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The ROBINSON CRUSOE is a novel by Danlef Defoe, published in Britian by Penguin Popular Claics Pre in 1946.The story is set in the 17th century in England,.Daniel Defoe writes this novel in the first person.In fact, Defor himself is the major character of the novel and tells the story.Because working as a merchant ,economist , journalist and spy before writing his first novel at the age of sixty.He has a large abundant experience so that he can writes this famous novel.Defoe is thought by many to be the first true novelist in the English language.Robinson Crusoe is eighteen years old who resides in Hull, England.Although his father wishes him to become a lawyer, Crusoe dreams of going on sea voyages.He disregards the fact that his two older brothers are gone because of their need for adventure.He is determined to continue to take the risk.Not long, and their ships attacked by pirates, pirates Robinson was forced to become the slaves Moore was rescued veels with Portugal to Brazil, in Brazil run a plantation.In a way to the African slave trade, Robinson encountered turmoil carrying veels ran aground, only Robinson-who survived living in a desolate and uninhabited islands, and began a 28 years desert island life.After the initial experience of frustration, according to the lonely no Instead Robinson, but managed to survive, the future was looking forward to rescue the island to leave.He homemade wooden rafts, ran aground after the

sinking of the ship has yet to food, gunpowder, tools, etc.transported to the island to prepare for use.He Waterloo canopy structures, hunting fishing, domesticated goats, growing grain-grinding, burning their own pottery, leather slit, do bread, cutting

system canoeing.Robinson, overcome all difficulties, to survive on the island, and to keep detailed records of what happened on the island every thing.Later, Robinson, fresh from the hands of rescue Fan life under an indigenous people, to give him the

name “Friday.” Friday willingly for his slaves, a loyal servant and Robinson

Xiangyiweiming companions.Finally, a British veels in the vicinity to aist the captain Robinson subsided crew mutiny and regain veels, and finally to leave the island to return to England.From this novel, i know that I can not help but realize that the insistence

optimistic about how we perceive our problems.when he arrived on the island, he did not have food, water,tools,no supplies.So Why does he survives the tough times ?In the final analysis,ROBINSON who survive the tough times do so because he has chosen to react positively to his predicament.From book we can know he has insisted on Arakawa no one person on the island to find a glimmer of hope, he found a broken veel.He has on board all of the timber are shipped off for themselves to build a small wooden boat, but also take on board a number of wet gunpowder and firearms, He relied on the gun in the forest to find a group of wild animals, find their own food, rely on our own hands to build a house for himself.He continuously with wild animals forward to the fight, because they broke into his house.When the wild animals have disappeared, he learned to use only some of the seeds planted all kinds of food, when food is stolen by animals, he wants to approach to capture the animals, he learned to make bread, he has been constantly improving their own lives, he would do Spend a few decades, for decades, he has been adhering to a daily diary to calculate their days in the uninhabited island, he experienced the war with the natives, with the “Castle”, “dacha”, “ loyal ”as well as the island's sovereignty.from these difficulties, he learned optimistic life, how to use their strong willpower.In difficulties, he had confused, have fear, have complained that even despair, because he was the difficulties faced by ordinary people can not understand.In time of despair, he told us that we should not complain about the

difficulties of life to you.Indeed , we are always complaining, why do not I try other

students, but to obtain good results than I do why people always see my shortcomings, and I do not see the merits of a matter of fact, a hard, a harvest, as long as you adhere to , and one day, you will know that the victory belongs to the effort.If we should not adhere to the end, how can know that they will fail, not to see themselves succeed one day.We need ability of perseverance, Robinson do not have any Tools in the absence of any circumstances be able to create a new world of their own.In our lives,perseverance will help us to not fear difficulties, to take full advantage of their own strength to overcome all difficulties, whether it is learning, or life.we often can not insist on completion of their dream, but also because we do not have willpower, we be afraid of difficulties, do not know how to face difficulties, we are afraid they will fail.In fact, persistence is that it has given all to win driving force for the fruits of victory.only with perseverance, can we hope to continue their efforts to continue to adhere to.If the perseverance to pursue their ideals are not, how can expect the same as other people realize their own ideals, to reach the end of this dream.In summary , from this novel we can study too much experience.The most important is we must know our life is truly up to ourself.As a old says:“God gives every bird its food , but he does not throw it into its nest.Wherever you want to gowhatever you want to do ,it's truly up to you”.Your beliefs are very powerful and have the power to create or to destroy your life.In most cases , whatever you believe is what you will become.If you believe that you are loser, that you never get a break in life,that you can not accomplish anything, these things will be your reality.Believe that you are unlimited, that you can do anything you commit to doing ,and when you do , your accomplishments will know no bounds.


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Robinson CrusoeBrief IntroductionThe novel, Robinson Crusoe written by an English writer Daniel Defoe was published by Oxford University Pre for sale in the Peo......


Robinson Crusoe Protagonist Robinson was born in an affluent family, but he decided to abandon the cozy comfort of family life, willing to aociate with the wave......

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