
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



Story 30Father's Things

When Peter is 17, he is as tall as his father.So he begins to borrow his father's clothes when he wants to go out with his friends in the evening.Father doesn't like this.And he always gets very angrywhen he finds his son wearing any of his things.One evening when Peter is about to go out;his father stops him in the living room.He looks at Peter's clothes very carefully.Then he says angrily, “Isn't that one of my ties, Peter?”“Yes, Father, it is,” answers Peter.“And that shirt is mine, too.”“Yes, that's your, too.” answers Peter.“And you're wearing my belt!”“Yes, I am, Father,” answers Peter, “You don't want to your trousers to fall down, do you?”






Story 31The Thirsty Dog

A dog is very thirsty.But he only sees some empty pails.There is no water in them.The dog goes on looking for water.He comes to a small house.There is a girl in it.The girl goes out with a pail.“She goes to a well,” the dog thinks and follows her.The dog is right.The girl comes to a well and puts down the pail, and the pail is full of water, there the girl goes back to her house.“ Water!Great!” the dog says and runs to the well.He jumps into the well without thought.”The water is good.The dog is happy and drinks much.But he can’t jump out of the well.He waits and waits.But no one comes.“I’m hungry now.I must go out,” he thinks.At the time a thirsty goat comes to the well.He looks at the water and the dog.“Is the water good?” the goat asks.“ Of course.Come down,” the dog says.Then the goat jumps into the well, too.Then dog is happy.He jumps on the goat’s back and jumps out of the well.The dog has a look at the goat and says, “Goodbye!” Then he leaves.故事31一只口渴的狗






Story 32ASmart Tortoise

A tiger is hungry, he is looking for food.He sees a frog in front of him.“Ha ha!A frog!My dinner!” so he rushes at the frog.Behind the tiger, there is a tortoise.The little tortoise sees it;he bites the tiger’s tail.“Ouch!” cries the tiger and he looks back.The frog hears the voice and jumps into water.“Thank you, little tortoise.” says the frog.But the tiger is very angry.“Bother it!I’ll throw you to the sky!”

“Thank you, I like flying in the sky,” says the tortoise.The tiger stops, “I will throw you into the river.”

“Oh,no!I can’t swim;I will die if you throw me into the water.” The tiger threw the tortoise into the water quickly.“Thank you, Mr.Tiger.Bye-bye.” The tortoise and the frog swim away together.故事32聪明的乌龟









Story 33The Rabbit and the Fox

Once there was a naughty rabbit.He likes to play tricks, and it made other animals angry.But it was very different to catch him.One day, a wolf said to a fox, “I have an idea to catch the rabbit.You go back home and get into

bed.I’ll go to the rabbit and tell him that you are dead.If he comes to see you, you’ll jump up and catch him.”

“Good idea,” said the fox, “I’ll do that.” Then fox ran home and got into bed.The wolf went to the rabbit’s house and said, “Mr.Rabbit, have you heard Mr.Fox is dead?” The wolf stood at the door, and then he went away.“Really? I haven’t heard anything about it.” The rabbit said to himself, so he decided to go and see if it was true.He went to the fox’s house and looked in through the window.He saw the fox lying in bed.He opened the door and went in.he looked at the fox and said, “Mr.Wolf says Mr.Fox is dead, but he doesn’t look like a dead fox.A dead fox always open his mouth.”

When the fox heard this, he thought, “I’ll show him that I am dead.” So he opened his mouth.The rabbit saw the fox open his mouth, and he knew the fox was not dead.He ran out of the house as fast as he could.故事33兔子和狐狸



“好主意,”狐狸说,“我按你说的办。“于是狐狸跑回家躺在床上。狼跑到兔子家说: “兔子先生死了的事你听说了吗?”狼站在门口说,然后就走开了。



Story 34The Wolf and the Dog

There is a wolf.He is very hungry and has no strength to find food.As he lies under a large tree, a dog sees him.The dog sees the wolf is so thin and hungry, and he feels sorry for him and says, “You are so terrible!Are you hungry?”

“Yes,” says the wolf, “I’m hungry because you are guarding the sheep.Now I am so weak that I can’t find food.I think I will do.”

“Why not help me?” Asks the dog, “I work regularly and I eat regularly.You could do the same.You can help me guard the sleep.In that way, I will not worry about your stealing the sleep, and you will not worry about going hungry.It’s good for us.The wolf thinks it over and thinks the dog is right.So they walk to the dog’s house.As they are walking, the wolf sees that only the hair of the dog’s neck is very thin.He is curious about this.So he asks the dog about it.“Oh, don’t worry about that,” says the dog, “It’s the place where the collar ties on the neck.My master chains me up at night,”

“Chained up!” shouts the wolf, “Do you mean that you are chained up at night? If I come to live with you, will I be chained up at night, too?”

“That’s night,” says the dog, “But, you’ll get used to it.”

“But, if I am chained up, I won’t be free.” After saying this, the wolf turns round and runs away.The dog shouts, “Wait!Come back!I’m not free, but I’m healthy.I have good food, and a warm place to sleep.I like enjoying life.In fact, I’m freer than you are.”







“拴起来?”狼叫起来,“你是说晚上你会拴起来?如果我去和你住,晚上也会被拴起来?” “没错,”狗说,“但是你会习惯的。”



Story 35Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl.She likes red hats.So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.Her grandma loves her very much.But now she is ill.Her mother is busy.So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, “Look, little Riding Hood.I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma’s house.”

The wolf comes to grandma’s house and eats grandma.Then he wears grandma’s glaes and clothes, and in her bed.After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma’s bed.To her surprise, grandma’s mouth is very big.So she asks: “Grandma, why is your mouth so big?” “I eat little girls with this mouth.” And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood.“Help!Help!” The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood.At this time, a hunter paes through the house.He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood.Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out.故事35小红帽





Story 36ALittle Ant

Once there was a little ant.She wanted to get married, but she only wanted to marry the strongest creature.She wanted to marry the strongest creature, but she didn’t know who the strongest creature is.She saw the wind blow houses down.So she thought the wind was the strongest creature.She wanted to marry the wind.But the wind told the little ant that ht wasn’t the strongest creature.There was a tower in the forest.He had stood there for a thousand years against his force.The tower was the strongest creature.“Why do you want to marry me?” the wind asked.“Because you are the strongest creature in the world.You are strongest than the wind.” said the ant.“You are right.I’m strongest than the wind.But I’m not the strongest creature in the world.Look, how I’m damaged!Can’t you gue who has done this to me? It’s you, ants.”

At last, the little ant married her own kind.Because they were the strongest creatures.故事36一只蚂蚁











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