章 程
第四章 董事和董事会
Chapter 4 The Directors and Board of Directors
第三十三条 董事每届任期年限为三年,可连选连任。任期届满前股东会不得无故解除其职务。为保持公司经营活动具有连续性,每次换届,董事变动人数不应高于董事总数的三分之一。董事长每届任期年限为三年,可连选连任。
Article33 The tenure of the chairman of board is three years, can be reelected and reappointed, and cannot be removed before the period of occupation.In order to maintain the company busine activities runs smoothly, the change of director shall not exceed one third of the total director number in every change of administration.The term of office of director is count from the day when shareholder’s meeting was paed, to the day when the term of office was ended.The expiration of the term of office but not elect new directors, or the resignation within the term of office that lead to the board of directors number le than the quorum, in this case, the former director shall fulfill the duties according to the law, administrative regulations and articles of aociation of the company before the elected director taking office.第三十四条 董事会每半年召开一次,由董事长召集并主持。董事长应在会前15日书面通知各董事。
(三)总经理提议时。Article34 The board of directors’ meeting is held once every half a year, convened and presided by the chairman of the board.The chairman of the board should inform the directors by written notice 15 days ahead the meeting.With one of the following situations, the chairman of the board shall convene the temporary board of director meeting:(1)More than one third directors offer proposals;(2)Board of supervisors offer proposals;(3)General manager offers proposals.第三十五条 董事会召开临时董事会会议,应在会议召开前两个工作日内,以书面、传真、电话等形式通知董事。Article35 When convening a conference, the board of directors shall inform the directors within two days by the way of written notice, Fax or Phone call.第三十六条
(十三)法律、法规或公司章程规定,以及股东会授予的其他职权。Article36 The board of directors exercises the following powers:(1)Responsible for convening shareholder's conference, and report to the shareholder's conference;(2)Executing the shareholders' committee resolution;(3)Making decisions to the company's busine plan and investment plan;(4)Making the company's annual financial budget plan and final accounts;(5)Making the company's profit distribution plan and loes scheme;(6)Making the company's increase or reduction of registered capital plan as well as iue the company bonds plan;(7)Formulating the merger, division, diolution or change of corporate form plan of the company;(8)Deciding the company's foreign investment, pledge of aets, security matters under the authority of shareholder’s meeting;(9)Deciding the company's internal management organization establishment;deciding hiring or dismiing the manager and its reward items, and deciding hiring or dismiing the Deputy manager, financial administrator and its reward items according to the nomination of the general manager;(10)’s basic management system;(11)Formulating the company's regulation modification scheme;(12)Listening to the general manager's work report and check the general manager's job;(13)Other powers the laws, regulations, articles of aociation stipulated, and other authorities the shareholder’s meeting granted.第三十七条 除本章程规定外,董事会的具体议事方式和表决程序由董事会制定的董事会议事规则予以规定。Article37 Apart from the stipulation of the articles of aociation, the board of director’s specific procedure and voting procedures will be determined by the board of director’s meeting procedure.第三十八条 董事长行使下列职权:
(四)董事会授予的其他职权。Article38 The chairman of the board exercises the following powers:(1)Presiding the shareholders' meeting and convening the board of directors’
meeting;(2)Supervising and inspecting the implementation of the decision of the board of directors;(3)Performing the obligations and powers of the legal representatives;(4)Other powers that the board of directors granted.第三十九条 董事会会议应当由二分之一以上的董事出席方可举行。每一董事享有一票表决权。董事会作出决议,必须经全体董事的过半数通过。
公司董事会召开会议,应当通知高级管理人员和监事列席。Article39 The board of directors’ meeting can be held when more than half directors at present.Each director has a voting right.It shall be adopted by more than half of all the directors when the board of directors making a resolution.Senior managers and supervisors shall be informed to attend it, when the board of director convening a meeting.第四十条 董事会会议应当由董事本人出席,董事因故不能出席的,可以书面委托其他董事代为出席。
