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What leads their immigration a failure in A

Cab Called Reliable?

Immigration really has a long history, from ancient time till today, as well as to-America immigration.Generally speaking, a great number of immigration is succeful, because the immigrants really have a better and higher-standard life than they do before.However, there is still some immigration that becomes a failure later, since their life become worse and more unfortunate.In A Cab Called Reliable, Ahn Joo’s family leave Korean as a whole family, but after immigrating to America, they live a “dog’s life”, as her mother has said.They don’t have a better life than they do in Korean.What’s worse, the whole family become broken, because her mother’s leave.Life becomes more difficult.So we can say their immigration is to some extent a failure.But what causes the failure? What is to blame for the failure? There are several reasons below.Firstly, their motivation is not exactly wealth.According to Ahn Joo’s mother, her father is a coward for running away from his own father like a beaten dog.Her father moves to America just to flee an abusive father of his own, not exactly in pursuit of wealth.The motivation is of great importance.But her father lacks suck kind of motivation.Thus he lacks ambition.That’s also why he is satisfied with his work and doesn’t work hard.What’s more, he doesn’t try to adapt to the new language and new life, on the contrary, he is lazy and always drinks, which with no doubt will cause quarrels between the husband and wife and even the leave of the wife.This brokenne leads to Ahn Joo’s lack of maternal love during her growing up.The father is the first one to blame for the brokenne of their family.Secondly, the Korean traditions still affect them.It is known that Korean has been a patriarchal society for a long time.Traditionally speaking, the men burden the major responsibility in the family.He should be the one who earns money and supports the whole family.And the women’s role is mainly the children and the housework.In A Cab Called Reliable, the mother is still used

to that lifestyle.She relies much on men.She still wants the husband to shoulder the main responsibility.So when the father is lazy and not responsible, she just complains and quarrels with him.She doesn’t try other ways, such as finding a job for herself to support the family and improve the situation.Because in her mind, the man is the one who does that job.Consequently, she just chooses leave cause her lifestyle has been broken and she needs time to get used to the a new life style.This is the conflict between women’s traditional roles in Korean and a new culture in which men and women are equal in America.Thirdly, the exclusivene exists in American culture.They divide the people into the mainstream and the minor groups.The mainstream refers to the natives and the minor groups refer to the immigrants.Carl G.Jung has ever put forward the item “Collective unconscious”, actually, the American mainstream reject the exterior immigrants is just kind of “Collective unconscious”.Just like their discrimination for the black people.They are similar.Both of them are the external manifestations of the Collective unconscious.That’s why Americans take all Orientals as a group.To Americans, either you are a Korean or Chinese, there is no difference.So for immigrants, it’s difficult to integrate into the mainstream of American culture.That’s why their life seems extremely hard at the beginning.In A Cab Called Reliable, of course Ahn Joo’s family has also suffered such kind of rejection.Her father can’t find a good job.Ahn Joo is always neglected in school.Fourthly, they have lost their identification under the preure of the mainstream.In American, in order to get rid of discrimination, the immigrants are so eager to integrate into the mainstream culture that they refuse to be their original identifies.However, the natives won’t accept them.Thus it makes the immigrants in a dilemma.They have lost confidence in their own country’s culture.They just want to stay away from their original identity.But they are not Americans and Americans reject them to be with them, which makes the immigrants live with a confused identity.In such circumstances, they even

don’t know who they really are, then how can they believe themselves and make others trust them? Then how can they live a happy life ion a exterior land?

In conclusion, in A Cab Called Reliable, the immigration is regarded as a failure.There are both subjective and objective reasons.Subjectively speaking, their motivation is different from most immigrants.And in the preure of American mainstream, they lose themselves and don’t know how to define themselves and live with a confused identification.Objectively speaking, they stay away from Korean physically, but they are still affected by Korean culture mentally.And also the Americans’ collective unconsciousne, which means their rejection to immigrants, is also a important reason.All these factors together make their immigration a failure.


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