研究生英语课文翻译Unit 12_研究生英语课文翻译

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Thanksgiving Soon they will be together again, all the people who travel between their own lives and each other’s.The package tour of the season will lure them this week to the family table.很快所有那些在我们和他人生活中穿梭的人们都会再次聚集到一起。这个团体旅游季会引诱他们这个星期回到家庭的餐桌上。

By Thursday, feast day, family day, Thanksgiving day, Americans who value individualism like no other people will collect around a million tables in a ritual of belonging.到周四,盛宴之日,家庭的节日,感恩节,比任何人都重视个人主义的美国人会为了一个归属感的仪式聚集在百万张桌子周围。

They will aemble their families the way they aemble dinner: each other bearing a personality as different as cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.For one dinner they will cook for each other, fu for each other, feed each other and argue with each other.他们会像在一起吃晚餐一样把家人聚在一起,每个人都有不同的的个性,就像他们做的蔓越橘沙司和难过馅饼一样。这顿晚餐他们会互相为对方下厨,为对方忙乱,给对方喂吃的,互相争辩。

They will nod at their common heritage, the crazine and caring of other generations.They will measure their common legacy„„children.他们会对他们共同的传统产生共鸣,对别代人的狂热和关心。他们会估量他们共同的财产-孩子。

All these complex cells, these men and women, old and young, with different dreams and disappointments will give homage again to the group they are a part of and apart from: their family.所有这些复杂的环节,这些有着不同梦想和失望的男女老少会再一次给家庭这个集体敬意,他们既是家庭的一部分,又生活于其外。

Families and individuals.The “we” and the “I”.As good Americans we all travel between these two ideals.家庭和个体,“我们”和“我”。作为一个虔诚的美国人我们都往来于这两个理想之间。We take value trips from the great American notion of individualism to the great American vision of family.We wear our tires driving back and forth, using speed to shorten the distance between these two principles.我们在伟大美国的个人主义意识和伟大美国的家庭观念之间进行价值选择。我们就像一辆往返于这两个原则之间的车,通过速度来减少两者之间的举例。

There has always been some pavement between a person and a family.From the first moment we recognize that we are separate we begin to wrestle with alonene and togetherne.一个人和他的家庭总是会存在一些举例。从我们发现我们和家庭分开的那一刻起,我们就开始努力克服独居和团聚的冲突。

Here and now these conflicts are especially acute.We are after all, raised in families...to be individuals.This double meage follows us through life.此时此刻这些冲突越发的突出。毕竟我们是被家庭养育长大,但我们最终是成为了一个个体。这个双重信息会伴随我们医生。

We are taught about the freedom of the “I” and the safety of the “we”.The loneline of the “I” and the intrusivene of the “we”.The selfishne of the “I” and the burdens of the “we”.我们总是被教育作为个人的自由和来自家庭的安全感,作为个人的孤独,融入家庭可能会被过多干涉,作为个人的自私,和来自家庭的负担。We are taught what Andre Malraux said:”Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold.”

马尔罗的话教育我们:“离开家庭,一个孤零零生活在这个世界上的人会冻得瑟瑟发抖。” And taught what he said another day:”The denial of the supreme importance of the mind’s development accounts for many revolts against the family.” 但是同样是他说的话又教育我们:“对思想发展的至高重要性的否认,很大程度上解释了对家庭的反对。”

In theory, the world rewards “the supreme importance” of the individual, the ego.We think alone, inside our heads.We write music and literature with an enlarged sense of self.We are graded and paid, hired and fired, on our own merit.理论上这个世界认为个人和自我意识是最为重要的。我们在头脑中独立的思考。我们创作的音乐和文学作品是对自身感官的放大。我们被评定的等级,所受到的报酬,我们被雇用或是解雇都是基于我们自己的功过。

The rank individualism is both exciting and cruel.Here is where the fittest survive.有等级划分的个人主义即使令人兴奋的又是残酷的。在这之下适者生存。

The family, on the other hand, at its best, works very differently.We don’t have to achieve to be accepted by our families.We just have to be.Our membership is not based on credentials but on birth.另一方面,处于最好状态下的家庭运作方式非常不同。我们不用去争取被家庭接受。我们只要存在就一定会被接受。参与到一个家庭中不是凭借我们的证书而是基于出身。

As Malraux put it,”A friend loves you for your intelligence, a mistre for your charm, but your family’s love is unreasoning.You were born into it and of its flesh and blood.” 就是马尔罗说的:“朋友因为你的才智而爱你,情妇因为你的魅力而爱你,但是你的家人对你的爱是没有原因的,你在家庭的爱中出生并且有着她的血肉。”

The family is formed not for the survival of the fittest but for the weakest.It is not an economic unit but an emotional one.This is not the place where people ruthlely compete with each other but where they work for each other.家庭并不是由最适合的人组成,而是由最脆弱的人组成。这不是一个经济集合体而是一个情感集合体。这里没有人们相互之间无情的竞争而只有人们互相为对方服务。Its busine is taking care, and when it works, it is not callous but kind.家庭的业务是关怀,当家庭运作时,没有冷漠只会关怀备至。

There are fewer heroes, fewer stars in family life.While the world may glorify the self, the family asks us, at one time or another, to submerge it.While the world may abandon us, the family promises, at one time or another, to protect us.家庭生活中没有那么多英雄和明星。当世界赞美个人的时候,家庭总会让我们淹没了自我。当世界抛弃了我们,家庭总会承诺保护我们。

So we commute daily, weekly, yearly between one world and another.Between a life as a family member that can be nurturing or smothering.Between life as an individual that can free us or flatten us.We vacillate between two separate sets of demands and poibilities.所以我们每天,每周,每年地往返于这两个世界。是在一个养育我们,但同时可能会令人窒息的家庭中生活,还是作为一个可能会自由但却被磨去锐气的个人。我们在这两个完全不同的需求和可能性中踌躇。

The people who will gather around this table Thursday live in both of these worlds, a part of and apart from each other.With any luck the territory they travel from one to another can be a fertile one, rich with care and space.It can be a place where the “I” and the “we” interact.在这周四会聚集在桌子周围的人们同时生活在这两个世界里,他们既是互相的一部分,又独立存在。运气好的话,他们在两个世界间来回的领土可以非常富饶,充满了关心和空间。这里可以是个人和家庭相互作用的空间。

On this day at least, they will bring each other something both special and something to be shared: these separate selves.至少在这一天,他们给对方带去了既特殊又可以被分享的东西——这些被分开的自我。






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