外贸函电短语翻译商会 Chambers of commerce 商务参赞处Commercial counselor_外贸函电短语翻译
外贸函电短语翻译商会 Chambers of commerce 商务参赞处Commercial counselor由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“外贸函电短语翻译”。
24.我们希望你方认同我方价格具有竞争力,23.We regret to inform you that we are not in a position to accept your counter-offer or those terms.24.We hope that you will agree that our prices are very competitive for these good quality clothes, and we look forward to receiving your initial order.1.We have come to know the name of your corporation and are please to write to you in the hope of establishing busine relations with you.2.We specialize in the export of Chinese arts and crafts.3.It will be appreciated if you can give us your cooperation.4.Enclosed are two copies of our price list.5.Our company is thinking of expanding its busine relations with China.6.We have been in this line of busine for many years.7.We are interested in your computers and should be glad if you would send us by return prices of computers available from stock.8.We are confident that we could place regular orders with you provided your prices are competitive.9.Please quote us your lowest price for the undermentioned, CIF Shanghai, and the earliest shipment.10.The article we require should be durable in quality, bright and attractive in color.11.We will appreciate it if you will let us have your comments on our products after trial use.12.Another supplier in your market offered us the similar article at a price 3%lower.13.We are glad to receive your letter dated Nov.14 for our bicycles.In reply to your inquiry, we are pleased in making you the following offer.14.We are making you, subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than Sep.15, the following offer.15.We are sending you separately a copy of our latest price list giving CIF Amsterdam Price together with an illustrated catalogue for your reference.16.Please state terms of payment and discounts you allow on purchases of not le than 10,000 washing machines of Little Swan brand.17.You will be interested to hear that we can offer a further supply of the best quality products at the lowest price.18.We have here cabled to you a firm offer until May 31.19.While appreciating the quality of your bicycles, we find your prices are too high to be accepted.20.To accept your present quotation would mean a heavy lo to us, not to speak of profit.21.We suggest your placing orders without delay, so that we may guarantee the supply, and would not mi the chance.22.We like the quality of your goods and also the way in which you have handled our inquiry, and would welcome the opportunity to do busine with you.25.We are specialized in the import of chemicals.25.我公司专营化工品的进口业务。
26.订单不断涌入,我们担心贵方采取观望态度坐失26.Orderds are pouring in.we fear that you will mi
the chance by sitting on fence.良机。
27.Owning to its superior quality and reasonable price, 27.我们的产品质量优良,价格公道,深受许多国家
our products have met with a warm reception.欢迎。28.A trial order would convince you of the excellent 28.试销订货会使你们相信我们产品的优质。quality of our products.29.经过简单比较后,毫无疑问你方会有兴趣向我方29.A simple comparison will no doubt induce you to 订货。let us have your order.30.由于所需型号脱销,我们将用下列型号替代。30.As the type required is out of supply, we will 31.作为试订单,我们欣然小量订购贵公司AC106replace it by the following type.31.As to a trial order, we are delighted to give you a 号空调机150台,请注意货品必须与样品一致。
small order for 150sets of your air conditioners AC106.32.鉴于贵公司常年惠顾,虽然现市价较前调升,但
please note that the goods are to be supplied in 本公司仍会按以往订单所列条件接受此次订货。accordance with your samples.33.由于我们对质量和价格都满意,现就以下货物向32.Although prevailing prices are somewhat higher, in 你方订货。view of our long-standing relationship, we are 34.现给你方寄去我们123号销售合同,一式两份,prepared to accept the order on the same terms as 以供你方签名请签署后退回一份留作我方查存之before.33.As we find both quality and prices satisfactory, we 用。
35.很遗憾,由于需要此商品的订单已接受到今年年place an order with you for the following.34.We are sending you our Sales Contract No.123 in 底,我们今年之内无法接受新的订单。
duplicate for your signature.Please sign and return one 36.我们希望此次订购是建立长期的、愉快的业务关copy for our file.系的第一步。35.We are sorry to say that because orders for the item required have been booked up to the end of this year, 1.We would like to inform you that at present we we are unable to accept any fresh order for shipment can supply you with various kinds of men's leather within this year.shoes.36.It is our hope that this order is the first step in the 2.As we said previously, it is only in view of our long establishment of a long and pleasant busine friendly relations that we extend you this relationship.accommodation.3.If you make us an offer at competitive prices we can 1.我们想通知贵公司我们目前可以供应你们各式各sell a large quantity of chemical product in our district.4.We advised you in our letter of Dec.1, that we would 样的男式皮鞋。
