
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


Abbreviation: State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine=SATCM.Traditional Chinese Medicine=TCM Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference =CPPCC

北京康益德中西医结合医院前身为北京康益德医院,创建于2001年10月10日,坐落于北京市怀柔区开放路50号,是非营利性二级规模中西医结合股份制医院。医院占地22亩,建筑面积1.2万平方米,开放床位150张。医院拥有西门子双排螺旋CT、数字DR、大生化、支气管镜、肺功、砝码西亚过敏检测仪、鸟牌呼吸机、全自动血气分析仪等大型设备近百台件。是北京市医疗保险定点医院,北京市怀柔区新农合定点医院。是北京肺纤维化研究所挂靠单位。是卫生部呼吸病面向全国适宜技术推广单位;是国家中医药管理局呼吸病面向全国适宜技术推广单位;是国家中医药管理局中医药科技交流中心肺纤维化科技成果推广单位;是国家中医药管理局“十一五” 重点专科肺病科成员单位;是国家中医药管理局“十一五”重点专病“肺痿”(肺纤维化)成员单位,是国家中医药管理局“十一五”重点专病肺积(肺癌)成员单位,是国家中医药管理局“十一五”重点专病“哮喘”成员单位;是国家中医药管理局“十一五”重点专病“儿科反复感冒”成员单位;是中国中医冬病夏治专业委员会主任委员单位;是中国医师协会呼吸病继续教育培训基地;是中国民营医院发展联盟副主席单位;是北京医院协会民营医院委员会副主任单位。医院2006年在北京京郊首家通过ISO质量认证。

Kang Yi De hospital of combained traditional Chinese and western medicine, is formerly known as the Kang Yi De Hospital of Beijing,which is founded on Oct 10th 2001 in Beijing,located in No 50 of Kaifang road in Huairou District in Beijing.It is a non-profit shareholding hospital ,as well as a 2-scale hospital of traditional Chinese and western medicine.The hospital covers an area of 22 acres,with a building area of 12,000 square meters and 150 hospital beds.It poees almost a hundred of large equipments such as Siemens double helical CT, digital DR, large biochemistry, bronchoscopy, lung power, weight West allergy testing device, Bird ventilator, automatic blood gas analyzer and so on.It is designated hospital of medical insurance in Beijing,as well as a New rural cooperative designated hospital in Huairou District in Beijing.It is an affiliated units of the research institute for Pulmonary fibrosis,a promotion units for the appropriate technology of respiratory disease of the Ministry of health facing the whole nation,a promotion units for the appropriate technology of respiratory disease of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine(SATCM).It is a promotion units belonging to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Exchange Center of the SATCM for the SATCM for the scientific and technological achievements of pulmonary fibrosis.It is also a member unit for several Branches which are among the“Eleventh Five-Year” key specialists of the SATCM,including the lung section, the “Lung wilt”(Pulmonary filbrosis)a member unit for the “Lung wilt”(Pulmonary filbrosis), lung cancer,”asthma”,and “children’s repeated cold”.It is a chairman member unit of the Profeional Committee for the Chinese TCM winter disease with summer governance,a training base for the continuing education of respiratory disease of the Chinese Medical Aociation.In addition ,it is a vice unit of the development Alliance of the Chinese private hospitals,a deputy director unit of the Pirvate Hospital Board of the Beijing Hospital Aociation.In 2006 the hospital became the first hospital in the suburbs of the Beijing who has paed the ISO quality certification.医院由中国呼吸界泰斗、中华医学会呼吸病学分会原副主任于润江教授担任名誉院长;北京市政协委员、中国中医冬病夏治专业委员会主委、中国中西医结合呼吸病专业委员会常委董瑞主任医师担任院长。医院聚集了一批中西医结合呼吸病精英,其中主任医师、教授10人,副主任医师10人,享受国务院特殊津贴的专家2 人。

