
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文




This Side Up 此面向上 Do Not Drop 不可抛掷 Fragile, Gla 易碎,玻璃品 Explosives 爆炸物 Flammable Gas 易燃气体 Radioactive 放射性物质 Infectious Substance 感染性物品 ocean bill of lading 海运提单 cargo receipt 货运收据 shipping company 轮船/船务公司 shipping instructions 装船须知 shipping mark 唛头

export credit insurance 出口信贷保险 withdrawal of import licenses 取消进口许可证 invoice value 发票金额 breach of contract 违反合约 contractual commitments 合同条款 binding force 约束力 default on the part of the debtor 购买方违约 force majeure 不可抗力 lodge a claim against sb.向某人提出索赔 bear legal liability 承担法律责任 international multi-modal shipment 国际多式联运


B/D B/E CAF CIF D/A D/D D/P enc., encl.ICAA ICC MT ref.Ref.No.S/C S/S, S.S.T/T bank draft bill of exchange cost and freight cost, insurance and freight documents against acceptance demand draft;documentary draft documents against payment enclosure International Commercial Arbitration Aociation International Chamber of Commerce metric ton/mail transfer reference reference number sale contract steamship telegraphic transfer

银行汇票 汇票 成本加运费


即期汇票;跟单汇票 付款交单 附件

国际商事仲裁协会 国际商会 公吨;信汇 参考 参考编号 售货合同 轮船 电汇



We learned from Bank of China at your end that you are in the market for textiles.We specialize in exports of textiles, with the desire to enter into direct busine relations with you.2.为了使你方对我们经营的产品有一个大致的了解,兹附上一整套注有规格和包装的活页说明书以供你方了解。

In order to give you a through understanding of our commodities, we enclosed a full set of leaflets with specification and package for your referral.3.货物在装船前将有河南省商品检验检疫局进行严格的检验,并提供必要的证明说明其品质和数量。

Goods will be inspected carefully by Henan Commodity Inspection and Quarantine Bureau with iuance of certificates of quality and quantity.4.为了促进你我双方的贸易,现另航寄你方一本带插图的商品目录,供你方考虑。

In order to advance our trade, we are airmailing you, under separate cover, illustrated catalogues for your reference.5.我们将与之进行业务往来的那家商号要我们向贵行了解有关他们的商业地位与信誉。

The concern with whom we will do busine referred us to you for his busine standing and reputation.6.所附价格单和图解目录将提供有关你方最感兴趣的产品型号的具体情况。

The attached price list and illustrated catalogue will offer you the most interesting model and details.7.我们另邮寄样品一批,深信一旦你们有机会察看样品之后,定会认为我们的产品品质优良,价格合理。

We mailed you, under separate cover, a set of samples.We fully convinced that, once you have the opportunity to see our samples, you will agree that our goods are of good quality and reasonable price.8.从纽约ABC公司获悉,你公司出口尼龙床单和枕套。对上述品质优良价格公道的商品,本地区有大量需求。

We learned, from ABC Co.New York, that you exported nylon bed sheet and pillow cases.There is a large demand for the said goods with superb quality and fair price at our end.9.根据你们的要求,我们向你方报2000打男式衬衫,每打60美元,成本、保险加运费旧金山价,9月份装运。本报价以我方最后确认为准。

In compliance with your request, we are now offering you 2,000 dozens of men’s shirts at 60 USD per dozen CIF San Francisco, September shipment.This offer is subject to our final confirmation.10.很抱歉通知你方我们不能接受你方的报价,因为我方的最终用户终止购买此货。

We regret very much to inform you that we cannot avail ourselves of your offer because our end-users have temporarily suspended the purchase.11.非常高兴收到你方关于我方“飞鱼” 牌9打字机的询价,但是非常遗憾我们不能满足您的要求,因为存货告罄。一旦


We are glad to receive your enquiry for our Flying Fish Brand Typewriter 9#, but we regret being unable to meet your requirements as our stock has been exhausted.Once we have the fresh resources, we will not hesitate to revert to this matter.12.自从上月报医用纱布价给你方后,我们接到不少订单,现在存货不多。如你对该货感兴趣,请立即告知。

We have received many orders since we offered you medical gauze, so there is insufficient stock.Should you find interest in this article, please let us know immediately.13.你公司4月18日来函收悉。今报上1英寸铁钉20公吨,每公吨500美元成本加保险费加运费长崎价。可供现货。其他条款同前。上述报价以你方在5月10日前复到有效。

We have received your letter of 18th April.We are offering you 20 M.T.iron nails, size in 1 inch, at 500 USD CIF Nagasaki per M.T.available from stock, and other terms are as the above.This offer is subject to your reply reaching here before or on May 10.14.很高兴收到贵公司7月12日的询价函。按照贵方要求,现报价如下:中国河南出产的良好平均品质煤炭400吨。FOB日照每吨1350美元,下月交货。其他条件同我方第SP120号合同。本报盘以你方8月10日中午12点(北京时间)前答复有效。

