向某人run up to sb

29.意识到环保的重要性 realize the importance of protecting the environment

30.关爱老人care for the old

31.开班会讨论have a cla meeting to discu

32.上网查找信息surf the Internet for information on/ about


35.过健康生活 live a healthy life

36.远离烟草stay away from tobacco

37.吸烟有害健康Smoking is bad for your health.38.珍爱生命cherish / value life

39.开班会讨论have a cla meeting to discu

40.被分成几组 We were divided into several groups

41.开报告会report our job to/ hold a report meeting

42.实施计划carry out the plan

43.制作横幅make the banner

44.交流感受 exchange our feeling

45.We are proud of what we have done.46.意识到环保的重要性protecting the environment.47.用喇叭广播吸烟的危害We broadcast the harm of smoking by/through the loudspeaker.48.组织活动 organize an activity to do

49.爬山 climb the mountain/ go climbing

50.It’s our duty to 处)

51.搭建帐篷 put up the tent支起横幅put up the banner

52.On arriving there/Upon our arrival, we began to work immediately.53.I benefit a lot from the activity, which is very meaningful.54.定期锻炼do exercises regularly

55.积极参与 56.在体育馆锻炼work out in the gym

57.我们的课余生活丰富多彩Our after-cla activities are very colorful.Including singing and dancing, reading books in the library, playing ball games, Such as football, basketball, table tennis and so on.58.我们应该多植树来美化环境We should plant more trees to beautify the environment.59.盆栽植物是供人们欣赏的。The potted-plant is for everyone’s enjoyment.60.我们应该做一个对社会有用的人。We should be a person who is of use to the society.61.与… 对比 Compared with the tree outside the room

62.遵守规则follow certain rules and regulations

63.获得成功achieve succe

64.The tree stand for those who

65.迎接挑战face the challenge

66.适应社会发展adapt to the development of the society

67.外形整齐be well-shaped

68.父母应该给孩子足够的空间去发展独特的个性The parents should leave enough space for children to develop their unique personality.69.找到适合的生存环境We should find the suitable environment to develop ourselves.70.树木可以净化空气The trees can clean the air.71.父母不应该过分溺爱孩子The parents should not spoil their child too much.72,很明显,他所作的事徒劳的。Obviously, what he is doing is in vain.73.尊重某人respect sb =show respect to sb

74.捐钱donate money/ give money to

75.我们应该帮助那些需要帮助的人。We should offer help to those who need help/ who are in need.76.我们应该传递爱心,让世界充满爱。

We should pa on love.Let the world be filled with love.








搞笑的英文句子或短语1、Actions speak louder than words.(行动比语言更响亮。)2、Better late than never.(迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。)3、One today is worth two tomor......



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