The honorary president of the hospital is Profeor-Runjiang Yu,who is a dean in the respiratoty disease area,as well as the former deputy director of the repiratory Branch of the Chinese Medical Aociation.The dean of the hospital is the chief Physician Rui Dong,who is a CPPCC member of Beijing, the head of the Chinese TCM winter disease in summer Governance Profeional Committee, a Standing Committee member of the Chinese Profeional Committee on Repiratory Branch combining TCM and Western medicine.The hospital has gathered a group of elites on the Chinese and Western Integrative Medical Repiratory Disease,including 10 chief physicians ,10 profeors,10 aocaite chief physicians,and 2 experts who enjoy a special allowance of the State Department.医院积极参与社会公益活动。八年来共减免挂号费、诊费,贫困患者医疗费用上千万元,捐助慈善事业200余万,受到了国家、北京市、怀柔区领导人的高度赞扬。全国政协副主席张梅颖、北京市人大原副主任王维成、北京市政协常务副主席沈宝昌、北京市政协副主席葛建平及怀柔区委书记王海平等四大机关主要领导多次视察了康益德中西合医结医院。全国政协报、健康报、北京晚报、北京电视台等20多家新闻媒体对医院的事迹给予了报道。

The hospital takes an active part in the social welfare activities.During a period of 8 years,the hospital has reducted the registration fees,consultation fees,poor patient care costs to an amount of tens of millions of yuan in total,with more than 2 million yuan for charitable contributions,having received encomium from the nation,the city of Beijing,the leaders of the Huairou District.The main leaders of the four organs have visited the Kang Yi De hospital of traditional Chinese and Western medicine several times.The visitors include that the CPPCC Vice Chairman Zhang Meiying, former deputy director of Beijing Municipal People's Congre Wang Wei Cheng, executive vice chairman of Beijing People's Political Consultative Conference Shen Baochang, vice chairman of Beijing People's Political Consultative Conference Ge Jianping, Secretary of Huairou District Wang Haiping,and some other main leaders of the four organs.The deeds of the hospital have been reported by more than twenty news media such as CPPCC NEWS,HEALTH NEWS,Beijing Evening News,and Beijing TV.医院先后被评为北京市抗击非典先进集体;中国民营医院先进医院;中国民营中医优秀医疗机构;全国民营医院最佳科技创新医院;连续3年获得全国民营医院“群众满意医院”;北京市双拥工作先进集体;北京市先进私营企业,北京市AAA信誉企业;北京市捐资助学先进单位;北京市首都绿化美化花园单位;北京市民企公益大使单位。

The hospital has been selected succeively as the advanced group fighting SARS of Beijing,advanced hospital of the Chinese private hospitals,excellent medical organization of Chinese private TCM,the optimum science and technology innovative hospital of the Chinese private hospitals.What is more,it has won the title of “Hospital with the satisfaction from the maes”as a national private hospital in the three consecutive years.It is also a advanced group of Beijing for Double Support Work,a advanced private enterprise of Beijing , a Credit Enterprise AAA Cla of Beijing,an advanced unit of Beijing on Donation for Education.Additionally ,it is also an garden unit for the Beijing capital afforestation and beautification,an ambaador unit of the Beijing private enterprise welfare.医院其他重点专科有:中西医结合风湿骨病科、中医肝病科、中医皮肤科、中西医结合妇科等特色科室。医院坚持依法建院、依法执业,医护人员的依法执业率、劳动合同签订率达到100%。医院高度提倡尊重知识、尊重人才,通过八年的发展,形成了合理的人才梯队;基本奠定了名院、名科、名医、名药的发展格局。北京康益德中西医结合医院将会为有志于呼吸病研究的中西医结合学者搭建一个开放式的平台;为患者打造一个医疗、护理、服务、环境并进的百年肺病专科医院。

Other key specialities of the hospital are : Rheumatoid bone disease Branch Combining Chinese and Western medicine,TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine)liver disease Branch,TCM dermatology,gynecology combining Chinese and Western medicine and some other featured departments.The hospital sticks to building the hospital adhering to the law ,and practicing according to the law.The rate according to the law practice of the medical care staff reaches 100%.The hospital highly promote a considerabel respect for the knowledge and the talents.Through a development of eight years,a reasonable Echelon Personnel has formed;with the development pattern of famous hospital,famous Branch,famous doctor,famous drugs basically laid.The Beijing Kang Yi De hospital of In tegrated TCM and Western medicine is willing to build an open platform for the scholars combining the TCM and the Western medicine who are aspiring to the study of the respiratory disease.building a Century lung disease specialist hospital with the areas concerning the medical treatment ,nursing ,services and environment neck and neck.中文:1210 英文:866




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