代为出席会议的董事应当在授权范围内行使董事的权利。董事未出席董事会会议,亦未委托其他董事代为出席的,视为放弃在该次会议上的表决权。Article40 The board of directors’ meeting shall be attended by the directors themselves, if the directors could not be present, other directors could be appointed to attend the meeting by written notice.A power of attorney shall specify the name of the agent, the agent matters, power limits and valid period, and signed or sealed by the principal.The authorized directors shall exercise the director’s right within the scope of authorization.The director neither attend the meeting nor authorize other directors to attend the meeting will regard as to give up the voting rights.第四十一条 董事会应当对所议事项的决定作成会议记录,出席会议的董事应当在会议记录上签名。董事有权要求在记录上对其在会议上的发言作出某种说明性记载。Article41 The board of directors shall make a meeting report about the decision, the directors who attending the meeting shall sign their names in the meeting record.Directors shall have the right to make some kind of indicative records on the speech at the meeting.第五章 监事和监事会
Chapter 5 Supervisors and the board of supervisors
第四十二条 公司设监事会,监事由股东单位推荐,由股东会选举产生。任期三年,届满可连任。
监事任期届满未及时改选,或者监事在任期内辞职导致监事会成员低于法定人数的,在改选出的监事就任前,原监事仍应当依照法律、行政法规和公司章程的规定,履行监事职务。Article42 The company establishes the board of supervisors, Supervisors are recommended by shareholders’ units, and elected by the shareholders' meeting.The tenure is three years, after expiration can be reelected.The expiration of the term of office but not elect new supervisors, or the resignation within the term of office that lead to the board of supervisors number le than the quorum, in this case, the former supervisor shall fulfill the duties according to the law, administrative regulations and articles of aociation of the company before the elected supervisor taking office.第四十三条
董事、高级管理人员不得兼任监事。Article43 The board of supervisors shall consist of five supervisors.The five supervisors including: one candidates recommended by Group Limited Corporation, one candidate recommended by international Chemical Corporation, one candidate and two staffs recommended by Limited Corporation.Directors or senior managers shall not concurrently work as a supervisor.第四十四条
监事会设监事会主席一名,由集团有限责任公司推荐的监事候选人担任,由监事会经全体监事过半数同意选举产生。监事会主席不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由半数以上监事共同推举一名监事召集和主持监事会会议。Article44 The board of supervisors shall set one chairman of the board of supervisors, who are recommended by Group Limited Corporation, and elected by more than half supervisors.If the chairman of the board of supervisors is unable to perform duties or fail to perform the duties, one supervisor would be elected by more than half supervisors to convene and preside the meetings of the board of supervisors.第四十五条 监事会行使下列职权:
(七)公司章程规定的其他职权。Article45 The board of supervisors exercises the following powers:(1)Checking the company’s financial condition;(2)Supervising the directors, senior management personnel in performing their duties, making dismi proposals to directors, senior management personnel who violate laws, administrative regulations, articles of aociation or resolutions of the shareholders' meeting;(3)Asking the directors, senior management personnel to rectify their behavior when do harm to the benefit of the company;(4)Propose to convene an interim shareholders' meeting when the board of directors fails to convene and preside the shareholders' meeting;(5)Putting forward proposal to the shareholders' meeting;(6)Prosecuting the directors, senior management personnel in accordance with the company law of the article one hundred and fifty-two;(7)Other powers the articles of aociation stipulated.第四十六条 监事可以列席董事会会议,并对董事会决议事项提出质询或者建议。Article46 The board of supervisors could attend the board of directors’ conference or meeting as an observer, and raising questions or making suggestions to the decision of the board of directors.第四十七条 监事会每年至少召开一次会议。会议通知应当在会议召开五日以前书面送达全体监事。监事书面提议召开监事会临时会议;经全体监事书面同意,监事会临时会议可随时召开。Article47 The board of supervisors shall at least convene a meeting.The notice shall be sent to supervisors by written form five days ahead the meeting was commenced.When supervisors propose to convene an interim meeting by written form shall be agreed by all the supervisors, the interim meeting of the board of supervisors can be held at any time.第四十八条 监事会的表决实行记名式表决,对决议事项实行逐项表决。Article48 The board of supervisors’ vote adopt registered vote and vote item by item.第四十九条 监事会会议在至少二分之一以上监事会成员出席时方可召开。监事会做出决议,应由全体监事的二分之一以上表决通过。每名监事享有一票表决权。Article49 The board of supervisors’ meeting can be held when more than half supervisors at present.The supervisors’ decision can be approved only when more than half supervisors agree.Each supervisor has a voting right.第五十条 监事会会议应当对所议事项的决定做成会议记录,出席会议的监事和记录人,应当在会议记录上签名。监事有权要求在记录上对其在会议上的发言做出某种说明性记载。Article50 The board of supervisors shall make a meeting report about the decision, the supervisors who attending the meeting shall sign their names in the meeting record.Supervisors shall have the right to make some kind of indicative records on the speech at the meeting.第五十一条 监事会行使职权所必需的费用,由公司承担。Article51 The neceary expenses shall be borne by the company when the board of supervisors exercising the powers.第六章 总经理
