Houyi shoot the sun 人物:金乌(J)后羿(H)嫦娥(C)道具:风车、扫把 Act 1 C: why are you always so hot? J:because I love you!My heart is burning for you and I believe it will burn forever!(偷偷的)C:oh my god!What a dangerous man!Mom is right.Leaving him is the best choice……
(唱)C: it’s too late to burn your heart, it’s too late…..because I find that I have fallen in love with Houyi at the first sight.So, I’m sorry, you are so hot for me that I can’t get closer to you!Let’s break up!J: oh, my no!Do not leave me!Ok? C: I have said, it’s too late!J:(气愤的)I hate you!You are so cold.In return, I would fly to the sky and roast the world which make me disappointed and heart broken.Hahahaha……(此时拿出一只纸风车,代九个太阳,然后气愤的离去)C(不知所措)oh my god!What did I do!It is more dangerous than “The end of the century”(世界末日).Houyi~~~~~(扑到后羿怀里)Act 2 H:(绅士状)oh my baby, what’s wrong? My dear Change~~
C: it’s my J, He was very angry and said he would roast the whole world!H:(害怕地,退后几步):really? Why was that? C: e….because I abandoned him…
H: I have told you many times, don’t be so half-hearted, look…ei….C: en, if you can solve this problem.I promise you that I would marry you!H:(两眼放光, 用手掐自己大腿)really?Am I dreaming? O, it’s true!Haha!Ok!(手指着她)stay here and right here waiting for me!I would back in 5 minutes.(但是伸出来的是四根手指)C: why are you so confident about yourself? H: I remember I have told you that I once fight with nine cows and two tigers at the same time!So I am armstrong!(秀肌肉).J is a piece of cake!Haha!Never eat your word!J!I’m coming!Act 3 H:Are you J? J: yes!It’s me!So what? Who are you? H: I’m your grandgrandpa!
J:haha, are you kidding ? mygrandgrandpa haven’t born!H: never say nonsense word!纳命来!So hot , so it is the reason that C leave you(头瞥向一边)(接下去动作戏,最后打死了J)Act 4 H:haha….O!C is waiting for me!(转身)o!my dear wife!When and where should we host our wedding?
C:let me think(心里盘算着)o, you see, I like moon since I was born.So we host our wedding at the moon.As for the date, how about 15 August when the moon is most beautiful? H: ha? Why is just the moon? I remember I haven’t told you that I fear of heights since I was born…… C: no way!Never charge with me!I have decided.H: what’s more I heard that Wugang live there…… I afraid……
C:(痴痴地)really? Oh,Ihave heard that Wugang is very handsome!Wugang,I’m coming.H:why was that? What happened? Am I dreaming? Oh, no!it’s true…(晕倒,J,c跑过来把他接住,然后大家一起鞠躬,谢幕)
后羿射日英语作文(锦集24篇)由网友“dramalin”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家汇总后的后羿射日英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。篇1:后羿射日 后羿射日传......