【英文摘要】Chaos is a convinced and similar random proce that appears in the nonlinear system.It is also a non-periodic and irregular proce.It is not convergent but has a bound, also it is sensitive to its initial values.For all these specical properties, chaos has good application prospect in the field of secure communication and spread spectrum communication.With the deepening studying to the chaos phenomenon, chaotic synchronization has become the improtant subject in this filed.This paper introduces the basic theories of chaos including the definition of chaos, the development of chaos technology, chaotic sequences map and their typical applications.Then the statistical properties of the four kinds chaotic sequences are analyzed, including attractor, Lyapunov exponents, bifurcation diagrams, fractal and dimension, phase characteristics, power spectrum characteristics, balance, run-length features, correlation, and the simulation results are given.The definition of linear complexity is introduced.The Maey algorithm, claical K-S entropy algorithm, approximate entropy(ApEn)algorithm, permutation entropy(PE)
algorithm, index in primitive production proce(IPP)algorithm and Lempel-Ziv complexity algorithm are studied.The complexities of the four kinds chaotic map are compared and analyzed.The values of various complexity algorithms analysis are given.The basic principles of chaotic spread spectrum communication are introduced.A new optimized selection algorithm of chaotic spread-spectrum sequence is proposed, and the optimal improved chaotic sequences are applied to DS/CDMA system in the presence of AWGN and different kinds of jamming.The results show that the chaotic spread-spectrum sequences generated by the proposed method have better correlation performance, larger capacity and excellent anti-jamming ability.Several chaotic synchronization technologies are studied, including PC synchronization, coupled synchronization, aociated synchronization and active-paive synchronization.Their basic principles and the example simulation are given.For the specific applications of chaotic ranging system, based on digital matched filter to achieve chaotic acquisition and tracking, two chaotic spread spectrum ranging schemes are designed, and their feasibilities, ranging procees, acquisition time and ranging accuracy are analyzed and validated.【关键词】混沌 扩频通信 复杂度 优选算法 混沌同步
【英文关键词】Chaos Spread Spectrum Communication Complexity Optimization Algorithm Chaotic synchronnization 【目录】混沌序列特性分析及混沌同步技术研究3-489-1210-11英文摘要
1.1 引言1.2 混沌的研究现状8-91.3.1 混沌的定义9-10
1.3 混沌映射及其应用1.3.2 混沌序列的产生11-12
1.4 本文的1.3.3 混沌的几种典型应用
2.2 李亚普诺夫指数
2.4 分形与维数2.6 功率谱特性2.8 游程特性
2.9.1 混沌序列相关函数2.1 吸引子14-162.3 倍周期分岔18-192.5 相位特性20-212.7 平衡性22-252.9 相关特性26-32的定义26-2727-3234-46
2.9.2 四种混沌序列相关函数的仿真分析混沌序列的复杂度算法研究
3.2 混沌序列的复杂度2.10 小结32-343.1 线性复杂度34-36表示方法36-4336
3.2.1 经典的测度熵(K-S熵)算法
3.2.3 排列熵(PE)
3.2.5 4 混沌3.2.2 近似熵(ApEn)算法36-38算法38-403.2.4 原生系数(IPP)算法40-42
3.3 小结43-46Lempel-Ziv复杂度算法42-43
46-564.1 DS/CDMA混沌系统
4.2.1 4.3 优5.2 4.2 混沌序列的优选准则和流程47-52
4.2.2 仿真验证51-52优选准则和流程47-51选后混沌序列误码率性能分析52-55混沌同步技术研究
4.4 小结55-56
5.1 混沌同步的定义56
5.2.1 驱动响应同步法几种常见的混沌同步方法56-6756-585.2.2 相互耦合同步法58-615.2.3 关联耦合5.3 混沌同步法61-645.2.4 主动被动同步法64-67扩频测距系统的方案设计67-7567-6973-75总结76-77献80-84目录84果目录84 5.3.2 测距方案69-735.4 小结75-76
6.2 展望77-78附录
5.3.1 匹配滤波器捕获
5.3.3 方案仿真
6.1 参考文总结与展望76-78
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