Chapter 6 The general manager
第五十二条 公司设总经理一名,由董事会聘任或者解聘;副总经理和财务负责人由总经理提名,董事会聘任或者解聘。Article52 The company establishes a general manager, who are employed or dismied by the board of directors;vice general manager and financial administrator are nominated by the general manager, and employed or dismied by the board of directors.第五十三条 总经理对董事会负责,行使下列职权:
(十)公司章程或董事会授予的其他职权。Article53 The general manager shall be responsible for the board of directors and exercise the following powers:(1)Presiding the company's production and operation management, and report to the board of directors;(2)Organizing and implementing of the decisions of the board of directors, company’s annual plan and investment plan;(3)Drawing up the design scheme for the company's internal management mechanism;(4)Drawing up basic management system of the company;(5)Formulating the specific regulations of the company;(6)Advising the board of directors to employ or dismi the vice general manager and financial administrator;(7)Employing and dismiing the management personnel who are not employed or dismied by the board of directors;(8)Drawing up the employees’ wages, welfare, rewards and punishment system, deciding whether employ or dismi the staffs or not;(9)Proposing to convene an interim meeting of the board of directors;(10)Other powers the articles of aociation stipulated and the board of directors granted.第五十四条 总经理应组织制订总经理工作细则,报董事会批准后实施。Article54 The general manager shall formulate the general manager working instruction, and submit to the board of directors for implementation.第七章 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员的资格和义务
Chapter 7 The qualification and duties of the directors, supervisors and senior
management personnel 第五十五条
具有《公司法》第147条规定情形的人员,不得担任公司董事、监事及高级管理人员。Article55 The people who are stipulated according to the article 147 of the company law shall not be the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel
Article56 Directors, supervisors and senior management personnel shall take the following responsibilities:(1)Directors, supervisors and senior management personnel shall abide by the articles of aociation of the company, take the duties, safeguard the interests of the company, and shall not seek personal gains by using authority in the company;(2)Directors, supervisors and senior management personnel shall not abuse their authorities to accept bribes or receive other illegal income, and shall not misappropriate company property;(3)Directors and senior management personnel shall not misappropriate the company’s funds or lend company’s capital to other people;(4)Directors and senior management personnel shall not deposit the company’s property using individual's or other’s account;(5)Directors and senior management personnel shall not guarantee the company's shareholders or other personal debt by using the company’s aets;(6)Directors and senior management personnel shall not engage the busine activities for themselves or others that do harm to the interests of the company.If the directors and senior management personnel get engaged in the aforesaid activities, the income shall belong to the company;(7)Directors and senior management personnel shall not make the contract or transaction with the company except for granted by the regulations or the articles of aociation;(8)Directors, supervisors and senior management personnel shall not disclose company secrets except for in accordance with the law or granted by the shareholders;(9)Directors, supervisors and senior management personnel who violate the law, administrative regulations or articles of aociation and lead to harm to the company when performing the duties shall aume compensation liability.第五十七条
公司高级管理人员请求辞职,应提前20天报告董事长,董事长在接到申请起十日内作出决议允许请求辞职的高级职员在五日内办理交接后辞职,在批准辞职前公司高级职员必须继续履行其职责。若违反此条规定给公司造成损失的应负赔偿责任。Article57 The company’s senior management personnel who ask for resignation shall submit the report to the chairman of the board 20 days ahead, chairman of the board making resolutions within 10 days to allow the senior management to hand over and resign, before approved by the chairman of the board, the senior personnel must continue to fulfill the duties.Violation of this article and cause to loes to the company shall be liable for compensation.9
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