2.我们以前曾说过,只是鉴于双方的长期友好关系,like to place a trial order with you for 50 pieces Flying
Pigeon Bicycles.我们才给你方这一照顾。
3.如你方以竞争性价格报盘,我们能在我方地区大5.After re-inspection at the port of destination, the
quality of the goods shipped ex S.S.“Red Star” under 量销售化工产品。
Contract No.CT7543 was found not in compliance 4.我方曾在12月1日信中告知你方,我方愿向你方with the contract stipulations.试订50辆车飞鸽牌自行车。
6.We wish to call your attention to the validity of the 5.经在目的港的复验,发现“红星”轮装来的第L/C, since there is no poibility of L/C extension.7.We send you a brochure on the various kinds of CT7543与合项下货物质量与合同规定不符。
6.此信用证无展延可能,特此提请你方注意该信用bicycle now available for export.8.Please advise us whether you iron nail packed in 证的有效期。
7.兹寄去一份有关我公司目前可供出口的各式自行plywood kegs of 60kgs,net and whether you can ship
our order from stock.车的小册子。
9.Since the premium varies with the scope of 8.请告你方铁钉是否以胶合板桶装,每桶净重60公insurance, extra premium is for buyer's account, 斤,以及是否可供现货。
should additional risks be covered.9.保险费随保险的责任范围不同而异,如投保额外10.We shall be glad to ship the goods by a direct
steamer to Vancouver within 30 days after receipt of 险,额外险费由买方负担。
10.我们将乐意在接到你方信用证后30天内,将货you L/C.物交由驶往温哥华的直达轮装出。
1、In view of the fact, we have changed the packing to
small wooden cases.2、希望早日报给我们车床的实盘,最好电开。
2、It will be appreciated if you will immediately let us3、因无直达班轮,请允许转船。
4、很遗憾,我们不能接受这一索赔,因为你们的保have your firm offer for lathes, preferably by cable.3、As there is no direct steamer to your port, please 险没有包括“破碎险”。
5、如果你方不接受我们的建议,我们想提交仲裁解allow tranhipment.4、Much to our regret, we cannot accept this claim as 决。
you have not covered the risk of breakage.5、If you don't accept our propositions, we might
submit the matter to arbitration.1: Contract No.F333 We wish to draw your attention 2 our Contract No.F333 3 2000 cartons of China Green Tea, for which we opened the confirmed, irrevocable L/C No.B5177 in your 4 yesterday afternoon 5 the Bank of America, New York.Upon 6 of the above-metioned L/C, please 7 shipment of the goods ordered by us without any delay as we want to catch the selling season in our market.Should this trail order prove 8 to our clients, we are fully confident that 9 orders will be placed soon.We thank you for your close co-operation in this respect and 10 your shipping advice by fax.yours faithfully
Dear Sirs,We have obtained your addre from the Commercial Counsellor of your Embay in London and are now writing you for the establishment of busine relations.We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of light industrial products, and feel sure we can sell large quantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitive prices.As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the Bank of England, London, as a reference.Please let us have all neceary information regarding your products for export.Yours faithfully,拒绝客户的要求
Thank you for your enquity of 25 August.We are always pleased to hear from a valued customer.I regret to s
Re To Covering Favour Through Receipt Expedite Satisfactory Repeat Await
回复对方建立商业关系的请求 Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month.We shall be glad to enter into busine relations with your company.In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering
our export range.Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit.Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us.本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣喜。谨遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目录和报价单。款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用状支付。如欲订货,请电传或传真为盼。此致敬礼
商务函电翻译1.We avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce to you as a foreign-invested corporation specializing in arts and crafts.现借此机会向贵公司介......
※我们愿意在平等互利,互通有无的基础上与贵公司建立业务联系1.We are willing to enter into busine relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual benef......
外贸函电:德语商务信函写作范本1.0 Einleitung Eine Firma, die im Ausland Abnehmer oder Lieferanten, Vertreter oder Vertretungen, Lizenznehmer oder Lizenzgeber, Koo......