We are pleased to receive your enquiry of 12th of July.As your request, we are offering you as follows: Commodity: Coal Quality: FAQ(fair average quality)Quantity: 400Tons Price terms: 1350USD per ton FOB Rizhao Shipment: Next month Other terms are as our S/C No.SP120.This offer is subject to your reply reaching us before or at 12 O’clock, August 10th, Beijing time.15.如果你方能降价5%,我们相信成交是有可能的。(to reduce the price by 5%)

If you can reduce your price by 5%, we believe it is poible for us to conclude the deal.16.目前此项货物数量有限,我们建议你方从速接受我方报盘。(limit)

As a result of the limited stock of the article, we suggest you accept our offer as soon as poible.17.你方目录和价格单已收到,现按所示价格订购下列货物。(catalogue and price list)

We have received your catalogue and price list, and now we order the following goods at the prices named.18.我们正在迅速处理你方订单,并将随时告知进展情况。(to keep one informed)

Your order is receiving our immediate attention and we will keep you informed of the progre.19.兹通知你方,以你方为受益人的信用证已由伦敦巴克莱银行开出。

Now you are informed that the L/C in your favor has been opened with Barclay Bank, London.20.在收到信用证后的一个月内,你们至少应装运这笔订货的一半。

You should at least ship half of this order within one month upon receipt of the L/C.21.由于我们的疏忽,开立信用证有错误,很抱歉。

Much to our regret that owing to the oversight on part of us, the L/C was wrongly established.22.你方信用证3550号,数量与合同不符,总金额相差75.60英镑,请速改。

Your L/C No.3550 does not conform to the relative contract in quantity, with a difference of£75.60 sterling pounds.Please amend it as soon as poible.23.信用证3346号,金额不足,请按合同增加520磅(请按合同增至3,125.00磅)。

We have received your L/C No.3346 and found that the amount is insufficient.Please increase by £520.00(increase up to £3,125.00)as the contract stipulated.24.如果你方能同意按即期信用证方式付款,我们即能达成交易。

If you agree to pay by the sight L/C, we might come to terms.25.鉴于双方长期友好关系,此次我们例外接受20天即期付款交单方式支付。

In view of the long standing friendly relations we exceptionally accept the D/P at 20 days sight.26.你方5月6日汇票已承兑,到期应付。

Your draft of May 6 has been accepted and will be honored at maturity.27.为了适应远洋运输,这种货物的包装必须改进。

The packing of the goods must be improved in order to fit for seaworthy condition.28.请按提供的图样在箱子上刷上唛头。

Please mark the cases as per the drawing given.29.谨告知你方须付由于迟装或包装不当而产生的任何损失费。

We hereby inform you that you should be held responsible for any loes arising from late delivery and improper packing.30.仲裁团一般来说由三名仲裁员组成,其中首席仲裁员由仲裁机构任命,而另外两名仲裁员可以由双方指定,也可以委托仲裁机构指定。

An arbitration panel is made up of three arbitrators.The chief arbitrator is appointed by the arbitration organization, while the other two arbitrators can be appointed by the claimant and the defendant respectively or by the organization for them.31.这些案例的价值在于它们探究了在向法院申请仲裁之前,必须要承担的举证的重要性。

These cases are useful because they explore the weight of the evidential burden that must be shouldered before an application succeeds.32.我方认为解决争议的最好方式是友好协商而不是仲裁。

We think amicable discuions or negotiations are sometimes the best to set the disputes without invoking arbitrations.33.仲裁既可以在中国,也可以在其他国家进行,通常由买卖双方决定。

Arbitrations can be conducted either in China or in other countries.It depends on what the buyer and the seller have agreed between themselves.34.首先我想多了解一下中国的仲裁情况,以便决定是否在中国进行仲裁。

Firstly I want to know more about the arbitration in China to decide whether the arbitration will be held in China.35.一般来说,所有的仲裁费用都应该由败诉方承担。

Generally speaking, all the expenses for the arbitration shall be borne by the losing party.36.一切险的保单包括何种风险?

Which risks are covered by an All Risks policy? 37.现随函附上调查员的调查报告,我方要求替换10台严重受损的电视机。

We enclose herewith the surveyor’s report.Replacement of the 10 badly damaged TV sets will be required.38.货到宁波后我们进行了复查,发现品质与合同规定不符。

We made a re-inspection after the goods arrived in Ningbo and found the quality not up to the contract stipulations.39.当贵方提出索赔时须提交官方授权的检验人开立的检验报告。

Please be sure to submit a survey report made by the officially authorized surveyor when you lodge a claim.注:版权所有,翻版必究!内容仅供参考,如有错误,请自我更正。



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