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Leon 5 First Principles P173 2)Use the “using expreions”

1.附近有没有什么地方能买到本市的街道图(road map)?-Is there a place a road map is available near at hand? 2.那位著名的科学家从巴黎远道来到上海看望他最敬爱的导师。

-That famous scientist went all the way from Paris to Shanghai to visit his most respected teacher.3.为了是公司度过难关,这家人决定出售他们几个世纪以来一直珍藏着的名画

-To make the company tide over, the family decided to sell parts of famous pictures, which they have kept for several centuries.4.第一次去迪斯尼乐园时,孩子们充满了好奇。

-The first time when the children went to Disney land /world, they were bursting with surprise.5.女孩子们输了球感到很难过。她们觉得辜负了学校的期望。

-The girls felt bad when they lost the ball.They thought that they let their school down.6.伽利略毫不在乎同事们对他的议论,继续做他的试验。

-Galileo didn’t care a thing about what his colleagues were saying about him, and went on With his experiments.7.那家工厂决定压缩非生产性开支,集中资金开发高科技产品。(high-tech)

-That factory decided to cut the non-production to the bone, and concentrate to developing

High-tech production.8.在国外的这些年里,他牢记母亲的临别赠言(parting words);无论在和除,你的祖国都在 你的后面。

-During the years in foreign countries, he kept in mind his mother’s parting words: No matter where you are, your country is behind you.P174

Use mi, cut and charge.3).Use mi, cut and charge 1.这个小男孩把苹果切成两半,给了妈妈一半。

-This little boy cut the apple in half and gave one to his mother.2.我告诉他我没有听懂他的笑话时,他看起来感到惊讶。-When I told him that I mied his joke, he looked surprised.3.如果你付现金,我们就免费送货。

-If you pay cash, we’ll deliver the goods free of charge.4.警察指控那位司机酒后驾车。

-The policeman charged that driver with driving after drinking.5.星期天他经常不吃早餐,而是来一顿早午合餐

-On Sunday, he usually mies the breakfast and has brunch..。6.我想念家乡的一切-风景,食物甚至夏日的炎热。

-I mi everything in my hometown-scenery food and even hot summer.7.我一路跑到车站,还是没赶上最后一班公共汽车-I run all the way to the station.But I mied the last bus.8.冬天的寒风像刀一样刺骨。

-The cold wind in winter cut like a knife to the bones.9.他们剪一次发要收10美元

-They charged $10 foe cutting hair.。


-If you want to make cucumber salad, you have to cut the cucumber into slices.P182.Translate the following sentences into English(revision: the subjunctive mood)


-If George’s tyre hadn’t burst, he would have attended the meeting on time.2)如果那个女推销员坚持的话,约翰肯定会多付5%的钱买那个冰箱,因为他很喜欢它。-If the saleswoman had insisted, John would have overpaid 5% to buy that fridge, for he liked it very much.3)如果说这个世界上有一样东西对于他来说是不可缺少的话(do without).那就是咖啡。

-If there was one thing in the world that he could do without, that should be coffee.4)要是这个男孩再晚一天被人们发现,他肯定就会饿死。

-If that boy had been found one day late, he would have hungered to death.5)有人对她说假如她是一个男孩,或者她的家更有钱,她的机遇可能会更好。

-Someone says to her if she was a boy or her family was richer, she would have better chance.6)我真希望我没有答应给他买那本书,它已绝版(out of print),我上哪儿才能弄到一本呢?-I wish I didn’t promise him that book.It is out of print.Where can I get it? 7)在别的社会制度下,那样大的洪水一定会使许多人无家可归。

-Under other social systems, big flood like that would have caused many people homele.8)如果我们早一点来的话,肯定能找到更好一点的座位。-If we had come earlier, we would have found/ got better seats.

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