巴彻斯特教堂的尖塔 读书报告_关于执行力的读书报告

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Holy Churches And Evil Humanity In the great cathedral cities of England, the church and policy go hand in hand.The government appoints the bishop, who is the head of the church in that city, and below him come archdeacons, deans, vicars, parsons, chaplains--all kinds of clergymen , of differing degrees of rank, importance, influence, and income.All this is complicated enough, but the appointment of Dr Proudie as the new Bishop of Barchester overturns the old established order in that peaceful city.Mrs Proudie, the warlike wife of the new Bishop of Barchester, brings the Reverend Slope into the Bishop’s Palace to help dominate her husband and rule the local clergy.But Slope is a snake in the gra, determined to find a rich wife, to win advancement for himself, even to fight Mrs Proudie if neceary.The most typical character of evil clergies who struggle for power and money by filthy ways is the bishop’s chaplain , Mr Obadiah Slope.His face usually wore a frown, as if he thought most of the world far too wicked for his care.And he had excellent powers of self-expreion, which were appreciated more by women than by men.However, Mr Slope had an oily, unpleasant way, which did not seem likely to make him popular in Barchester society.Besides, he explained how unneceary church music was, which annoyed everybody.He admired Madeline Neroni for her wit and beauty.Meantime, in order to get the money from Mrs Eleanor Bold, that widow, he wrote love letters and strove for the position of dean for Eleanor’s father deliberately.Due to his hypocritical behavior and rude gestures, his proposal was refused by Eleanor and beaten on the face heavily.What’s more, he also got revealed by Madeline Neroni in public.His ambition was wiped out by justice.He failed to be the new dean as everyone expected.And as well as the struggle for power in the church, there is also the game of love, which is played by very different rules, according to the player.Mrs Eleanor Bold, a pretty young widow, believes in honest and truthful ways of dealing with people, but she does not always understand the deceitful ways of men.The Signora Madeline Neroni, on the other hand, understands men only too well, and her beauty and her wit and her charm draw men to her, like flies into a spider’s web...The widow, Eleanor Bold, got married with her true love, Mr Francis Arabin.And they lived happily together with their children and Eleanor’s father.Recommended by her father, Arabin became the dean finally.So priestly arguments are a thing of the past, now that war is over, and peace has returned to that ancient cathedral city of Barchester.

巴彻斯特教堂的尖塔 读书报告

Holy Churches And Evil Humanity In the great cathedral cities of England, the church and policy go hand in hand.The government appoints the bishop, who is the......




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